;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: photo -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: tables.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Returns tables of values ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: April 2005 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: dof.lisp 10436 2005-04-21 15:36:01Z kevin $ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of cl-photo, is Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; cl-photo users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 ;;;; (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:photo) (defparameter +f-stops+ '(1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 5.6 8 11 16 22 32)) (defparameter +focal-lengths+ '(12 24 35 50 70 85 105 135 200 300 400 500 600)) (defparameter +distances-feet+ '(0.5 1 3 8 15 25 50 100 200)) (defun hyperfocal-table (focal-length coc &key (units :feet) (output *standard-output*)) (loop for f-stop in +f-stops+ do (format output "~4,1F ~,1F~%" f-stop (hyperfocal focal-length f-stop coc :units units))) (values)) (defun aov-table (imager &key (output *standard-output*) (projection :rectilinear)) (let ((imager-dim (etypecase imager (cons imager) (symbol (imager-dimensions imager))))) (format output "~5A ~5A ~5A ~5A~%" "FOCAL" "AOV-W" "AOV-H" "AOV-D") (loop for focal-length in +focal-lengths+ do (let ((aov (multiple-value-list (aov focal-length (car imager-dim) (cdr imager-dim) :projection projection)))) (format output "~5D ~5,1F ~5,1F ~5,1F~%" focal-length (nth 0 aov) (nth 1 aov) (nth 2 aov))))) (values)) (defun fov-table (imager focal-length &key (output *standard-output*) (projection :rectilinear) (units :feet)) (let ((imager-dim (etypecase imager (cons imager) (symbol (imager-dimensions imager)))) (distances (mapcar 'feet->mm +distances-feet+))) (format output "~8A ~6A ~6A ~6A ~6A~%" "DISTANCE" "WIDTH" "HEIGHT" "DIAGON" "MAG") (loop for distance in distances do (let ((fov (multiple-value-list (fov focal-length (car imager-dim) (cdr imager-dim) distance :projection projection)))) (format output "~8F: ~6F ~6F ~6F ~6F~%" (mm->length distance units) (nth 0 fov) (nth 1 fov) (nth 2 fov) (nth 3 fov))))) (values)) (defun dof-table (focal-length coc &key (output *standard-output*) (units :feet)) (let ((distances (mapcar (lambda (mm) (mm->length mm units)) (mapcar 'feet->mm +distances-feet+)))) (format output "~&~5A " "FStop") (dolist (distance distances) (format output " ~10F " distance)) (format output "~%") (dolist (f-stop +f-stops+) (format output "~5,1F " f-stop) (dolist (distance distances) (multiple-value-bind (near far dof mag blur) (dof focal-length f-stop distance coc :units units) (when (minusp far) (setq far "Inf ")) (format output "~5F/~5F " near far))) (format output "~%"))) (values))