INTRODUCTION ------------ This package provided the Lisp side of the interface to Marc Battyani's mod_lisp apache module ( cl-modlisp has cross-implementation support for sockets and multiprocessing. This packages maintains a list of listener processes and sockets as well as worker processes and sockets. cl-modlisp will cleanly close sockets and kill processes when a listener is stopped. REREQUISITES ------------ 1. Apache 1.3.x 2. mod_lisp apache module ( 3. kmrcl library ( 4. asdf ( SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ------------------- Allegro v6.2 Lispworks v4.2 SBCL 0.8.1 with sb-thread (multitasking) CMUCL 18e QUICKSTART ---------- 1. The easiest way to install is to use the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Using the testing or unstable distributions, you can give the command: apt-get install libapache-mod-lisp cl-modlisp cl-kmrcl If you are not using Debian, you will need to download and install mod_lisp, cl-modlisp, and cl-kmrcl manually. 2. Add something like the below to httpd.conf and then restart apache LispServer 20123 "localhost" AddHandler lisp-handler .lsp 3. Start your Lisp implementation and load cl-modlisp with (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'modlisp) 4. Start the server with (ml:modlisp-start :port 20123)) 5. Try some demostration pages lynx http://localhost/fixed.lsp lynx http://localhost/debug.lsp 6. Shutdown the all cl-modlisp servers with (ml:modlisp-stop-all) USAGE ----- Return to the demo.lisp file for some examples of using cl-modlisp.