[clsql.git] / ds-employees.lisp
1 (in-package #:clsql-tests)
3 (clsql-sys:file-enable-sql-reader-syntax)
4 (defparameter company1 nil)
5 (defparameter employee1 nil)
6 (defparameter employee2 nil)
7 (defparameter employee3 nil)
8 (defparameter employee4 nil)
9 (defparameter employee5 nil)
10 (defparameter employee6 nil)
11 (defparameter employee7 nil)
12 (defparameter employee8 nil)
13 (defparameter employee9 nil)
14 (defparameter employee10 nil)
15 (defparameter address1 nil)
16 (defparameter address2 nil)
17 (defparameter address3 nil)
18 (defparameter employee-address1 nil)
19 (defparameter employee-address2 nil)
20 (defparameter employee-address3 nil)
21 (defparameter employee-address4 nil)
22 (defparameter employee-address5 nil)
23 (defparameter employee-address6 nil)
25 (defclass thing ()
26   ((extraterrestrial :initform nil :initarg :extraterrestrial)))
28 (def-view-class person (thing)
29   ((height :db-kind :base :accessor height :type float
30            :initarg :height)
31    (married :db-kind :base :accessor married :type boolean
32             :initarg :married)
33    (birthday :type clsql:wall-time :initarg :birthday)
34    (bd-utime :type clsql:universal-time :initarg :bd-utime)
35    (hobby :db-kind :virtual :initarg :hobby :initform nil)))
37 (def-view-class employee (person)
38   ((emplid
39     :db-kind :key
40     :db-constraints (:not-null :unique)
41     :type integer
42     :initarg :emplid)
43    (groupid
44     :db-kind :key
45     :db-constraints :not-null
46     :type integer
47     :initarg :groupid)
48    (first-name
49     :accessor first-name
50     :type (varchar 30)
51     :initarg :first-name)
52    (last-name
53     :accessor last-name
54     :type (varchar 30)
55     :initarg :last-name)
56    (email
57     :accessor employee-email
58     :type (varchar 100)
59     :initarg :email)
60    (ecompanyid
61     :type integer
62     :initarg :companyid)
63    (company
64     :accessor employee-company
65     :db-kind :join
66     :db-info (:join-class company
67                           :home-key ecompanyid
68                           :foreign-key companyid
69                           :set nil))
70    (managerid
71     :type integer
72     :initarg :managerid)
73    (manager
74     :accessor employee-manager
75     :db-kind :join
76     :db-info (:join-class employee
77                           :home-key managerid
78                           :foreign-key emplid
79                           :set nil))
80    (addresses
81     :accessor employee-addresses
82     :db-kind :join
83     :db-info (:join-class employee-address
84                           :home-key emplid
85                           :foreign-key aemplid
86                           :target-slot address
87                           :set t)))
88   (:base-table employee))
90 (def-view-class company ()
91   ((companyid
92     :db-kind :key
93     :db-constraints :not-null
94     :type integer
95     :initarg :companyid)
96    (groupid
97     :db-kind :key
98     :db-constraints :not-null
99     :type integer
100     :initarg :groupid)
101    (name
102     :type (varchar 100)
103     :initarg :name)
104    (presidentid
105     :type integer
106     :initarg :presidentid)
107    (president
108     :reader president
109     :db-kind :join
110     :db-info (:join-class employee
111                           :home-key presidentid
112                           :foreign-key emplid
113                           :set nil))
114    (employees
115     :reader company-employees
116     :db-kind :join
117     :db-info (:join-class employee
118                           :home-key (companyid groupid)
119                           :foreign-key (ecompanyid groupid)
120                           :set t))))
122 (def-view-class address ()
123   ((addressid
124     :db-kind :key
125     :db-constraints :not-null
126     :type integer
127     :initarg :addressid)
128    (street-number
129     :type integer
130     :initarg :street-number)
131    (street-name
132     :type (varchar 30)
133     :void-value ""
134     :initarg :street-name)
135    (city
136     :column "city_field"
137     :void-value "no city"
138     :type (varchar 30)
139     :initarg :city)
140    (postal-code
141     :column zip
142     :type integer
143     :void-value 0
144     :initarg :postal-code))
145   (:base-table addr))
147 ;; many employees can reside at many addressess
148 (def-view-class employee-address ()
149   ((aemplid :type integer :initarg :emplid)
150    (aaddressid :type integer :initarg :addressid)
151    (verified :type boolean :initarg :verified)
152    (address :db-kind :join
153             :db-info (:join-class address
154                                   :home-key aaddressid
155                                   :foreign-key addressid
156                                   :retrieval :immediate))
157    (employee :db-kind :join
158              :db-info (:join-class employee
159                                   :home-key aemplid
160                                   :foreign-key emplid
161                                   :retrieval :immediate)))
162   (:base-table "ea_join"))
164 (def-view-class deferred-employee-address ()
165   ((aemplid :type integer :initarg :emplid)
166    (aaddressid :type integer :initarg :addressid)
167    (verified :type boolean :initarg :verified)
168    (address :db-kind :join
169             :db-info (:join-class address
170                                   :home-key aaddressid
171                                   :foreign-key addressid
172                                   :retrieval :deferred
173                                   :set nil)))
174   (:base-table "ea_join"))
178 (defun initialize-ds-employees ()
179   ;;  (start-sql-recording :type :both)
180   (mapc #'clsql:create-view-from-class
181         '(employee company address employee-address))
183   (setq *test-start-utime* (get-universal-time))
184   (let* ((*db-auto-sync* t)
185          (now-time (clsql:utime->time *test-start-utime*)))
186     (setf company1 (make-instance 'company
187                                   :presidentid 1
188                                   :companyid 1
189                                   :groupid 1
190                                   :name "Widgets Inc.")
191           employee1 (make-instance 'employee
192                                    :emplid 1
193                                    :groupid 1
194                                    :married t
195                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
196                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
197                                    :birthday now-time
198                                    :first-name "Vladimir"
199                                    :last-name "Lenin"
200                                    :email "lenin@soviet.org"
201                                    :companyid 1)
202           employee2 (make-instance 'employee
203                                    :emplid 2
204                                    :groupid 1
205                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
206                                    :married t
207                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
208                                    :birthday now-time
209                                    :first-name "Josef"
210                                    :last-name "Stalin"
211                                    :email "stalin@soviet.org"
212                                    :managerid 1
213                                    :companyid 1)
214           employee3 (make-instance 'employee
215                                    :emplid 3
216                                    :groupid 1
217                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
218                                    :married t
219                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
220                                    :birthday now-time
221                                    :first-name "Leon"
222                                    :last-name "Trotsky"
223                                    :email "trotsky@soviet.org"
224                                    :managerid 1
225                                    :companyid 1)
226           employee4 (make-instance 'employee
227                                    :emplid 4
228                                    :groupid 1
229                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
230                                    :married nil
231                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
232                                    :birthday now-time
233                                    :first-name "Nikita"
234                                    :last-name "Kruschev"
235                                    :email "kruschev@soviet.org"
236                                    :managerid 1
237                                    :companyid 1)
238           employee5 (make-instance 'employee
239                                    :emplid 5
240                                    :groupid 1
241                                    :married nil
242                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
243                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
244                                    :birthday now-time
245                                    :first-name "Leonid"
246                                    :last-name "Brezhnev"
247                                    :email "brezhnev@soviet.org"
248                                    :managerid 1
249                                    :companyid 1)
250           employee6 (make-instance 'employee
251                                    :emplid 6
252                                    :groupid 1
253                                    :married nil
254                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
255                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
256                                    :birthday now-time
257                                    :first-name "Yuri"
258                                    :last-name "Andropov"
259                                    :email "andropov@soviet.org"
260                                    :managerid 1
261                                    :companyid 1)
262           employee7 (make-instance 'employee
263                                    :emplid 7
264                                    :groupid 1
265                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
266                                    :married nil
267                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
268                                    :birthday now-time
269                                    :first-name "Konstantin"
270                                    :last-name "Chernenko"
271                                    :email "chernenko@soviet.org"
272                                    :managerid 1
273                                    :companyid 1)
274           employee8 (make-instance 'employee
275                                    :emplid 8
276                                    :groupid 1
277                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
278                                    :married nil
279                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
280                                    :birthday now-time
281                                    :first-name "Mikhail"
282                                    :last-name "Gorbachev"
283                                    :email "gorbachev@soviet.org"
284                                    :managerid 1
285                                    :companyid 1)
286           employee9 (make-instance 'employee
287                                    :emplid 9
288                                    :groupid 1
289                                    :married nil
290                                    :height (1+ (random 1.00))
291                                    :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
292                                    :birthday now-time
293                                    :first-name "Boris"
294                                    :last-name "Yeltsin"
295                                    :email "yeltsin@soviet.org"
296                                    :managerid 1
297                                    :companyid 1)
298           employee10 (make-instance 'employee
299                                     :emplid 10
300                                     :groupid 1
301                                     :married nil
302                                     :height (1+ (random 1.00))
303                                     :bd-utime *test-start-utime*
304                                     :birthday now-time
305                                     :first-name "Vladimir"
306                                     :last-name "Putin"
307                                     :email "putin@soviet.org"
308                                     :managerid 1
309                                     :companyid 1)
310           address1 (make-instance 'address
311                                   :addressid 1
312                                   :street-number 10
313                                   :street-name "Park Place"
314                                   :city "Leningrad"
315                                   :postal-code 123)
316           address2 (make-instance 'address
317                                   :addressid 2)
318           address3 (make-instance 'address
319                                   :addressid 3)
320           employee-address1 (make-instance 'employee-address
321                                            :emplid 1
322                                            :addressid 1
323                                            :verified t)
324           employee-address2 (make-instance 'employee-address
325                                            :emplid 2
326                                            :addressid 2
327                                            :verified t)
328           employee-address3 (make-instance 'employee-address
329                                            :emplid 3
330                                            :addressid 1
331                                            :verified nil)
332           employee-address4 (make-instance 'employee-address
333                                            :emplid 1
334                                            :addressid 2
335                                            :verified nil)
336           employee-address5 (make-instance 'employee-address
337                                            :emplid 3
338                                            :addressid 2)
339           employee-address6 (make-instance 'employee-address
340                                            :emplid 4
341                                            :addressid 3)))
343   ;; sleep to ensure birthdays are no longer at current time
344   ;(sleep 1) ;want to find the test that depends on it, put the sleep there.
346   #||
347   ;; Lenin manages everyone             ;
348   (clsql:add-to-relation employee2 'manager employee1)
349   (clsql:add-to-relation employee3 'manager employee1)
350   (clsql:add-to-relation employee4 'manager employee1)
351   (clsql:add-to-relation employee5 'manager employee1)
352   (clsql:add-to-relation employee6 'manager employee1)
353   (clsql:add-to-relation employee7 'manager employee1)
354   (clsql:add-to-relation employee8 'manager employee1)
355   (clsql:add-to-relation employee9 'manager employee1)
356   (clsql:add-to-relation employee10 'manager employee1)
357   ;; Everyone works for Widgets Inc.    ;
358   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee1)
359   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee2)
360   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee3)
361   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee4)
362   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee5)
363   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee6)
364   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee7)
365   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee8)
366   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee9)
367   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'employees employee10)
368   ;; Lenin is president of Widgets Inc. ;
369   (clsql:add-to-relation company1 'president employee1)
370   ||#
372   ;; store these instances
373   #||
374   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee1)
375   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee2)
376   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee3)
377   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee4)
378   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee5)
379   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee6)
380   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee7)
381   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee8)
382   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee9)
383   (clsql:update-records-from-instance employee10)
384   (clsql:update-records-from-instance company1)
385   (clsql:update-records-from-instance address1)
386   (clsql:update-records-from-instance address2)
387   ||#
388   )
391  (def-dataset *ds-employees*
392    (:setup initialize-ds-employees)
393    (:cleanup (lambda ()
394                (mapc #'clsql-sys:drop-view-from-class
395                      '(employee company address employee-address))
396                (ignore-errors
397                  (clsql-sys:execute-command "DROP TABLE ea_join")))))