;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: mysql-api.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Low-level MySQL interface using UFFI ;;;; Programmers: Kevin M. Rosenberg based on ;;;; Original code by Pierre R. Mai ;;;; Date Started: Feb 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; and Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Pierre R. Mai ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:mysql) ;;;; Modifications from original code ;;;; - Updated C-structures to conform to structures in MySQL 3.23.46 ;;;; - Changed from CMUCL interface to UFFI ;;;; - Added and call a C-helper file to support 64-bit integers ;;;; that are used in a few routines. ;;;; - Removed all references to interiors of C-structions, this will ;;;; increase robustness when MySQL's internal structures change. ;;;; Type definitions ;;; Basic Types (uffi:def-foreign-type mysql-socket :int) (uffi:def-foreign-type mysql-bool :char) (uffi:def-foreign-type mysql-byte :unsigned-char) (uffi:def-enum mysql-net-type (:tcp-ip :socket :named-pipe)) (uffi:def-struct mysql-net (vio :pointer-void) (fd mysql-socket) (fcntl :int) (buff (* :unsigned-char)) (buff-end (* :unsigned-char)) (write-pos (* :unsigned-char)) (read-pos (* :unsigned-char)) (last-error (:array :char 200)) (last-errno :unsigned-int) (max-packet :unsigned-int) (timeout :unsigned-int) (pkt-nr :unsigned-int) (error mysql-bool) (return-errno mysql-bool) (compress mysql-bool) (no-send-ok mysql-bool) (remain-in-buf :unsigned-long) (length :unsigned-long) (buf-length :unsigned-long) (where-b :unsigned-long) (return-status (* :unsigned-int)) (reading-or-writing :unsigned-char) (save-char :char)) ;;; Mem-Root (uffi:def-struct mysql-used-mem (next :pointer-self) (left :unsigned-int) (size :unsigned-int)) (uffi:def-struct mysql-mem-root (free (:struct-pointer mysql-used-mem)) (used (:struct-pointer mysql-used-mem)) (pre-alloc (:struct-pointer mysql-used-mem)) (min-alloc :unsigned-int) (block-size :unsigned-int) (error-handler :pointer-void)) ;;; MYSQL-FIELD (uffi:def-enum mysql-field-types (:decimal :tiny :short :long :float :double :null :timestamp :longlong :int24 :date :time :datetime :year :newdate (:enum 247) (:set 248) (:tiny-blob 249) (:medium-blob 250) (:long-blob 251) (:blob 252) (:var-string 253) (:string 254))) #+:mysql-client-v3 (uffi:def-struct mysql-field (name (* :char)) (table (* :char)) (def (* :char)) (type mysql-field-types) (length :unsigned-int) (max-length :unsigned-int) (flags :unsigned-int) (decimals :unsigned-int)) ;; structure changed in mysql 4 client #+:mysql-client-v4 (uffi:def-struct mysql-field (name (* :char)) (table (* :char)) (org_table (* :char)) (db (* :char)) (def (* :char)) (length :unsigned-int) (max-length :unsigned-int) (flags :unsigned-int) (decimals :unsigned-int) (type mysql-field-types)) ;;; MYSQL-ROWS (uffi:def-array-pointer mysql-row (* :unsigned-char)) (uffi:def-array-pointer mysql-field-vector (* mysql-field)) (uffi:def-foreign-type mysql-field-offset :unsigned-int) (uffi:def-struct mysql-rows (next :pointer-self) (data mysql-row)) (uffi:def-foreign-type mysql-row-offset (:struct-pointer mysql-rows)) (uffi:def-struct mysql-data (rows-high32 :unsigned-long) (rows-low32 :unsigned-long) (fields :unsigned-int) (data (:struct-pointer mysql-rows)) (alloc (:struct mysql-mem-root))) ;;; MYSQL (uffi:def-struct mysql-options (connect-timeout :unsigned-int) (client-flag :unsigned-int) (compress mysql-bool) (named-pipe mysql-bool) (port :unsigned-int) (host (* :char)) (init-command (* :char)) (user (* :char)) (password (* :char)) (unix-socket (* :char)) (db (* :char)) (my-cnf-file (* :char)) (my-cnf-group (* :char)) (charset-dir (* :char)) (charset-name (* :char)) (use-ssl mysql-bool) (ssl-key (* :char)) (ssl-cert (* :char)) (ssl-ca (* :char)) (ssl-capath (* :char))) (uffi:def-enum mysql-option (:connect-timeout :compress :named-pipe :init-command :read-default-file :read-default-group)) (uffi:def-enum mysql-status (:ready :get-result :use-result)) (uffi:def-struct mysql-mysql (net (:struct mysql-net)) (connected-fd (* :char)) (host (* :char)) (user (* :char)) (passwd (* :char)) (unix-socket (* :char)) (server-version (* :char)) (host-info (* :char)) (info (* :char)) (db (* :char)) (port :unsigned-int) (client-flag :unsigned-int) (server-capabilities :unsigned-int) (protocol-version :unsigned-int) (field-count :unsigned-int) (server-status :unsigned-int) (thread-id :unsigned-long) (affected-rows-high32 :unsigned-long) (affected-rows-low32 :unsigned-long) (insert-id-high32 :unsigned-long) (insert-id-low32 :unsigned-long) (extra-info-high32 :unsigned-long) (extra-info-low32 :unsigned-long) (packet-length :unsigned-long) (status mysql-status) (fields (:struct-pointer mysql-field)) (field-alloc (:struct mysql-mem-root)) (free-me mysql-bool) (reconnect mysql-bool) (options (:struct mysql-options)) (scramble-buff (:array :char 9)) (charset :pointer-void) (server-language :unsigned-int)) ;;; MYSQL-RES (uffi:def-struct mysql-mysql-res (row-count-high32 :unsigned-long) (row-count-low32 :unsigned-long) (field-count :unsigned-int) (current-field :unsigned-int) (fields (:struct-pointer mysql-field)) (data (:struct-pointer mysql-data)) (data-cursor (:struct-pointer mysql-rows)) (field-alloc (:struct mysql-mem-root)) (row mysql-row) (current-row mysql-row) (lengths (* :unsigned-long)) (handle (:struct-pointer mysql-mysql)) (eof mysql-bool)) ;;;; The Foreign C routines (declaim (inline mysql-init)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_init" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql)) #-mysql-client-v4 (declaim (inline mysql-connect)) #-mysql-client-v4 (uffi:def-function "mysql_connect" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (host :cstring) (user :cstring) (passwd :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql)) ;; Need to comment this out for LW 4.2.6 ;; ? bug in LW version ;;(declaim (inline mysql-real-connect)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_real_connect" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (host :cstring) (user :cstring) (passwd :cstring) (db :cstring) (port :unsigned-int) (unix-socket :cstring) (clientflag :unsigned-int)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql)) (declaim (inline mysql-close)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_close" ((sock (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :void) (declaim (inline mysql-select-db)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_select_db" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (db :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-query)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_query" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (query :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) ;;; I doubt that this function is really useful for direct Lisp usage, ;;; but it is here for completeness... (declaim (inline mysql-real-query)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_real_query" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (query :cstring) (length :unsigned-int)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) #-mysql-client-v4 (declaim (inline mysql-create-db)) #-mysql-client-v4 (uffi:def-function "mysql_create_db" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (db :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) #-mysql-client-v4 (declaim (inline mysql-drop-db)) #-mysql-client-v4 (uffi:def-function "mysql_drop_db" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (db :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-shutdown)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_shutdown" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-dump-debug-info)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_dump_debug_info" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-refresh)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_refresh" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (refresh-options :unsigned-int)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-kill)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_kill" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (pid :unsigned-long)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-ping)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_ping" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-stat)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_stat" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :cstring) (declaim (inline mysql-get-server-info)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_get_server_info" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :cstring) (declaim (inline mysql-get-host-info)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_get_host_info" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :cstring) (declaim (inline mysql-get-proto-info)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_get_proto_info" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning :unsigned-int) (declaim (inline mysql-list-dbs)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_list_dbs" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (wild :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-list-tables)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_list_tables" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (wild :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-list-fields)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_list_fields" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (table :cstring) (wild :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-list-processes)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_list_processes" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-store-result)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_store_result" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-use-result)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_use_result" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-mysql-res)) (declaim (inline mysql-options)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_options" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (option mysql-option) (arg :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :int) (declaim (inline mysql-free-result)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_free_result" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :module "mysql" :returning :void) (declaim (inline mysql-row-seek)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_row_seek" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res)) (offset mysql-row-offset)) :module "mysql" :returning mysql-row-offset) (declaim (inline mysql-field-seek)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_field_seek" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res)) (offset mysql-field-offset)) :module "mysql" :returning mysql-field-offset) (declaim (inline mysql-fetch-row)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_fetch_row" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :module "mysql" :returning (* (* :unsigned-char))) (declaim (inline mysql-fetch-lengths)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_fetch_lengths" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :module "mysql" :returning (* :unsigned-long)) (declaim (inline mysql-fetch-field)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_fetch_field" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-field)) (declaim (inline mysql-fetch-fields)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_fetch_fields" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-field)) (declaim (inline mysql-fetch-field-direct)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_fetch_field_direct" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res)) (field-num :unsigned-int)) :module "mysql" :returning (* mysql-field)) (declaim (inline mysql-escape-string)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_escape_string" ((to :cstring) (from :cstring) (length :unsigned-int)) :module "mysql" :returning :unsigned-int) (declaim (inline mysql-debug)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_debug" ((debug :cstring)) :module "mysql" :returning :void) (declaim (inline clsql-mysql-num-rows)) (uffi:def-function "clsql_mysql_num_rows" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res)) (p-high32 (* :unsigned-int))) :module "clsql-mysql" :returning :unsigned-int) ;;;; Equivalents of C Macro definitions for accessing various fields ;;;; in the internal MySQL Datastructures (declaim (inline mysql-num-rows)) (defun mysql-num-rows (res) (uffi:with-foreign-object (p-high32 :unsigned-int) (let ((low32 (clsql-mysql-num-rows res p-high32)) (high32 (uffi:deref-pointer p-high32 :unsigned-int))) (if (zerop high32) low32 (make-64-bit-integer high32 low32))))) (uffi:def-function "clsql_mysql_affected_rows" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql)) (p-high32 (* :unsigned-int))) :returning :unsigned-int :module "clsql-mysql") (defun mysql-affected-rows (mysql) (uffi:with-foreign-object (p-high32 :unsigned-int) (let ((low32 (clsql-mysql-affected-rows mysql p-high32)) (high32 (uffi:deref-pointer p-high32 :unsigned-int))) (if (zerop high32) low32 (make-64-bit-integer high32 low32))))) (uffi:def-function "clsql_mysql_insert_id" ((res (* mysql-mysql)) (p-high32 (* :unsigned-int))) :returning :unsigned-int :module "clsql-mysql") (defun mysql-insert-id (mysql) (uffi:with-foreign-object (p-high32 :unsigned-int) (let ((low32 (clsql-mysql-insert-id mysql p-high32)) (high32 (uffi:deref-pointer p-high32 :unsigned-int))) (if (zerop high32) low32 (make-64-bit-integer high32 low32))))) (declaim (inline mysql-num-fields)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_num_fields" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :returning :unsigned-int :module "mysql") (declaim (inline clsql-mysql-eof)) (uffi:def-function ("mysql_eof" clsql-mysql-eof) ((res (* mysql-mysql-res))) :returning :char :module "mysql") (declaim (inline mysql-eof)) (defun mysql-eof (res) (if (zerop (clsql-mysql-eof res)) nil t)) (declaim (inline mysql-error)) (uffi:def-function ("mysql_error" mysql-error) ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :returning :cstring :module "mysql") (declaim (inline mysql-error-string)) (defun mysql-error-string (mysql) (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-error mysql))) (declaim (inline mysql-errno)) (uffi:def-function "mysql_errno" ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :returning :unsigned-int :module "mysql") (declaim (inline mysql-info)) (uffi:def-function ("mysql_info" mysql-info) ((mysql (* mysql-mysql))) :returning :cstring :module "mysql") (declaim (inline mysql-info-string)) (defun mysql-info-string (mysql) (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-info mysql))) (declaim (inline clsql-mysql-data-seek)) (uffi:def-function "clsql_mysql_data_seek" ((res (* mysql-mysql-res)) (offset-high32 :unsigned-int) (offset-low32 :unsigned-int)) :module "clsql-mysql" :returning :void) (defun mysql-data-seek (res offset) (multiple-value-bind (high32 low32) (split-64-bit-integer offset) (clsql-mysql-data-seek res high32 low32)))