made odbc read (from c) decimals and numerics as doubles instead of strings, in prepa...
[clsql.git] / doc / ref-clsql-sys.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
3                "" [
4 <!ENTITY % myents SYSTEM "">
5 %myents;
6 ]>
8 <reference id="clsql-sys">
9   <title><symbol>CLSQL-SYS</symbol></title>
10   <partintro>
11       <para>This part gives a reference to the symbols exported from
12       the package <symbol>CLSQL-SYS</symbol>, which are not exported
13       from <symbol>CLSQL</symbol> package..  These symbols are part of
14       the interface for database back-ends, but not part of the normal
15       user-interface of &clsql;.</para>
16     </partintro>
17     <refentry id="database-initialize-database-type">
18       <refnamediv>
19         <refname>DATABASE-INITIALIZE-DATABASE-TYPE</refname>
20         <refpurpose>Back-end part of <link
21         linkend="initialize-database-type"><function>initialize-database-type</function></link>.</refpurpose>
22         <refclass>Generic Function</refclass>
23       </refnamediv>
24       <refsect1>
25         <title>Syntax</title>
26         <synopsis><function>database-initialize-database-type</function> <replaceable>database-type</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
27       </refsect1>
28       <refsect1>
29         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
30         <variablelist>
31           <varlistentry>
32             <term><parameter>database-type</parameter></term>
33             <listitem>
34               <para>A keyword indicating the database type to
35                 initialize.</para>
36             </listitem>
37           </varlistentry>
38           <varlistentry>
39             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
40             <listitem>
41               <para>Either <symbol>t</symbol> if the initialization
42                 succeeds or <symbol>nil</symbol> if it fails.</para>
43             </listitem>
44           </varlistentry>
45         </variablelist>
46       </refsect1>
47       <refsect1>
48         <title>Description</title>
49         <para>This generic function implements the main part of the
50           database type initialization performed by
51           <function>initialize-database-type</function>.  After
52           <function>initialize-database-type</function> has checked
53           that the given database type has not been initialized
54           before, as indicated by
55           <symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol>, it will call
56           this function with the database type as it's sole
57           parameter.  Database back-ends are required to define a
58           method on this generic function which is specialized via an
59           eql-specializer to the keyword representing their database
60           type.</para>
61         <para>Database back-ends shall indicate successful
62           initialization by returning <symbol>t</symbol> from their
63           method, and <symbol>nil</symbol> otherwise.  Methods for
64           this generic function are allowed to signal errors of type
65           <errortype>clsql-error</errortype> or subtypes thereof.
66           They may also signal other types of conditions, if
67           appropriate, but have to document this.</para>
68       </refsect1>
69       <refsect1>
70         <title>Examples</title>
71         <para></para>
72       </refsect1>
73       <refsect1>
74         <title>Side Effects</title>
75         <para>All necessary side effects to initialize the database
76           instance.</para>
77       </refsect1>
78       <refsect1>
79         <title>Affected By</title>
80         <para>None.</para>
81       </refsect1>
82       <refsect1>
83         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
84         <para>Conditions of type <errortype>clsql-error</errortype>
85           or other conditions may be signalled, depending on the
86           database back-end.</para>
87       </refsect1>
88       <refsect1>
89         <title>See Also</title>
90         <para>
91         <simplelist>
92           <member><link
93           linkend="initialize-database-type"><function>initialize-database-type</function></link></member>
94           <member><link linkend="initialized-database-types"><symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol></link></member>
95         </simplelist>
96         </para>
97       </refsect1>
98       <refsect1>
99         <title>Notes</title>
100         <para>None.</para>
101       </refsect1>
102     </refentry>
103   </reference>