;;;; This file implements the Base64 transfer encoding algorithm as ;;;; defined in RFC 1521 by Borensten & Freed, September 1993. ;;;; See: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1521.txt ;;;; ;;;; Based on initial public domain code by Juri Pakaste ;;;; ;;;; Extended by Kevin M. Rosenberg : ;;;; - .asd file ;;;; - numerous speed optimizations ;;;; - conversion to and from integers ;;;; - Renamed functions now that supporting integer conversions ;;;; - URI-compatible encoding using :uri key ;;;; ;;;; Copyright 2002-2003 Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Permission to use with BSD-style license included in the COPYING file ;;;; ;;;; $Id: src.lisp,v 1.6 2003/01/04 13:43:27 kevin Exp $ (defpackage #:base64 (:use #:cl) (:export #:base64-to-string #:base64-to-integer #:string-to-base64 #:integer-to-base64)) (in-package #:base64) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *encode-table* "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/") (declaim (type simple-string *encode-table*)) (defvar *uri-encode-table* "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_") (declaim (type simple-string *uri-encode-table*)) (deftype decode-table () '(simple-array fixnum (256))) (defvar *decode-table* (let ((da (make-array 256 :adjustable nil :fill-pointer nil :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element -1))) (loop for char of-type character across *encode-table* for index of-type fixnum from 0 below 64 do (setf (aref da (the fixnum (char-code char))) index)) da)) (defvar *uri-decode-table* (let ((da (make-array 256 :adjustable nil :fill-pointer nil :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element -1))) (loop for char of-type character across *uri-encode-table* for index of-type fixnum from 0 below 64 do (setf (aref da (the fixnum (char-code char))) index)) da)) (declaim (type decode-table *decode-table* *uri-decode-table*)) (defvar *pad-char* #\=) (defvar *uri-pad-char* #\.) (declaim (type character *pad-char* *uri-pad-char*)) ) ;;; Utilities (defun round-next-multiple (x n) "Round x up to the next highest multiple of n." (declare (fixnum n) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((remainder (mod x n))) (declare (fixnum remainder)) (if (zerop remainder) x (the fixnum (+ x (the fixnum (- n remainder))))))) (declaim (inline whitespace-p)) (defun whitespace-p (c) "Returns T for a whitespace character." (or (char= c #\Newline) (char= c #\Linefeed) (char= c #\Return) (char= c #\Space) (char= c #\Tab))) ;; Encode routines (defun string-to-base64 (string &key (uri nil) (columns 0) (stream nil)) "Encode a string array to base64. If columns is > 0, designates maximum number of columns in a line and the string will be terminated with a #\Newline." (declare (string string) (fixnum columns) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (encode-table (if uri *uri-encode-table* *encode-table*))) (declare (simple-string encode-table) (character pad)) (let* ((string-length (length string)) (complete-group-count (truncate string-length 3)) (remainder (nth-value 1 (truncate string-length 3))) (padded-length (* 4 (truncate (+ string-length 2) 3))) (num-lines (if (plusp columns) (truncate (+ padded-length (1- columns)) columns) 0)) (num-breaks (if (plusp num-lines) (1- num-lines) 0)) (strlen (if stream 0 (+ padded-length num-breaks))) (result (make-string strlen)) (col (if (plusp columns) 0 (1+ padded-length))) (ioutput 0)) (declare (fixnum string-length padded-length col ioutput) (simple-string result)) (labels ((output-char (ch) (when (= col columns) (if stream (write-char #\Newline stream) (progn (setf (schar result ioutput) #\Newline) (incf ioutput))) (setq col 0)) (incf col) (if stream (write-char ch stream) (progn (setf (schar result ioutput) ch) (incf ioutput)))) (output-group (svalue chars) (declare (fixnum svalue chars)) (output-char (schar encode-table (the fixnum (logand #x3f (the fixnum (ash svalue -18)))))) (output-char (schar encode-table (the fixnum (logand #x3f (the fixnum (ash svalue -12)))))) (if (> chars 2) (output-char (schar encode-table (the fixnum (logand #x3f (the fixnum (ash svalue -6)))))) (output-char pad)) (if (> chars 3) (output-char (schar encode-table (the fixnum (logand #x3f svalue)))) (output-char pad)))) (do ((igroup 0 (1+ igroup)) (isource 0 (+ isource 3))) ((= igroup complete-group-count) (cond ((= remainder 2) (output-group (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (ash (char-code (the character (char string isource))) 16)) (the fixnum (ash (char-code (the character (char string (1+ isource)))) 8)))) 3)) ((= remainder 1) (output-group (the fixnum (ash (char-code (the character (char string isource))) 16)) 2))) result) (declare (fixnum igroup isource)) (output-group (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (ash (char-code (the character (char string isource))) 16)) (the fixnum (ash (char-code (the character (char string (1+ isource)))) 8)) (the fixnum (char-code (the character (char string (+ 2 isource))))))) 4)))))) (defun integer-to-base64 (input &key (uri nil) (columns 0) (stream nil)) (if stream (integer-to-base64-stream input stream :uri uri :columns columns) (integer-to-base64-string input :uri uri :columns columns))) (defun integer-to-base64-string (input &key (uri nil) (columns 0)) "Encode an integer to base64 format." (declare (integer input) (fixnum columns) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (encode-table (if uri *uri-encode-table* *encode-table*))) (declare (simple-string encode-table) (character pad)) (let* ((input-bits (integer-length input)) (byte-bits (round-next-multiple input-bits 8)) (padded-bits (round-next-multiple byte-bits 6)) (remainder-padding (mod padded-bits 24)) (padding-bits (if (zerop remainder-padding) 0 (- 24 remainder-padding))) (padding-chars (/ padding-bits 6)) (padded-length (/ (+ padded-bits padding-bits) 6)) (last-line-len (if (plusp columns) (- padded-length (* columns (truncate padded-length columns))) 0)) (num-lines (if (plusp columns) (truncate (+ padded-length (1- columns)) columns) 0)) (num-breaks (if (plusp num-lines) (1- num-lines) 0)) (strlen (+ padded-length num-breaks)) (last-char (1- strlen)) (str (make-string strlen)) (col (if (zerop last-line-len) (1- columns) (1- last-line-len)))) (declare (fixnum padded-length num-lines col last-char padding-chars last-line-len)) (unless (plusp columns) (setq col -1)) ;; set to flag to optimize in loop (dotimes (i padding-chars) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (schar str (the fixnum (- last-char i))) pad)) (do* ((strpos (- last-char padding-chars) (1- strpos)) (int (ash input (/ padding-bits 3)))) ((minusp strpos) str) (declare (fixnum strpos) (integer int)) (cond ((zerop col) (setf (schar str strpos) #\Newline) (setq col columns)) (t (setf (schar str strpos) (schar encode-table (the fixnum (logand int #x3f)))) (setq int (ash int -6)) (decf col))))))) (defun integer-to-base64-stream (input stream &key (uri nil) (columns 0)) "Encode an integer to base64 format." (declare (integer input) (fixnum columns) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (encode-table (if uri *uri-encode-table* *encode-table*))) (declare (simple-string encode-table) (character pad)) (let* ((input-bits (integer-length input)) (byte-bits (round-next-multiple input-bits 8)) (padded-bits (round-next-multiple byte-bits 6)) (remainder-padding (mod padded-bits 24)) (padding-bits (if (zerop remainder-padding) 0 (- 24 remainder-padding))) (padding-chars (/ padding-bits 6)) (padded-length (/ (+ padded-bits padding-bits) 6)) (strlen padded-length) (nonpad-chars (- strlen padding-chars)) (last-nonpad-char (1- nonpad-chars)) (str (make-string strlen))) (declare (fixnum padded-length last-nonpad-char)) (do* ((strpos 0 (1+ strpos)) (int (ash input (/ padding-bits 3)) (ash int -6)) (6bit-value (logand int #x3f) (logand int #x3f))) ((= strpos nonpad-chars) (let ((col 0)) (declare (fixnum col)) (dotimes (i nonpad-chars) (declare (fixnum i)) (write-char (schar str i) stream) (when (plusp columns) (incf col) (when (= col columns) (write-char #\Newline stream) (setq col 0)))) (dotimes (ipad padding-chars) (declare (fixnum ipad)) (write-char pad stream) (when (plusp columns) (incf col) (when (= col columns) (write-char #\Newline stream) (setq col 0))))) stream) (declare (fixnum 6bit-value strpos) (integer int)) (setf (schar str (- last-nonpad-char strpos)) (schar encode-table 6bit-value)) )))) ;;; Decoding (defun base64-to-string (string &key (uri nil)) "Decode a base64 string to a string array." (declare (string string) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (character pad)) (let ((result (make-string (* 3 (truncate (length string) 4)))) (ridx 0)) (declare (simple-string result) (fixnum ridx)) (loop for char of-type character across string for svalue of-type fixnum = (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))) with bitstore of-type fixnum = 0 with bitcount of-type fixnum = 0 do (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setf bitstore (logior (the fixnum (ash bitstore 6)) svalue)) (incf bitcount 6) (when (>= bitcount 8) (decf bitcount 8) (setf (char result ridx) (code-char (the fixnum (logand (the fixnum (ash bitstore (the fixnum (- bitcount)))) #xFF)))) (incf ridx) (setf bitstore (the fixnum (logand bitstore #xFF))))) ((char= char pad) ;; Could add checks to make sure padding is correct ;; Currently, padding is ignored ) ((whitespace-p char) ;; Ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)) )) (subseq result 0 ridx)))) (defun base64-to-integer (string &key (uri nil)) "Decodes a base64 string to an integer" (declare (string string) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pad (if uri *uri-pad-char* *pad-char*)) (decode-table (if uri *uri-decode-table* *decode-table*))) (declare (type decode-table decode-table) (character pad)) (let ((value 0)) (declare (integer value)) (loop for char of-type character across string for svalue of-type fixnum = (aref decode-table (the fixnum (char-code char))) do (cond ((>= svalue 0) (setq value (+ svalue (ash value 6)))) ((char= char pad) (setq value (ash value -2))) ((whitespace-p char) ; ignore whitespace ) ((minusp svalue) (warn "Bad character ~W in base64 decode" char)))) value)))