;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: mysql-sql.lisp ;;;; Purpose: High-level MySQL interface using UFFI ;;;; Date Started: Feb 2002 ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2010 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (defpackage #:clsql-mysql (:use #:common-lisp #:clsql-sys #:mysql #:clsql-uffi) (:export #:mysql-database) (:documentation "This is the CLSQL interface to MySQL.")) (in-package #:clsql-mysql) ;;; Field conversion functions (defun result-field-names (res-ptr) (let ((names '())) (mysql-field-seek res-ptr 0) (loop (let ((field (mysql-fetch-field res-ptr))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p field) (return)) (push (uffi:convert-from-cstring (clsql-mysql-field-name field)) names))) (nreverse names))) (defun make-type-list-for-auto (res-ptr) (let ((new-types '())) (mysql-field-seek res-ptr 0) (loop (let ((field (mysql-fetch-field res-ptr))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p field) (return)) (let* ((flags (clsql-mysql-field-flags field)) (unsigned (plusp (logand flags 32))) (type (clsql-mysql-field-type field))) (push (case type ((#.mysql-field-types#tiny #.mysql-field-types#short #.mysql-field-types#int24) (if unsigned :uint32 :int32)) (#.mysql-field-types#long (if unsigned :uint :int)) (#.mysql-field-types#longlong (if unsigned :uint64 :int64)) ((#.mysql-field-types#double #.mysql-field-types#float #.mysql-field-types#decimal) :double) (otherwise t)) new-types)))) (nreverse new-types))) (defun canonicalize-types (types res-ptr) (when types (let ((auto-list (make-type-list-for-auto res-ptr))) (cond ((listp types) (canonicalize-type-list types auto-list)) ((eq types :auto) auto-list) (t nil))))) (defmethod database-initialize-database-type ((database-type (eql :mysql))) t) ;;(uffi:def-type mysql-mysql-ptr-def (* mysql-mysql)) ;;(uffi:def-type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def (* mysql-mysql-res)) (uffi:def-type mysql-mysql-ptr-def mysql-mysql) (uffi:def-type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def mysql-mysql-res) (uffi:def-type mysql-row-def mysql-row) (defclass mysql-database (database) ((mysql-ptr :accessor database-mysql-ptr :initarg :mysql-ptr :type mysql-mysql-ptr-def) (server-info :accessor database-server-info :initarg :server-info :type string))) (defmethod database-type ((database mysql-database)) :mysql) (defmethod database-name-from-spec (connection-spec (database-type (eql :mysql))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (host db user password &optional port)) (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port) connection-spec (declare (ignore password)) (concatenate 'string (etypecase host (null "localhost") (pathname (namestring host)) (string host)) (if port (concatenate 'string ":" (etypecase port (integer (write-to-string port)) (string port))) "") "/" db "/" user))) (defmethod database-connect (connection-spec (database-type (eql :mysql))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (host db user password &optional port)) (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port) connection-spec (let ((mysql-ptr (mysql-init (uffi:make-null-pointer 'mysql-mysql))) (socket nil)) (if (uffi:null-pointer-p mysql-ptr) (error 'sql-connection-error :database-type database-type :connection-spec connection-spec :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr)) (uffi:with-cstrings ((host-native host) (user-native user) (password-native password) (db-native db) (socket-native socket)) (let ((error-occurred nil)) (unwind-protect (if (uffi:null-pointer-p (mysql-real-connect mysql-ptr host-native user-native password-native db-native (etypecase port (null 0) (integer port) (string (parse-integer port))) socket-native 0)) (progn (setq error-occurred t) (error 'sql-connection-error :database-type database-type :connection-spec connection-spec :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr))) (let* ((db (make-instance 'mysql-database :name (database-name-from-spec connection-spec database-type) :database-type :mysql :connection-spec connection-spec :server-info (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql:mysql-get-server-info mysql-ptr)) :mysql-ptr mysql-ptr)) (cmd "SET SESSION sql_mode='ANSI'")) (uffi:with-cstring (cmd-cs cmd) (if (zerop (mysql-real-query mysql-ptr cmd-cs (uffi:foreign-encoded-octet-count cmd :encoding (encoding db)))) db (progn (warn "Error setting ANSI mode for MySQL.") db))))) (when error-occurred (mysql-close mysql-ptr))))))))) (defmethod database-disconnect ((database mysql-database)) (mysql-close (database-mysql-ptr database)) (setf (database-mysql-ptr database) nil) t) (defmethod database-execute-command (sql-expression (database mysql-database)) (uffi:with-cstring (sql-native sql-expression) (let ((mysql-ptr (database-mysql-ptr database))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-ptr-def mysql-ptr)) (if (zerop (mysql-real-query mysql-ptr sql-native (uffi:foreign-encoded-octet-count sql-expression :encoding (encoding database)))) t (error 'sql-database-data-error :database database :expression sql-expression :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr)))))) (defmethod database-query (query-expression (database mysql-database) result-types field-names) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (space 0))) (let ((mysql-ptr (database-mysql-ptr database))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-ptr-def mysql-ptr)) (when (database-execute-command query-expression database) (let ((res-ptr (mysql-use-result mysql-ptr))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def res-ptr)) (if (and res-ptr (not (uffi:null-pointer-p res-ptr))) (unwind-protect (let ((num-fields (mysql-num-fields res-ptr))) (declare (fixnum num-fields)) (setq result-types (canonicalize-types result-types res-ptr)) (values (loop for row = (mysql-fetch-row res-ptr) for lengths = (mysql-fetch-lengths res-ptr) until (uffi:null-pointer-p row) collect (do* ((rlist (make-list num-fields)) (i 0 (1+ i)) (pos rlist (cdr pos))) ((= i num-fields) rlist) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (car pos) (convert-raw-field (uffi:deref-array row '(:array (* :unsigned-char)) i) result-types i (uffi:deref-array lengths '(:array :unsigned-long) i))))) (when field-names (result-field-names res-ptr)))) (mysql-free-result res-ptr)) (unless (zerop (mysql-errno mysql-ptr)) ;;from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-field-count.html ;; if mysql_use_result or mysql_store_result return a null ptr, ;; we use a mysql_errno check to see if it had a problem or just ;; was a query without a result. If no error, just return nil. (error 'sql-database-data-error :database database :expression query-expression :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr)))))))) (defstruct mysql-result-set (res-ptr (uffi:make-null-pointer 'mysql-mysql-res) :type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def) (types nil :type list) (num-fields 0 :type fixnum) (full-set nil :type boolean)) (defmethod database-query-result-set ((query-expression string) (database mysql-database) &key full-set result-types) (let ((mysql-ptr (database-mysql-ptr database))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-ptr-def mysql-ptr)) (when (database-execute-command query-expression database) (let ((res-ptr (if full-set (mysql-store-result mysql-ptr) (mysql-use-result mysql-ptr)))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def res-ptr)) (if (not (uffi:null-pointer-p res-ptr)) (let* ((num-fields (mysql-num-fields res-ptr)) (result-set (make-mysql-result-set :res-ptr res-ptr :num-fields num-fields :full-set full-set :types (canonicalize-types result-types res-ptr)))) (if full-set (values result-set num-fields (mysql-num-rows res-ptr)) (values result-set num-fields))) (error 'sql-database-data-error :database database :expression query-expression :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr)))) ))) (defmethod database-dump-result-set (result-set (database mysql-database)) (mysql-free-result (mysql-result-set-res-ptr result-set)) t) (defmethod database-store-next-row (result-set (database mysql-database) list) (let* ((res-ptr (mysql-result-set-res-ptr result-set)) (row (mysql-fetch-row res-ptr)) (lengths (mysql-fetch-lengths res-ptr)) (types (mysql-result-set-types result-set))) (declare (type mysql-mysql-res-ptr-def res-ptr) (type mysql-row-def row)) (unless (uffi:null-pointer-p row) (loop for i from 0 below (mysql-result-set-num-fields result-set) for rest on list do (setf (car rest) (convert-raw-field (uffi:deref-array row '(:array (* :unsigned-char)) i) types i (uffi:deref-array lengths '(:array :unsigned-long) i)))) list))) ;; Table and attribute introspection (defmethod database-list-tables ((database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (cond ((eql #\5 (char (database-server-info database) 0)) (loop for (name type) in (database-query "SHOW FULL TABLES" database nil nil) when (and (string-equal type "base table") (not (and (>= (length name) 11) (string-equal (subseq name 0 11) "_CLSQL_SEQ_")))) collect name)) (t (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (and (>= (length s) 11) (string-equal (subseq s 0 11) "_CLSQL_SEQ_"))) (mapcar #'car (database-query "SHOW TABLES" database nil nil)))))) (defmethod database-list-views ((database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (cond ((eql #\5 (char (database-server-info database) 0)) (loop for (name type) in (database-query "SHOW FULL TABLES" database nil nil) when (string-equal type "view") collect name)) (t nil))) (defmethod database-list-indexes ((database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((result '())) (dolist (table (database-list-tables database :owner owner) result) (setq result (append (database-list-table-indexes table database :owner owner) result))))) (defmethod database-list-table-indexes (table (database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (do ((results nil) (rows (database-query (format nil "SHOW INDEX FROM ~A" table) database nil nil) (cdr rows))) ((null rows) (nreverse results)) (let ((col (nth 2 (car rows)))) (unless (find col results :test #'string-equal) (push col results))))) (defmethod database-list-attributes ((table string) (database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (mapcar #'car (database-query (format nil "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ~A" table) database nil nil))) (defmethod database-attribute-type (attribute (table string) (database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (let ((row (car (database-query (format nil "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ~A LIKE '~A'" table attribute) database nil nil)))) (let* ((raw-type (second row)) (null (third row)) (start-length (position #\( raw-type)) (type (if start-length (subseq raw-type 0 start-length) raw-type)) (length (when start-length (parse-integer (subseq raw-type (1+ start-length)) :junk-allowed t)))) (when type (values (ensure-keyword type) length nil (if (string-equal null "YES") 1 0)))))) ;;; Sequence functions (defun %sequence-name-to-table (sequence-name) (concatenate 'string "_CLSQL_SEQ_" (sql-escape sequence-name))) (defun %table-name-to-sequence-name (table-name) (and (>= (length table-name) 11) (string-equal (subseq table-name 0 11) "_CLSQL_SEQ_") (subseq table-name 11))) (defmethod database-create-sequence (sequence-name (database mysql-database)) (let ((table-name (%sequence-name-to-table sequence-name))) (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "CREATE TABLE " table-name " (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT)") database) (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "INSERT INTO " table-name " VALUES (-1)") database))) (defmethod database-drop-sequence (sequence-name (database mysql-database)) (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "DROP TABLE " (%sequence-name-to-table sequence-name)) database)) (defmethod database-list-sequences ((database mysql-database) &key (owner nil)) (declare (ignore owner)) (mapcan #'(lambda (s) (let ((sn (%table-name-to-sequence-name (car s)))) (and sn (list sn)))) (database-query "SHOW TABLES" database nil nil))) (defmethod database-set-sequence-position (sequence-name (position integer) (database mysql-database)) (database-execute-command (format nil "UPDATE ~A SET id=~A" (%sequence-name-to-table sequence-name) position) database) (mysql:mysql-insert-id (clsql-mysql::database-mysql-ptr database))) (defmethod database-sequence-next (sequence-name (database mysql-database)) (without-interrupts (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "UPDATE " (%sequence-name-to-table sequence-name) " SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1)") database) (mysql:mysql-insert-id (clsql-mysql::database-mysql-ptr database)))) (defmethod database-sequence-last (sequence-name (database mysql-database)) (without-interrupts (caar (database-query (concatenate 'string "SELECT id from " (%sequence-name-to-table sequence-name)) database :auto nil)))) (defmethod database-create (connection-spec (type (eql :mysql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec (let ((database (database-connect (list host "" user password) type))) (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :open) (unwind-protect (database-execute-command (format nil "create database ~A" name) database) (database-disconnect database))))) (defmethod database-destroy (connection-spec (type (eql :mysql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec (let ((database (database-connect (list host "" user password) type))) (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :open) (unwind-protect (database-execute-command (format nil "drop database ~A" name) database) (database-disconnect database))))) (defmethod database-probe (connection-spec (type (eql :mysql))) (when (find (second connection-spec) (database-list connection-spec type) :test #'string-equal) t)) (defmethod database-list (connection-spec (type (eql :mysql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password &optional port) connection-spec (let ((database (database-connect (list host (or name "mysql") user password port) type))) (unwind-protect (progn (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :open) (mapcar #'car (database-query "show databases" database :auto nil))) (progn (database-disconnect database) (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-sys::state) :closed)))))) ;;; Prepared statements (defclass mysql-stmt () ((database :initarg :database :reader database) (stmt :initarg :stmt :accessor stmt) (input-bind :initarg :input-bind :reader input-bind) (output-bind :initarg :output-bind :reader output-bind) (types :initarg :types :reader types) (result-set :initarg :result-set :reader result-set) (num-fields :initarg :num-fields :reader num-fields) (field-names :initarg :field-names :accessor stmt-field-names) (length-ptr :initarg :length-ptr :reader length-ptr) (is-null-ptr :initarg :is-null-ptr :reader is-null-ptr) (result-types :initarg :result-types :reader result-types))) (defun clsql-type->mysql-type (type) (cond ((in type :null) mysql-field-types#null) ((in type :int :integer) mysql-field-types#long) ((in type :short) mysql-field-types#short) ((in type :bigint) mysql-field-types#longlong) ((in type :float :double :number) mysql-field-types#double) ((and (consp type) (in (car type) :char :string :varchar)) mysql-field-types#var-string) ((or (eq type :blob) (and (consp type) (in (car type) :blob))) mysql-field-types#var-string) (t (error 'sql-user-error :message (format nil "Unknown clsql type ~A." type))))) #+mysql-client-v4.1 (defmethod database-prepare (sql-stmt types (database mysql-database) result-types field-names) (let* ((mysql-ptr (database-mysql-ptr database)) (stmt (mysql-stmt-init mysql-ptr))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p stmt) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr))) (uffi:with-cstring (native-query sql-stmt) (unless (zerop (mysql-stmt-prepare stmt native-query (uffi:foreign-encoded-octet-count sql-stmt :encoding (encoding database)))) (mysql-stmt-close stmt) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-errno mysql-ptr) :message (mysql-error-string mysql-ptr)))) (unless (= (mysql-stmt-param-count stmt) (length types)) (mysql-stmt-close stmt) (error 'sql-database-error :message (format nil "Mysql param count (~D) does not match number of types (~D)" (mysql-stmt-param-count stmt) (length types)))) (let ((rs (mysql-stmt-result-metadata stmt))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p rs) (warn "mysql_stmt_result_metadata returned NULL") #+nil (mysql-stmt-close stmt) #+nil (error 'sql-database-error :message "mysql_stmt_result_metadata returned NULL")) (let ((input-bind (uffi:allocate-foreign-object 'mysql-bind (length types))) (mysql-types (mapcar 'clsql-type->mysql-type types)) field-vec num-fields is-null-ptr output-bind length-ptr) (print 'a) (dotimes (i (length types)) (let* ((binding (uffi:deref-array input-bind '(:array mysql-bind) i))) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-type) (nth i mysql-types)) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-length) 0))) (print 'b) (unless (uffi:null-pointer-p rs) (setq field-vec (mysql-fetch-fields rs) num-fields (mysql-num-fields rs) is-null-ptr (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :byte num-fields) output-bind (uffi:allocate-foreign-object 'mysql-bind num-fields) length-ptr (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :unsigned-long num-fields)) (dotimes (i num-fields) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((field (uffi:deref-array field-vec '(:array mysql-field) i)) (type (uffi:get-slot-value field 'mysql-field 'type)) (binding (uffi:deref-array output-bind '(:array mysql-bind) i))) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-type) type) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-length) 0) #+need-to-allocate-foreign-object-for-this (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::is-null) (+ i (uffi:pointer-address is-null-ptr))) #+need-to-allocate-foreign-object-for-this (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'length) (+ (* i 8) (uffi:pointer-address length-ptr))) (case type ((#.mysql-field-types#var-string #.mysql-field-types#string #.mysql-field-types#tiny-blob #.mysql-field-types#blob #.mysql-field-types#medium-blob #.mysql-field-types#long-blob) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-length) 1024) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :unsigned-char 1024))) (#.mysql-field-types#tiny (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :byte))) (#.mysql-field-types#short (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :short))) (#.mysql-field-types#long (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) ;; segfaults if supply :int on amd64 (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :long))) #+64bit (#.mysql-field-types#longlong (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :long))) (#.mysql-field-types#float (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :float))) (#.mysql-field-types#double (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :double))) ((#.mysql-field-types#time #.mysql-field-types#date #.mysql-field-types#datetime #.mysql-field-types#timestamp) (uffi:allocate-foreign-object 'mysql-time)) (t (error "mysql type ~D not supported." type))))) (unless (zerop (mysql-stmt-bind-result stmt output-bind)) (mysql-stmt-close stmt) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-stmt-errno stmt) :message (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-stmt-error stmt))))) (make-instance 'mysql-stmt :database database :stmt stmt :num-fields num-fields :input-bind input-bind :output-bind output-bind :result-set rs :result-types result-types :length-ptr length-ptr :is-null-ptr is-null-ptr :types mysql-types :field-names field-names))))) #+mysql-client-v4.1 (defmethod database-bind-parameter ((stmt mysql-stmt) position value) ;; FIXME: will need to allocate bind structure. This should probably be ;; done in C since the API is not mature and may change (let ((binding (uffi:deref-array (input-bind stmt) '(:array mysql-bind) (1- position))) (type (nth (1- position) (types stmt)))) (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'length) 0) (cond ((null value) (when (is-null-ptr stmt) (setf (uffi:deref-array (is-null-ptr stmt) '(:array :byte) (1- position)) 1))) (t (when (is-null-ptr stmt) (setf (uffi:deref-array (is-null-ptr stmt) '(:array :byte) (1- position)) 0)) (case type (#.mysql-field-types#long (setf (uffi:get-slot-value binding 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer) value)) (t (warn "Unknown input bind type ~D." type)) ))))) #+mysql-client-v4.1 (defmethod database-run-prepared ((stmt mysql-stmt)) (print 'a1) (when (input-bind stmt) (unless (zerop (mysql-stmt-bind-param (stmt stmt) (input-bind stmt))) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-stmt-errno (stmt stmt)) :message (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-stmt-error (stmt stmt)))))) (print 'a2) (unless (zerop (mysql-stmt-execute (stmt stmt))) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-stmt-errno (stmt stmt)) :message (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-stmt-error (stmt stmt))))) (print 'a3) (unless (zerop (mysql-stmt-store-result (stmt stmt))) (error 'sql-database-error :error-id (mysql-stmt-errno (stmt stmt)) :message (uffi:convert-from-cstring (mysql-stmt-error (stmt stmt))))) (database-fetch-prepared-rows stmt)) #+mysql-client-v4.1 (defun database-fetch-prepared-rows (stmt) (do ((rc (mysql-stmt-fetch (stmt stmt)) (mysql-stmt-fetch (stmt stmt))) (num-fields (num-fields stmt)) (rows '())) ((not (zerop rc)) (nreverse rows)) (push (loop for i from 0 below num-fields collect (let ((is-null (not (zerop (uffi:ensure-char-integer (uffi:deref-array (is-null-ptr stmt) '(:array :byte) i)))))) (unless is-null (let* ((bind (uffi:deref-array (output-bind stmt) '(:array mysql-bind) i)) (type (uffi:get-slot-value bind 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer-type)) (buffer (uffi:get-slot-value bind 'mysql-bind 'mysql::buffer))) (case type ((#.mysql-field-types#var-string #.mysql-field-types#string #.mysql-field-types#tiny-blob #.mysql-field-types#blob #.mysql-field-types#medium-blob #.mysql-field-types#long-blob) (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string buffer)) (#.mysql-field-types#tiny (uffi:ensure-char-integer (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :byte))) (#.mysql-field-types#short (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :short)) (#.mysql-field-types#long (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :int)) #+64bit (#.mysql-field-types#longlong (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :long)) (#.mysql-field-types#float (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :float)) (#.mysql-field-types#double (uffi:deref-pointer buffer :double)) ((#.mysql-field-types#time #.mysql-field-types#date #.mysql-field-types#datetime #.mysql-field-types#timestamp) (let ((year (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::year)) (month (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::month)) (day (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::day)) (hour (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::hour)) (minute (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::minute)) (second (uffi:get-slot-value buffer 'mysql-time 'mysql::second))) (db-timestring (make-time :year year :month month :day day :hour hour :minute minute :second second)))) (t (list type))))))) rows))) #+mysql-client-v4.1 (defmethod database-free-prepared ((stmt mysql-stmt)) (with-slots (stmt) stmt (mysql-stmt-close stmt)) ) ;;; Database capabilities (defmethod db-type-use-column-on-drop-index? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) t) (defmethod db-type-has-views? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) #+mysql-client-v5 t #-mysql-client-v5 nil) (defmethod db-type-has-subqueries? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) #+(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) t #-(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) nil) (defmethod db-type-has-boolean-where? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) #+(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) t #-(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) nil) (defmethod db-type-has-union? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) (not (eql (schar mysql::*mysql-client-info* 0) #\3))) (defmethod db-type-transaction-capable? ((db-type (eql :mysql)) database) (let ((tuple (car (database-query "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'HAVE_INNODB'" database :auto nil)))) (and tuple (string-equal "YES" (second tuple))))) (defmethod db-type-has-prepared-stmt? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) #+(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) t #-(or mysql-client-v4.1 mysql-client-v5) nil) (defmethod db-type-has-auto-increment? ((db-type (eql :mysql))) t) (when (clsql-sys:database-type-library-loaded :mysql) (clsql-sys:initialize-database-type :database-type :mysql))