;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: HYPEROBJECT -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: hyperobject.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Hyper Object (Plain - no Metaclass) ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Nov 2002 ;;;; ;;;; This is a rewrite of hyperobjec't to avoid using metaclasses. ;;;; ;;;; $Id: hyperobject-no-mop.lisp,v 1.2 2002/11/22 19:48:49 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file is Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package :hyperobject-no-mop) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 3)))) ;; Main class (defclass hyperobject () ()) (defclass hyperobject-meta () ((fields :initform nil :type list) (subobjects :initform nil :type list) (references :initform nil :type list) (value-func :initform nil :type function) (xml-value-func :initform nil :type function) (fmtstr-text :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-html :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-xml :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-text-labels :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-html-labels :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-xml-labels :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-html-ref :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-xml-ref :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-html-ref-labels :initform nil :type string) (fmtstr-xml-ref-labels :initform nil :type string) ) (:documentation "Class holding meta information for hyperobjects")) (defclass field () ((name :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name :reader name) (format-func :initform nil :initarg :format-func :reader format-func) (cl-type :initform nil :reader cl-type) (ho-type :initform nil :reader ho-type) (subobject :initform nil :reader subobject) (reference :initform nil :reader reference) )) (defmethod print-object ((obj field) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t) (format s "~S" (name obj)))) (defclass subobject () ((name :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name :reader name) (reader :type function :initform nil :initarg :reader :reader reader))) (defmethod print-object ((obj subobject) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t) (format s "~S" (name obj)))) (defclass reference () ((name :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name :reader name) (lookup :type function :initform nil :initarg :lookup :reader lookup) (link-parameters :type list :initform nil :initarg :link-parameters :reader link-parameters))) (defmethod print-object ((obj reference) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t) (format s "~S" (name obj)))) (defun remove-keys (key-names args) (loop for ( name val ) on args by #'cddr unless (member (symbol-name name) key-names :key #'symbol-name :test 'equal) append (list name val))) (defun convert-ho-type (ho-type) (check-type ho-type symbol) (case (intern (symbol-name ho-type) (symbol-name :keyword)) (:string 'string) (:fixnum 'fixnum) (:boolean 'boolean) (:integer 'integer) (:cdata 'string) (:float 'float) (otherwise ho-type))) (defun process-hyper-fields (raw-fields meta) (let* ((fields '()) (references '()) (subobjects '()) (processed-fields (loop for field in raw-fields collecting (destructuring-bind (name &rest rest &key ;; the following list of keywords is reproduced below in the ;; remove-keys form. important to keep them in sync type reader writer accessor initform format-func initarg reference subobject ;; list ends &allow-other-keys) field (let ((other-args (remove-keys '(type reader writer accessor initform format-func initarg reference subobject) rest)) (field-obj (make-instance 'field :name name)) (kv nil)) (declare (ignore other-args)) (push field-obj fields) (loop for (k v) in `((:type ,type) (:reader ,reader) (:writer ,writer) (:accessor ,accessor) (:initform ,initform) (:format-func ,format-func) (:initarg ,initarg) (:subobject ,subobject) (:reference ,reference)) do (case k (:initarg (push (list :initarg (if v v (intern (symbol-name name) (symbol-name :keyword)))) kv)) (:accessor (when v (push (list :accessor v) kv))) (:format-func (when v (setf (slot-value field-obj 'format-func) v))) (:writer (when v (push (list :writer v) kv))) (:reader (if v (push (list :reader v) kv) (push (list :reader name) kv))) (:type (when v (setf (slot-value field-obj 'ho-type) v) (setf (slot-value field-obj 'cl-type) (convert-ho-type v)) (push (list :type (cl-type field-obj)) kv))) (:subobject (when v (let ((subobj (make-instance 'subobject :name name :reader (if (eq v t) name v)))) (setf (slot-value field-obj 'subobject) subobj) (push subobj subobjects)))) (:reference (when v (let ((ref (make-instance 'reference :name name :lookup v))) (setf (slot-value field-obj 'reference) ref) (push ref references)))) )) (append (list name) (loop for (k v) in kv collecting k collecting v))))))) (setf (slot-value meta 'fields) (nreverse fields)) (setf (slot-value meta 'references) (nreverse references)) (setf (slot-value meta 'subobjects) (nreverse subobjects)) processed-fields)) (defun process-title (name meta) (let ((title (cadr (assoc :title meta)))) (if title (if (symbolp title) (symbol-name title) title) (symbol-name name)))) (defun process-documentation (meta) (let ((doc (cadr (assoc :title meta)))) (if (and doc (symbolp doc)) (symbol-name doc) doc))) (defun fmt-comma-integer (i) (format nil "~:d" i)) ;;;; Class initialization function (defun init-hyperobject-class (name meta) (let ((fmtstr-text "") (fmtstr-html "") (fmtstr-xml "") (fmtstr-text-labels "") (fmtstr-html-labels "") (fmtstr-xml-labels "") (fmtstr-html-ref "") (fmtstr-xml-ref "") (fmtstr-html-ref-labels "") (fmtstr-xml-ref-labels "") (first-field t) (value-func '()) (xml-value-func '()) (package (symbol-package name))) (dolist (field (slot-value meta 'fields)) (declare (ignore rest)) (let* ((name (name field)) (format-func (format-func field)) (type (ho-type field)) (reference (reference field)) (namestr (symbol-name name)) (namestr-lower (string-downcase (symbol-name name))) (value-fmt "~a") (plain-value-func nil) html-str xml-str html-label-str xml-label-str) (unless (subobject field) (when (or (eql type :integer) (eql type :fixnum)) (setq value-fmt "~d")) (when (eql type :boolean) (setq value-fmt "~a")) (if first-field (setq first-field nil) (progn (string-append fmtstr-text " ") (string-append fmtstr-html " ") (string-append fmtstr-xml " ") (string-append fmtstr-text-labels " ") (string-append fmtstr-html-labels " ") (string-append fmtstr-xml-labels " ") (string-append fmtstr-html-ref " ") (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref " ") (string-append fmtstr-html-ref-labels " ") (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref-labels " "))) (setq html-str (concatenate 'string "" value-fmt "")) (setq xml-str (concatenate 'string "<" namestr-lower ">" value-fmt "")) (setq html-label-str (concatenate 'string "" namestr-lower " " value-fmt "")) (setq xml-label-str (concatenate 'string " <" namestr-lower ">" value-fmt "")) (string-append fmtstr-text value-fmt) (string-append fmtstr-html html-str) (string-append fmtstr-xml xml-str) (string-append fmtstr-text-labels namestr-lower " " value-fmt) (string-append fmtstr-html-labels html-label-str) (string-append fmtstr-xml-labels xml-label-str) (if reference (progn (string-append fmtstr-html-ref "<~~a>" value-fmt "") (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref "<~~a>" value-fmt "") (string-append fmtstr-html-ref-labels "" namestr-lower " <~~a>" value-fmt "") (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref-labels " <~~a>" value-fmt "")) (progn (string-append fmtstr-html-ref html-str) (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref xml-str) (string-append fmtstr-html-ref-labels html-label-str) (string-append fmtstr-xml-ref-labels xml-label-str))) (if format-func (setq plain-value-func (list `(,format-func (,(intern namestr package) x)))) (setq plain-value-func (list `(,(intern namestr package) x)))) (setq value-func (append value-func plain-value-func)) (if (eql type :cdata) (setq xml-value-func (append xml-value-func (list `(xml-cdata ,@plain-value-func)))) (setq xml-value-func (append xml-value-func plain-value-func))) ))) (if value-func (setq value-func `(lambda (x) (values ,@value-func))) (setq value-func `(lambda () (values)))) (if xml-value-func (setq xml-value-func `(lambda (x) (values ,@xml-value-func))) (setq xml-value-func `(lambda () (values)))) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-text) fmtstr-text) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html) fmtstr-html) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml) fmtstr-xml) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-text-labels) fmtstr-text-labels) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-labels) fmtstr-html-labels) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-labels) fmtstr-xml-labels) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-ref) fmtstr-html-ref) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-ref) fmtstr-xml-ref) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-ref-labels) fmtstr-html-ref-labels) (setf (slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-ref-labels) fmtstr-xml-ref-labels) (setf (slot-value meta 'value-func) value-func) (setf (slot-value meta 'xml-value-func) xml-value-func)) (values)) (defgeneric ho-title (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-name (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-value-func (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-xml-value-func (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-text (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-html (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-xml (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-text-labels (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-html-labels (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-xml-labels (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-html-ref (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-xml-ref (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-html-ref-labels (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fmtstr-xml-ref-labels (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-fields (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-references (obj) ) (defgeneric ho-subobjects (obj) ) (defmacro define-hyperobject (name parents fields &rest meta-fields) (let* ((meta (make-instance 'hyperobject-meta)) (cl-fields (process-hyper-fields fields meta)) (title (process-title name meta-fields)) (documentation (process-documentation meta-fields)) (value-func (gensym)) (xml-value-func (gensym))) (init-hyperobject-class name meta) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass ,name ,(append parents (list 'hyperobject)) ,cl-fields ,@(and documentation (list (list :documentation documentation))))) (let ((,value-func (compile nil (eval (slot-value ,meta 'value-func)))) (,xml-value-func (compile nil (eval (slot-value ,meta 'xml-value-func))))) (defmethod ho-title ((obj ,name)) ,title) (defmethod ho-name ((obj ,name)) ,(string-downcase (symbol-name name))) (defmethod ho-fields ((obj ,name)) ',(slot-value meta 'fields)) (defmethod ho-references ((obj ,name)) ',(slot-value meta 'references)) (defmethod ho-subobjects ((obj ,name)) ',(slot-value meta 'subobjects)) (defmethod ho-value-func ((obj ,name)) ,value-func) (defmethod ho-xml-value-func ((obj ,name)) ,xml-value-func) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-text ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-text)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-html ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-xml ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-text-labels ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-text-labels)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-html-labels ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-labels)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-xml-labels ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-labels)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-html-ref ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-ref)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-xml-ref ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-ref)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-html-ref-labels ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-html-ref-labels)) (defmethod ho-fmtstr-xml-ref-labels ((obj ,name)) ,(slot-value meta 'fmtstr-xml-ref-labels)) )))) ;;;; Generic Print functions (defparameter *default-textformat* nil) (defparameter *default-htmlformat* nil) (defparameter *default-htmlrefformat* nil) (defparameter *default-xhtmlformat* nil) (defparameter *default-xhtmlrefformat* nil) (defparameter *default-xmlformat* nil) (defparameter *default-xmlrefformat* nil) (defparameter *default-ie-xmlrefformat* nil) (defparameter *default-nullformat* nil) (defparameter *default-init-format?* nil) (defun make-format-instance (fmt) (unless *default-init-format?* (setq *default-textformat* (make-instance 'textformat)) (setq *default-htmlformat* (make-instance 'htmlformat)) (setq *default-htmlrefformat* (make-instance 'htmlrefformat)) (setq *default-xhtmlformat* (make-instance 'xhtmlformat)) (setq *default-xhtmlrefformat* (make-instance 'xhtmlrefformat)) (setq *default-xmlformat* (make-instance 'xmlformat)) (setq *default-xmlrefformat* (make-instance 'xmlrefformat)) (setq *default-ie-xmlrefformat* (make-instance 'ie-xmlrefformat)) (setq *default-nullformat* (make-instance 'nullformat)) (setq *default-init-format?* t)) (case fmt (:text *default-textformat*) (:html *default-htmlformat*) (:htmlref *default-htmlrefformat*) (:xhtml *default-xhtmlformat*) (:xhtmlref *default-xhtmlrefformat*) (:xml *default-xmlformat*) (:xmlref *default-xmlrefformat*) (:ie-xmlref *default-ie-xmlrefformat*) (:null *default-nullformat*) (otherwise *default-textformat*))) ;;;; Output format classes for print hoes (defclass dataformat () ((file-start-str :type string :initarg :file-start-str :reader file-start-str) (file-end-str :type string :initarg :file-end-str :reader file-end-str) (list-start-fmtstr :type string :initarg :list-start-fmtstr :reader list-start-fmtstr) (list-start-value-func :type function :initarg :list-start-value-func :reader list-start-value-func) (list-start-indent :initarg :list-start-indent :reader list-start-indent) (list-end-fmtstr :type string :initarg :list-end-fmtstr :reader list-end-fmtstr) (list-end-value-func :type function :initarg :list-end-value-func :reader list-end-value-func) (list-end-indent :initarg :list-end-indent :reader list-end-indent) (obj-start-fmtstr :type string :initarg :obj-start-fmtstr :reader obj-start-fmtstr) (obj-start-value-func :initarg :obj-start-value-func :reader obj-start-value-func) (obj-start-indent :initarg :obj-start-indent :reader obj-start-indent) (obj-end-fmtstr :type string :initarg :obj-end-fmtstr :reader obj-end-fmtstr) (obj-end-value-func :initarg :obj-end-value-func :reader obj-end-value-func) (obj-end-indent :initarg :obj-end-indent :reader obj-end-indent) (obj-data-indent :initarg :obj-data-indent :reader obj-data-indent) (obj-data-fmtstr :initarg :obj-data-fmtstr :reader obj-data-fmtstr) (obj-data-fmtstr-labels :initarg :obj-data-fmtstr-labels :reader obj-data-fmtstr-labels) (obj-data-end-fmtstr :initarg :obj-data-end-fmtstr :reader obj-data-end-fmtstr) (obj-data-value-func :initarg :obj-data-value-func :reader obj-data-value-func) (link-ref :initarg :link-ref :reader link-ref)) (:default-initargs :file-start-str nil :file-end-str nil :list-start-fmtstr nil :list-start-value-func nil :list-start-indent nil :list-end-fmtstr nil :list-end-value-func nil :list-end-indent nil :obj-start-fmtstr nil :obj-start-value-func nil :obj-start-indent nil :obj-end-fmtstr nil :obj-end-value-func nil :obj-end-indent nil :obj-data-indent nil :obj-data-fmtstr nil :obj-data-fmtstr-labels nil :obj-data-end-fmtstr nil :obj-data-value-func nil :link-ref nil) (:documentation "Parent for all dataformat objects")) (defclass binaryformat (dataformat) ()) (defclass nullformat (dataformat) ()) (defun text-list-start-value-func (obj nitems) (values (ho-title obj) nitems)) (defclass textformat (dataformat) () (:default-initargs :list-start-fmtstr "~a~P:~%" :list-start-value-func #'text-list-start-value-func :list-start-indent t :obj-data-indent t :obj-data-fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-text :obj-data-fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-text-labels :obj-data-end-fmtstr "~%" :obj-data-value-func #'ho-value-func)) (defun htmlformat-list-start-value-func (x nitems) (values (ho-title x) nitems (ho-name x))) (defclass htmlformat (textformat) () (:default-initargs :file-start-str "~%" :file-end-str "~%" :list-start-indent t :list-start-fmtstr "


~%" :list-end-indent t :list-end-value-func #'identity :obj-start-indent t :obj-start-fmtstr "
  • " :obj-start-value-func #'identity :obj-end-indent t :obj-end-fmtstr "
  • ~%" :obj-end-value-func #'identity :obj-data-indent t :obj-data-fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-html-labels :obj-data-fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-html-labels :obj-data-value-func #'ho-value-func)) (defclass xhtmlformat (textformat) () (:default-initargs :file-start-str "~%" :file-end-str "~%" :list-start-indent t :list-start-fmtstr "


    ~%" :list-end-indent t :list-end-value-func #'identity :obj-start-indent t :obj-start-fmtstr "
  • " :obj-start-value-func #'identity :obj-end-indent t :obj-end-fmtstr "
  • ~%" :obj-end-value-func #'identity :obj-data-indent t :obj-data-fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-html-labels :obj-data-fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-html-labels :obj-data-value-func #'ho-xml-value-func)) (defun xmlformat-list-end-value-func (x) (format nil "~alist" (ho-name x))) (defun xmlformat-list-start-value-func (x nitems) (values (format nil "~alist" (ho-name x)) (ho-title x) nitems)) (defclass xmlformat (textformat) () (:default-initargs :file-start-str "" ; (std-xml-header) :list-start-indent t :list-start-fmtstr "<~a>~a~p: ~%" :list-start-value-func #'xmlformat-list-start-value-func :list-end-indent t :list-end-fmtstr "~%" :list-end-value-func #'xmlformat-list-end-value-func :obj-start-fmtstr "<~a>" :obj-start-value-func #'ho-name :obj-start-indent t :obj-end-fmtstr "~%" :obj-end-value-func #'ho-name :obj-end-indent nil :obj-data-indent nil :obj-data-fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-xml :obj-data-fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-xml-labels :obj-data-value-func #'ho-xml-value-func)) (defclass link-ref () ((fmtstr :type function :initarg :fmtstr :accessor fmtstr) (fmtstr-labels :type function :initarg :fmtstr-labels :accessor fmtstr-labels) (page-name :type string :initarg :page-name :accessor page-name) (href-head :type string :initarg :href-head :accessor href-head) (href-end :type string :initarg :href-end :accessor href-end) (ampersand :type string :initarg :ampersand :accessor ampersand)) (:default-initargs :fmtstr nil :fmtstr-labels nil :page-name "disp-func1" :href-head nil :href-end nil :ampersand nil) (:documentation "Formatting for a linked reference")) (defclass html-link-ref (link-ref) () (:default-initargs :fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-html-ref :fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-html-ref-labels :href-head "a href=" :href-end "a" :ampersand "&")) (defclass xhtml-link-ref (link-ref) () (:default-initargs :fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-html-ref :fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-html-ref-labels :href-head "a href=" :href-end "a" :ampersand "&")) (defclass xml-link-ref (link-ref) () (:default-initargs :fmtstr #'ho-fmtstr-xml-ref :fmtstr-labels #'ho-fmtstr-xml-ref-labels :href-head "xmllink xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=" :href-end "xmllink" :ampersand "&") (:documentation "Mozilla's and W3's idea of a link with XML")) (defclass ie-xml-link-ref (xml-link-ref) () (:default-initargs :href-head "html:a href=" :href-end "html:a" ) (:documentation "Internet Explorer's idea of a link with XML")) (defclass htmlrefformat (htmlformat) () (:default-initargs :link-ref (make-instance 'html-link-ref))) (defclass xhtmlrefformat (xhtmlformat) () (:default-initargs :link-ref (make-instance 'xhtml-link-ref))) (defclass xmlrefformat (xmlformat) () (:default-initargs :link-ref (make-instance 'xml-link-ref))) (defclass ie-xmlrefformat (xmlformat) () (:default-initargs :link-ref (make-instance 'ie-xml-link-ref))) ;;; File Start and Ends (defgeneric fmt-file-start (fmt s)) (defmethod fmt-file-start ((fmt dataformat) (s stream))) (defmethod fmt-file-start ((fmt textformat) (s stream)) (aif (file-start-str fmt) (format s it))) (defgeneric fmt-file-end (fmt s)) (defmethod fmt-file-end ((fmt textformat) (s stream)) (aif (file-end-str fmt) (format s it))) ;;; List Start and Ends (defgeneric fmt-list-start (obj fmt s &optional indent num-items)) (defmethod fmt-list-start (x (fmt textformat) (s stream) &optional (indent 0) (num-items 1)) (if (list-start-indent fmt) (indent-spaces indent s)) (aif (list-start-fmtstr fmt) (apply #'format s it (multiple-value-list (funcall (list-start-value-func fmt) x num-items))))) (defgeneric fmt-list-end (obj fmt s &optional indent num-items)) (defmethod fmt-list-end (x (fmt textformat) (s stream) &optional (indent 0) (num-items 1)) (declare (ignore num-items)) (if (list-end-indent fmt) (indent-spaces indent s)) (aif (list-end-fmtstr fmt) (apply #'format s it (multiple-value-list (funcall (list-end-value-func fmt) x))))) ;;; Object Start and Ends (defgeneric fmt-obj-start (obj fmt s &optional indent)) (defmethod fmt-obj-start (x (fmt textformat) (s stream) &optional (indent 0)) (if (obj-start-indent fmt) (indent-spaces indent s)) (aif (obj-start-fmtstr fmt) (apply #'format s it (multiple-value-list (funcall (obj-start-value-func fmt) x))))) (defgeneric fmt-obj-end (obj fmt s &optional indent)) (defmethod fmt-obj-end (x (fmt textformat) (s stream) &optional (indent 0)) (if (obj-end-indent fmt) (indent-spaces indent s)) (aif (obj-end-fmtstr fmt) (apply #'format s it (multiple-value-list (funcall (obj-end-value-func fmt) x))))) ;;; Object Data (defgeneric make-link-start (obj ref fieldname fieldfunc fieldvalue refvars)) (defmethod make-link-start (obj (ref link-ref) fieldname fieldfunc fieldvalue refvars) (declare (ignore obj fieldname)) (format nil "~a\"~a?func=~a~akey=~a~a\"" (href-head ref) (make-url (page-name ref)) fieldfunc (ampersand ref) fieldvalue (if refvars (let ((varstr "")) (dolist (var refvars) (string-append varstr (format nil "~a~a=~a" (ampersand ref) (car var) (cadr var)))) varstr) ""))) (defgeneric make-link-end (obj ref fieldname)) (defmethod make-link-end (obj (ref link-ref) fieldname) (declare (ignore obj fieldname)) (format nil "~a" (href-end ref)) ) (defgeneric fmt-obj-data (obj fmt s &optional indent label refvars)) (defmethod fmt-obj-data (x (fmt textformat) s &optional (indent 0) (label nil) (refvars nil)) (if (obj-data-indent fmt) (indent-spaces indent s)) (if (link-ref fmt) (fmt-obj-data-with-ref x fmt s label refvars) (fmt-obj-data-plain x fmt s label)) (aif (obj-data-end-fmtstr fmt) (format s it))) (defgeneric fmt-obj-data-plain (obj fmt s label)) (defmethod fmt-obj-data-plain (x (fmt textformat) s label) (if label (apply #'format s (funcall (obj-data-fmtstr-labels fmt) x) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x))) (apply #'format s (funcall (obj-data-fmtstr fmt) x) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x))))) (defgeneric fmt-obj-data-with-ref (obj fmt s label refvars)) (defmethod fmt-obj-data-with-ref (x (fmt textformat) s label refvars) (let ((refstr (make-ref-data-str x fmt label)) (refvalues nil) (field-values (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x)))) ;; make list of reference link fields for printing to refstr template (dolist (ref (ho-references x)) (let ((link-start (make-link-start x (link-ref fmt) (name ref) (lookup ref) (nth (position (name ref) (ho-fields x) :key #'(lambda (x) (name x))) field-values) (append (link-parameters ref) refvars))) (link-end (make-link-end x (link-ref fmt) (name ref)))) (push link-start refvalues) (push link-end refvalues))) (setq refvalues (nreverse refvalues)) (apply #'format s refstr refvalues))) (defgeneric obj-data (obj)) (defmethod obj-data (x) "Returns the objects data as a string. Used by common-graphics outline function" (let ((fmt (make-format-instance :text))) (apply #'format nil (funcall (obj-data-fmtstr fmt) x) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x))))) (defgeneric make-ref-data-str (obj fmt &optional label)) (defmethod make-ref-data-str (x (fmt textformat) &optional (label nil)) "Return fmt string for that contains ~a slots for reference link start and end" (unless (link-ref fmt) (error "fmt does not contain a link-ref")) (let ((refstr (if label (apply #'format nil (funcall (fmtstr-labels (link-ref fmt)) x) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x))) (apply #'format nil (funcall (fmtstr (link-ref fmt)) x) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (obj-data-value-func fmt) x) x)))))) refstr)) ;;; Display method for objects (defgeneric load-all-subobjects (objs)) (defmethod load-all-subobjects (objs) "Load all subobjects if they have not already been loaded." (when objs (let ((objlist (mklist objs))) (dolist (obj objlist) (awhen (ho-subobjects obj) ;; access list of functions (dolist (subobj it) ;; for each child function (awhen (funcall (reader subobj) obj) (load-all-subobjects it)))))) objs)) (defgeneric print-hyperobject-class (objs fmt strm &optional label english-only-function indent subobjects refvars)) (defmethod print-hyperobject-class (objs (fmt dataformat) (strm stream) &optional (label nil) (indent 0) (english-only-function nil) (subobjects nil) (refvars nil)) "Display a single or list of hyperobject-class instances and their subobjects" (when objs (setq objs (mklist objs)) (let ((nobjs (length objs))) (fmt-list-start (car objs) fmt strm indent nobjs) (dolist (obj objs) (unless (and english-only-function (multiple-value-bind (eng term) (funcall english-only-function obj) (and term (not eng)))) (fmt-obj-start obj fmt strm indent) (fmt-obj-data obj fmt strm (1+ indent) label refvars) (if subobjects (awhen (ho-subobjects obj) ;; access list of functions (dolist (subobj it) ;; for each child function (awhen (funcall (reader subobj) obj) ;; access set of child objects (print-hyperobject-class it fmt strm label (1+ indent) english-only-function subobjects refvars))))) (fmt-obj-end obj fmt strm indent))) (fmt-list-end (car objs) fmt strm indent nobjs)) t)) (defun print-hyperobject (objs &key (os *standard-output*) (format :text) (label nil) (english-only-function nil) (subobjects nil) (file-wrapper t) (refvars nil)) "EXPORTED Function: prints hyperobject-class objects. Simplies call to print-hyperobject-class" (let ((fmt (make-format-instance format))) (if file-wrapper (fmt-file-start fmt os)) (when objs (print-hyperobject-class objs fmt os label 0 english-only-function subobjects refvars)) (if file-wrapper (fmt-file-end fmt os))) objs) (defmethod print-object ((obj hyperobject) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t) (let ((fmt (make-instance 'hyperobject::textformat))) (apply #'format s (funcall (hyperobject::obj-data-fmtstr fmt) obj) (multiple-value-list (funcall (funcall (hyperobject::obj-data-value-func fmt) obj) obj))))))