r8113: remove multichapter reference file
[uffi.git] / doc / ref_primitive.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' ?>   <!-- Mode: Docbook --> 
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8 <reference id="primitives">
9    <title>Primitive Types</title>
10           <partintro>
11           <title>Overview</title>
12         <para>
13           Primitive types have a single value, these include
14           characters, numbers, and pointers. They are all symbols in
15           the keyword package.
16         </para>
17         <itemizedlist>
18           <listitem>
19             <para><constant>:char</constant> - Signed 8-bits. A
20 dereferenced :char pointer returns an character.</para>
21           </listitem>
22           <listitem>
23             <para><constant>:unsigned-char</constant> - Unsigned 8-bits. A dereferenced :unsigned-char
24 pointer returns an character.</para>
25           </listitem>
26           <listitem>
27             <para><constant>:byte</constant> - Signed 8-bits. A
28 dereferenced :byte pointer returns an integer.</para>
29           </listitem>
30           <listitem>
31             <para><constant>:unsigned-byte</constant> - Unsigned 8-bits. A
32 dereferenced :unsigned-byte pointer returns an integer.</para>
33           </listitem>
34           <listitem>
35             <para><constant>:short</constant> - Signed 16-bits.</para>
36           </listitem>
37           <listitem>
38             <para><constant>:unsigned-short</constant> - Unsigned 16-bits.</para>
39           </listitem>
40           <listitem>
41             <para><constant>:int</constant> - Signed 32-bits.</para>
42           </listitem>
43           <listitem>
44             <para><constant>:unsigned-int</constant> - Unsigned 32-bits.</para>
45           </listitem>
46           <listitem>
47             <para><constant>:long</constant> - Signed 32 or 64 bits, depending upon the platform.</para>
48           </listitem>
49           <listitem>
50             <para><constant>:unsigned-long</constant> - Unsigned 32 or 64 bits, depending upon the platform.</para>
51           </listitem>
52           <listitem>
53             <para><constant>:float</constant> - 32-bit floating point.</para>
54           </listitem>
55           <listitem>
56             <para><constant>:double</constant> - 64-bit floating point.</para>
57           </listitem>
58           <listitem>
59             <para><constant>:cstring</constant> - 
60 A &null; terminated string used for passing and returning characters strings with a &c; function.
61             </para>
62           </listitem>
63           <listitem>
64             <para><constant>:void</constant> - 
65 The absence of a value. Used to indicate that a function does not return a value.</para>
66           </listitem>
67           <listitem>
68             <para><constant>:pointer-void</constant> - 
69 Points to a generic object.</para>
70           </listitem>
71           <listitem>
72             <para><constant>*</constant> - Used to declare a pointer to an object</para>
73           </listitem>
74         </itemizedlist>
75       </partintro>
77       <refentry id="def-constant">
78         <refnamediv>
79           <refname>def-constant</refname>
80         <refpurpose>Binds a symbol to a constant. 
81         </refpurpose>
82         <refclass>Macro</refclass>
83       </refnamediv>
84       <refsynopsisdiv>
85         <title>Syntax</title>
86         <synopsis>
87           <function>def-constant</function> <replaceable>name value &amp;key export</replaceable>
88         </synopsis>
89       </refsynopsisdiv>
90       <refsect1>
91         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
92         <variablelist>
93           <varlistentry>
94             <term><parameter>name</parameter></term>
95             <listitem>
96               <para>A symbol that will be bound to the value.
97               </para>
98             </listitem>
99           </varlistentry>
100           <varlistentry>
101             <term><parameter>value</parameter></term>
102             <listitem>
103               <para>An evaluated form that is bound the the name.
104               </para>
105             </listitem>
106           </varlistentry>
107           <varlistentry>
108             <term><parameter>export</parameter></term>
109             <listitem>
110               <para>When &t;, the name is exported from the current package. The default is &nil;</para>
111             </listitem>
112           </varlistentry>
113         </variablelist>
114       </refsect1>
115       <refsect1>
116         <title>Description</title>
117         <para>
118           This is a thin wrapper around
119           <function>defconstant</function>. It evaluates at
120             compile-time and optionally exports the symbol from the package.
121         </para>
122       </refsect1>
123       <refsect1>
124         <title>Examples</title>
125         <programlisting>
126 (def-constant pi2 (* 2 pi))
127 (def-constant exported-pi2 (* 2 pi) :export t)
128         </programlisting>
129       </refsect1>
130       <refsect1>
131         <title>Side Effects</title>
132         <para>Creates a new special variable..</para>
133       </refsect1>
134       <refsect1>
135         <title>Affected by</title>
136         <para>None.</para>
137       </refsect1>
138       <refsect1>
139         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
140         <para>None.</para>
141       </refsect1>
142     </refentry>
144     <refentry id="def-foreign-type">
145         <refnamediv>
146           <refname>def-foreign-type</refname>
147         <refpurpose>Defines a new foreign type. 
148         </refpurpose>
149         <refclass>Macro</refclass>
150       </refnamediv>
151       <refsect1>
152         <title>Syntax</title>
153 <synopsis>
154           <function>def-foreign-type</function> <replaceable>name type</replaceable>
155 </synopsis>
156       </refsect1>
157       <refsect1>
158         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
159         <variablelist>
160           <varlistentry>
161             <term><parameter>name</parameter></term>
162             <listitem>
163               <para>A symbol naming the new foreign type.
164               </para>
165             </listitem>
166           </varlistentry>
167           <varlistentry>
168             <term><parameter>value</parameter></term>
169             <listitem>
170               <para>A form that is not evaluated that defines the new
171 foreign type.
172               </para>
173             </listitem>
174           </varlistentry>
175         </variablelist>
176       </refsect1>
177       <refsect1>
178         <title>Description</title>
179         <para>Defines a new foreign type.
180         </para>
181       </refsect1>
182       <refsect1>
183         <title>Examples</title>
184         <programlisting>
185 (def-foreign-type my-generic-pointer :pointer-void)
186 (def-foreign-type a-double-float :double-float)
187 (def-foreign-type char-ptr (* :char))
188         </programlisting>
189       </refsect1>
190       <refsect1>
191         <title>Side Effects</title>
192         <para>Defines a new foreign type.
193         </para>
194       </refsect1>
195       <refsect1>
196         <title>Affected by</title>
197         <para>None.</para>
198       </refsect1>
199       <refsect1>
200         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
201         <para>None.</para>
202       </refsect1>
203     </refentry>
205     <refentry id="null-char-p">
206         <refnamediv>
207           <refname>null-char-p</refname>
208         <refpurpose>Tests a character for &null; value.
209         </refpurpose>
210         <refclass>Macro</refclass>
211       </refnamediv>
212       <refsect1>
213         <title>Syntax</title>
214 <synopsis>
215           <function>null-char-p</function> <replaceable>char</replaceable> => <returnvalue>is-null</returnvalue>
216 </synopsis>
217       </refsect1>
218       <refsect1>
219         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
220         <variablelist>
221           <varlistentry>
222             <term><parameter>char</parameter></term>
223             <listitem>
224               <para>A character or integer.
225               </para>
226             </listitem>
227           </varlistentry>
228           <varlistentry>
229             <term><parameter>is-null</parameter></term>
230             <listitem>
231               <para>A boolean flag indicating if char is a &null; value.
232               </para>
233             </listitem>
234           </varlistentry>
235         </variablelist>
236       </refsect1>
237       <refsect1>
238         <title>Description</title>
239         <para>
240           A predicate testing if a character or integer is &null;. This
241 abstracts the difference in implementations where some return a 
242 <computeroutput>character</computeroutput> and some return a 
243 <computeroutput>integer</computeroutput> whence dereferencing a 
244 <computeroutput>C</computeroutput> character pointer.
245         </para>
246       </refsect1>
247       <refsect1>
248         <title>Examples</title>
249         <programlisting>
250 (def-array-pointer ca :unsigned-char)
251 (let ((fs (convert-to-foreign-string "ab")))
252    (values (null-char-p (deref-array fs 'ca 0))
253            (null-char-p (deref-array fs 'ca 2))))
254 => &nil;
255    &t;
256         </programlisting>
257       </refsect1>
258       <refsect1>
259         <title>Side Effects</title>
260         <para>None.
261         </para>
262       </refsect1>
263       <refsect1>
264         <title>Affected by</title>
265         <para>None.</para>
266       </refsect1>
267       <refsect1>
268         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
269         <para>None.</para>
270       </refsect1>
271     </refentry>
272   </reference>