;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: modlisp -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: base.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Base data and functions for modlisp package ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Dec 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: variables.lisp,v 1.6 2003/07/08 14:00:53 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:modlisp) (defvar *listener-count* 0 "used to name listeners") (defvar *worker-count* 0 "used to name workers") (defconstant +default-apache-port+ 20123 "Default port for listen") (defvar *apache-socket* nil "the socket stream to apache") (defvar *number-server-requests* 0) (defvar *number-worker-requests* 0) (defvar *close-apache-socket* t) (defclass listener () ((port :initarg :port :accessor port) (function :initarg :function :accessor listener-function :initform nil) (function-args :initarg :function-args :accessor function-args :initform nil) (process :initarg :process :accessor process) (socket :initarg :socket :accessor socket) (workers :initform nil :accessor workers :documentation "list of worker threads") (name :initform "" :accessor name :initarg :name) (wait :initform nil :accessor wait :initarg :wait) (catch-errors :initform nil :accessor catch-errors :initarg :catch-errors) (format :initform :text :accessor listener-format :initarg :format))) (defvar *active-listeners* nil "List of active listeners") (defclass worker () ((listener :initarg :listener :accessor listener :initform nil) (connection :initarg :connection :accessor connection :initform nil) (name :initarg :name :accessor name :initform nil) (thread-fun :initarg :thread-fun :accessor thread-fun :initform nil) (process :initarg :process :accessor process :initform nil)))