;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: odbc -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: odbc-api.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Low-level ODBC API using UFFI ;;;; Authors: Kevin M. Rosenberg and Paul Meurer ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2004 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; and Copyright (C) Paul Meurer 1999 - 2001. All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:odbc) (defvar *null* nil "Lisp representation of SQL Null value, default = nil. May be locally bound to something else if a certain type is necessary.") (defvar *binary-format* :unsigned-byte-vector) (defvar *time-conversion-function* (lambda (universal-time &optional fraction) (declare (ignore fraction)) (clsql-sys:format-time nil (clsql-sys:utime->time universal-time) :format :iso) #+ignore universal-time) "Bound to a function that converts from a Lisp universal time fixnum (and a fractional as possible second argument) to the desired representation of date/time/timestamp. By default, returns an iso-timestring.") (defvar +null-ptr+ (make-null-pointer :byte)) (defparameter +null-handle-ptr+ (make-null-pointer :void)) (defvar *info-output* nil "Stream to send SUCCESS_WITH_INFO messages.") (defmacro %put-str (ptr string &optional max-length) (let ((size (gensym))) `(let ((,size (length ,string))) (when (and ,max-length (> ,size ,max-length)) (error 'clsql:sql-database-data-error :message (format nil "string \"~a\" of length ~d is longer than max-length: ~d" ,string ,size ,max-length))) (with-cast-pointer (char-ptr ,ptr :byte) (dotimes (i ,size) (setf (deref-array char-ptr '(:array :byte) i) (char-code (char ,string i)))) (setf (deref-array char-ptr '(:array :byte) ,size) 0))))) (defun %cstring-into-vector (ptr vector offset size-in-bytes) (dotimes (i size-in-bytes) (setf (schar vector offset) (ensure-char-character (deref-array ptr '(:array :unsigned-char) i))) (incf offset)) offset) (defun handle-error (henv hdbc hstmt) (let ((sql-state (allocate-foreign-string 256)) (error-message (allocate-foreign-string #.$SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH))) (with-foreign-objects ((error-code #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) (msg-length :short)) (SQLError henv hdbc hstmt sql-state error-code error-message #.$SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH msg-length) (let ((err (convert-from-foreign-string error-message)) (state (convert-from-foreign-string sql-state))) (free-foreign-object error-message) (free-foreign-object sql-state) (values err state (deref-pointer msg-length :short) (deref-pointer error-code #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)))))) (defun sql-state (henv hdbc hstmt) (let ((sql-state (allocate-foreign-string 256)) (error-message (allocate-foreign-string #.$SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH))) (with-foreign-objects ((error-code #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) (msg-length :short)) (SQLError henv hdbc hstmt sql-state error-code error-message #.$SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH msg-length) (let ((state (convert-from-foreign-string sql-state))) (free-foreign-object error-message) (free-foreign-object sql-state) state ;; test this: return a keyword for efficiency ;;(%cstring-to-keyword state) )))) (defmacro with-error-handling ((&key henv hdbc hstmt (print-info t)) odbc-call &body body) (let ((result-code (gensym "RC-"))) `(let ((,result-code ,odbc-call)) ;; Check for allegro v7 & v8 bug with ODBC calls returning ;; 32-bit unsigned ints, not 16-bit signed ints #+(and allegro mswindows) (when (> ,result-code #xFFFF) (warn (format nil "16-bit return bug: result-code #x~X for expression ~S" ,result-code (quote ,odbc-call))) (setq ,result-code (logand ,result-code #xFFFF)) (when (> ,result-code #x7FFF) (setq ,result-code (- ,result-code #x10000)))) (case ,result-code (#.$SQL_SUCCESS (progn ,result-code ,@body)) (#.$SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (when ,print-info (multiple-value-bind (error-message sql-state) (handle-error (or ,henv +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hdbc +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hstmt +null-handle-ptr+)) (when *info-output* (format *info-output* "[ODBC info ~A] ~A state: ~A" ,result-code error-message sql-state)))) (progn ,result-code ,@body)) (#.$SQL_INVALID_HANDLE (error 'clsql-sys:sql-database-error :message "ODBC: Invalid handle")) (#.$SQL_STILL_EXECUTING (error 'clsql-sys:sql-temporary-error :message "ODBC: Still executing")) (#.$SQL_ERROR (multiple-value-bind (error-message sql-state) (handle-error (or ,henv +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hdbc +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hstmt +null-handle-ptr+)) (error 'clsql-sys:sql-database-error :message error-message :secondary-error-id sql-state))) (#.$SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND (progn ,result-code ,@body)) ;; work-around for Allegro 7.0beta AMD64 which returns negative numbers (otherwise (multiple-value-bind (error-message sql-state) (handle-error (or ,henv +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hdbc +null-handle-ptr+) (or ,hstmt +null-handle-ptr+)) (error 'clsql-sys:sql-database-error :message error-message :secondary-error-id sql-state)) #+ignore (progn ,result-code ,@body)))))) (defun %new-environment-handle () (let ((henv (with-foreign-object (phenv 'sql-handle) (with-error-handling () (SQLAllocHandle $SQL_HANDLE_ENV +null-handle-ptr+ phenv) (deref-pointer phenv 'sql-handle))))) (%set-attr-odbc-version henv $SQL_OV_ODBC3) henv)) (defun %sql-free-environment (henv) (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLFreeEnv henv))) (defun %new-db-connection-handle (henv) (with-foreign-object (phdbc 'sql-handle) (setf (deref-pointer phdbc 'sql-handle) +null-handle-ptr+) (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLAllocHandle $SQL_HANDLE_DBC henv phdbc) (deref-pointer phdbc 'sql-handle)))) (defun %free-statement (hstmt option) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLFreeStmt hstmt (ecase option (:drop $SQL_DROP) (:close $SQL_CLOSE) (:unbind $SQL_UNBIND) (:reset $SQL_RESET_PARAMS))))) (defmacro with-statement-handle ((hstmt hdbc) &body body) `(let ((,hstmt (%new-statement-handle ,hdbc))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (%free-statement ,hstmt :drop)))) ;; functional interface (defun %sql-connect (hdbc server uid pwd) (with-cstrings ((server-ptr server) (uid-ptr uid) (pwd-ptr pwd)) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLConnect hdbc server-ptr $SQL_NTS uid-ptr $SQL_NTS pwd-ptr $SQL_NTS)))) (defun %sql-driver-connect (hdbc connection-string completion window-handle) (with-cstring (connection-ptr connection-string) (let ((completed-connection-string (allocate-foreign-string $SQL_MAX_CONN_OUT))) (unwind-protect (with-foreign-object (completed-connection-length :short) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLDriverConnect hdbc window-handle connection-ptr $SQL_NTS completed-connection-string $SQL_MAX_CONN_OUT completed-connection-length completion))) (free-foreign-object completed-connection-string))))) (defun %disconnect (hdbc) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLDisconnect hdbc))) (defun %commit (henv hdbc) (with-error-handling (:henv henv :hdbc hdbc) (SQLTransact henv hdbc $SQL_COMMIT))) (defun %rollback (henv hdbc) (with-error-handling (:henv henv :hdbc hdbc) (SQLTransact henv hdbc $SQL_ROLLBACK))) ; col-nr is zero-based in Lisp but 1 based in sql ; col-nr = :bookmark retrieves a bookmark. (defun %bind-column (hstmt column-nr c-type data-ptr precision out-len-ptr) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLBindCol hstmt (if (eq column-nr :bookmark) 0 (1+ column-nr)) c-type data-ptr precision out-len-ptr))) ; parameter-nr is zero-based in Lisp (defun %sql-bind-parameter (hstmt parameter-nr parameter-type c-type sql-type precision scale data-ptr max-value out-len-ptr) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLBindParameter hstmt (1+ parameter-nr) parameter-type ;$SQL_PARAM_INPUT c-type ;$SQL_C_CHAR sql-type ;$SQL_VARCHAR precision ;(1- (length str)) scale ;0 data-ptr max-value out-len-ptr ;#.+null-ptr+ ))) (defun %sql-fetch (hstmt) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLFetch hstmt))) (defun %new-statement-handle (hdbc) (let ((statement-handle (with-foreign-object (phstmt 'sql-handle) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLAllocHandle $SQL_HANDLE_STMT hdbc phstmt) (deref-pointer phstmt 'sql-handle))))) (if (uffi:null-pointer-p statement-handle) (error 'clsql:sql-database-error :message "Received null statement handle.") statement-handle))) (defun %sql-get-info (hdbc info-type) (ecase info-type ;; those return string ((#.$SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES #.$SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES #.$SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS #.$SQL_DATA_SOURCE_NAME #.$SQL_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY #.$SQL_DBMS_NAME #.$SQL_DBMS_VER #.$SQL_DRIVER_NAME #.$SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER #.$SQL_DRIVER_VER #.$SQL_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ORDERBY #.$SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR #.$SQL_KEYWORDS #.$SQL_LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE #.$SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE_INCLUDES_LONG #.$SQL_MULT_RESULT_SETS #.$SQL_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_TXN #.$SQL_NEED_LONG_DATA_LEN #.$SQL_ODBC_SQL_OPT_IEF #.$SQL_ODBC_VER #.$SQL_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT #.$SQL_OUTER_JOINS #.$SQL_OWNER_TERM #.$SQL_PROCEDURE_TERM #.$SQL_PROCEDURES #.$SQL_QUALIFIER_NAME_SEPARATOR #.$SQL_QUALIFIER_TERM #.$SQL_ROW_UPDATES #.$SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE #.$SQL_SERVER_NAME #.$SQL_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS #.$SQL_TABLE_TERM #.$SQL_USER_NAME) (let ((info-ptr (allocate-foreign-string 1024))) (with-foreign-object (info-length-ptr :short) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLGetInfo hdbc info-type info-ptr 1023 info-length-ptr) (let ((info (convert-from-foreign-string info-ptr))) (free-foreign-object info-ptr) info))))) ;; those returning a word ((#.$SQL_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS #.$SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS #.$SQL_CONCAT_NULL_BEHAVIOR #.$SQL_CORRELATION_NAME #.$SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR #.$SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_GROUP_BY #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ORDER_BY #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT #.$SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE #.$SQL_MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_QUALIFIER_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT #.$SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN #.$SQL_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS #.$SQL_NULL_COLLATION #.$SQL_ODBC_API_CONFORMANCE #.$SQL_ODBC_SAG_CLI_CONFORMANCE #.$SQL_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE #.$SQL_QUALIFIER_LOCATION #.$SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE #.$SQL_TXN_CAPABLE) (with-foreign-objects ((info-ptr :short) (info-length-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLGetInfo hdbc info-type info-ptr 255 info-length-ptr) (deref-pointer info-ptr :short))) ) ;; those returning a long bitmask ((#.$SQL_ALTER_TABLE #.$SQL_BOOKMARK_PERSISTENCE #.$SQL_CONVERT_BIGINT #.$SQL_CONVERT_BINARY #.$SQL_CONVERT_BIT #.$SQL_CONVERT_CHAR #.$SQL_CONVERT_DATE #.$SQL_CONVERT_DECIMAL #.$SQL_CONVERT_DOUBLE #.$SQL_CONVERT_FLOAT #.$SQL_CONVERT_INTEGER #.$SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARCHAR #.$SQL_CONVERT_NUMERIC #.$SQL_CONVERT_REAL #.$SQL_CONVERT_SMALLINT #.$SQL_CONVERT_TIME #.$SQL_CONVERT_TIMESTAMP #.$SQL_CONVERT_TINYINT #.$SQL_CONVERT_VARBINARY #.$SQL_CONVERT_VARCHAR #.$SQL_CONVERT_LONGVARBINARY #.$SQL_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS #.$SQL_FETCH_DIRECTION #.$SQL_FILE_USAGE #.$SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS #.$SQL_LOCK_TYPES #.$SQL_MAX_INDEX_SIZE #.$SQL_MAX_ROW_SIZE #.$SQL_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN #.$SQL_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS #.$SQL_OWNER_USAGE #.$SQL_POS_OPERATIONS #.$SQL_POSITIONED_STATEMENTS #.$SQL_QUALIFIER_USAGE #.$SQL_SCROLL_CONCURRENCY #.$SQL_SCROLL_OPTIONS #.$SQL_STATIC_SENSITIVITY #.$SQL_STRING_FUNCTIONS #.$SQL_SUBQUERIES #.$SQL_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS #.$SQL_TIMEDATE_ADD_INTERVALS #.$SQL_TIMEDATE_DIFF_INTERVALS #.$SQL_TIMEDATE_FUNCTIONS #.$SQL_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION #.$SQL_UNION) (with-foreign-objects ((info-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) (info-length-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLGetInfo hdbc info-type info-ptr 255 info-length-ptr) (deref-pointer info-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE))) ) ;; those returning a long integer ((#.$SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION #.$SQL_DRIVER_HDBC #.$SQL_DRIVER_HENV #.$SQL_DRIVER_HLIB #.$SQL_DRIVER_HSTMT #.$SQL_GROUP_BY #.$SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE #.$SQL_MAX_BINARY_LITERAL_LEN #.$SQL_MAX_CHAR_LITERAL_LEN #.$SQL_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENTS ) (with-foreign-objects ((info-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) (info-length-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLGetInfo hdbc info-type info-ptr 255 info-length-ptr) (deref-pointer info-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)))))) (defun %sql-exec-direct (sql hstmt henv hdbc) (with-cstring (sql-ptr sql) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt :henv henv :hdbc hdbc) (SQLExecDirect hstmt sql-ptr $SQL_NTS)))) (defun %sql-cancel (hstmt) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLCancel hstmt))) (defun %sql-execute (hstmt) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLExecute hstmt))) (defun result-columns-count (hstmt) (with-foreign-objects ((columns-nr-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLNumResultCols hstmt columns-nr-ptr) (deref-pointer columns-nr-ptr :short)))) (defun result-rows-count (hstmt) (with-foreign-objects ((row-count-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLRowCount hstmt row-count-ptr) (deref-pointer row-count-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)))) ;; column counting is 1-based (defun %describe-column (hstmt column-nr) (let ((column-name-ptr (allocate-foreign-string 256))) (with-foreign-objects ((column-name-length-ptr :short) (column-sql-type-ptr :short) (column-precision-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (column-scale-ptr :short) (column-nullable-p-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLDescribeCol hstmt column-nr column-name-ptr 256 column-name-length-ptr column-sql-type-ptr column-precision-ptr column-scale-ptr column-nullable-p-ptr) (let ((column-name (convert-from-foreign-string column-name-ptr))) (free-foreign-object column-name-ptr) (values column-name (deref-pointer column-sql-type-ptr :short) (deref-pointer column-precision-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (deref-pointer column-scale-ptr :short) (deref-pointer column-nullable-p-ptr :short))))))) ;; this function isn't used, which is good because FreeTDS dosn't support it. ;; parameter counting is 1-based (defun %describe-parameter (hstmt parameter-nr) (with-foreign-objects ((column-sql-type-ptr :short) (column-precision-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (column-scale-ptr :short) (column-nullable-p-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLDescribeParam hstmt parameter-nr column-sql-type-ptr column-precision-ptr column-scale-ptr column-nullable-p-ptr) (values (deref-pointer column-sql-type-ptr :short) (deref-pointer column-precision-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (deref-pointer column-scale-ptr :short) (deref-pointer column-nullable-p-ptr :short))))) (defun %column-attributes (hstmt column-nr descriptor-type) (let ((descriptor-info-ptr (allocate-foreign-string 256))) (with-foreign-objects ((descriptor-length-ptr :short) (numeric-descriptor-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLColAttributes hstmt column-nr descriptor-type descriptor-info-ptr 256 descriptor-length-ptr numeric-descriptor-ptr) (let ((desc (convert-from-foreign-string descriptor-info-ptr))) (free-foreign-object descriptor-info-ptr) (values desc (deref-pointer numeric-descriptor-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE))))))) (defun %prepare-describe-columns (hstmt table-qualifier table-owner table-name column-name) (with-cstrings ((table-qualifier-ptr table-qualifier) (table-owner-ptr table-owner) (table-name-ptr table-name) (column-name-ptr column-name)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLColumns hstmt table-qualifier-ptr (length table-qualifier) table-owner-ptr (length table-owner) table-name-ptr (length table-name) column-name-ptr (length column-name))))) (defun %describe-columns (hdbc table-qualifier table-owner table-name column-name) (with-statement-handle (hstmt hdbc) (%prepare-describe-columns hstmt table-qualifier table-owner table-name column-name) (fetch-all-rows hstmt))) (defun %sql-data-sources (henv &key (direction :first)) (let ((name-ptr (allocate-foreign-string (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH))) (description-ptr (allocate-foreign-string 1024))) (with-foreign-objects ((name-length-ptr :short) (description-length-ptr :short)) (let ((res (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLDataSources henv (ecase direction (:first $SQL_FETCH_FIRST) (:next $SQL_FETCH_NEXT)) name-ptr (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH) name-length-ptr description-ptr 1024 description-length-ptr)))) (cond ((= res $SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) (let ((name (convert-from-foreign-string name-ptr)) (desc (convert-from-foreign-string description-ptr))) (free-foreign-object name-ptr) (free-foreign-object description-ptr) (values name desc))) (t (free-foreign-object name-ptr) (free-foreign-object description-ptr) nil)))))) (defun sql-to-c-type (sql-type) (ecase sql-type ((#.$SQL_CHAR #.$SQL_VARCHAR #.$SQL_LONGVARCHAR #.$SQL_NUMERIC #.$SQL_DECIMAL -8 -9 -10) $SQL_C_CHAR) ;; Added -10 for MSSQL ntext type (#.$SQL_INTEGER $SQL_C_SLONG) (#.$SQL_SMALLINT $SQL_C_SSHORT) (#.$SQL_BIGINT $SQL_C_SBIGINT) (#.$SQL_DOUBLE $SQL_C_DOUBLE) (#.$SQL_FLOAT $SQL_C_DOUBLE) (#.$SQL_REAL $SQL_C_FLOAT) (#.$SQL_DATE $SQL_C_DATE) (#.$SQL_TIME $SQL_C_TIME) (#.$SQL_TIMESTAMP $SQL_C_TIMESTAMP) (#.$SQL_TYPE_DATE $SQL_C_TYPE_DATE) (#.$SQL_TYPE_TIME $SQL_C_TYPE_TIME) (#.$SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP $SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) ((#.$SQL_BINARY #.$SQL_VARBINARY #.$SQL_LONGVARBINARY) $SQL_C_BINARY) (#.$SQL_TINYINT $SQL_C_STINYINT) (#.$SQL_BIT $SQL_C_BIT))) (def-type byte-pointer-type (* :byte)) (def-type short-pointer-type (* :short)) (def-type int-pointer-type (* :int)) (def-type long-pointer-type (* #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) (def-type big-pointer-type (* #.$ODBC-BIG-TYPE)) (def-type float-pointer-type (* :float)) (def-type double-pointer-type (* :double)) (def-type string-pointer-type (* :unsigned-char)) (defun get-cast-byte (ptr) (locally (declare (type byte-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr :byte))) (defun get-cast-short (ptr) (locally (declare (type short-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr :short))) (defun get-cast-int (ptr) (locally (declare (type int-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr :int))) (defun get-cast-long (ptr) (locally (declare (type long-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE))) (defun get-cast-big (ptr) (locally (declare (type big-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr #.$ODBC-BIG-TYPE))) (defun get-cast-single-float (ptr) (locally (declare (type float-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr :float))) (defun get-cast-double-float (ptr) (locally (declare (type double-pointer-type ptr)) (deref-pointer ptr :double))) (defun get-cast-foreign-string (ptr) (locally (declare (type string-pointer-type ptr)) (convert-from-foreign-string ptr))) (defun get-cast-binary (ptr len format) "FORMAT is one of :unsigned-byte-vector, :bit-vector (:string, :hex-string)" (with-cast-pointer (casted ptr :byte) (ecase format (:unsigned-byte-vector (let ((vector (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (dotimes (i len) (setf (aref vector i) (deref-array casted '(:array :byte) i))) vector)) (:bit-vector (let ((vector (make-array (ash len 3) :element-type 'bit))) (dotimes (i len) (let ((byte (deref-array casted '(:array :byte) i))) (dotimes (j 8) (setf (bit vector (+ (ash i 3) j)) (logand (ash byte (- j 7)) 1))))) vector))))) (defun read-data (data-ptr c-type sql-type out-len-ptr result-type) (declare (type long-ptr-type out-len-ptr)) (let* ((out-len (deref-pointer out-len-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) (value (cond ((= out-len $SQL_NULL_DATA) *null*) (t (case sql-type ;; SQL extended datatypes (#.$SQL_TINYINT (get-cast-byte data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_C_STINYINT (get-cast-byte data-ptr)) ;; ? (#.$SQL_C_SSHORT (get-cast-short data-ptr)) ;; ? (#.$SQL_SMALLINT (get-cast-short data-ptr)) ;; ?? (#.$SQL_INTEGER (get-cast-int data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_BIGINT (get-cast-big data-ptr)) ((#.$SQL_DECIMAL #.$SQL_NUMERIC) (let* ((*read-base* 10) (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float) (str (get-cast-foreign-string data-ptr))) (read-from-string str))) (#.$SQL_BIT (get-cast-byte data-ptr)) (t (case c-type ((#.$SQL_C_DATE #.$SQL_C_TYPE_DATE) (funcall *time-conversion-function* (date-to-universal-time data-ptr))) ((#.$SQL_C_TIME #.$SQL_C_TYPE_TIME) (multiple-value-bind (universal-time frac) (time-to-universal-time data-ptr) (funcall *time-conversion-function* universal-time frac))) ((#.$SQL_C_TIMESTAMP #.$SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) (multiple-value-bind (universal-time frac) (timestamp-to-universal-time data-ptr) (funcall *time-conversion-function* universal-time frac))) (#.$SQL_INTEGER (get-cast-int data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_C_FLOAT (get-cast-single-float data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_C_DOUBLE (get-cast-double-float data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_C_SLONG (get-cast-long data-ptr)) #+lispworks (#.$SQL_C_BIT ; encountered only in Access (get-cast-byte data-ptr)) (#.$SQL_C_BINARY (get-cast-binary data-ptr out-len *binary-format*)) ((#.$SQL_C_SSHORT #.$SQL_C_STINYINT) ; LMH short ints (get-cast-short data-ptr)) ; LMH #+ignore (#.$SQL_C_CHAR (code-char (get-cast-short data-ptr))) (t (get-cast-foreign-string data-ptr))))))))) ;; FIXME: this could be better optimized for types which use READ-FROM-STRING above (if (and (or (eq result-type t) (eq result-type :string)) value (not (stringp value))) (write-to-string value) value))) ;; which value is appropriate? (defparameter +max-precision+ 4001) (defvar *break-on-unknown-data-type* t) ;; C. Stacy's idea to factor this out ;; "Make it easy to add new datatypes by making new subroutine %ALLOCATE-BINDINGS, ;; so that I don't have to remember to make changes in more than one place. ;; Just keep it in synch with READ-DATA." (defun %allocate-bindings (sql-type precision) (let* ((c-type (sql-to-c-type sql-type)) (size (if (zerop precision) +max-precision+ ;; if the precision cannot be determined (min precision +max-precision+))) (long-p (= size +max-precision+)) (data-ptr (case c-type ;; add more? (#.$SQL_C_SLONG (uffi:allocate-foreign-object #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) ((#.$SQL_C_DATE #.$SQL_C_TYPE_DATE) (allocate-foreign-object 'sql-c-date)) ((#.$SQL_C_TIME #.$SQL_C_TYPE_TIME) (allocate-foreign-object 'sql-c-time)) ((#.$SQL_C_TIMESTAMP #.$SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) (allocate-foreign-object 'sql-c-timestamp)) (#.$SQL_C_FLOAT (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :float)) (#.$SQL_C_DOUBLE (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :double)) (#.$SQL_C_BIT (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :byte)) (#.$SQL_C_STINYINT (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :byte)) (#.$SQL_C_SSHORT (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :short)) (#.$SQL_C_SBIGINT (uffi:allocate-foreign-object #.$ODBC-BIG-TYPE)) (#.$SQL_C_CHAR (uffi:allocate-foreign-string (1+ size))) (#.$SQL_C_BINARY (uffi:allocate-foreign-string (1+ (* 2 size)))) (t ;; Maybe should signal a restartable condition for this? (when *break-on-unknown-data-type* (break "SQL type is ~A, precision ~D, size ~D, C type is ~A" sql-type precision size c-type)) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :byte (1+ size))))) (out-len-ptr (uffi:allocate-foreign-object #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE))) (values c-type data-ptr out-len-ptr size long-p))) (defun fetch-all-rows (hstmt &key free-option flatp) (let ((column-count (result-columns-count hstmt))) (unless (zerop column-count) (let ((names (make-array column-count)) (sql-types (make-array column-count :element-type 'fixnum)) (c-types (make-array column-count :element-type 'fixnum)) (precisions (make-array column-count :element-type 'fixnum)) (data-ptrs (make-array column-count :initial-element nil)) (out-len-ptrs (make-array column-count :initial-element nil)) (scales (make-array column-count :element-type 'fixnum)) (nullables-p (make-array column-count :element-type 'fixnum))) (unwind-protect (values (progn (dotimes (col-nr column-count) ;; get column information (multiple-value-bind (name sql-type precision scale nullable-p) (%describe-column hstmt (1+ col-nr)) ;; allocate space to bind result rows to (multiple-value-bind (c-type data-ptr out-len-ptr) (%allocate-bindings sql-type precision) (%bind-column hstmt col-nr c-type data-ptr (1+ precision) out-len-ptr) (setf (svref names col-nr) name (aref sql-types col-nr) sql-type (aref c-types col-nr) (sql-to-c-type sql-type) (aref precisions col-nr) (if (zerop precision) 0 precision) (aref scales col-nr) scale (aref nullables-p col-nr) nullable-p (aref data-ptrs col-nr) data-ptr (aref out-len-ptrs col-nr) out-len-ptr)))) ;; the main loop (prog1 (cond (flatp (when (> column-count 1) (error 'clsql:sql-database-error :message "If more than one column is to be fetched, flatp has to be nil.")) (loop until (= (%sql-fetch hstmt) $SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) collect (read-data (aref data-ptrs 0) (aref c-types 0) (aref sql-types 0) (aref out-len-ptrs 0) t))) (t (loop until (= (%sql-fetch hstmt) $SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) collect (loop for col-nr from 0 to (1- column-count) collect (read-data (aref data-ptrs col-nr) (aref c-types col-nr) (aref sql-types col-nr) (aref out-len-ptrs col-nr) t))))))) names) ;; dispose of memory etc (when free-option (%free-statement hstmt free-option)) (dotimes (col-nr column-count) (let ((data-ptr (aref data-ptrs col-nr)) (out-len-ptr (aref out-len-ptrs col-nr))) (when data-ptr (free-foreign-object data-ptr)) ; we *did* allocate them (when out-len-ptr (free-foreign-object out-len-ptr))))))))) ;; to do: factor out common parts, put the sceleton (the obligatory macro part) ;; of %do-fetch into sql package (has been done) (defun %sql-prepare (hstmt sql) (with-cstring (sql-ptr sql) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLPrepare hstmt sql-ptr $SQL_NTS)))) ;; depending on option, we return a long int or a string; string not implemented (defun get-connection-option (hdbc option) (with-foreign-object (param-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLGetConnectOption hdbc option param-ptr) (deref-pointer param-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)))) (defun set-connection-option (hdbc option param) (with-error-handling (:hdbc hdbc) (SQLSetConnectOption hdbc option param))) (defun disable-autocommit (hdbc) (set-connection-option hdbc $SQL_AUTOCOMMIT $SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF)) (defun enable-autocommit (hdbc) (set-connection-option hdbc $SQL_AUTOCOMMIT $SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON)) (defun %sql-set-pos (hstmt row option lock) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLSetPos hstmt row option lock))) (defun %sql-extended-fetch (hstmt fetch-type row) (with-foreign-objects ((row-count-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (row-status-ptr :short)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLExtendedFetch hstmt fetch-type row row-count-ptr row-status-ptr) (values (deref-pointer row-count-ptr #.$ODBC-ULONG-TYPE) (deref-pointer row-status-ptr :short))))) ; column-nr is zero-based (defun %sql-get-data (hstmt column-nr c-type data-ptr precision out-len-ptr) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt :print-info nil) (SQLGetData hstmt (if (eq column-nr :bookmark) 0 (1+ column-nr)) c-type data-ptr precision out-len-ptr))) (defun %sql-param-data (hstmt param-ptr) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt :print-info t) ;; nil (SQLParamData hstmt param-ptr))) (defun %sql-put-data (hstmt data-ptr size) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt :print-info t) ;; nil (SQLPutData hstmt data-ptr size))) (defconstant $sql-data-truncated (intern "01004" :keyword)) (defun read-data-in-chunks (hstmt column-nr data-ptr c-type sql-type out-len-ptr result-type) (declare (type long-ptr-type out-len-ptr) (ignore result-type)) (let* ((res (%sql-get-data hstmt column-nr c-type data-ptr +max-precision+ out-len-ptr)) (out-len (deref-pointer out-len-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE)) (offset 0) (result (case out-len (#.$SQL_NULL_DATA (return-from read-data-in-chunks *null*)) (#.$SQL_NO_TOTAL ;; don't know how long it is going to be (let ((str (make-array 0 :element-type 'character :adjustable t))) (loop do (if (= c-type #.$SQL_CHAR) (let ((data-length (foreign-string-length data-ptr))) (adjust-array str (+ offset data-length) :initial-element #\?) (setf offset (%cstring-into-vector data-ptr str offset data-length))) (error 'clsql:sql-database-error :message "wrong type. preliminary.")) while (and (= res $SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) (equal (sql-state +null-handle-ptr+ +null-handle-ptr+ hstmt) "01004")) do (setf res (%sql-get-data hstmt column-nr c-type data-ptr +max-precision+ out-len-ptr))) (setf str (coerce str 'string)) (if (= sql-type $SQL_DECIMAL) (let ((*read-base* 10)) (read-from-string str)) str))) (otherwise (let ((str (make-string out-len))) (loop do (if (= c-type #.$SQL_CHAR) (setf offset (%cstring-into-vector ;string data-ptr str offset (min out-len (1- +max-precision+)))) (error 'clsql:sql-database-error :message "wrong type. preliminary.")) while (and (= res $SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) (> out-len +max-precision+)) do (setf res (%sql-get-data hstmt column-nr c-type data-ptr +max-precision+ out-len-ptr) out-len (deref-pointer out-len-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE))) (if (= sql-type $SQL_DECIMAL) (let ((*read-base* 10)) (read-from-string str)) str)))))) (setf (deref-pointer out-len-ptr #.$ODBC-LONG-TYPE) #.$SQL_NO_TOTAL) ;; reset the out length for the next row result)) (def-type c-timestamp-ptr-type (* (:struct sql-c-timestamp))) (def-type c-time-ptr-type (* (:struct sql-c-time))) (def-type c-date-ptr-type (* (:struct sql-c-date))) (defun timestamp-to-universal-time (ptr) (declare (type c-timestamp-ptr-type ptr)) (values (encode-universal-time (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'second) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'minute) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'hour) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'day) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'month) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'year)) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'fraction))) (defun universal-time-to-timestamp (time &optional (fraction 0)) (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day month year) (decode-universal-time time) (let ((ptr (allocate-foreign-object 'sql-c-timestamp))) (setf (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'second) sec (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'minute) min (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'hour) hour (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'day) day (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'month) month (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'year) year (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'fraction) fraction) ptr))) (defun %put-timestamp (ptr time &optional (fraction 0)) (declare (type c-timestamp-ptr-type ptr)) (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day month year) (decode-universal-time time) (setf (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'second) sec (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'minute) min (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'hour) hour (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'day) day (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'month) month (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'year) year (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'fraction) fraction) ptr)) (defun date-to-universal-time (ptr) (declare (type c-date-ptr-type ptr)) (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'day) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'month) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'year))) (defun time-to-universal-time (ptr) (declare (type c-time-ptr-type ptr)) (encode-universal-time (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'second) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'minute) (get-slot-value ptr 'sql-c-timestamp 'hour) 1 1 0)) ;;; Added by KMR (defun %set-attr-odbc-version (henv version) (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLSetEnvAttr henv $SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION (make-pointer version :void) 0))) (defun %list-tables (hstmt) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLTables hstmt +null-ptr+ 0 +null-ptr+ 0 +null-ptr+ 0 +null-ptr+ 0))) (defun %table-statistics (table hstmt &key unique (ensure t)) (with-cstrings ((table-cs table)) (with-error-handling (:hstmt hstmt) (SQLStatistics hstmt +null-ptr+ 0 +null-ptr+ 0 table-cs $SQL_NTS (if unique $SQL_INDEX_UNIQUE $SQL_INDEX_ALL) (if ensure $SQL_ENSURE $SQL_QUICK))))) (defun %list-data-sources (henv) (let ((dsn (allocate-foreign-string (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH))) (desc (allocate-foreign-string 256)) (results nil)) (unwind-protect (with-foreign-objects ((dsn-len :short) (desc-len :short)) (let ((res (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLDataSources henv $SQL_FETCH_FIRST dsn (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH) dsn-len desc 256 desc-len)))) (when (or (eql res $SQL_SUCCESS) (eql res $SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) (push (convert-from-foreign-string dsn) results)) (do ((res (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLDataSources henv $SQL_FETCH_NEXT dsn (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH) dsn-len desc 256 desc-len)) (with-error-handling (:henv henv) (SQLDataSources henv $SQL_FETCH_NEXT dsn (1+ $SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH) dsn-len desc 256 desc-len)))) ((not (or (eql res $SQL_SUCCESS) (eql res $SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)))) (push (convert-from-foreign-string dsn) results)))) (progn (free-foreign-object dsn) (free-foreign-object desc))) (nreverse results)))