;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- (in-package #:lml2) (page ("readme") (html (:head (:title "cl-modlisp readme") ((:meta :http-equiv "Content-Type" :content "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")) ((:meta :name "Copyright" :content "Kevin Rosenberg 2002 ")) ((:meta :name "description" :content "cl-modlisp documentation")) ((:meta :name "author" :content "Kevin Rosenberg")) ((:meta :name "keywords" :content "Common Lisp, mod_lisp, cl-modlisp, apache"))) (:body (:h1 "cl-modlisp Documentation") (:h2 "Overview") (:p "cl-modlisp provides the Lisp side of the interface to Marc Battyani's mod_lisp apache module (" ((:a :href "http://www.fractalconcept.com") "http://www.fractalconcept.com") ").") (:h2 "Features") (ul (li "support of AllegroCL, CMUCL, SBCL with sb-thread, and Lispworks.") (li "listener and worker socket/process management so that shutting down the listener closes all related open sockets and terminates all related proceses.") (li "support for running multiple command processors on multiple ports.") (li "transparent support for precomputing the HTML or XML response to take advantage of HTTP/1.1's Keep-Alive feature. This is switchable with a single keyword argument to the macro " (:tt "with-ml-page") ".") (li "Demonstration processor included")) (:h2 "Prerequisites") REREQUISITES ------------ 1. Apache 1.3.x 2. mod_lisp apache module (http://www.fractalconcept.com) 3. kmrcl library (http://files.b9.com/kmrcl) 4. asdf (http://www.sf.net/projects/cclan) SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ------------------- Allegro v6.2 Lispworks v4.2 SBCL 0.8.1 with sb-thread (multitasking) CMUCL 18e QUICKSTART ---------- 1. The easiest way to install is to use the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Using the testing or unstable distributions, you can give the command: apt-get install libapache-mod-lisp cl-modlisp cl-kmrcl If you are not using Debian, you will need to download and install mod_lisp, cl-modlisp, and cl-kmrcl manually. 2. Add something like the below to httpd.conf and then restart apache LispServer 20123 "localhost" AddHandler lisp-handler .lsp 3. Start your Lisp implementation and load cl-modlisp with (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'modlisp) 4. Start the server with (ml:modlisp-start :port 20123)) 5. Try some demostration pages lynx http://localhost/fixed.lsp lynx http://localhost/debug.lsp 6. Shutdown the all cl-modlisp servers with (ml:modlisp-stop-all) USAGE ----- Return to the demo.lisp file for some examples of using cl-modlisp.