;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: photo -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: dof.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Depth of field functions for cl-photo ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: April 2005 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of cl-photo, is Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; cl-photo users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 ;;;; (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:photo) (defun coc (imager-size &key (lpm 5) (minimum-distance 250) (viewing-distance 250) (print-size (output-dimensions :8x10in))) "Returns circle of confusion in mm and print magnification for a format. Default resolving power is 5 lpm at 25cm." (let* ((imager-diagonal (diagonal (car imager-size) (cdr imager-size))) (print-diagonal (diagonal (car print-size) (cdr print-size))) (resolution-factor (/ (* lpm print-diagonal minimum-distance) (* imager-diagonal viewing-distance))) (coc (/ 1.0d0 resolution-factor)) (print-magnification (/ print-diagonal imager-diagonal))) (values coc print-magnification))) (defun coc-format (format &key (lpm 5) (minimum-distance 250) (viewing-distance 250) (print-size (output-dimensions :8x10in))) "Returns circle of confusion in mm and print magnification for a format. Default resolving power is 5 lpm at 25cm." (let* ((format-size (imager-dimensions format)) (format-diagonal (diagonal (car format-size) (cdr format-size))) (print-diagonal (diagonal (car print-size) (cdr print-size))) (resolution-factor (/ (* lpm print-diagonal minimum-distance) (* format-diagonal viewing-distance))) (coc (/ 1.0d0 resolution-factor)) (print-magnification (/ print-diagonal format-diagonal))) (values coc print-magnification))) (defun coc-pixels (imager pixels) "Returns lpm and circle of confusion based on pixel size." (when (and (consp imager) (consp pixels)) (let ((coc-w (float (* 2 (/ (car imager) (car pixels))))) (coc-h (float (* 2 (/ (cdr imager) (cdr pixels)))))) (values coc-w coc-h (/ 1. coc-w) (/ 1. coc-h))))) (defun coc-pixels-format (format) "Returns circle of confusion based on pixel size." (coc-pixels (imager-dimensions format) (pixel-dimensions format))) (defun coc-airy (f-stop &optional (wavelength 0.000512)) "Return the circle of confusion based on the airy disk." (float (/ 1 (rayleigh-limit f-stop wavelength)))) (defun rayleigh-limit (f-stop &optional (wavelength 0.0005)) "Returns the rayleigh limit in line pairs per mm (MTF 9%) as well as the MTF50" (let ((rayleigh (float (/ 1 1.22 f-stop wavelength)))) (values rayleigh (* 0.46 rayleigh)))) (defun maximum-sharpness-aperture (format &optional (wavelength 0.0005)) (multiple-value-bind (coc-w coc-h lpm-w lpm-h) (coc-pixels-format format) (declare (ignore coc-w coc-h)) (/ 1. (* 1.22 wavelength (/ (min lpm-w lpm-h) 0.46))))) (defun dof-mm (focal-length f-stop distance coc &key (pupil-factor 1)) "Returns depth of field based on focal-length, f-stop, distance, and coc. Six values are returned: near point, far point, total dof, magnification, blur size at infinity (mm). Circle of confusion can either be a number or keyword designating format." (let* ((aperture (/ focal-length f-stop)) (numerator-1 (* (- pupil-factor 1) (- distance focal-length) coc focal-length)) (numerator-2 (* pupil-factor aperture focal-length distance)) (denominator-1 (* pupil-factor coc (- distance focal-length))) (denominator-2 (* pupil-factor aperture focal-length)) (near (/ (+ numerator-1 numerator-2) (+ denominator-1 denominator-2))) (far (/ (- numerator-1 numerator-2) (- denominator-1 denominator-2))) (mag (float (/ focal-length (- distance focal-length)))) (infinity-blur-diameter (/ (* mag focal-length) f-stop)) (depth (- far near))) (values near far depth mag infinity-blur-diameter))) ;; Simplified calculation for symmetric lens (defun dof-symmetric-mm (focal-length f-stop distance coc) "Returns depth of field based on focal-length, f-stop, distance, and coc. Six values are returned: near dof, far dof, total dof, near point, far point, magnification, blur size at infinity (mm). Circle of confusion can either be a number or keyword designating format. Pupil factor is the ratio of the exit to enterance pupil diameters." (let* ((aperture (/ focal-length f-stop)) (numerator (* distance coc (- distance focal-length))) (factor-1 (* focal-length aperture)) (factor-2 (* coc (- distance focal-length))) (near (- distance (/ numerator (+ factor-1 factor-2)))) (far (+ distance (/ numerator (- factor-1 factor-2)))) (mag (magnification focal-length distance)) (infinity-blur-diameter (/ (* mag focal-length) f-stop)) (depth (- far near))) (values near far depth mag infinity-blur-diameter))) (defun dof (focal-length f-stop distance coc &key (units :mm) (pupil-factor 1)) "Returns the Depth of Field. Input: FOCAL-LENGTH, F-STOP, DISTANCE, CIRCLE-OF-CONFUSION. Output: NEAR-POINT, FAR-POINT, TOTAL-DOF, MAGNIFICATION, BLUR-SIZE-OF-INFINITY-POINT-IN-MM." (multiple-value-bind (near-point far-point total-dof mag blur) (dof-mm focal-length f-stop (length->mm distance units) coc :pupil-factor pupil-factor) (values (mm->length near-point units) (mm->length far-point units) (mm->length total-dof units) mag blur))) (defun hyperfocal (focal-length f-stop coc &key (units :mm)) (mm->length (+ focal-length (/ (* focal-length focal-length) f-stop coc)) units)) (defun effective-aperture (focal-length distance aperture) (* aperture (bellows-factor focal-length distance))) (defun mtf-scanner (freq dscan-freq &optional (order 3)) (abs (expt (kmrcl:sinc (* pi (/ freq dscan-freq))) order))) (defun freq-mtf-scanner (dscan-freq mtf &optional (order 3)) (* dscan-freq (/ (asin (* x (exp (/ (log mtf) order)))) pi)))