;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: photo -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: dof.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Depth of field functions for cl-photo ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: April 2005 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of cl-photo, is Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin Rosenberg. ;;;; Rights of modification and redistribution are in the LICENSE file. ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:photo) ;; Based on http://www.photostuff.co.uk/dofmstr.htm (defun coc-format (format &key (lpm 5) (minimum-distance 250) (viewing-distance 250) (print-size (format-dimensions :8x10in))) "Returns circle of confusion in mm and print magnification for a format. Default resolving power is 5 lpm at 25cm." (let* ((format-size (format-dimensions format)) (format-diagonal (diagonal (car format-size) (cdr format-size))) (print-diagonal (diagonal (car print-size) (cdr print-size))) (resolution-factor (/ (* lpm print-diagonal minimum-distance) (* format-diagonal viewing-distance))) (coc (/ 1.0d0 resolution-factor)) (print-magnification (/ print-diagonal format-diagonal))) (values coc print-magnification))) (defun coc-sensor (format nx ny) "Returns circle of confusion based on pixel size." (let* ((dim (format-dimensions format)) (pixel-width (/ (car dim) nx)) (pixel-height (/ (cdr dim) ny))) (values (coerce (* 2 pixel-width) 'float) (coerce (* 2 pixel-height) 'float)))) (defun coc-sensor-camera (camera &key (format :aps)) (let ((dim (sensor-dimensions camera :format format))) (coc-sensor format (car dim) (cdr dim)))) (defun sensor-dimensions-megapixels (format megapixels) (let* ((dim (format-dimensions format)) (aspect-ratio (/ (car dim) (cdr dim))) (width (round (sqrt (* aspect-ratio 1000000 megapixels))))) (cons width (round (/ width aspect-ratio))))) (defun sensor-dimensions (camera &key (format :aps)) (etypecase camera (keyword (ecase camera ;; nikon (:d2x (cons 4288 2848)) (:d2x (cons 2484 1242)) (:d70 (cons 3008 2000)) ;; canon (:1d (cons 2464 1648)) (:1d2 (cons 3504 2336)) (:1ds (cons 4064 2704)) (:1ds2 (cons 4992 3328)) )) (number (sensor-dimensions-megapixels format camera)))) (defun coc-airy-disk (f-stop) "Return the circle of confusion based on the airy disk." (let ((airy (/ f-stop 1500))) (coerce (* 2 airy) 'float))) (defun dof (focal-length f-stop distance coc) "Returns depth of field as fives values: near dof, far dof, total dof, near point, far point. Circle of confusion can either be a number or keyword designating format." (let* ((aperature (/ focal-length f-stop)) (numerator (* distance coc (- distance focal-length))) (factor-1 (* focal-length aperature)) (factor-2 (* coc (- distance focal-length))) (near (/ numerator (+ factor-1 factor-2))) (far (/ numerator (- factor-1 factor-2))) (depth (+ far near))) (values near far depth (- distance near) (+ distance far)))) (defun dof-feet (focal-length f-stop distance coc) (multiple-value-bind (near-dof far-dof total-dof near-point far-point) (dof focal-length f-stop (feet->mm distance) coc) (values (mm->feet near-dof) (mm->feet far-dof) (mm->feet total-dof) (mm->feet near-point) (mm->feet far-point)))) (defun dof-meters (focal-length f-stop distance coc) (multiple-value-bind (near-dof far-dof total-dof near-point far-point) (dof focal-length f-stop (* 1000 distance) coc) (values (* 0.001 near-dof) (* 0.001 far-dof) (* 0.001 total-dof) (* 0.001 near-point) (* 0.001 far-point)))) (defun hyperfocal (focal-length f-stop coc) (+ focal-length (/ (* focal-length focal-length) (* f-stop coc)))) (defun hyperfocal-feet (focal-length f-stop coc) (mm->feet (hyperfocal focal-length f-stop coc)))