r9989: Automated commit for Debian build of clsql upstream-version-3.0.4
[clsql.git] / doc / ref-oodml.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
3 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
4 <!ENTITY % myents SYSTEM "entities.inc">
5 %myents;
6 ]>
8 <!-- Object Oriented Data Manipulation Language --> 
9 <reference id="ref-oodml"> 
10   <title>Object Oriented Data Manipulation Language (OODML)</title> 
11     <partintro>
12     <para>
13       Object Oriented Data Manipulation Language (OODML) provides a
14       Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) interface to SQL
15       databases. View classes are defined with the <link
16       linkend="ref-ooddl">OODDL</link> interface and objects are read
17       and written with the OODML.
18     </para>
19     <para>
20       The main function for reading data with the OODML is the <link
21       linkend="select"><function>select</function></link>
22       function. The <function>select</function> is also used in the
23       FDML. However, when <function>select</function> is given a view
24       class name, it returns a list of instances of view classes.
25     </para>
26     <para>
27       View class instances can be updated to reflect any changes in
28       the database with the functions <link
29       linkend="update-slot-from-record"><function>update-slot-from-record</function></link>
30       and <link
31       linkend="update-instance-from-records"><function>update-instance-from-records</function></link>.
32     </para>
33     <para>To update the database to reflect changes made to instances of view classes, use the functions <link
34       linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-records-from-instance</function></link>,
35       <link
36       linkend="update-record-from-slot"><function>update-record-from-slot</function></link>, and
37       <link
38       linkend="update-record-from-slots"><function>update-record-from-slots</function></link>.
39     </para>
40     <para>
41       The function <link
42       linkend="delete-instance-records"><function>delete-instance-records</function></link>
43       deletes the records corresponding to an instance of a view
44       class.
45     </para>
46   </partintro>
48   <refentry id="db-auto-sync">
49     <refnamediv>
50       <refname>*DB-AUTO-SYNC*</refname>
51       <refpurpose>Enables SQL storage during Lisp object creation.</refpurpose>
52       <refclass>Variable</refclass>
53     </refnamediv>
54     <refsect1>
55       <title>Value Type</title>
56       <para>
57         Boolean
58       </para> 
59     </refsect1>
60     <refsect1>
61       <title>Initial Value</title>
62       <para>&nil;</para>
63     </refsect1>
64     <refsect1>
65       <title>Description</title> 
66       <para>
67         When this variable is &t; an instance is stored in the SQL
68         database when the instance is created by
69         <function>make-instance</function>. Furthermore, the
70         appropriate database records are updated whenever the slots of
71         a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>
72         instance are modified.
73       </para> 
74       <para> 
75         When this variable is &nil;, which is the default value,
76         &clsql; behaves like &commonsql;: instances of view classes
77         are stored or updated in the SQL database only when <link
78         linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-record-from-instance</function></link>,
79         <link
80         linkend="update-record-from-slot"><function>update-record-from-slot</function></link>
81         or <link
82         linkend="update-record-from-slots"><function>update-record-from-slots</function></link>
83         are called.
84       </para>
85     </refsect1>
86     <refsect1>
87       <title>Examples</title>
88       <screen>
89         (let ((instance (make-instance 'foo)))
90           (update-records-from-instance instance))
92         ;; is equivalent to
94         (let ((*db-auto-sync* t))
95           (make-instance 'foo))
97         ;; and 
99         (progn 
100           (setf (slot-value instance 'bar) "baz")
101           (update-record-from-slot instance 'bar))
103         ;; is equivalent to 
105         (let ((*db-auto-sync* t))
106           (setf (slot-value instance 'bar) "baz"))
107       </screen>
108     </refsect1>
109     <refsect1>
110       <title>Affected By</title>
111       <para>None.</para>
112     </refsect1>
113     <refsect1>
114       <title>See Also</title>
115       <simplelist>
116         <member><link linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-records-from-instance</function></link></member>
117         <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slot"><function>update-record-from-slot</function></link></member>
118         <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slots"><function>update-record-from-slots</function></link></member>
119       </simplelist>
120     </refsect1>
121     <refsect1>
122       <title>Notes</title>
123       <para>This is a CLSQL extension to the CommonSQL API.</para>
124     </refsect1>
125   </refentry>
127   <refentry id="default-update-objects-max-len">
128     <refnamediv>
129       <refname>*DEFAULT-UPDATE-OBJECTS-MAX-LEN*</refname>
130       <refpurpose>The default maximum number of objects each query to perform a join</refpurpose>
131       <refclass>Variable</refclass>
132     </refnamediv>
133     <refsect1>
134       <title>Value Type</title>
135       <para>
136         (or null integer)
137       </para> 
138     </refsect1>
139     <refsect1>
140       <title>Initial Value</title>
141       <para>&nil;</para>
142     </refsect1>
143     <refsect1>
144       <title>Description</title>
145       <para>
146         This special variable provides the default value for the
147         <parameter>max-len</parameter> argument of the function <link
148         linkend="update-objects-joins"><function>update-object-joins</function></link>.
149       </para>
150     </refsect1>
151     <refsect1>
152       <title>Examples</title>
153       <screen>
154         (setq *default-update-objects-max-len* 100)
155       </screen>
156     </refsect1>
157     <refsect1>
158       <title>Affected By</title>
159       <para>None.</para>
160     </refsect1>
161     <refsect1>
162       <title>See Also</title>
163       <simplelist>
164         <member><link linkend="update-objects-joins"><function>update-object-joins</function></link></member>
165       </simplelist>
166     </refsect1>
167     <refsect1>
168       <title>Notes</title>
169       <para>None.</para>
170     </refsect1>
171   </refentry>
173   <refentry id="instance-refreshed">
174     <refnamediv>
175       <refname>INSTANCE-REFRESHED</refname>
176       <refpurpose>User hook to call on object refresh.</refpurpose>
177       <refclass>Generic function</refclass>
178     </refnamediv>
179     <refsect1>
180       <title>Syntax</title>
181       <synopsis>
182       <function>instance-refreshed</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
183     </refsect1>
184     <refsect1>
185       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
186       <variablelist>
187         <varlistentry>
188           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
189           <listitem>
190             <para>
191               The <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> object which is being refreshed.
192             </para>
193           </listitem>
194         </varlistentry>
195       </variablelist>
196     </refsect1>
197     <refsect1>
198       <title>Description</title>
199       <para>Provides a hook which is called within an object oriented
200       call to <function>select</function> with a non-nil value of
201       <parameter>refresh</parameter> when the <glossterm
202       linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> instance
203       <parameter>object</parameter> has been updated from the
204       database. A method specialised on
205       <type>standard-db-object</type> is provided which has no
206       effects. Methods specialised on particular View Classes can be
207       used to specify any operations that need to be made on View
208       Classes instances which have been updated in calls to
209       <function>select</function>.
210       </para>
211     </refsect1>
212     <refsect1>
213       <title>Examples</title>
214       <screen>
215 (slot-value employee1 'email)
216 => "lenin@soviet.org"
217 (defmethod instance-refreshed ((e employee))
218    (format t "~&amp;Details for ~A ~A have been updated from the database."
219            (slot-value e 'first-name)
220            (slot-value e 'last-name)))
221 => #&lt;Standard-Method INSTANCE-REFRESHED (EMPLOYEE) {48174D9D}>
222 (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)
223 => (#&lt;EMPLOYEE {48149995}>)
224 (slot-value (car *) 'email)
225 => "lenin@soviet.org"
226 (update-records [employee] :av-pairs '(([email] "v.lenin@soviet.org")) 
227                 :where [= [emplid] 1])
228 => 
229 (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)
230 => (#&lt;EMPLOYEE {48149995}>)
231 (slot-value (car *) 'email)
232 => "lenin@soviet.org"
233 (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t :refresh t)
234 Details for Vladamir Lenin have been updated from the database.
235 => (#&lt;EMPLOYEE {48149995}>)
236 (slot-value (car *) 'email)
237 => "v.lenin@soviet.org"
238       </screen>
239     </refsect1>
240     <refsect1>
241       <title>Side Effects</title>
242       <para>
243         The user hook function may cause side effects.
244       </para>
245     </refsect1>
246     <refsect1>
247       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
248       <para>
249         None.
250       </para>
251     </refsect1>
252     <refsect1>
253       <title>See Also</title>
254       <para>
255         <simplelist>
256           <member><link linkend="select"><function>select</function></link></member>
257         </simplelist>
258       </para>
259     </refsect1>
260     <refsect1>
261       <title>Notes</title>
262       <para>
263         None. 
264       </para>
265     </refsect1>
266   </refentry> 
268   <refentry id="delete-instance-records">
269     <refnamediv>
270       <refname>DELETE-INSTANCE-RECORDS</refname>
271       <refpurpose>Delete SQL records represented by a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>
272       object.</refpurpose>
273       <refclass>Function</refclass>
274     </refnamediv>
275     <refsect1>
276       <title>Syntax</title>
277       <synopsis>
278       <function>delete-instance-records</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
279     </refsect1>
280     <refsect1>
281       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
282       <variablelist>
283         <varlistentry>
284           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
285           <listitem>
286             <para>
287               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View
288               Class</glossterm>.
289             </para>
290           </listitem>
291         </varlistentry>
292       </variablelist>
293     </refsect1>
294     <refsect1>
295       <title>Description</title>
296       <para>Deletes the records represented by
297       <parameter>object</parameter> in the appropriate table of the
298       database associated with <parameter>object</parameter>. If
299       <parameter>object</parameter> is not yet associated with a
300       database, an error is signalled.
301       </para>
302     </refsect1>
303     <refsect1>
304       <title>Examples</title>
305       <screen>
306 (def-view-class tab () 
307   ((a :initarg :a :type integer :db-kind :key) 
308    (b :initarg :b :type string)))
309 => #&lt;Standard-Db-Class TAB {49B01845}>
310 (create-view-from-class 'tab)
311 => 
312 (defvar obj (let ((*db-auto-sync* t))
313               (make-instance 'tab :a 5 :b "the string")))
314 => OBJ
315 (start-sql-recording :type :both)
316 => 
317 (delete-instance-records obj) 
318 ;; 2004-07-17 11:07:19 foo/bar/baz => DELETE FROM tab WHERE tab.a = 5
319 ;; 2004-07-17 11:07:19 foo/bar/baz &lt;= T
320 => 
321       </screen>
322     </refsect1>
323     <refsect1>
324       <title>Side Effects</title>
325       <para>
326         Deletes data from the SQL database.
327       </para>
328     </refsect1>
329     <refsect1>
330       <title>Affected by</title>
331       <para>
332         Permissions granted by the SQL database to the user in the
333         database connection.
334       </para>
335     </refsect1>
336     <refsect1>
337       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
338       <para>
339         An exception may be signaled if the database connection user
340         does not have sufficient privileges to modify the database. An
341         error of type <type>sql-database-error</type> is signalled if
342         <replaceable>object</replaceable> is not associated with an
343         active database.
344       </para>
345     </refsect1>
346     <refsect1>
347       <title>See Also</title>
348       <simplelist>
349         <member><link linkend="update-records"><function>update-records</function></link></member>
350         <member><link linkend="delete-records"><function>delete-records</function></link></member>
351         <member><link linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-records-from-instance</function></link></member>
352       </simplelist>
353     </refsect1>
354     <refsect1>
355       <title>Notes</title>
356       <para>
357         Instances are referenced in the database by values stored in
358         the key slots. If
359         <function>delete-records-from-instance</function> is called
360         with an instance of a class that does not contain any keys,
361         then all records in that table will be deleted.
362       </para>
363     </refsect1>
364   </refentry> 
366   <refentry id="update-records-from-instance">
367     <refnamediv>
368       <refname>UPDATE-RECORDS-FROM-INSTANCE</refname>
369       <refpurpose>Update database from view class object.</refpurpose>
370       <refclass>Function</refclass>
371     </refnamediv>
372     <refsect1>
373       <title>Syntax</title>
374       <synopsis>
375       <function>update-records-from-instance</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
376     </refsect1>
377     <refsect1>
378       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
379       <variablelist>
380         <varlistentry>
381           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
382           <listitem>
383             <para>
384               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View
385               Class</glossterm>.
386             </para>
387           </listitem>
388         </varlistentry>
389         <varlistentry>
390           <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
391           <listitem>
392             <para>
393               <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
394               object</glossterm>. This will default to the value of
395               <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.
396             </para>
397           </listitem>
398         </varlistentry>
399       </variablelist>
400     </refsect1>
401     <refsect1>
402       <title>Description</title>
403       <para>Using an instance of a <glossterm
404       linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>,
405       <parameter>object</parameter>, update the table that stores its
406       instance data. <parameter>database</parameter> specifies the
407       database in which the update is made only if
408       <parameter>object</parameter> is not associated with a
409       database. In this case, a record is created in the appropriate
410       table of <parameter>database</parameter> using values from the
411       slot values of <parameter>object</parameter>, and
412       <parameter>object</parameter> becomes associated with
413       <parameter>database</parameter>.
414       </para>
415     </refsect1>
416     <refsect1>
417       <title>Examples</title>
418       <screen>
419 (select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil :flatp t)
420 => ("lenin@soviet.org")
421 (defvar *e1* (car (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)))
422 => *E1* 
423 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
424 => "lenin@soviet.org"
425 (setf (slot-value *e1* 'email) "v.lenin@soviet.org")
426 => "v.lenin@soviet.org"
427 (update-records-from-instance *e1*)
428 => 
429 (select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil :flatp t)
430 => ("v.lenin@soviet.org")
431      </screen>
432     </refsect1>
433     <refsect1>
434       <title>Side Effects</title>
435       <para>
436         Modifies the database.
437       </para>
438     </refsect1>
439     <refsect1>
440       <title>Affected by</title>
441       <para>
442         Nothing.
443       </para>
444     </refsect1>
445     <refsect1>
446       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
447       <para>
448         Database errors.
449       </para>
450     </refsect1>
451     <refsect1>
452       <title>See Also</title>
453       <simplelist>
454         <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slot"><function>update-record-from-slot</function></link></member>
455         <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slots"><function>update-record-from-slots</function></link></member>
456         <member><link linkend="update-records"><function>update-records</function></link></member>
457       </simplelist>
458     </refsect1>
459     <refsect1>
460       <title>Notes</title>
461       <para>
462         None. 
463       </para>
464     </refsect1>
465   </refentry> 
467   <refentry id="update-record-from-slot">
468     <refnamediv>
469       <refname>UPDATE-RECORD-FROM-SLOT</refname>
470       <refpurpose>Updates database from slot value.</refpurpose>
471       <refclass>Function</refclass>
472     </refnamediv>
473     <refsect1>
474       <title>Syntax</title>
475       <synopsis>
476       <function>update-record-from-slot</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> <replaceable>slot</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
477     </refsect1>
478     <refsect1>
479       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
480       <variablelist>
481         <varlistentry>
482           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
483           <listitem>
484             <para>
485               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
486             </para>
487           </listitem>
488         </varlistentry>
489         <varlistentry>
490           <term><parameter>slot</parameter></term>
491           <listitem>
492             <para>
493               The name of a slot in <parameter>object</parameter>.
494             </para>
495           </listitem>
496         </varlistentry>
497         <varlistentry>
498           <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
499           <listitem>
500             <para>
501               A <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
502               object</glossterm>. This will default to the value of
503               <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.
504             </para>
505           </listitem>
506         </varlistentry>
507       </variablelist>
508     </refsect1>
509     <refsect1>
510       <title>Description</title>
511       <para>Updates the value stored in the column represented by the
512       slot, specified by the CLOS slot name
513       <parameter>slot</parameter>, of <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> instance
514       <parameter>object</parameter>. <parameter>database</parameter>
515       specifies the database in which the update is made only if
516       <parameter>object</parameter> is not associated with a
517       database. In this case, a record is created in
518       <parameter>database</parameter> and the attribute represented by
519       <parameter>slot</parameter> is initialised from the value of the
520       supplied slots with other attributes having default
521       values. Furthermore, <parameter>object</parameter> becomes
522       associated with <parameter>database</parameter>.
523       </para>
524     </refsect1>
525     <refsect1>
526       <title>Examples</title>
527       <screen>
528 (select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil :flatp t)
529 => ("lenin@soviet.org")
530 (defvar *e1* (car (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)))
531 => *E1* 
532 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
533 => "lenin@soviet.org"
534 (setf (slot-value *e1* 'email) "v.lenin@soviet.org")
535 => "v.lenin@soviet.org"
536 (update-record-from-slot *e1* 'email)
537 => 
538 (select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil :flatp t)
539 => ("v.lenin@soviet.org")
540       </screen>
541     </refsect1>
542     <refsect1>
543       <title>Side Effects</title>
544       <para>
545         Modifies database.
546       </para>
547     </refsect1>
548     <refsect1>
549       <title>Affected By</title>
550       <para>
551         Nothing.
552       </para>
553     </refsect1>
554     <refsect1>
555       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
556       <para>
557         Database errors.
558       </para>
559     </refsect1>
560     <refsect1>
561       <title>See Also</title>
562       <simplelist>
563         <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slots"><function>update-record-from-slots</function></link></member>
564         <member><link linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-records-from-instance</function></link></member>
565       </simplelist>
566     </refsect1>
567     <refsect1>
568       <title>Notes</title>
569       <para>
570         None. 
571       </para>
572     </refsect1>
573   </refentry> 
575   <refentry id="update-record-from-slots">
576     <refnamediv>
577       <refname>UPDATE-RECORD-FROM-SLOTS</refname>
578       <refpurpose>Update database from slots of view class object.</refpurpose>
579       <refclass>function</refclass>
580     </refnamediv>
581     <refsect1>
582       <title>syntax</title>
583       <synopsis>
584       <function>update-record-from-slots</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> <replaceable>slots</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
585     </refsect1>
586     <refsect1>
587       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
588       <variablelist>
589         <varlistentry>
590           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
591           <listitem>
592             <para>
593               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
594             </para>
595           </listitem>
596         </varlistentry>
597         <varlistentry>
598           <term><parameter>slots</parameter></term>
599           <listitem>
600             <para>
601               A list of slot names in <parameter>object</parameter>.
602             </para>
603           </listitem>
604         </varlistentry>
605         <varlistentry>
606           <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
607           <listitem>
608             <para>
609               A <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
610               object</glossterm>. This will default to the value of
611               <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.
612             </para>
613           </listitem>
614         </varlistentry>
615       </variablelist>
616     </refsect1>
617     <refsect1>
618       <title>Description</title>
619       <para>Updates the values stored in the columns represented by
620       the slots, specified by the clos slot names
621       <parameter>slots</parameter>, of <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> instance
622       <parameter>object</parameter>. <parameter>database</parameter>
623       specifies the database in which the update is made only if
624       <parameter>object</parameter> is not associated with a
625       database. In this case, a record is created in the appropriate
626       table of <parameter>database</parameter> and the attributes
627       represented by <parameter>slots</parameter> are initialised from
628       the values of the supplied slots with other attributes having
629       default values. Furthermore, <parameter>object</parameter>
630       becomes associated with <parameter>database</parameter>.
631       </para>
632     </refsect1>
633     <refsect1>
634       <title>Examples</title>
635       <screen>
636 (select [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil)
637 => (("Lenin" "lenin@soviet.org"))
638 (defvar *e1* (car (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)))
639 => *E1* 
640 (slot-value *e1* 'last-name)
641 => "Lenin"
642 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
643 => "lenin@soviet.org"
644 (setf (slot-value *e1* 'last-name) "Ivanovich")
645 => "Ivanovich"
646 (setf (slot-value *e1* 'email) "v.ivanovich@soviet.org")
647 => "v.ivanovich@soviet.org"
648 (update-record-from-slots *e1* '(email last-name))
649 => 
650 (select [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :field-names nil)
651 => (("Ivanovich" "v.ivanovich@soviet.org"))
652       </screen>
653     </refsect1>
654     <refsect1>
655       <title>Side Effects</title>
656       <para>
657         Modifies the SQL database.
658       </para>
659     </refsect1>
660     <refsect1>
661       <title>Affected by</title>
662       <para>
663         Nothing.
664       </para>
665     </refsect1>
666     <refsect1>
667       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
668       <para>
669         Database errors.
670       </para>
671     </refsect1>
672     <refsect1>
673       <title>See Also</title>
674       <para>
675         <simplelist>
676           <member><link linkend="update-record-from-slot"><function>update-record-from-slot</function></link></member>
677           <member><link linkend="update-records-from-instance"><function>update-records-from-instance</function></link></member>
678         </simplelist>
679       </para>
680     </refsect1>
681     <refsect1>
682       <title>Notes</title>
683       <para>
684         None. 
685       </para>
686     </refsect1>
687   </refentry> 
689   <refentry id="update-instance-from-records">
690     <refnamediv>
691       <refname>UPDATE-INSTANCE-FROM-RECORDS</refname>
692       <refpurpose>Update slot values from database.</refpurpose>
693       <refclass>Function</refclass>
694     </refnamediv>
695     <refsect1>
696       <title>Syntax</title>
697       <synopsis>
698       <function>update-instance-from-records</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue>object</returnvalue></synopsis>
699     </refsect1>
700     <refsect1>
701       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
702       <variablelist>
703         <varlistentry>
704           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
705           <listitem>
706             <para>
707               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
708             </para>
709           </listitem>
710         </varlistentry>
711         <varlistentry>
712           <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
713           <listitem>
714             <para>
715               A <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
716               object</glossterm>. This will default to the value of
717               <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.
718             </para>
719           </listitem>
720         </varlistentry>
721       </variablelist>
722     </refsect1>
723     <refsect1>
724       <title>Description</title>
725       <para>Updates the slot values of the <glossterm
726       linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> instance
727       <parameter>object</parameter> using the attribute values of the
728       appropriate table of <parameter>database</parameter> which
729       defaults to the database associated with
730       <parameter>object</parameter> or, if
731       <parameter>object</parameter> is not associated with a database,
732       <varname>*default-database*</varname>.  Join slots are updated
733       but instances of the class on which the join is made are not
734       updated.
735       </para>
736     </refsect1>
737     <refsect1>
738       <title>Examples</title>
739       <screen>
740 (defvar *e1* (car (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)))
741 => *E1* 
742 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
743 => "lenin@soviet.org"
744 (update-records [employee] 
745                 :av-pairs '(([email] "v.lenin@soviet.org"))
746                 :where [= [emplid] 1])
747 => 
748 (update-instance-from-records *e1*)
749 => #&lt;EMPLOYEE {4806B53D}>
750 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
751 => "v.lenin@soviet.org"
752       </screen>
753     </refsect1>
754     <refsect1>
755       <title>Side Effects</title>
756       <para>
757         Slot values of <parameter>object</parameter> may be modified.
758       </para>
759     </refsect1>
760     <refsect1>
761       <title>Affected by</title>
762       <para>
763         <simplelist>
764           <member>Data in SQL database.</member>
765         </simplelist>
766       </para>
767     </refsect1>
768     <refsect1>
769       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
770       <para>
771         If <parameter>database</parameter> is not able to be read.
772       </para>
773     </refsect1>
774     <refsect1>
775       <title>See Also</title>
776       <simplelist>
777         <member><link linkend="update-slot-from-record"><function>update-slot-from-record</function></link></member>
778         <member><link linkend="update-objects-joins"><function>update-objects-joins</function></link></member>
779       </simplelist>
780     </refsect1>
781     <refsect1>
782       <title>Notes</title>
783       <para>
784         None. 
785       </para>
786     </refsect1>
787   </refentry> 
789   <refentry id="update-slot-from-record">
790     <refnamediv>
791       <refname>UPDATE-SLOT-FROM-RECORD</refname>
792       <refpurpose>Update objects slot from database.</refpurpose>
793       <refclass>Function</refclass>
794     </refnamediv>
795     <refsect1>
796       <title>Syntax</title>
797       <synopsis>
798       <function>update-slot-from-record</function> <replaceable>object</replaceable> <replaceable>slot</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue>object</returnvalue></synopsis>
799     </refsect1>
800     <refsect1>
801       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
802       <variablelist>
803         <varlistentry>
804           <term><parameter>object</parameter></term>
805           <listitem>
806             <para>
807               An instance of a <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
808             </para>
809           </listitem>
810         </varlistentry>
811         <varlistentry>
812           <term><parameter>slot</parameter></term>
813           <listitem>
814             <para>
815               The name of a slot in <parameter>object</parameter>.
816             </para>
817           </listitem>
818         </varlistentry>
819         <varlistentry>
820           <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
821           <listitem>
822             <para>
823               A <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
824               object</glossterm>. This will default to the value of
825               <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.
826             </para>
827           </listitem>
828         </varlistentry>
829       </variablelist>
830     </refsect1>
831     <refsect1>
832       <title>Description</title>
833       <para>Updates the slot value, specified by the CLOS slot name
834       <parameter>slot</parameter>, of the <glossterm
835       linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> instance
836       <parameter>object</parameter> using the attribute values of the
837       appropriate table of <parameter>database</parameter> which
838       defaults to the database associated with
839       <parameter>object</parameter> or, if
840       <parameter>object</parameter> is not associated with a database,
841       <varname>*default-database*</varname>.  Join slots are updated
842       but instances of the class on which the join is made are not
843       updated.
844       </para>
845     </refsect1>
846     <refsect1>
847       <title>Examples</title>
848       <screen>
849 (defvar *e1* (car (select 'employee :where [= [slot-value 'employee 'emplid] 1] :flatp t)))
850 => *E1* 
851 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
852 => "lenin@soviet.org"
853 (update-records [employee] 
854                 :av-pairs '(([email] "v.lenin@soviet.org"))
855                 :where [= [emplid] 1])
856 => 
857 (update-slot-from-record *e1* 'email)
858 => #&lt;EMPLOYEE {4806B53D}>
859 (slot-value *e1* 'email)
860 => "v.lenin@soviet.org"
861       </screen>
862     </refsect1>
863     <refsect1>
864       <title>Side Effects</title>
865       <para>
866         Modifies the slot value of the object.
867       </para>
868     </refsect1>
869     <refsect1>
870       <title>Affected by</title>
871       <para>
872         <simplelist>
873           <member>Data in SQL database.</member>
874         </simplelist>
875       </para>
876     </refsect1>
877     <refsect1>
878       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
879       <para>
880         Database errors.
881       </para>
882     </refsect1>
883     <refsect1>
884       <title>See Also</title>
885       <simplelist>
886         <member><link linkend="update-instance-from-records"><function>update-instance-from-records</function></link></member>
887         <member><link linkend="update-objects-joins"><function>update-objects-joins</function></link></member>
888       </simplelist>
889     </refsect1>
890     <refsect1>
891       <title>Notes</title>
892       <para>
893         None. 
894       </para>
895     </refsect1>
896   </refentry> 
898   <refentry id="update-objects-joins">
899     <refnamediv>
900       <refname>UPDATE-OBJECTS-JOINS</refname>
901       <refpurpose>Updates joined slots of objects.</refpurpose>
902       <refclass>Function</refclass>
903     </refnamediv>
904     <refsect1>
905       <title>Syntax</title>
906       <synopsis>
907       <function>update-objects-joins</function> <replaceable>objects</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>slots</replaceable> <replaceable>force-p</replaceable> <replaceable>class-name</replaceable> <replaceable>max-len</replaceable> => <returnvalue><!-- no result --></returnvalue></synopsis>
908     </refsect1>
909     <refsect1>
910       <title>Arguments and Values</title>
911       <variablelist>
912         <varlistentry>
913           <term><parameter>objects</parameter></term>
914           <listitem>
915             <para>
916               A list of instances of a <glossterm
917               linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
918             </para>
919           </listitem>
920         </varlistentry>
921         <varlistentry>
922           <term><parameter>slots</parameter></term>
923           <listitem>
924             <para>
925               A list of slot names in <parameter>object</parameter> or &t;. 
926             </para>
927           </listitem>
928         </varlistentry>
929         <varlistentry>
930           <term><parameter>force-p</parameter></term>
931           <listitem>
932             <para>
933               A Boolean, defaulting to &t;. 
934             </para>
935           </listitem>
936         </varlistentry>
937         <varlistentry>
938           <term><parameter>class-name</parameter></term>
939           <listitem>
940             <para>
941               A list of instances of a <glossterm
942               linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm>.
943             </para>
944           </listitem>
945         </varlistentry>
946         <varlistentry>
947           <term><parameter>max-len</parameter></term>
948           <listitem>
949             <para>
950               A non-negative integer or &nil; defaulting to
951               <symbol>*default-update-objects-max-len*</symbol>.
952             </para>
953           </listitem>
954         </varlistentry>
955       </variablelist>
956     </refsect1>
957     <refsect1>
958       <title>Description</title>
959       <para>Updates from the records of the appropriate database
960       tables the join slots specified by <parameter>slots</parameter>
961       in the supplied list of <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View
962       Class</glossterm> instances
963       <parameter>objects</parameter>. <parameter>slots</parameter>
964       when &t; means that all join slots with
965       <symbol>:retrieval</symbol> <symbol>:immediate</symbol> are
966       updated. <parameter>class-name</parameter> is used to specify
967       the <glossterm linkend="gloss-view-class">View Class</glossterm> of
968       all instance in <parameter>objects</parameter>, when &nil; then
969       the class of the first instance in
970       <parameter>objects</parameter> is
971       used. <parameter>force-p</parameter> when &t; means that all
972       join slots are updated whereas a value of &nil; means that only
973       unbound join slots are updated. <parameter>max-len</parameter>
974       when non-nil specifies that
975       <function>update-object-joins</function> may issue multiple
976       database queries with a maximum of
977       <parameter>max-len</parameter> instances updated in each query.
978       </para>
979     </refsect1>
980     <refsect1>
981       <title>Examples</title>
982       <screen>
983 (defvar *addresses* (select 'deferred-employee-address :order-by [ea_join aaddressid] :flatp t))
984 => *ADDRESSES*
985 (slot-boundp (car *addresses*) 'address)
986 => NIL
987 (update-objects-joins *addresses*)
988 => 
989 (slot-boundp (car *addresses*) 'address)
990 => T
991 (slot-value (car *addresses*) 'address)
992 => #&lt;ADDRESS {480B0F1D}>     
993       </screen>
994     </refsect1>
995     <refsect1>
996       <title>Side Effects</title>
997       <para>
998         The slot values of <parameter>objects</parameter> are modified. 
999       </para>
1000     </refsect1>
1001     <refsect1>
1002       <title>Affected by</title>
1003       <para>
1004         <simplelist>
1005           <member><link
1006           linkend="default-update-objects-max-len"><varname>*default-update-objects-max-len*</varname></link></member>
1007         </simplelist>
1008       </para>
1009     </refsect1>
1010     <refsect1>
1011       <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1012       <para>
1013         Database errors.
1014       </para>
1015     </refsect1>
1016     <refsect1>
1017       <title>See Also</title>
1018       <simplelist>
1019         <member><link linkend="default-update-objects-max-len"><varname>*default-update-objects-max-len*</varname></link></member>
1020         <member><link linkend="update-instance-from-records"><function>update-instance-from-records</function></link></member>
1021         <member><link linkend="update-slot-from-record"><function>update-slot-from-record</function></link></member>
1022       </simplelist>
1023     </refsect1>
1024     <refsect1>
1025       <title>Notes</title>
1026       <para>
1027         None. 
1028       </para>
1029     </refsect1>
1030   </refentry>
1032 </reference>