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[uffi.git] / doc / ref.sgml
1 <!-- -*- DocBook -*- -->
4   <chapter>
5     <title>Programming Reference</title>
7     <sect1>
8       <title>Design Overview</title>
9       <para>
10         &uffi; was designed as a cross-implementation compatible 
11         <emphasis>Foreign Function Interface</emphasis>. Necessarily,
12         only a common subset of functionality can be
13         provided. Likewise, not every optimization for that a specific
14         implementation provides can be supported. Wherever possible,
15         though, implementation-specific optimizations are invoked.
16       </para> 
17     </sect1>
19     <sect1>
20       <title>Declarations</title>
21       <sect2>
22         <title>Overview</title>
23         <para>Declarations are used to give the compiler optimizing
24         information about foreign types. Currently, only &cmucl;
25         supports declarations. On &acl; and &lw;, these expressions 
26         declare the type generically as &t;
27         </para>
28       </sect2>
30       <sect2 id="uffi-declare">
31         <title>uffi-declare</title>
32         <para>
33           This is used wherever a <function>declare</function>
34           expression can be placed. For example:
35         </para>
36         <para>
37           <programlisting>
38 (let ((my-structure (uffi:allocate-foreign-object 'a-struct)))
39    (uffi:uffi-declare a-struct my-structure))
40           </programlisting>
41         </para>
42       </sect2>
44       <sect2 id="slot-type">
45         <title>slot-type</title>
46         <para>
47           This is used inside of <function>defclass</function> and
48           <function>defstruct</function> expressions to set the type
49           for a field. Because the type identifier is not evaluated in
50           &cl;, the expression must be backquoted for effect. For
51           example:
52         </para>
53         <para>
54           <programlisting>
55 (eval 
56   `(defclass a-class ()
57      ((char-ptr :type ,(uffi:slot-type (* :char))))))
58           </programlisting>
59         </para>
60       </sect2>
61     </sect1>
63     <sect1>
64       <title>Primitive Types</title>
65       <sect2>
66         <title>Overview</title>
67         <para>
68           Primitive types have a single value, these include
69           characters, numbers, and pointers. They are all symbols in
70           the keyword package.
71         </para>
72         <itemizedlist>
73           <listitem>
74             <para><constant>:char</constant> - Signed 8-bits</para>
75           </listitem>
76           <listitem>
77             <para><constant>:unsigned-char</constant> - Unsigned 8-bits</para>
78           </listitem>
79           <listitem>
80             <para><constant>:short</constant> - Signed 16-bits</para>
81           </listitem>
82           <listitem>
83             <para><constant>:unsigned-short</constant> - Unsigned 16-bits</para>
84           </listitem>
85           <listitem>
86             <para><constant>:int</constant> - Signed 32-bits</para>
87           </listitem>
88           <listitem>
89             <para><constant>:unsigned-int</constant> - Unsigned 32-bits</para>
90           </listitem>
91           <listitem>
92             <para><constant>:long</constant> - Signed 32-bits</para>
93           </listitem>
94           <listitem>
95             <para><constant>:unsigned-long</constant> - Unsigned 32-bits</para>
96           </listitem>
97           <listitem>
98             <para><constant>:float</constant> - 32-bit floating point</para>
99           </listitem>
100           <listitem>
101             <para><constant>:double</constant> - 64-bit floating point</para>
102           </listitem>
103           <listitem>
104             <para><constant>:cstring</constant> - 
105 A null-terminated string used for passing and returning with a function.
106             </para>
107           </listitem>
108           <listitem>
109             <para><constant>:void</constant> - 
110 The absence of a value. Used in generic pointers and in return types from functions.</para>
111           </listitem>
112           <listitem>
113             <para><constant>*</constant> - Used to declare a pointer to an object</para>
114           </listitem>
115         </itemizedlist>
116       </sect2>
117       <sect2>
118         <title>def-constant</title>
119         <para>
120           This is a thin wrapper around
121           <function>defconstant</function>. It evaluates at
122             compile-time and exports the symbol from the package.
123         </para>
124       </sect2>
125       <sect2>
126         <title>def-type</title>
127         <para>
128           This is the main function for creating new types.
129         </para>
130         <sect3>
131           <title>Examples</title>
132           <para>
133             <programlisting>
134 (def-type my-generic-pointer (* :void))
135 (def-type a-double-float :double-float)
136 (def-type char-ptr (* :char))
137             </programlisting>
138           </para>
139         </sect3>
140       </sect2>
141       <sect2>
142         <title>null-char-p</title>
143         <para>
144           A predicate testing if a pointer object is &null;
145         </para>
146       </sect2>
147     </sect1>
149     <sect1>
150       <title>Aggregate Types</title>
151       <sect2>
152         <title>def-enum</title>
153         <para>
154           Declares a &c; enumeration. It generates constants for the
155           elements of the enumeration.
156         </para>
157       </sect2>
158       <sect2>
159         <title>def-struct</title>
160         <para>
161           Declares a structure. A special type is available as a slot in the field. It is
162           a pointer that points to an instance of the parent structure. It's type is
163           <constant>:pointer-self</constant>.
164         </para>
165         <sect3>
166           <title>Examples</title>
167           <para>
168             <programlisting>
169 (def-struct foo (a :unsigned-int) (b :array 10) (next :pointer-self))
170             </programlisting>
171           </para>
172         </sect3>
173       </sect2>
174       <sect2 id="get-slot-value">
175         <title>get-slot-value</title>
176         <para>
177           Accesses a slot value from a structure.
178         </para>
179       </sect2>
180       <sect2>
181         <title>get-slot-pointer</title>
182         <para>
183           This is similar to <function>get-slot-value</function>. It
184           is used when the value of a slot is a pointer type.
185         </para>
186       </sect2>
187       <sect2>
188         <title>def-array</title>
189         <para>
190           Defines an array.
191         </para>
192       </sect2>
193       <sect2>
194         <title>deref-array</title>
195         <para>
196           Accesses an element of an array.
197         </para>
198       </sect2>
199     </sect1>
201     <sect1>
202       <title>Objects</title>
203       <sect2>
204         <title>Overview</title>
205         <para>
206           Objects are entities that can allocated and freed.
207         </para>
208       </sect2>
209       <sect2>
210         <title>allocate-foreign-object</title>
211         <para>
212           Allocates an instance of a foreign object. It returns a pointer to the object.
213         </para>
214       </sect2>
215       <sect2>
216         <title>free-foreign-object</title>
217         <para>
218           Frees the memory used by a foreign object.
219         </para>
220       </sect2>
221       <sect2>
222         <title>pointer-address</title>
223         <para>
224           Returns the address as an integer of a pointer.
225         </para>
226       </sect2>
227       <sect2>
228         <title>deref-pointer</title>
229         <para>
230           Returns the object to which a pointer points.
231         </para>
232       </sect2>
233       <sect2>
234         <title>make-null-pointer</title>
235         <para>
236           Creates a &null; pointer of a specified type.
237         </para>
238       </sect2>
239       <sect2>
240         <title>null-pointer-p</title>
241         <para>
242           A predicate testing if a pointer is has a &null; value.
243         </para>
244       </sect2>
245       <sect2>
246         <title>+null-cstring-pointer+</title>
247         <para>
248           A constant &null; character pointer.
249         </para>
250       </sect2>
251     </sect1>
253     <sect1>
254       <title>Strings</title>
255       <sect2>
256         <title>Overview</title>
257         <para>
258           &uffi; has functions to two types of <varname>C</varname>-compatible 
259           strings, <emphasis>cstring</emphasis> and <emphasis>foreign</emphasis> strings.
260 cstrings are used as parameters to and from functions. An implementation, such as CMUCL,
261 may not convert these to a foreign type for efficiency sake. Thus, it is not
262 possible to "allocate" a cstring. In contrast, foreign strings
263 always need to have memory for them.
264         </para>
265       </sect2>
266       <sect2>
267         <title>convert-from-cstring</title>
268         <para>
269           Converts a Lisp string to a <varname>cstring</varname>.
270         </para>
271       </sect2>
272       <sect2>
273         <title>convert-to-cstring</title>
274         <para>
275           Converts a Lisp string to a
276           <varname>cstring</varname>. The
277           <varname>cstring</varname> should be freed with
278           <function>free-cstring</function>.
279         </para>
280       </sect2>
281       <sect2>
282         <title>free-cstring</title>
283         <para>
284           Frees any memory possibly allocated by
285           <function>convert-to-cstring</function>.
286         </para>
287       </sect2>
288       <sect2>
289         <title>with-cstring</title>
290         <para>
291           Binds a lexical variable to a newly allocated <varname>cstring</varname>. Automatically frees <varname>cstring</varname>.
292         </para>
293         <sect3>
294           <title>Examples</title>
295           <para>
296             <programlisting>
297 (def-function ("getenv" c-getenv) 
298    ((name :cstring))
299    :returning :cstring)
301 (defun getenv (key)
302   "Returns an environment variable, or NIL if it does not exist"
303   (check-type key string)
304   (with-cstring (key-cstring key)
305     (convert-from-cstring (c-getenv key-cstring))))
306           </programlisting>
307         </para>
308       </sect3>
309       </sect2>
310       <sect2>
311         <title>convert-from-foreign-string</title>
312         <para>
313           Returns a Lisp string from a foreign string. Has parameters
314           to handle ASCII versus binary strings.
315         </para>
316       </sect2>
317       <sect2>
318         <title>convert-to-foreign-string</title>
319         <para>
320           Converts a Lisp string to a foreign string. Memory should be
321           freed with <function>free-foreign-object</function>.
322         </para>
323       </sect2>
324       <sect2>
325         <title>allocate-foreign-string</title>
326         <para>
327           Allocates space for a foreign string. Memory should
328           be freed with <function>free-foreign-object</function>.
329         </para>
330       </sect2>
331     </sect1>
333     <sect1>
334       <title>Functions</title>
335       <refentry id="def-function">
336         <refnamediv>
337           <refname>def-function</refname>
338         <refpurpose>Declares a function. 
339         </refpurpose>
340         <refclass>Macro</refclass>
341       </refnamediv>
342       <refsynopsisdiv>
343         <title>Syntax</title>
344         <synopsis>
345           <function>def-function</function> <replaceable>name args &amp;key module returning</replaceable>
346         </synopsis>
347       </refsynopsisdiv>
348       <refsect1>
349         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
350         <variablelist>
351           <varlistentry>
352             <term><parameter>name</parameter></term>
353             <listitem>
354               <para>A string or list specificying the function name. If it is a string, that names the foreign function. A Lisp name is created by translating #\_ to #\- and by converting to upper-case in case-insensitive Lisp implementations. If it is a list, the first item is a string specifying the foreign function name and the second it is a symbol stating the Lisp name.
355               </para>
356             </listitem>
357           </varlistentry>
358           <varlistentry>
359             <term><parameter>args</parameter></term>
360             <listitem>
361               <para>A list of argument declarations. Use &nil; to specify no arguments.
362               </para>
363             </listitem>
364           </varlistentry>
365           <varlistentry>
366             <term><parameter>module</parameter></term>
367             <listitem>
368               <para>A string specifying which module (or library) that the foreign function resides. (Required by Lispworks)</para>
369             </listitem>
370           </varlistentry>
371           <varlistentry>
372             <term><returnvalue>returning</returnvalue></term>
373             <listitem>
374               <para>A declaration specifying the result type of the
375 foreign function.
376               </para>
377             </listitem>
378           </varlistentry>
379         </variablelist>
380       </refsect1>
381       <refsect1>
382         <title>Description</title>
383         <para>Declares a foreign function.
384         </para>
385       </refsect1>
386       <refsect1>
387         <title>Examples</title>
388         <programlisting>
389 (def-function "gethostname" 
390   ((name :cstring)
391    (len :int))
392   :returning :int)
393         </programlisting>
394       </refsect1>
395       <refsect1>
396         <title>Side Effects</title>
397         <para>None.</para>
398       </refsect1>
399       <refsect1>
400         <title>Affected by</title>
401         <para>None.</para>
402       </refsect1>
403       <refsect1>
404         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
405         <para>None.</para>
406       </refsect1>
407     </refentry>
408     </sect1>
410     <sect1>
411       <title>Libraries</title>
412       <refentry id="load-foreign-library">
413         <refnamediv>
414           <refname>load-foreign-library</refname>
415         <refpurpose>Loads a foreign library. 
416         </refpurpose>
417         <refclass>Function</refclass>
418       </refnamediv>
419       <refsect1>
420         <title>Syntax</title>
421 <synopsis>
422           <function>load-foreign-library</function> <replaceable>filename &amp;key module supporting-libraries</replaceable> => <returnvalue>success</returnvalue>
423 </synopsis>
424       </refsect1>
425       <refsect1>
426         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
427         <variablelist>
428           <varlistentry>
429             <term><parameter>filename</parameter></term>
430             <listitem>
431               <para>A string or pathname specifying the library location
432 in the filesystem. At least one implementation (&lw;) can not
433 accept a logical pathname.
434               </para>
435             </listitem>
436           </varlistentry>
437           <varlistentry>
438             <term><parameter>module</parameter></term>
439             <listitem>
440               <para>A string designating the name of the module to apply
441 to functions in this library. (Required for Lispworks)
442               </para>
443             </listitem>
444           </varlistentry>
445           <varlistentry>
446             <term><parameter>supporting-libraries</parameter></term>
447             <listitem>
448               <para>A list of strings naming the libraries required to
449 link the foreign library. (Required by CMUCL)
450               </para>
451             </listitem>
452           </varlistentry>
453           <varlistentry>
454             <term><returnvalue>success</returnvalue></term>
455             <listitem>
456               <para>A boolean flag, &t; if the library was able to be
457 loaded successfully or if the library has been previously loaded,
458 otherwise &nil;.
459               </para>
460             </listitem>
461           </varlistentry>
462         </variablelist>
463       </refsect1>
464       <refsect1>
465         <title>Description</title>
466         <para>Loads a foreign library. Applies a module name to functions
467 within the library. Ensures that a library is only loaded once during
468 a session.
469         </para>
470       </refsect1>
471       <refsect1>
472         <title>Examples</title>
473         <programlisting>
474   (load-foreign-library #p"/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so" 
475                         :module "mysql" 
476                         :supporting-libraries '("c"))
477     => T
478         </programlisting>
479       </refsect1>
480       <refsect1>
481         <title>Side Effects</title>
482         <para>Loads the foreign code into the Lisp system.
483         </para>
484       </refsect1>
485       <refsect1>
486         <title>Affected by</title>
487         <para>Ability to load the file.</para>
488       </refsect1>
489       <refsect1>
490         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
491         <para>None.</para>
492       </refsect1>
493     </refentry>
494   </sect1>
495   </chapter>