[clsql.git] / ref.sgml
1 <!-- -*- DocBook -*- -->
3   <reference>
4     <title><symbol>CLSQL</symbol></title>
5     <partintro>
6     <para>This part gives a reference to all the symbols exported
7         from the package <symbol>CLSQL-SYS</symbol>, which are also
8         re-exported from the package <symbol>CLSQL</symbol>.  These
9         symbols constitute the normal user-interface of
10         &clsql;.</para>
11     </partintro>
12     <!-- Conditions -->
13     <refentry id="maisql-condition">
14       <refnamediv>
15         <refname>CLSQL-CONDITION</refname>
16         <refpurpose>the super-type of all
17           &clsql;-specific
18           conditions</refpurpose>
19         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
20       </refnamediv>
21       <refsect1>
22         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
23         <para>
24         <simplelist type="inline">
25           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
26           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
27           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
28         </simplelist>
29         </para>
30       </refsect1>
31       <refsect1>
32         <title>Description</title>
33         <para>This is the super-type of all
34           &clsql;-specific conditions
35           defined by &clsql;, or any of it's
36           database-specific interfaces.  There are no defined
37           initialization arguments nor any accessors.</para>
38       </refsect1>
39     </refentry>
40     <refentry id="maisql-error">
41       <refnamediv>
42         <refname>CLSQL-ERROR</refname>
43         <refpurpose>the super-type of all
44           &clsql;-specific
45           errors</refpurpose>
46         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
47       </refnamediv>
48       <refsect1>
49         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
50         <para>
51         <simplelist type="inline">
52           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
53           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
54           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
55           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
56           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
57           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
58         </simplelist>
59         </para>
60       </refsect1>
61       <refsect1>
62         <title>Description</title>
63         <para>This is the super-type of all
64           &clsql;-specific conditions that
65           represent errors, as defined by
66           &clsql;, or any of it's
67           database-specific interfaces.  There are no defined
68           initialization arguments nor any accessors.</para>
69       </refsect1>
70     </refentry>
71     <refentry id="maisql-simple-error">
72       <refnamediv>
73         <refname>CLSQL-SIMPLE-ERROR</refname>
74         <refpurpose>Unspecific simple
75           &clsql; errors</refpurpose>
76         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
77       </refnamediv>
78       <refsect1>
79         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
80         <para>
81         <simplelist type="inline">
82           <member><errortype>maisql-simple-error</errortype></member>
83           <member><errortype>simple-condition</errortype></member>
84           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
85           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
86           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
87           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
88           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
89           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
90         </simplelist>
91         </para>
92       </refsect1>
93       <refsect1>
94         <title>Description</title>
95         <para>This condition is used in all instances of errors, where
96           there exists no &clsql;-specific
97           condition that is more specific.  The valid initialization
98           arguments and accessors are the same as for
99           <errortype>simple-condition</errortype>.</para>
100       </refsect1>
101     </refentry>
102     <refentry id="maisql-warning">
103       <refnamediv>
104         <refname>CLSQL-WARNING</refname>
105         <refpurpose>the super-type of all
106           &clsql;-specific
107           warnings</refpurpose>
108         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
109       </refnamediv>
110       <refsect1>
111         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
112         <para>
113         <simplelist type="inline">
114           <member><errortype>maisql-warning</errortype></member>
115           <member><errortype>warning</errortype></member>
116           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
117           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
118           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
119         </simplelist>
120         </para>
121       </refsect1>
122       <refsect1>
123         <title>Description</title>
124         <para>This is the super-type of all
125           &clsql;-specific conditions that
126           represent warnings, as defined by
127           &clsql;, or any of it's
128           database-specific interfaces.  There are no defined
129           initialization arguments nor any accessors.</para>
130       </refsect1>
131     </refentry>
132     <refentry id="maisql-simple-warning">
133       <refnamediv>
134         <refname>CLSQL-SIMPLE-WARNING</refname>
135         <refpurpose>Unspecific simple
136           &clsql; warnings</refpurpose>
137         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
138       </refnamediv>
139       <refsect1>
140         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
141         <para>
142         <simplelist type="inline">
143           <member><errortype>maisql-simple-warning</errortype></member>
144           <member><errortype>simple-condition</errortype></member>
145           <member><errortype>maisql-warning</errortype></member>
146           <member><errortype>warning</errortype></member>
147           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
148           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
149           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
150         </simplelist>
151         </para>
152       </refsect1>
153       <refsect1>
154         <title>Description</title>
155         <para>This condition is used in all instances of warnings,
156           where  there exists no
157           &clsql;-specific condition that is
158           more specific.  The valid initialization arguments and
159           accessors are the same as for
160           <errortype>simple-condition</errortype>.</para>
161       </refsect1>
162     </refentry>
163     <!-- Specifc Conditions -->
164     <refentry id="maisql-invalid-spec-error">
165       <refnamediv>
166         <refname>CLSQL-INVALID-SPEC-ERROR</refname>
167         <refpurpose>condition representing errors because of invalid
168           connection specifications</refpurpose>
169         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
170       </refnamediv>
171       <refsect1>
172         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
173         <para>
174         <simplelist type="inline">
175           <member><errortype>maisql-invalid-spec-error</errortype></member>
176           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
177           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
178           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
179           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
180           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
181           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
182         </simplelist>
183         </para>
184       </refsect1>
185       <refsect1>
186         <title>Description</title>
187         <para>This condition represents errors that occur because the
188           user supplies an invalid connection specification to either
189           <function>database-name-from-spec</function> or
190           <function>connect</function>.  The following initialization
191           arguments and accessors exist:</para>
192         <segmentedlist>
193           <segtitle>Initarg</segtitle>
194           <segtitle>Accessor</segtitle>
195           <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
196           <seglistitem>
197             <seg><symbol>:connection-spec</symbol></seg>
198             <seg><function>maisql-invalid-spec-error-connection-spec</function></seg>
199             <seg>The invalid connection specification used.</seg>
200           </seglistitem>
201           <seglistitem>
202             <seg><symbol>:database-type</symbol></seg>
203             <seg><function>maisql-invalid-spec-error-database-type</function></seg>
204             <seg>The Database type used in the attempt.</seg>
205           </seglistitem>
206           <seglistitem>
207             <seg><symbol>:template</symbol></seg>
208             <seg><function>maisql-invalid-spec-error-template</function></seg>
209             <seg>An argument describing the template that a valid
210               connection specification must match for this database type.</seg>
211           </seglistitem>
212         </segmentedlist>
213       </refsect1>
214     </refentry>
215     <refentry id="maisql-connect-error">
216       <refnamediv>
217         <refname>CLSQL-CONNECT-ERROR</refname>
218         <refpurpose>condition representing errors during
219           connection</refpurpose>
220         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
221       </refnamediv>
222       <refsect1>
223         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
224         <para>
225         <simplelist type="inline">
226           <member><errortype>maisql-connect-error</errortype></member>
227           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
228           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
229           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
230           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
231           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
232           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
233         </simplelist>
234         </para>
235       </refsect1>
236       <refsect1>
237         <title>Description</title>
238         <para>This condition represents errors that occur while trying 
239           to connect to a database.  The following initialization
240           arguments and accessors exist:</para>
241         <segmentedlist>
242           <segtitle>Initarg</segtitle>
243           <segtitle>Accessor</segtitle>
244           <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
245           <seglistitem>
246             <seg><symbol>:database-type</symbol></seg>
247             <seg><function>maisql-connect-error-database-type</function></seg>
248             <seg>Database type for the connection attempt</seg>
249           </seglistitem>
250           <seglistitem>
251             <seg><symbol>:connection-spec</symbol></seg>
252             <seg><function>maisql-connect-error-connection-spec</function></seg>
253             <seg>The connection specification used in the
254               connection attempt.</seg>
255           </seglistitem>
256           <seglistitem>
257             <seg><symbol>:errno</symbol></seg>
258             <seg><function>maisql-connect-error-errno</function></seg>
259             <seg>The numeric or symbolic error specification
260               returned by the database back-end.  The values and
261               semantics of this are interface specific.</seg>
262           </seglistitem>
263           <seglistitem>
264             <seg><symbol>:error</symbol></seg>
265             <seg><function>maisql-connect-error-error</function></seg>
266             <seg>A string describing the problem that occurred,
267               possibly one returned by the database back-end.</seg>
268           </seglistitem>
269         </segmentedlist>
270       </refsect1>
271     </refentry>
272     <refentry id="maisql-sql-error">
273       <refnamediv>
274         <refname>CLSQL-SQL-ERROR</refname>
275         <refpurpose>condition representing errors during query or
276           command execution</refpurpose>
277         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
278       </refnamediv>
279       <refsect1>
280         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
281         <para>
282         <simplelist type="inline">
283           <member><errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype></member>
284           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
285           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
286           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
287           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
288           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
289           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
290         </simplelist>
291         </para>
292       </refsect1>
293       <refsect1>
294         <title>Description</title>
295         <para>This condition represents errors that occur while
296         executing SQL statements, either as part of query operations
297         or command execution, either explicitly or implicitly, as
298           caused e.g. by <function>with-transaction</function>.
299           The following initialization arguments and accessors exist:</para>
300         <segmentedlist>
301           <segtitle>Initarg</segtitle>
302           <segtitle>Accessor</segtitle>
303           <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
304           <seglistitem>
305             <seg><symbol>:database</symbol></seg>
306             <seg><function>maisql-sql-error-database</function></seg>
307             <seg>The database object that was involved in the
308               incident.</seg>
309           </seglistitem>
310           <seglistitem>
311             <seg><symbol>:expression</symbol></seg>
312             <seg><function>maisql-sql-error-expression</function></seg>
313             <seg>The SQL expression whose execution caused the error.</seg>
314           </seglistitem>
315           <seglistitem>
316             <seg><symbol>:errno</symbol></seg>
317             <seg><function>maisql-sql-error-errno</function></seg>
318             <seg>The numeric or symbolic error specification
319               returned by the database back-end.  The values and
320               semantics of this are interface specific.</seg>
321           </seglistitem>
322           <seglistitem>
323             <seg><symbol>:error</symbol></seg>
324             <seg><function>maisql-sql-error-error</function></seg>
325             <seg>A string describing the problem that occurred,
326               possibly one returned by the database back-end.</seg>
327           </seglistitem>
328         </segmentedlist>
329       </refsect1>
330     </refentry>
331     <refentry id="maisql-exists-condition">
332       <refnamediv>
333         <refname>CLSQL-EXISTS-CONDITION</refname>
334         <refpurpose>condition indicating situations arising because of 
335           existing connections</refpurpose>
336         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
337       </refnamediv>
338       <refsect1>
339         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
340         <para>
341         <simplelist type="inline">
342           <member><errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype></member>
343           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
344           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
345           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
346         </simplelist>
347         </para>
348       </refsect1>
349       <refsect1>
350         <title>Description</title>
351         <para>This condition is the super-type of all conditions which
352           represents problems that occur during calls to
353           <function>connect</function>, if a connection to the
354           database exists already.  Depending on the value of
355           <parameter>if-exists</parameter> to the call of
356           <function>connect</function>, either a warning, an error or
357           no condition at all is signalled.  If a warning or error is
358           signalled, either
359           <errortype>maisql-exists-warning</errortype> or
360           <errortype>maisql-exists-error</errortype> is signalled,
361           which are subtypes of
362           <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype> and
363           <errortype>maisql-warning</errortype> or
364           <errortype>maisql-error</errortype>.
365           <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype> is never
366           signalled itself.</para>
367         <para>
368           The following initialization arguments and accessors exist:</para>
369         <segmentedlist>
370           <segtitle>Initarg</segtitle>
371           <segtitle>Accessor</segtitle>
372           <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
373           <seglistitem>
374             <seg><symbol>:old-db</symbol></seg>
375             <seg><function>maisql-exists-condition-old-db</function></seg>
376             <seg>The database object that represents the existing
377               connection.  This slot is always filled.</seg>
378           </seglistitem>
379           <seglistitem>
380             <seg><symbol>:new-db</symbol></seg>
381             <seg><function>maisql-exists-condition-new-db</function></seg>
382             <seg>The database object that will be used and returned by 
383               this call to connect, if execution continues normally.
384               This can be either <symbol>nil</symbol>, indicating that 
385               a new database object is to be created on continuation,
386               or a database object representing the newly created
387               continuation, or the same database object as
388               <symbol>old-db</symbol>, indicating that the existing
389               database object will be reused.  This slot is always
390               filled and defaults to <symbol>nil</symbol>.</seg>
391           </seglistitem>
392         </segmentedlist>
393       </refsect1>
394     </refentry>
395     <refentry id="maisql-exists-warning">
396       <refnamediv>
397         <refname>CLSQL-EXISTS-WARNING</refname>
398         <refpurpose>condition representing warnings arising because of 
399           existing connections</refpurpose>
400         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
401       </refnamediv>
402       <refsect1>
403         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
404         <para>
405         <simplelist type="inline">
406           <member><errortype>maisql-exists-warning</errortype></member>
407           <member><errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype></member>
408           <member><errortype>maisql-warning</errortype></member>
409           <member><errortype>warning</errortype></member>
410           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
411           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
412           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
413         </simplelist>
414         </para>
415       </refsect1>
416       <refsect1>
417         <title>Description</title>
418         <para>This condition is a subtype of
419         <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype>, and is
420           signalled during calls to <function>connect</function> when
421           there is an existing connection, and
422           <parameter>if-exists</parameter> is either
423           <symbol>:warn-new</symbol> or <symbol>:warn-old</symbol>.
424           In the former case, <symbol>new-db</symbol> will be the
425           newly created database object, in the latter case it will be 
426           the existing old database object.</para>
427         <para>
428           The initialization arguments and accessors are the same as
429           for <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype>.</para>
430       </refsect1>
431     </refentry>
432     <refentry id="maisql-exists-error">
433       <refnamediv>
434         <refname>CLSQL-EXISTS-ERROR</refname>
435         <refpurpose>condition representing errors arising because of 
436           existing connections</refpurpose>
437         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
438       </refnamediv>
439       <refsect1>
440         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
441         <para>
442         <simplelist type="inline">
443           <member><errortype>maisql-exists-error</errortype></member>
444           <member><errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype></member>
445           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
446           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
447           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
448           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
449           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
450           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
451         </simplelist>
452         </para>
453       </refsect1>
454       <refsect1>
455         <title>Description</title>
456         <para>This condition is a subtype of
457         <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype>, and is
458           signalled during calls to <function>connect</function> when
459           there is an existing connection, and
460           <parameter>if-exists</parameter> is <symbol>:error</symbol>.
461           In this case, <symbol>new-db</symbol> will be
462           <symbol>nil</symbol>, indicating that the database object to 
463           be returned by <function>connect</function> depends on user
464           action in continuing from this correctable error.</para>
465         <para>
466           The initialization arguments and accessors are the same as
467           for <errortype>maisql-exists-condition</errortype>.</para>
468       </refsect1>
469     </refentry>
470     <refentry id="maisql-closed-error">
471       <refnamediv>
472         <refname>CLSQL-CLOSED-ERROR</refname>
473         <refpurpose>condition representing errors because the database 
474           has already been closed</refpurpose>
475         <refclass>Condition Type</refclass>
476       </refnamediv>
477       <refsect1>
478         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
479         <para>
480         <simplelist type="inline">
481           <member><errortype>maisql-closed-error</errortype></member>
482           <member><errortype>maisql-error</errortype></member>
483           <member><errortype>error</errortype></member>
484           <member><errortype>serious-condition</errortype></member>
485           <member><errortype>maisql-condition</errortype></member>
486           <member><errortype>condition</errortype></member>
487           <member><errortype>t</errortype></member>
488         </simplelist>
489         </para>
490       </refsect1>
491       <refsect1>
492         <title>Description</title>
493         <para>This condition represents errors that occur because the
494           user invokes an operation on the given database object,
495           although the database is invalid because
496           <function>disconnect</function> has already been called on
497           this database object.</para>
498         <para>Functions which signal this error when called with a
499           closed database will usually provide a
500           <symbol>continue</symbol> restart, that will just return nil 
501           from the function.</para>
502         <para>
503           The following initialization arguments and accessors exist:</para>
504         <segmentedlist>
505           <segtitle>Initarg</segtitle>
506           <segtitle>Accessor</segtitle>
507           <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
508           <seglistitem>
509             <seg><symbol>:database</symbol></seg>
510             <seg><function>maisql-closed-error-database</function></seg>
511             <seg>The database object that was involved in the
512               incident.</seg>
513           </seglistitem>
514         </segmentedlist>
515       </refsect1>
516     </refentry>
518     <!-- Database Types -->
519     <refentry id="default-database-type">
520       <refnamediv>
521         <refname>*DEFAULT-DATABASE-TYPE*</refname>
522         <refpurpose>The default database type to use</refpurpose>
523         <refclass>Variable</refclass>
524       </refnamediv>
525       <refsect1>
526         <title>Value Type</title>
527         <para>Any keyword representing a valid database back-end of
528           &clsql;, or
529           <symbol>nil</symbol>.</para>
530       </refsect1>
531       <refsect1>
532         <title>Initial Value</title>
533         <para><symbol>nil</symbol></para>
534       </refsect1>
535       <refsect1>
536         <title>Description</title>
537         <para>The value of this variable is used in calls to
538           <function>initialize-database-type</function> and
539           <function>connect</function> as the default
540           value of the <parameter>database-type</parameter>
541           parameter.</para>
542         <caution>
543           <para>If the value of this variable is <symbol>nil</symbol>,
544             then all calls to
545             <function>initialize-database-type</function> or
546             <function>connect</function> will have to specify the
547             <parameter>database-type</parameter> to use, or a
548             general-purpose error will be signalled.</para>
549         </caution>
550       </refsect1>
551       <refsect1>
552         <title>Examples</title>
553         <programlisting>
554 (setf *default-database-type* :mysql)
555 => :mysql
556 (initialize-database-type)
557 => t
558         </programlisting>
559       </refsect1>
560       <refsect1>
561         <title>Affected By</title>
562         <para>None.</para>
563       </refsect1>
564       <refsect1>
565         <title>See Also</title>
566         <para>None.</para>
567       </refsect1>
568       <refsect1>
569         <title>Notes</title>
570         <para>None.</para>
571       </refsect1>
572     </refentry>
573     <refentry id="initialized-database-types">
574       <refnamediv>
575         <refname>*INITIALIZED-DATABASE-TYPES*</refname>
576         <refpurpose>List of all initialized database types</refpurpose>
577         <refclass>Variable</refclass>
578       </refnamediv>
579       <refsect1>
580         <title>Value Type</title>
581         <para>A list of all initialized database types, each of which
582           represented by it's corresponding keyword.</para>
583       </refsect1>
584       <refsect1>
585         <title>Initial Value</title>
586         <para><symbol>nil</symbol></para>
587       </refsect1>
588       <refsect1>
589         <title>Description</title>
590         <para>This variable is updated whenever
591           <function>initialize-database-type</function> is called for a
592           database type which hasn't already been initialized before,
593           as determined by this variable.  In that case the keyword
594           representing the database type is pushed onto the list
595           stored in
596           <symbol>*INITIALIZED-DATABASE-TYPES*</symbol>.</para>
597         <caution>
598           <para>Attempts to modify the value of this variable will
599             result in undefined behaviour.</para>
600         </caution>
601       </refsect1>
602       <refsect1>
603         <title>Examples</title>
604         <programlisting>
605 (setf *default-database-type* :mysql)
606 => :mysql
607 (initialize-database-type)
608 => t
609 *initialized-database-types*
610 => (:MYSQL)
611         </programlisting>
612       </refsect1>
613       <refsect1>
614         <title>Affected By</title>
615         <para>
616         <simplelist>
617           <member><function>initialize-database-type</function></member>
618         </simplelist>
619         </para>
620       </refsect1>
621       <refsect1>
622         <title>See Also</title>
623         <para>None.</para>
624       </refsect1>
625       <refsect1>
626         <title>Notes</title>
627         <para>Direct access to this variable is primarily provided
628           because of compatibility with Harlequin's <application>Common
629             SQL</application>.</para>
630       </refsect1>
631     </refentry>
632     <refentry id="initialize-database-type">
633       <refnamediv>
634         <refname>INITIALIZE-DATABASE-TYPE</refname>
635         <refpurpose>Initializes a database type</refpurpose>
636         <refclass>Function</refclass>
637       </refnamediv>
638       <refsect1>
639         <title>Syntax</title>
640         <synopsis><function>initialize-database-type</function> &amp;key <replaceable>database-type</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
641       </refsect1>
642       <refsect1>
643         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
644         <variablelist>
645           <varlistentry>
646             <term><parameter>database-type</parameter></term>
647             <listitem>
648               <para>The database type to initialize, i.e. a keyword
649                 symbol denoting a known database back-end.  Defaults to
650                 the value of
651                 <symbol>*default-database-type*</symbol>.</para>
652             </listitem>
653           </varlistentry>
654           <varlistentry>
655             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
656             <listitem>
657               <para>Either <symbol>nil</symbol> if the initialization
658                 attempt fails, or <symbol>t</symbol> otherwise.</para>
659             </listitem>
660           </varlistentry>
661         </variablelist>
662       </refsect1>
663       <refsect1>
664         <title>Description</title>
665         <para>If the back-end specified by
666         <parameter>database-type</parameter> has not already been
667           initialized, as seen from
668           <symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol>, an attempt is 
669           made to initialize the database.  If this attempt succeeds,
670           or the back-end has already been initialized, the function
671           returns t, and places the keyword denoting the database type 
672           onto the list stored in
673           <symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol>, if not
674           already present.</para>
675         <para>If initialization fails, the function returns
676           <symbol>nil</symbol>, and/or signals an error of type
677           <errortype>maisql-error</errortype>.  The kind of action
678           taken depends on the back-end and the cause of the
679           problem.</para>
680       </refsect1>
681       <refsect1>
682         <title>Examples</title>
683         <programlisting>
684 *initialized-database-types*
685 => NIL
686 (setf *default-database-type* :mysql)
687 => :MYSQL
688 (initialize-database-type)
689 >> Compiling LAMBDA (#:G897 #:G898 #:G901 #:G902): 
690 >> Compiling Top-Level Form: 
691 >> 
692 => T
693 *initialized-database-types*
694 => (:MYSQL)
695 (initialize-database-type)
696 => T
697 *initialized-database-types*
698 => (:MYSQL)
699         </programlisting>
700       </refsect1>
701       <refsect1>
702         <title>Side Effects</title>
703         <para>The database back-end corresponding to the database type
704           specified is initialized, unless it has already been
705           initialized.  This can involve any number of other side
706           effects, as determined by the back-end implementation (like
707           e.g. loading of foreign code, calling of foreign code,
708           networking operations, etc.).  If initialization is
709           attempted and succeeds, the
710           <parameter>database-type</parameter> is pushed onto the list 
711           stored in
712           <symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol>.</para>
713       </refsect1>
714       <refsect1>
715         <title>Affected by</title>
716         <para>
717         <simplelist>
718           <member><symbol>*default-database-type*</symbol></member>
719           <member><symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol></member>
720         </simplelist>
721         </para>
722       </refsect1>
723       <refsect1>
724         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
725         <para>If an error is encountered during the initialization
726           attempt, the back-end may signal errors of kind
727           <errortype>maisql-error</errortype>.</para>
728       </refsect1>
729       <refsect1>
730         <title>See Also</title>
731         <para>None.</para>
732       </refsect1>
733       <refsect1>
734         <title>Notes</title>
735         <para>None.</para>
736       </refsect1>
737     </refentry>
738     <!-- Databases Connection and Disconnection -->
739     <refentry id="connect-if-exists">
740       <refnamediv>
741         <refname>*CONNECT-IF-EXISTS*</refname>
742         <refpurpose>Default value for the
743           <parameter>if-exists</parameter> parameter of
744           <function>connect</function>.</refpurpose>
745         <refclass>Variable</refclass>
746       </refnamediv>
747       <refsect1>
748         <title>Value Type</title>
749         <para>A valid argument to the <parameter>if-exists</parameter> 
750           parameter of <function>connect</function>, i.e. one of
751           <simplelist type="inline">
752             <member><symbol>:new</symbol></member>
753             <member><symbol>:warn-new</symbol></member>
754             <member><symbol>:error</symbol></member>
755             <member><symbol>:warn-old</symbol></member>
756             <member><symbol>:old</symbol></member>
757           </simplelist>.
758         </para>
759       </refsect1>
760       <refsect1>
761         <title>Initial Value</title>
762         <para><symbol>:error</symbol></para>
763       </refsect1>
764       <refsect1>
765         <title>Description</title>
766         <para>The value of this variable is used in calls to
767           <function>connect</function> as the default
768           value of the <parameter>if-exists</parameter>
769           parameter.  See <link
770           linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link> for
771           the semantics of the valid values for this variable.</para>
772       </refsect1>
773       <refsect1>
774         <title>Examples</title>
775         <para>None.</para>
776       </refsect1>
777       <refsect1>
778         <title>Affected By</title>
779         <para>None.</para>
780       </refsect1>
781       <refsect1>
782         <title>See Also</title>
783         <para>
784         <simplelist>
785           <member><link
786           linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link></member>
787         </simplelist>
788         </para>
789       </refsect1>
790       <refsect1>
791         <title>Notes</title>
792         <para>None.</para>
793       </refsect1>
794     </refentry>
795     <refentry id="connected-databases">
796       <refnamediv>
797         <refname>CONNECTED-DATABASES</refname>
798         <refpurpose>Return the list of active database
799           objects.</refpurpose>
800         <refclass>Function</refclass>
801       </refnamediv>
802       <refsect1>
803         <title>Syntax</title>
804         <synopsis><function>connected-databases</function> => <returnvalue>databases</returnvalue></synopsis>
805       </refsect1>
806       <refsect1>
807         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
808         <variablelist>
809           <varlistentry>
810             <term><returnvalue>databases</returnvalue></term>
811             <listitem>
812               <para>The list of active database objects.</para>
813             </listitem>
814           </varlistentry>
815         </variablelist>
816       </refsect1>
817       <refsect1>
818         <title>Description</title>
819         <para>This function returns the list of active database
820           objects, i.e. all those database objects created by calls to 
821           <function>connect</function>, which have not been closed by
822           calling <function>disconnect</function> on them.</para> 
823         <caution>
824           <para>The consequences of modifying the list returned by
825             <function>connected-databases</function> are
826             undefined.</para>
827         </caution>
828       </refsect1>
829       <refsect1>
830         <title>Examples</title>
831         <programlisting>
832 (connected-databases)
833 => NIL
834 (connect '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :database-type :postgresql)
836 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
838 (connected-databases)
841 (disconnect)
842 => T
843 (connected-databases)
845 (disconnect)
846 => T
847 (connected-databases)
848 => NIL
849         </programlisting>
850       </refsect1>
851       <refsect1>
852         <title>Side Effects</title>
853         <para>None.</para>
854       </refsect1>
855       <refsect1>
856         <title>Affected By</title>
857         <para>
858         <simplelist>
859           <member><function>connect</function></member>
860           <member><function>disconnect</function></member>
861         </simplelist>
862         </para>
863       </refsect1>
864       <refsect1>
865         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
866         <para>None.</para>
867       </refsect1>
868       <refsect1>
869         <title>See Also</title>
870         <para>None.</para>
871       </refsect1>
872       <refsect1>
873         <title>Notes</title>
874         <para>None.</para>
875       </refsect1>
876     </refentry>
877     <refentry id="default-database">
878       <refnamediv>
879         <refname>*DEFAULT-DATABASE*</refname>
880         <refpurpose>The default database object to use</refpurpose>
881         <refclass>Variable</refclass>
882       </refnamediv>
883       <refsect1>
884         <title>Value Type</title>
885         <para>Any object of type <type>database</type>, or nil to
886           indicate no default database.</para>
887       </refsect1>
888       <refsect1>
889         <title>Initial Value</title>
890         <para><symbol>nil</symbol></para>
891       </refsect1>
892       <refsect1>
893         <title>Description</title>
894         <para>Any function or macro in
895           &clsql; that operates on a
896           database uses the value of this variable as the default
897           value for it's <parameter>database</parameter>
898           parameter.</para>
899         <para>The value of this parameter is changed by calls to
900           <function>connect</function>, which sets
901           <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> to the database object
902           it returns.  It is also changed by calls to
903           <function>disconnect</function>, when the database object
904           being disconnected is the same as the value of
905           <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.  In this case
906           <function>disconnect</function> sets
907           <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> to the first database
908           that remains in the list of active databases as returned by
909           <function>connected-databases</function>, or
910           <symbol>nil</symbol> if no further active databases
911           exist.</para>
912         <para>The user may change <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>
913           at any time to a valid value of his choice.</para>
914         <caution>
915           <para>If the value of <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> is
916             <symbol>nil</symbol>, then all calls to
917             &clsql; functions on databases
918             must provide a suitable <parameter>database</parameter>
919             parameter, or an error will be signalled.</para>
920         </caution>
921       </refsect1>
922       <refsect1>
923         <title>Examples</title>
924         <programlisting>
925 (connected-databases)
926 => NIL
927 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
928 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48385F55}>
929 (connect '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :database-type :postgresql)
931 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql :if-exists :new)
932 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48387265}>
933 *default-database*
934 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48387265}>
935 (disconnect)
936 => T
937 *default-database*
939 (disconnect)
940 => T
941 *default-database*
942 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48385F55}>
943 (disconnect)
944 => T
945 *default-database*
946 => NIL
947 (connected-databases)
948 => NIL
949         </programlisting>
950       </refsect1>
951       <refsect1>
952         <title>Affected By</title>
953         <para>
954         <simplelist>
955           <member><link linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link></member>
956           <member><link linkend="disconnect"><function>disconnect</function></link></member>
957         </simplelist>
958         </para>
959       </refsect1>
960       <refsect1>
961         <title>See Also</title>
962         <para>
963         <simplelist>
964           <member><link linkend="connected-databases"><function>connected-databases</function></link></member>
965         </simplelist>
966         </para>
967       </refsect1>
968       <refsect1>
969         <title>Notes</title>
970         <note>
971           <para>This variable is intended to facilitate working with
972             &clsql; in an interactive
973             fashion at the top-level loop, and because of this,
974             <function>connect</function> and
975             <function>disconnect</function> provide some fairly
976             complex  behaviour to keep
977             <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> set to  useful values.
978             Programmatic use of &clsql;
979             should never depend on the value of
980             <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> and should provide
981             correct database objects via the
982             <parameter>database</parameter> parameter to functions
983             called.</para>
984         </note>
985       </refsect1>
986     </refentry>
987     <!-- Classes -->
988     <refentry id="database">
989       <refnamediv>
990         <refname>DATABASE</refname>
991         <refpurpose>The super-type of all
992           &clsql; databases</refpurpose>
993         <refclass>Class</refclass>
994       </refnamediv>
995       <refsect1>
996         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
997         <para>
998         <simplelist type="inline">
999           <member><type>database</type></member>
1000           <member><type>standard-object</type></member>
1001           <member><type>t</type></member>
1002         </simplelist>
1003         </para>
1004       </refsect1>
1005       <refsect1>
1006         <title>Description</title>
1007         <para>This class is the superclass of all
1008           &clsql; databases. The different
1009           database back-ends derive subclasses of this class to
1010           implement their databases.  No instances of this class are
1011           ever created by &clsql;.</para>
1012       </refsect1>
1013     </refentry>
1014     <refentry id="closed-database">
1015       <refnamediv>
1016         <refname>CLOSED-DATABASE</refname>
1017         <refpurpose>The class representing all closed
1018           &clsql; databases</refpurpose>
1019         <refclass>Class</refclass>
1020       </refnamediv>
1021       <refsect1>
1022         <title>Class Precedence List</title>
1023         <para>
1024         <simplelist type="inline">
1025           <member><type>closed-database</type></member>
1026           <member><type>standard-object</type></member>
1027           <member><type>t</type></member>
1028         </simplelist>
1029         </para>
1030       </refsect1>
1031       <refsect1>
1032         <title>Description</title>
1033         <para>&clsql; <type>database</type>
1034           instances are changed to this class via
1035           <function>change-class</function> after they are closed via
1036           <function>disconnect</function>.  All functions and generic
1037           functions that take database objects as arguments will
1038           signal errors of type
1039           <errortype>maisql-closed-error</errortype> when they are
1040           called on instances of <type>closed-database</type>, with
1041           the exception of <function>database-name</function>, which
1042           will continue to work as for instances of
1043           <type>database</type>.</para>
1044       </refsect1>
1045     </refentry>
1046     <!-- Functions -->
1047     <refentry id="database-name">
1048       <refnamediv>
1049         <refname>DATABASE-NAME</refname>
1050         <refpurpose>Get the name of a database object</refpurpose>
1051         <refclass>Generic Function</refclass>
1052       </refnamediv>
1053       <refsect1>
1054         <title>Syntax</title>
1055         <synopsis><function>database-name</function> <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue>name</returnvalue></synopsis>
1056       </refsect1>
1057       <refsect1>
1058         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1059         <variablelist>
1060           <varlistentry>
1061             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1062             <listitem>
1063               <para>A database object, either of type
1064                 <type>database</type> or of type
1065                 <type>closed-database</type>.</para>
1066             </listitem>
1067           </varlistentry>
1068           <varlistentry>
1069             <term><returnvalue>name</returnvalue></term>
1070             <listitem>
1071               <para>A string describing the identity of the database
1072                 to which this database object is connected to.</para>
1073             </listitem>
1074           </varlistentry>
1075         </variablelist>
1076       </refsect1>
1077       <refsect1>
1078         <title>Description</title>
1079         <para>This function returns the database name of the given
1080           database.  The database name is a string which somehow
1081           describes the identity of the database to which this
1082           database object is or has been connected.  The database name 
1083           of a database object is determined at
1084           <function>connect</function> time, when a call to
1085           <function>database-name-from-spec</function> derives the
1086           database name from the connection specification passed to
1087           <function>connect</function> in the
1088           <parameter>connection-spec</parameter> parameter.</para>
1089         <para>The database name is used via
1090           <function>find-database</function> in
1091           <function>connect</function> to determine whether database
1092           connections to the specified database exist already.</para>
1093         <para>Usually the database name string will include
1094           indications of the  host, database name, user, or port that
1095           where used during the connection attempt.  The only
1096           important thing is that this string shall  try to identify
1097           the database at the other end of the connection.  Connection
1098           specifications parts like passwords and credentials shall
1099           not be used as part of the database name.</para>
1100       </refsect1>
1101       <refsect1>
1102         <title>Examples</title>
1103         <programlisting>
1104 (database-name-from-spec '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :mysql)
1105 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1106 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
1108 (database-name *default-database*)
1109 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1111 (database-name-from-spec '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1112 => "/template1/dent"
1113 (connect '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :database-type :postgresql)
1115 (database-name *default-database*)
1116 => "/template1/dent"
1118 (database-name-from-spec '("www.pmsf.de" "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1119 => "www.pmsf.de/template1/dent"
1120         </programlisting>
1121       </refsect1>
1122       <refsect1>
1123         <title>Side Effects</title>
1124         <para>None.</para>
1125       </refsect1>
1126       <refsect1>
1127         <title>Affected By</title>
1128         <para>
1129         <simplelist>
1130           <member><link linkend="database-name-from-spec"><function>database-name-from-spec</function></link></member>
1131         </simplelist>
1132         </para>
1133       </refsect1>
1134       <refsect1>
1135         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1136         <para>Will signal an error if the object passed as the
1137           <parameter>database</parameter> parameter is neither of type
1138           <type>database</type> nor of type
1139           <type>closed-database</type>.</para>
1140       </refsect1>
1141       <refsect1>
1142         <title>See Also</title>
1143         <para>
1144         <simplelist>
1145           <member><link
1146           linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link></member>
1147           <member><link
1148           linkend="find-database"><function>find-database</function></link></member>
1149         </simplelist>
1150         </para>
1151       </refsect1>
1152       <refsect1>
1153         <title>Notes</title>
1154         <para>None.</para>
1155       </refsect1>
1156     </refentry>
1157     <refentry id="find-database">
1158       <refnamediv>
1159         <refname>FIND-DATABASE</refname>
1160         <refpurpose>Locate a database object through it's
1161           name.</refpurpose>
1162         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1163       </refnamediv>
1164       <refsect1>
1165         <title>Syntax</title>
1166         <synopsis><function>find-database</function> <replaceable>database</replaceable> &amp;optional <replaceable>errorp</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
1167       </refsect1>
1168       <refsect1>
1169         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1170         <variablelist>
1171           <varlistentry>
1172             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1173             <listitem>
1174               <para>A database object or a string, denoting a database 
1175                 name.</para>
1176             </listitem>
1177           </varlistentry>
1178           <varlistentry>
1179             <term><parameter>errorp</parameter></term>
1180             <listitem>
1181               <para>A generalized boolean.  Defaults to
1182                 <symbol>t</symbol>.</para>
1183             </listitem>
1184           </varlistentry>
1185           <varlistentry>
1186             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
1187             <listitem>
1188               <para>Either a database object, or, if
1189                 <parameter>errorp</parameter> is <symbol>nil</symbol>, 
1190                 possibly <symbol>nil</symbol>.</para>
1191             </listitem>
1192           </varlistentry>
1193         </variablelist>
1194       </refsect1>
1195       <refsect1>
1196         <title>Description</title>
1197         <para><function>find-database</function> locates an active
1198           database object given the specification in
1199           <parameter>database</parameter>.  If
1200           <parameter>database</parameter> is an object of type
1201           <type>database</type>, <function>find-database</function>
1202           returns this.  Otherwise it will search the active databases 
1203           as indicated by the list returned by
1204           <function>connected-databases</function> for a database
1205           whose name (as returned by
1206           <function>database-name</function> is equal as per
1207           <function>string=</function> to the string passed as
1208           <parameter>database</parameter>.  If it succeeds, it returns 
1209           the first database found.</para>
1210         <para>If it fails to find a matching database, it will signal
1211           an error of type <errortype>maisql-error</errortype> if
1212           <parameter>errorp</parameter> is true.  If
1213           <parameter>errorp</parameter> is <symbol>nil</symbol>, it
1214           will return <symbol>nil</symbol> instead.</para>
1215       </refsect1>
1216       <refsect1>
1217         <title>Examples</title>
1218         <programlisting>
1219 (database-name-from-spec '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :mysql)
1220 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1221 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
1223 (database-name *default-database*)
1224 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1226 (database-name-from-spec '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1227 => "/template1/dent"
1228 (connect '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :database-type :postgresql)
1230 (database-name *default-database*)
1231 => "/template1/dent"
1233 (database-name-from-spec '("www.pmsf.de" "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1234 => "www.pmsf.de/template1/dent"
1236 (find-database "dent/newesim/dent")
1237 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {484E91C5}>
1238 (find-database "/template1/dent")
1240 (find-database "www.pmsf.de/template1/dent" nil)
1241 => NIL
1242 (find-database **)
1244         </programlisting>
1245       </refsect1>
1246       <refsect1>
1247         <title>Side Effects</title>
1248         <para>None.</para>
1249       </refsect1>
1250       <refsect1>
1251         <title>Affected By</title>
1252         <para>
1253         <simplelist>
1254           <member><link linkend="connected-databases"><function>connected-databases</function></link></member>
1255         </simplelist>
1256         </para>
1257       </refsect1>
1258       <refsect1>
1259         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1260         <para>Will signal an error of type
1261         <errortype>maisql-error</errortype> if no matching database
1262           can be found, and <parameter>errorp</parameter> is true.
1263           Will signal an error if the value of
1264           <parameter>database</parameter> is neither an object of type
1265           <type>database</type> nor a string.</para>
1266       </refsect1>
1267       <refsect1>
1268         <title>See Also</title>
1269         <para>
1270         <simplelist>
1271           <member><link
1272           linkend="database-name"><function>database-name</function></link></member>
1273           <member><link
1274           linkend="database-name-from-spec"><function>database-name-from-spec</function></link></member>
1275         </simplelist>
1276         </para>
1277       </refsect1>
1278       <refsect1>
1279         <title>Notes</title>
1280         <para>None.</para>
1281       </refsect1>
1282     </refentry>
1283     <refentry id="connect">
1284       <refnamediv>
1285         <refname>CONNECT</refname>
1286         <refpurpose>create a connection to a database</refpurpose>
1287         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1288       </refnamediv>
1289       <refsect1>
1290         <title>Syntax</title>
1291         <synopsis><function>connect</function> <replaceable>connection-spec</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>if-exists</replaceable> <replaceable>database-type</replaceable> => <returnvalue>database</returnvalue></synopsis>
1292       </refsect1>
1293       <refsect1>
1294         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1295         <variablelist>
1296           <varlistentry>
1297             <term><parameter>connection-spec</parameter></term>
1298             <listitem>
1299               <para>A connection specification</para>
1300             </listitem>
1301           </varlistentry>
1302           <varlistentry>
1303             <term><parameter>if-exists</parameter></term>
1304             <listitem>
1305               <para>This indicates the action to take if a connection
1306                 to the same database exists already.  See below for the
1307                 legal values and actions.  It defaults to the value of 
1308                 <symbol>*connect-if-exists*</symbol>.</para>
1309             </listitem>
1310           </varlistentry>
1311           <varlistentry>
1312             <term><parameter>database-type</parameter></term>
1313             <listitem>
1314               <para>A database type specifier, i.e. a keyword.
1315                 This defaults to the value of
1316                 <symbol>*default-database-type*</symbol></para>
1317             </listitem>
1318           </varlistentry>
1319           <varlistentry>
1320             <term><returnvalue>database</returnvalue></term>
1321             <listitem>
1322               <para>The database object representing the connection.</para>
1323             </listitem>
1324           </varlistentry>
1325         </variablelist>
1326       </refsect1>
1327       <refsect1>
1328         <title>Description</title>
1329         <para>This function takes a connection specification and
1330           a database type and creates a connection to the database
1331           specified by those.  The type and structure of the
1332           connection specification depend on the database type.</para> 
1333         <para>The parameter <parameter>if-exists</parameter> specifies
1334           what to do if a connection to the database specified exists
1335           already, which is checked by calling
1336           <function>find-database</function> on the database name
1337           returned by <function>database-name-from-spec</function>
1338           when called with the <parameter>connection-spec</parameter>
1339           and <parameter>database-type</parameter> parameters. The
1340           possible values of <parameter>if-exists</parameter> are:
1341           <variablelist>
1342             <varlistentry>
1343               <term><symbol>:new</symbol></term>
1344               <listitem>
1345                 <para>Go ahead and create a new connection.</para>
1346               </listitem>
1347             </varlistentry>
1348             <varlistentry>
1349               <term><symbol>:warn-new</symbol></term>
1350               <listitem>
1351                 <para>This is just like <symbol>:new</symbol>, but
1352                   also signals a warning of type
1353                   <errortype>maisql-exists-warning</errortype>,
1354                   indicating the old and newly created
1355                   databases.</para>
1356               </listitem>
1357             </varlistentry>
1358             <varlistentry>
1359               <term><symbol>:error</symbol></term>
1360               <listitem>
1361                 <para>This will cause <function>connect</function> to
1362                   signal a correctable error of type
1363                   <errortype>maisql-exists-error</errortype>.  The
1364                   user may choose to proceed, either by indicating
1365                   that a new connection shall be created, via the
1366                   restart <symbol>create-new</symbol>, or by
1367                   indicating that the existing connection shall be
1368                   used, via the restart
1369                   <symbol>use-old</symbol>.</para>
1370               </listitem>
1371             </varlistentry>
1372             <varlistentry>
1373               <term><symbol>:old</symbol></term>
1374               <listitem>
1375                 <para>This will cause <function>connect</function> to
1376                   use an old connection if one exists.</para>
1377               </listitem>
1378             </varlistentry>
1379             <varlistentry>
1380               <term><symbol>:warn-old</symbol></term>
1381               <listitem>
1382                 <para>This is just like <symbol>:old</symbol>, but
1383                   also signals a warning of type
1384                   <errortype>maisql-exists-warning</errortype>,
1385                   indicating the old database used, via the slots
1386                   <symbol>old-db</symbol> and
1387                   <symbol>new-db</symbol></para>
1388               </listitem>
1389             </varlistentry>
1390           </variablelist>
1391         </para>
1392         <para>The database name of the returned database object will
1393           be the same under <function>string=</function> as that which
1394           would be returned by a call to
1395           <function>database-name-from-spec</function> with the given 
1396           <parameter>connection-spec</parameter> and
1397           <parameter>database-type</parameter> parameters.</para>
1398       </refsect1>
1399       <refsect1>
1400         <title>Examples</title>
1401         <programlisting>
1402 (database-name-from-spec '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :mysql)
1403 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1404 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
1405 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48036F6D}>
1406 (database-name *)
1407 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1409 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
1410 >> In call to CONNECT:
1411 >>   There is an existing connection #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {48036F6D}> to database dent/newesim/dent.
1412 >> 
1413 >> Restarts:
1414 >>   0: [CREATE-NEW] Create a new connection.
1415 >>   1: [USE-OLD   ] Use the existing connection.
1416 >>   2: [ABORT     ] Return to Top-Level.
1417 >> 
1418 >> Debug  (type H for help)
1419 >> 
1420 >> (CONNECT ("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :IF-EXISTS NIL :DATABASE-TYPE ...)
1421 >> Source: 
1422 >> ; File: /prj/CLSQL/sql/sql.cl
1424 >>               (CREATE-NEW NIL :REPORT "Create a new connection."
1425 >>                (SETQ RESULT #))
1426 >>               (USE-OLD NIL :REPORT "Use the existing connection."
1427 >>                (SETQ RESULT OLD-DB)))
1428 >> 0] 0
1429 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {480451F5}>
1430         </programlisting>
1431       </refsect1>
1432       <refsect1>
1433         <title>Side Effects</title>
1434         <para>A database connection is established, and the resultant
1435           database object is registered, so as to appear in the list
1436           returned by <function>connected-databases</function>.</para>
1437       </refsect1>
1438       <refsect1>
1439         <title>Affected by</title>
1440         <para>
1441         <simplelist>
1442           <member><symbol>*default-database-type*</symbol></member>
1443           <member><symbol>*connect-if-exists*</symbol></member>
1444         </simplelist>
1445         </para>
1446       </refsect1>
1447       <refsect1>
1448         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1449         <para>If the connection specification is not syntactically or
1450           semantically correct for the given database type, an error
1451           of type <errortype>maisql-invalid-spec-error</errortype> is
1452           signalled.  If during the connection attempt an error is
1453           detected (e.g. because of permission problems, network
1454           trouble  or any other cause), an error of type
1455           <errortype>maisql-connect-error</errortype> is
1456           signalled.</para>
1457         <para>If a connection to the database specified by
1458           <parameter>connection-spec</parameter> exists already,
1459           conditions are signalled according to the
1460           <parameter>if-exists</parameter> parameter, as described
1461           above.</para>
1462       </refsect1>
1463       <refsect1>
1464         <title>See Also</title>
1465         <para>
1466         <simplelist>
1467           <member><function>connected-databases</function></member>
1468           <member><link linkend="disconnect"><function>disconnect</function></link></member>
1469         </simplelist>
1470         </para>
1471       </refsect1>
1472       <refsect1>
1473         <title>Notes</title>
1474         <para>None.</para>
1475       </refsect1>
1476     </refentry>
1477     <refentry id="disconnect">
1478       <refnamediv>
1479         <refname>DISCONNECT</refname>
1480         <refpurpose>close a database connection</refpurpose>
1481         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1482       </refnamediv>
1483       <refsect1>
1484         <title>Syntax</title>
1485         <synopsis><function>disconnect</function> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue>t</returnvalue></synopsis>
1486       </refsect1>
1487       <refsect1>
1488         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1489         <variablelist>
1490           <varlistentry>
1491             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1492             <listitem>
1493               <para>The database to disconnect, which defaults to the
1494                 database indicated by
1495                 <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
1496             </listitem>
1497           </varlistentry>
1498         </variablelist>
1499       </refsect1>
1500       <refsect1>
1501         <title>Description</title>
1502         <para>This function takes a <type>database</type> object as
1503           returned by <function>connect</function>, and closes the
1504           connection.  The class of the object passed is changed to
1505           <type>closed-database</type> after the disconnection
1506           succeeds,  thereby preventing further use of the object as
1507           an argument to &clsql; functions,
1508           with the exception of <function>database-name</function>.
1509           If the user does pass a  closed database object to any other
1510           &clsql; function, an error of type
1511           <errortype>maisql-closed-error</errortype> is
1512           signalled.</para>
1513       </refsect1>
1514       <refsect1>
1515         <title>Examples</title>
1516         <programlisting>
1517 (disconnect :database (find-database "dent/newesim/dent"))
1518 => T
1519         </programlisting>
1520       </refsect1>
1521       <refsect1>
1522         <title>Side Effects</title>
1523         <para>The database connection is closed, and the database
1524           object is removed from the list of connected databases as
1525           returned by <function>connected-databases</function>.</para>
1526         <para>The class of the database object is changed to
1527           <type>closed-database</type>.</para>
1528         <para>If the database object passed is the same under
1529           <function>eq</function> as the value of
1530           <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>, then
1531           <symbol>*default-database*</symbol> is set to the first
1532           remaining database from
1533           <function>connected-databases</function> or to nil if no
1534           further active database exists.</para>
1535       </refsect1>
1536       <refsect1>
1537         <title>Affected by</title>
1538         <para>
1539         <simplelist>
1540           <member><symbol>*default-database*</symbol></member>
1541         </simplelist>
1542         </para>
1543       </refsect1>
1544       <refsect1>
1545         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1546         <para>If during the disconnection attempt an error is
1547           detected (e.g. because of network trouble or any other
1548           cause), an error of type <errortype>maisql-error</errortype> 
1549           might be signalled.</para>
1550       </refsect1>
1551       <refsect1>
1552         <title>See Also</title>
1553         <para>
1554         <simplelist>
1555           <member><link linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link></member>
1556           <member><link linkend="connect"><function>closed-database</function></link></member>
1557         </simplelist>
1558         </para>
1559       </refsect1>
1560       <refsect1>
1561         <title>Notes</title>
1562         <para>None.</para>
1563       </refsect1>
1564     </refentry>
1565     <refentry id="database-name-from-spec">
1566       <refnamediv>
1567         <refname>DATABASE-NAME-FROM-SPEC</refname>
1568         <refpurpose>Return the database name string corresponding to
1569           the given connection specification.</refpurpose>
1570         <refclass>Generic Function</refclass>
1571       </refnamediv>
1572       <refsect1>
1573         <title>Syntax</title>
1574         <synopsis>
1575           <function>database-name-from-spec</function> <replaceable>connection-spec</replaceable> <replaceable>database-type</replaceable> => <returnvalue>name</returnvalue></synopsis>
1576       </refsect1>
1577       <refsect1>
1578         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1579         <variablelist>
1580           <varlistentry>
1581             <term><parameter>connection-spec</parameter></term>
1582             <listitem>
1583               <para>A connection specification, whose structure and
1584                 interpretation are dependent on the
1585                 <parameter>database-type</parameter>.</para>
1586             </listitem>
1587           </varlistentry>
1588           <varlistentry>
1589             <term><parameter>database-type</parameter></term>
1590             <listitem>
1591               <para>A database type specifier, i.e. a keyword.</para>
1592             </listitem>
1593           </varlistentry>
1594           <varlistentry>
1595             <term><returnvalue>name</returnvalue></term>
1596             <listitem>
1597               <para>A string denoting a database name.</para>
1598             </listitem>
1599           </varlistentry>
1600         </variablelist>
1601       </refsect1>
1602       <refsect1>
1603         <title>Description</title>
1604         <para>This generic function takes a connection specification
1605           and a database type and returns the database name of the
1606           database object that would be created had
1607           <function>connect</function> been called with the given
1608           connection specification and database types.</para>
1609         <para>This function is useful in determining a database name
1610           from the connection specification, since the way the
1611           connection specification is converted into a database name
1612           is dependent on the database type.</para>
1613       </refsect1>
1614       <refsect1>
1615         <title>Examples</title>
1616         <programlisting>
1617 (database-name-from-spec '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :mysql)
1618 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1619 (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent") :database-type :mysql)
1621 (database-name *default-database*)
1622 => "dent/newesim/dent"
1624 (database-name-from-spec '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1625 => "/template1/dent"
1626 (connect '(nil "template1" "dent" nil) :database-type :postgresql)
1628 (database-name *default-database*)
1629 => "/template1/dent"
1631 (database-name-from-spec '("www.pmsf.de" "template1" "dent" nil) :postgresql)
1632 => "www.pmsf.de/template1/dent"
1634 (find-database "dent/newesim/dent")
1635 => #&lt;CLSQL-MYSQL:MYSQL-DATABASE {484E91C5}>
1636 (find-database "/template1/dent")
1638 (find-database "www.pmsf.de/template1/dent" nil)
1639 => NIL
1640 (find-database **)
1642         </programlisting>
1643       </refsect1>
1644       <refsect1>
1645         <title>Side Effects</title>
1646         <para>None.</para>
1647       </refsect1>
1648       <refsect1>
1649         <title>Affected by</title>
1650         <para>None.</para>
1651       </refsect1>
1652       <refsect1>
1653         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1654         <para>If the value of <parameter>connection-spec</parameter>
1655           is not a valid connection specification for the given
1656           database type, an error of type
1657           <errortype>maisql-invalid-spec-error</errortype> might be
1658           signalled.</para>
1659       </refsect1>
1660       <refsect1>
1661         <title>See Also</title>
1662         <para>
1663         <simplelist>
1664           <member><link linkend="connect"><function>connect</function></link></member>
1665         </simplelist>
1666         </para>
1667       </refsect1>
1668       <refsect1>
1669         <title>Notes</title>
1670         <para>None.</para>
1671       </refsect1>
1672     </refentry>
1673     <!-- Querying Operations -->
1674     <refentry id="execute-command">
1675       <refnamediv>
1676         <refname>EXECUTE-COMMAND</refname>
1677         <refpurpose>Execute an SQL command which returns no
1678           values.</refpurpose>
1679         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1680       </refnamediv>
1681       <refsect1>
1682         <title>Syntax</title>
1683         <synopsis><function>execute-command</function> <replaceable>sql-expression</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> => <returnvalue>t</returnvalue></synopsis>
1684       </refsect1>
1685       <refsect1>
1686         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1687         <variablelist>
1688           <varlistentry>
1689             <term><parameter>sql-expression</parameter></term>
1690             <listitem>
1691               <para>An <glossterm linkend="gloss-sql-expression">sql
1692                   expression</glossterm> that represents an SQL
1693                 statement which will return no values.</para>
1694             </listitem>
1695           </varlistentry>
1696           <varlistentry>
1697             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1698             <listitem>
1699               <para>A 
1700                 <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
1701                   object</glossterm>. This will default to the value
1702                 of <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
1703             </listitem>
1704           </varlistentry>
1705         </variablelist>
1706       </refsect1>
1707       <refsect1>
1708         <title>Description</title>
1709         <para>This will execute the command given by
1710           <parameter>sql-expression</parameter> in the
1711           <parameter>database</parameter> specified.  If the execution 
1712           succeeds it will return <symbol>t</symbol>, otherwise an
1713           error of type <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> will
1714           be signalled.</para>
1715       </refsect1>
1716       <refsect1>
1717         <title>Examples</title>
1718         <programlisting>
1719 (execute-command "create table eventlog (time char(30),event char(70))")
1720 => T
1722 (execute-command "create table eventlog (time char(30),event char(70))")
1723 >> 
1724 >> While accessing database #&lt;CLSQL-POSTGRESQL:POSTGRESQL-DATABASE {480B2B6D}>
1725 >>   with expression "create table eventlog (time char(30),event char(70))":
1726 >>   Error NIL: ERROR:  amcreate: eventlog relation already exists
1727 >>   has occurred.
1728 >> 
1729 >> Restarts:
1730 >>   0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level.
1731 >> 
1732 >> Debug  (type H for help)
1733 >> 
1735 >>  #&lt;unused-arg>
1736 >>  #&lt;unused-arg>
1737 >>  #&lt;unavailable-arg>
1738 >>  #&lt;unavailable-arg>)
1740 >> 0] 0
1742 (execute-command "drop table eventlog")
1743 => T
1744         </programlisting>
1745       </refsect1>
1746       <refsect1>
1747         <title>Side Effects</title>
1748         <para>Whatever effects the execution of the SQL statement has
1749           on the underlying database, if any.</para>
1750       </refsect1>
1751       <refsect1>
1752         <title>Affected by</title>
1753         <para>None.</para>
1754       </refsect1>
1755       <refsect1>
1756         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1757         <para>If the execution of  the SQL statement leads to any
1758           errors, an error of type
1759           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> is signalled.</para>
1760       </refsect1>
1761       <refsect1>
1762         <title>See Also</title>
1763         <para>
1764         <simplelist>
1765           <member><link linkend="query"><function>query</function></link></member>
1766         </simplelist>
1767         </para>
1768       </refsect1>
1769       <refsect1>
1770         <title>Notes</title>
1771         <para>None.</para>
1772       </refsect1>
1773     </refentry>
1774     <refentry id="query">
1775       <refnamediv>
1776         <refname>QUERY</refname>
1777         <refpurpose>Execute an SQL query and return the tuples as a
1778           list</refpurpose>
1779         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1780       </refnamediv>
1781       <refsect1>
1782         <title>Syntax</title>
1783         <synopsis><function>query</function> <replaceable>query-expression</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> <replaceable>types</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
1784       </refsect1>
1785       <refsect1>
1786         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1787         <variablelist>
1788           <varlistentry>
1789             <term><parameter>query-expression</parameter></term>
1790             <listitem>
1791               <para>An <glossterm linkend="gloss-sql-expression">sql
1792                   expression</glossterm> that represents an SQL
1793                 query which is expected to return a (possibly empty)
1794                 result set.</para>
1795             </listitem>
1796           </varlistentry>
1797           <varlistentry>
1798             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1799             <listitem>
1800               <para>A 
1801                 <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
1802                   object</glossterm>. This will default to the value
1803                 of <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
1804             </listitem>
1805           </varlistentry>
1806           <varlistentry>
1807             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
1808             <listitem>
1809               <para>A list representing the result set obtained.  For
1810                 each tuple in the result set, there is an element in
1811                 this list, which is itself a list of all the attribute 
1812                 values in the tuple.</para>
1813             </listitem>
1814           </varlistentry>
1815         </variablelist>
1816       </refsect1>
1817       <refsect1>
1818         <title>Description</title>
1819         <para>This will execute the query given by
1820           <parameter>query-expression</parameter> in the
1821           <parameter>database</parameter> specified.  If the execution 
1822           succeeds it will return the result set returned by the
1823           database, otherwise an error of type
1824           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> will 
1825           be signalled.</para>
1826       </refsect1>
1827       <refsect1>
1828         <title>Examples</title>
1829         <programlisting>
1830 (execute-command "create table simple (name char(50), salary numeric(10,2))")
1831 => T
1832 (execute-command "insert into simple values ('Mai, Pierre',10000)")
1833 => T
1834 (execute-command "insert into simple values ('Hacker, Random J.',8000.50)")
1835 => T
1836 (query "select * from simple")
1837 => (("Mai, Pierre" "10000.00") ("Hacker, Random J." "8000.50"))
1838 (query "select salary from simple")
1839 => (("10000.00") ("8000.50"))
1840 (query "select salary from simple where salary > 10000")
1841 => NIL
1842 (query "select salary,name from simple where salary > 10000")
1843 => NIL
1844 (query "select salary,name from simple where salary > 9000")
1845 => (("10000.00" "Mai, Pierre"))
1846 (query "select salary,name from simple where salary > 8000")
1847 => (("10000.00" "Mai, Pierre") ("8000.50" "Hacker, Random J."))
1849 ;; MySQL-specific:
1850 (query "show tables")
1851 => (("demo") ("log") ("newlog") ("simple") ("spacetrial"))
1852         </programlisting>
1853       </refsect1>
1854       <refsect1>
1855         <title>Side Effects</title>
1856         <para>Whatever effects the execution of the SQL query has
1857           on the underlying database, if any.</para>
1858       </refsect1>
1859       <refsect1>
1860         <title>Affected by</title>
1861         <para>None.</para>
1862       </refsect1>
1863       <refsect1>
1864         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
1865         <para>If the execution of  the SQL query leads to any
1866           errors, an error of type
1867           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> is signalled.</para>
1868       </refsect1>
1869       <refsect1>
1870         <title>See Also</title>
1871         <para>
1872         <simplelist>
1873           <member><link linkend="execute-command"><function>execute-command</function></link></member>
1874         </simplelist>
1875         </para>
1876       </refsect1>
1877       <refsect1>
1878         <title>Notes</title>
1879         <para>None.</para>
1880       </refsect1>
1881     </refentry>
1882     <!-- Iteration -->
1883     <refentry id="map-query">
1884       <refnamediv>
1885         <refname>MAP-QUERY</refname>
1886         <refpurpose>Map a function over all the tuples from a
1887           query</refpurpose>
1888         <refclass>Function</refclass>
1889       </refnamediv>
1890       <refsect1>
1891         <title>Syntax</title>
1892         <synopsis><function>map-query</function> <replaceable>output-type-spec</replaceable> <replaceable>function</replaceable> <replaceable>query-expression</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> <replaceable>types</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
1893       </refsect1>
1894       <refsect1>
1895         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
1896         <variablelist>
1897           <varlistentry>
1898             <term><parameter>output-type-spec</parameter></term>
1899             <listitem>
1900               <para>A sequence type specifier or <symbol>nil</symbol>.</para>
1901             </listitem>
1902           </varlistentry>
1903           <varlistentry>
1904             <term><parameter>function</parameter></term>
1905             <listitem>
1906               <para>A function designator.
1907                 <parameter>function</parameter> must take as many
1908                 arguments as are attributes in the result set returned
1909                 by executing the SQL
1910                 <parameter>query-expression</parameter>.</para>
1911             </listitem>
1912           </varlistentry>
1913           <varlistentry>
1914             <term><parameter>query-expression</parameter></term>
1915             <listitem>
1916               <para>An <glossterm linkend="gloss-sql-expression">sql
1917                   expression</glossterm> that represents an SQL
1918                 query which is expected to return a (possibly empty)
1919                 result set, where each tuple has as many attributes as 
1920                 <parameter>function</parameter> takes arguments.</para>
1921             </listitem>
1922           </varlistentry>
1923           <varlistentry>
1924             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
1925             <listitem>
1926               <para>A 
1927                 <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
1928                   object</glossterm>. This will default to the value
1929                 of <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
1930             </listitem>
1931           </varlistentry>
1932           <varlistentry>
1933             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
1934             <listitem>
1935               <para>If <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter> is a
1936                 type specifier other than <symbol>nil</symbol>, then a 
1937                 sequence of the type it denotes.  Otherwise
1938                 <symbol>nil</symbol> is returned.</para>
1939             </listitem>
1940           </varlistentry>
1941         </variablelist>
1942       </refsect1>
1943       <refsect1>
1944         <title>Description</title>
1945         <para>Applies <parameter>function</parameter> to the
1946           attributes of successive tuples in the result set returned
1947           by executing the SQL
1948           <parameter>query-expression</parameter>.  If the
1949           <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter> is
1950           <symbol>nil</symbol>, then the result of each application
1951           of <parameter>function</parameter> is discarded, and
1952           <function>map-query</function> returns
1953           <symbol>nil</symbol>.  Otherwise the result of each
1954           successive application of <parameter>function</parameter> is 
1955           collected in a sequence of type
1956           <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter>, where the jths
1957           element is the result of applying
1958           <parameter>function</parameter> to the attributes of the
1959           jths tuple in the result set.  The collected sequence is the 
1960           result of the call to <function>map-query</function>.
1961         </para>
1962         <para>If the <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter> is a
1963           subtype of <type>list</type>, the result will be a
1964           <type>list</type>.</para>
1965         <para>If the <parameter>result-type</parameter> is a subtype
1966           of <type>vector</type>, then if the implementation can
1967           determine the element type specified for the
1968           <parameter>result-type</parameter>, the element type of the
1969           resulting array is the result of
1970           <emphasis>upgrading</emphasis> that element type; or, if the
1971           implementation can determine that the element type is
1972           unspecified (or <symbol>*</symbol>), the element type of the
1973           resulting array is <type>t</type>; otherwise, an error is
1974           signaled.</para>
1975       </refsect1>
1976       <refsect1>
1977         <title>Examples</title>
1978         <programlisting>
1979 (map-query 'list #'(lambda (salary name) 
1980                      (declare (ignorable name))
1981                      (read-from-string salary))
1982            "select salary,name from simple where salary > 8000")
1983 => (10000.0 8000.5)
1985 (map-query '(vector double-float)
1986            #'(lambda (salary name)
1987                (declare (ignorable name))
1988                (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
1989                  (coerce (read-from-string salary) 'double-float))
1990                   "select salary,name from simple where salary > 8000"))
1991 => #(10000.0d0 8000.5d0)
1992 (type-of *)
1995 (let (list)
1996   (values (map-query nil #'(lambda (salary name) 
1997                              (push (cons name (read-from-string salary)) list))
1998                      "select salary,name from simple where salary > 8000")
1999           list))
2000 => NIL
2001 => (("Hacker, Random J." . 8000.5) ("Mai, Pierre" . 10000.0))
2002         </programlisting>
2003       </refsect1>
2004       <refsect1>
2005         <title>Side Effects</title>
2006         <para>Whatever effects the execution of the SQL query has
2007           on the underlying database, if any.</para>
2008       </refsect1>
2009       <refsect1>
2010         <title>Affected by</title>
2011         <para>None.</para>
2012       </refsect1>
2013       <refsect1>
2014         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
2015         <para>If the execution of  the SQL query leads to any
2016           errors, an error of type
2017           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> is signalled.</para>
2018         <para>An error of type <errortype>type-error</errortype> must
2019           be signaled if the <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter> is
2020           not a recognizable subtype of <type>list</type>, not a
2021           recognizable subtype of <type>vector</type>, and not
2022           <symbol>nil</symbol>.</para>
2023         <para>An error of type <errortype>type-error</errortype>
2024           should be signaled if
2025           <parameter>output-type-spec</parameter> specifies the number
2026           of elements and the size of the result set is different from
2027           that number.</para>
2028       </refsect1>
2029       <refsect1>
2030         <title>See Also</title>
2031         <para>
2032         <simplelist>
2033           <member><link linkend="query"><function>query</function></link></member>
2034           <member><link linkend="do-query"><function>do-query</function></link></member>
2035         </simplelist>
2036         </para>
2037       </refsect1>
2038       <refsect1>
2039         <title>Notes</title>
2040         <para>None.</para>
2041       </refsect1>
2042     </refentry>
2043     <refentry id="do-query">
2044       <refnamediv>
2045         <refname>DO-QUERY</refname>
2046         <refpurpose>Iterate over all the tuples of a
2047         query</refpurpose>
2048         <refclass>Macro</refclass>
2049       </refnamediv>
2050       <refsect1>
2051         <title>Syntax</title>
2052         <synopsis><function>do-query</function> ((&amp;rest <replaceable>args</replaceable>) <replaceable>query-expression</replaceable> &amp;key <replaceable>database</replaceable> <replaceable>types</replaceable>) &amp;body <replaceable>body</replaceable> => <returnvalue>nil</returnvalue></synopsis>
2053       </refsect1>
2054       <refsect1>
2055         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
2056         <variablelist>
2057           <varlistentry>
2058             <term><parameter>args</parameter></term>
2059             <listitem>
2060               <para>A list of variable names.</para>
2061             </listitem>
2062           </varlistentry>
2063           <varlistentry>
2064             <term><parameter>query-expression</parameter></term>
2065             <listitem>
2066               <para>An <glossterm linkend="gloss-sql-expression">sql
2067                   expression</glossterm> that represents an SQL
2068                 query which is expected to return a (possibly empty)
2069                 result set, where each tuple has as many attributes as
2070                 <parameter>function</parameter> takes arguments.</para>
2071             </listitem>
2072           </varlistentry>
2073           <varlistentry>
2074             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
2075             <listitem>
2076               <para>A 
2077                 <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
2078                   object</glossterm>. This will default to
2079                 <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
2080             </listitem>
2081           </varlistentry>
2082           <varlistentry>
2083             <term><parameter>body</parameter></term>
2084             <listitem>
2085               <para>A body of Lisp code, like in a
2086                 <function>destructuring-bind</function> form.</para>
2087             </listitem>
2088           </varlistentry>
2089         </variablelist>
2090       </refsect1>
2091       <refsect1>
2092         <title>Description</title>
2093         <para>Executes the <parameter>body</parameter> of code
2094           repeatedly with the variable names in
2095           <parameter>args</parameter> bound to the attributes of each
2096           tuple in the result set returned by executing the SQL
2097           <parameter>query-expression</parameter> on the
2098           <parameter>database</parameter> specified.</para>
2099         <para>The body of code is executed in a block named
2100           <symbol>nil</symbol> which may be returned from prematurely
2101           via <function>return</function> or
2102           <function>return-from</function>.  In this case the result
2103           of evaluating the <function>do-query</function> form will be 
2104           the one supplied to <function>return</function> or
2105           <function>return-from</function>.  Otherwise the result will 
2106           be <symbol>nil</symbol>.</para>
2107         <para>The body of code appears also is if wrapped in a
2108           <function>destructuring-bind</function> form, thus allowing
2109           declarations at the start of the body, especially those
2110           pertaining to the bindings of the variables named in
2111           <parameter>args</parameter>.</para>
2112       </refsect1>
2113       <refsect1>
2114         <title>Examples</title>
2115         <programlisting>
2116 (do-query ((salary name) "select salary,name from simple")
2117   (format t "~30A gets $~2,5$~%" name (read-from-string salary)))
2118 >> Mai, Pierre                    gets $10000.00
2119 >> Hacker, Random J.              gets $08000.50
2120 => NIL
2122 (do-query ((salary name) "select salary,name from simple")
2123   (return (cons salary name)))
2124 => ("10000.00" . "Mai, Pierre")
2125         </programlisting>
2126       </refsect1>
2127       <refsect1>
2128         <title>Side Effects</title>
2129         <para>Whatever effects the execution of the SQL query has
2130           on the underlying database, if any.</para>
2131       </refsect1>
2132       <refsect1>
2133         <title>Affected by</title>
2134         <para>None.</para>
2135       </refsect1>
2136       <refsect1>
2137         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
2138         <para>If the execution of  the SQL query leads to any
2139           errors, an error of type
2140           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> is signalled.</para>
2141         <para>If the number of variable names in
2142           <parameter>args</parameter> and the number of attributes in
2143           the tuples in the result set don't match up, an error is
2144           signalled.</para>
2145       </refsect1>
2146       <refsect1>
2147         <title>See Also</title>
2148         <para>
2149         <simplelist>
2150           <member><link linkend="query"><function>query</function></link></member>
2151           <member><link linkend="map-query"><function>map-query</function></link></member>
2152         </simplelist>
2153         </para>
2154       </refsect1>
2155       <refsect1>
2156         <title>Notes</title>
2157         <para>None.</para>
2158       </refsect1>
2159     </refentry>
2160     <refentry id="loop-tuples">
2161       <refnamediv>
2162         <refname>LOOP-FOR-AS-TUPLES</refname>
2163         <refpurpose>Iterate over all the tuples of a
2164         query via a loop clause</refpurpose>
2165         <refclass>Loop Clause</refclass>
2166       </refnamediv>
2167       <refsect1>
2168         <title>Compatibility</title>
2169         <caution><para><function>loop-for-as-tuples</function> only works with &cmucl;.</para></caution>
2170       </refsect1>
2171       <refsect1>
2172         <title>Syntax</title>
2173         <synopsis><replaceable>var</replaceable> [<replaceable>type-spec</replaceable>] being {each | the} {record | records | tuple | tuples} {in | of} <replaceable>query</replaceable> [from <replaceable>database</replaceable>]</synopsis>
2174       </refsect1>
2175       <refsect1>
2176         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
2177         <variablelist>
2178           <varlistentry>
2179             <term><parameter>var</parameter></term>
2180             <listitem>
2181               <para>A <literal>d-var-spec</literal>, as defined in the 
2182                 grammar for <function>loop</function>-clauses in the
2183                 ANSI Standard for Common Lisp.  This allows for the
2184                 usual loop-style destructuring.</para>
2185             </listitem>
2186           </varlistentry>
2187           <varlistentry>
2188             <term><parameter>type-spec</parameter></term>
2189             <listitem>
2190               <para>An optional <literal>type-spec</literal> either
2191                 simple or destructured, as defined in the grammar for
2192                 <function>loop</function>-clauses in the ANSI Standard
2193                 for Common Lisp.</para>
2194             </listitem>
2195           </varlistentry>
2196           <varlistentry>
2197             <term><parameter>query</parameter></term>
2198             <listitem>
2199               <para>An <glossterm linkend="gloss-sql-expression">sql
2200                   expression</glossterm> that represents an SQL
2201                 query which is expected to return a (possibly empty)
2202                 result set, where each tuple has as many attributes as
2203                 <parameter>function</parameter> takes arguments.</para>
2204             </listitem>
2205           </varlistentry>
2206           <varlistentry>
2207             <term><parameter>database</parameter></term>
2208             <listitem>
2209               <para>An optional
2210                 <glossterm linkend="gloss-database-object">database
2211                   object</glossterm>. This will default to the value
2212                 of <symbol>*default-database*</symbol>.</para>
2213             </listitem>
2214           </varlistentry>
2215         </variablelist>
2216       </refsect1>
2217       <refsect1>
2218         <title>Description</title>
2219         <para>This clause is an iteration driver for
2220         <function>loop</function>, that binds the given variable
2221           (possibly destructured) to the consecutive tuples (which are 
2222           represented as lists of attribute values) in the result set
2223           returned by executing the SQL <parameter>query</parameter>
2224           expression on the <parameter>database</parameter>
2225           specified.</para>
2226       </refsect1>
2227       <refsect1>
2228         <title>Examples</title>
2229         <programlisting>
2230 (defvar *my-db* (connect '("dent" "newesim" "dent" "dent"))
2231   "My database"
2232 => *MY-DB*
2233 (loop with time-graph = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
2234       with event-graph = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
2235       for (time event) being the tuples of "select time,event from log"
2236       from *my-db*
2237       do
2238       (incf (gethash time time-graph 0))
2239       (incf (gethash event event-graph 0))
2240       finally
2241       (flet ((show-graph (k v) (format t "~40A => ~5D~%" k v)))
2242         (format t "~&amp;Time-Graph:~%===========~%")
2243         (maphash #'show-graph time-graph)
2244         (format t "~&amp;~%Event-Graph:~%============~%")
2245         (maphash #'show-graph event-graph))
2246       (return (values time-graph event-graph)))
2247 >> Time-Graph:
2248 >> ===========
2249 >> D                                        => 53000
2250 >> X                                        =>     3
2251 >> test-me                                  =>  3000
2252 >> 
2253 >> Event-Graph:
2254 >> ============
2255 >> CLOS Benchmark entry.                    =>  9000
2256 >> Demo Text...                             =>     3
2257 >> doit-text                                =>  3000
2258 >> C    Benchmark entry.                    => 12000
2259 >> CLOS Benchmark entry                     => 32000
2260 => #&lt;EQUAL hash table, 3 entries {48350A1D}>
2261 => #&lt;EQUAL hash table, 5 entries {48350FCD}>
2262         </programlisting>
2263       </refsect1>
2264       <refsect1>
2265         <title>Side Effects</title>
2266         <para>Whatever effects the execution of the SQL query has
2267           on the underlying database, if any.</para>
2268       </refsect1>
2269       <refsect1>
2270         <title>Affected by</title>
2271         <para>None.</para>
2272       </refsect1>
2273       <refsect1>
2274         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
2275         <para>If the execution of  the SQL query leads to any
2276           errors, an error of type
2277           <errortype>maisql-sql-error</errortype> is signalled.</para>
2278         <para>Otherwise, any of the exceptional situations of
2279           <function>loop</function> applies.</para>
2280       </refsect1>
2281       <refsect1>
2282         <title>See Also</title>
2283         <para>
2284         <simplelist>
2285           <member><link linkend="query"><function>query</function></link></member>
2286           <member><link linkend="map-query"><function>map-query</function></link></member>
2287           <member><link linkend="do-query"><function>do-query</function></link></member>
2288         </simplelist>
2289         </para>
2290       </refsect1>
2291       <refsect1>
2292         <title>Notes</title>
2293         <para>None.</para>
2294       </refsect1>
2295     </refentry>
2296   </reference>
2298   <reference>
2299     <title><symbol>CLSQL-SYS</symbol></title>
2300     <partintro>
2301       <para>This part gives a reference to all the symbols exported
2302         from the package <symbol>CLSQL-SYS</symbol>, which are not also
2303         exported from <symbol>CLSQL</symbol>.  These symbols are part of
2304         the interface for database back-ends, but not part of the normal
2305         user-interface of &clsql;.</para>
2306     </partintro>
2307     <refentry id="database-initialize-database-type">
2308       <refnamediv>
2309         <refname>DATABASE-INITIALIZE-DATABASE-TYPE</refname>
2310         <refpurpose>Back-end part of <link
2311         linkend="initialize-database-type"><function>initialize-database-type</function></link>.</refpurpose>
2312         <refclass>Generic Function</refclass>
2313       </refnamediv>
2314       <refsect1>
2315         <title>Syntax</title>
2316         <synopsis><function>database-initialize-database-type</function> <replaceable>database-type</replaceable> => <returnvalue>result</returnvalue></synopsis>
2317       </refsect1>
2318       <refsect1>
2319         <title>Arguments and Values</title>
2320         <variablelist>
2321           <varlistentry>
2322             <term><parameter>database-type</parameter></term>
2323             <listitem>
2324               <para>A keyword indicating the database type to
2325                 initialize.</para>
2326             </listitem>
2327           </varlistentry>
2328           <varlistentry>
2329             <term><returnvalue>result</returnvalue></term>
2330             <listitem>
2331               <para>Either <symbol>t</symbol> if the initialization
2332                 succeeds or <symbol>nil</symbol> if it fails.</para>
2333             </listitem>
2334           </varlistentry>
2335         </variablelist>
2336       </refsect1>
2337       <refsect1>
2338         <title>Description</title>
2339         <para>This generic function implements the main part of the
2340           database type initialization performed by
2341           <function>initialize-database-type</function>.  After
2342           <function>initialize-database-type</function> has checked
2343           that the given database type has not been initialized
2344           before, as indicated by
2345           <symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol>, it will call
2346           this function with the database type as it's sole
2347           parameter.  Database back-ends are required to define a
2348           method on this generic function which is specialized via an
2349           eql-specializer to the keyword representing their database
2350           type.</para>
2351         <para>Database back-ends shall indicate successful
2352           initialization by returning <symbol>t</symbol> from their
2353           method, and <symbol>nil</symbol> otherwise.  Methods for
2354           this generic function are allowed to signal errors of type
2355           <errortype>maisql-error</errortype> or subtypes thereof.
2356           They may also signal other types of conditions, if
2357           appropriate, but have to document this.</para>
2358       </refsect1>
2359       <refsect1>
2360         <title>Examples</title>
2361         <para></para>
2362       </refsect1>
2363       <refsect1>
2364         <title>Side Effects</title>
2365         <para>All necessary side effects to initialize the database
2366           instance.</para>
2367       </refsect1>
2368       <refsect1>
2369         <title>Affected By</title>
2370         <para>None.</para>
2371       </refsect1>
2372       <refsect1>
2373         <title>Exceptional Situations</title>
2374         <para>Conditions of type <errortype>maisql-error</errortype>
2375           or other conditions may be signalled, depending on the
2376           database back-end.</para>
2377       </refsect1>
2378       <refsect1>
2379         <title>See Also</title>
2380         <para>
2381         <simplelist>
2382           <member><link
2383           linkend="initialize-database-type"><function>initialize-database-type</function></link></member>
2384           <member><link linkend="initialized-database-types"><symbol>*initialized-database-types*</symbol></link></member>
2385         </simplelist>
2386         </para>
2387       </refsect1>
2388       <refsect1>
2389         <title>Notes</title>
2390         <para>None.</para>
2391       </refsect1>
2392     </refentry>
2393   </reference>