;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: encode.lisp ;;;; Purpose: cl-base64 encoding routines ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Dec 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: decode.lisp,v 1.3 2003/01/14 11:43:10 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file implements the Base64 transfer encoding algorithm as ;;;; defined in RFC 1521 by Borensten & Freed, September 1993. ;;;; See: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1521.txt ;;;; ;;;; Based on initial public domain code by Juri Pakaste ;;;; ;;;; Copyright 2002-2003 Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Permission to use with BSD-style license included in the COPYING file ;;;; ************************************************************************* (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0))) (in-package #:cl-base64) (declaim (inline whitespace-p)) (defun whitespace-p (c) "Returns T for a whitespace character." (or (char= c #\Newline) (char= c #\Linefeed) (char= c #\Return) (char= c #\Space) (char= c #\Tab))) ;;; Decoding #+ignore (defmacro def-base64-stream-to-* (output-type) `(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name :base64-stream-to-) (symbol-name output-type))) (input &key (uri nil) ,@(when (eq output-type :stream) '(stream))) ,(concatenate 'string "Decode base64 stream to " (string-downcase (symbol-name output-type))) (declare (stream input) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (type character pad)) (let (,@(case output-type (:string '((result (make-string (* 3 (truncate (length string) 4)))))) (:usb8-array '((result (make-array (* 3 (truncate (length string) 4)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer nil :adjustable nil))))) (ridx 0)) (declare ,@(case output-type (:string '((simple-string result))) (:usb8-array '((type (array (usigned-byte 8) (*)) result)))) (fixnum ridx)) (do* ((bitstore 0) (bitcount 0) (char (read-char stream nil #\null) (read-char stream nil #\null))) ((eq char #\null) ,(case output-type (:stream 'stream) ((:string :usb8-array) 'result) ;; ((:stream :string) ;; '(subseq result 0 ridx)))) )) (declare (fixnum bitstore bitcount) (character char)) (let ((svalue (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))))) (declare (fixnum svalue)) (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setf bitstore (logior (the fixnum (ash bitstore 6)) svalue)) (incf bitcount 6) (when (>= bitcount 8) (decf bitcount 8) (let ((ovalue (the fixnum (logand (the fixnum (ash bitstore (the fixnum (- bitcount)))) #xFF)))) (declare (fixnum ovalue)) ,(case output-type (:string '(setf (char result ridx) (code-char ovalue))) (:usb8-array '(setf (aref result ridx) ovalue)) (:stream '(write-char (code-char ovalue) stream))) (incf ridx) (setf bitstore (the fixnum (logand bitstore #xFF)))))) ((char= char pad) ;; Could add checks to make sure padding is correct ;; Currently, padding is ignored ) ((whitespace-p char) ;; Ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)) ))))))) ;;(def-base64-stream-to-* :string) ;;(def-base64-stream-to-* :stream) ;;(def-base64-stream-to-* :usb8-array) (defmacro def-base64-string-to-* (output-type) `(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name :base64-string-to-) (symbol-name output-type))) (input &key (uri nil) ,@(when (eq output-type :stream) '(stream))) ,(concatenate 'string "Decode base64 string to " (string-downcase (symbol-name output-type))) (declare (string input) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (type character pad)) (let (,@(case output-type (:string '((result (make-string (* 3 (truncate (length input) 4)))))) (:usb8-array '((result (make-array (* 3 (truncate (length input) 4)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer nil :adjustable nil))))) (ridx 0)) (declare ,@(case output-type (:string '((simple-string result))) (:usb8-array '((type (array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) result)))) (fixnum ridx)) (loop for char of-type character across input for svalue of-type fixnum = (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))) with bitstore of-type fixnum = 0 with bitcount of-type fixnum = 0 do (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setf bitstore (logior (the fixnum (ash bitstore 6)) svalue)) (incf bitcount 6) (when (>= bitcount 8) (decf bitcount 8) (let ((ovalue (the fixnum (logand (the fixnum (ash bitstore (the fixnum (- bitcount)))) #xFF)))) (declare (fixnum ovalue)) ,(case output-type (:string '(setf (char result ridx) (code-char ovalue))) (:usb8-array '(setf (aref result ridx) ovalue)) (:stream '(write-char (code-char ovalue) stream))) (incf ridx) (setf bitstore (the fixnum (logand bitstore #xFF)))))) ((char= char pad) ;; Could add checks to make sure padding is correct ;; Currently, padding is ignored ) ((whitespace-p char) ;; Ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)) )) ,(case output-type (:stream 'stream) ((:usb8-array :string) '(subseq result 0 ridx))))))) (def-base64-string-to-* :string) (def-base64-string-to-* :stream) (def-base64-string-to-* :usb8-array) ;; input-mode can be :string or :stream ;; input-format can be :character or :usb8 (defun base64-string-to-integer (string &key (uri nil)) "Decodes a base64 string to an integer" (declare (string string) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (character pad)) (let ((value 0)) (declare (integer value)) (loop for char of-type character across string for svalue of-type fixnum = (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))) do (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setq value (+ svalue (ash value 6)))) ((char= char pad) (setq value (ash value -2))) ((whitespace-p char) ; ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)))) value))) (defun base64-stream-to-integer (stream &key (uri nil)) "Decodes a base64 string to an integer" (declare (stream stream) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (character pad)) (do* ((value 0) (char (read-char stream nil #\null) (read-char stream nil #\null))) ((eq char #\null) value) (declare (integer value) (character char)) (let ((svalue (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))))) (declare (fixnum svalue)) (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setq value (+ svalue (ash value 6)))) ((char= char pad) (setq value (ash value -2))) ((whitespace-p char) ; ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)))))))