;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: oracle-sql.lisp ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-oracle) (defmethod database-initialize-database-type ((database-type (eql :oracle))) t) ;;;; arbitrary parameters, tunable for performance or other reasons (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant +errbuf-len+ 512 "the number of characters that we allocate for an error message buffer") (defconstant +n-buf-rows+ 200 "the number of table rows that we buffer at once when reading a table. CMUCL has a compiled-in limit on how much C data can be allocated (through malloc() and friends) at any given time, typically 8 Mb. Setting this constant to a moderate value should make it less likely that we'll have to worry about the CMUCL limit.")) (defmacro deref-vp (foreign-object) `(uffi:deref-pointer ,foreign-object :pointer-void)) ;; constants - from OCI? (defvar +unsigned-char-null-pointer+ (uffi:make-null-pointer :unsigned-char)) (defvar +unsigned-short-null-pointer+ (uffi:make-null-pointer :unsigned-short)) (defvar +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ (uffi:make-null-pointer :unsigned-int)) (defconstant +var-not-in-list+ 1007) (defconstant +no-data-found+ 1403) (defconstant +null-value-returned+ 1405) (defconstant +field-truncated+ 1406) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant SQLT-NUMBER 2) (defconstant SQLT-INT 3) (defconstant SQLT-FLT 4) (defconstant SQLT-STR 5) (defconstant SQLT-DATE 12)) ;;; Note that despite the suggestive class name (and the way that the ;;; *DEFAULT-DATABASE* variable holds an object of this class), a DB ;;; object is not actually a database but is instead a connection to a ;;; database. Thus, there's no obstacle to having any number of DB ;;; objects referring to the same database. (uffi:def-type pointer-pointer-void '(* :pointer-void)) (defclass oracle-database (database) ; was struct db ((envhp :reader envhp :initarg :envhp :type pointer-pointer-void :documentation "OCI environment handle") (errhp :reader errhp :initarg :errhp :type pointer-pointer-void :documentation "OCI error handle") (svchp :reader svchp :initarg :svchp :type pointer-pointer-void :documentation "OCI service context handle") (data-source-name :initarg :dsn :initform nil :documentation "optional data source name (used only for debugging/printing)") (user :initarg :user :reader user :type string :documentation "the \"user\" value given when data source connection was made") (date-format :initarg :date-format :reader date-format :initform "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\"+00\"") (date-format-length :type number :documentation "Each database connection can be configured with its own date output format. In order to extract date strings from output buffers holding multiple date strings in fixed-width fields, we need to know the length of that format.") (server-version :type string :initarg :server-version :reader server-version :documentation "Version string of Oracle server.") (major-server-version :type (or null fixnum) :initarg :major-server-version :reader major-server-version :documentation "The major version number of the Oracle server, should be 8, 9, or 10") (client-version :type string :initarg :client-version :reader client-version :documentation "Version string of Oracle client.") (major-client-version :type (or null fixnum) :initarg :major-client-version :reader major-client-version :documentation "The major version number of the Oracle client, should be 8, 9, or 10"))) ;;; Handle the messy case of return code=+oci-error+, querying the ;;; system for subcodes and reporting them as appropriate. ERRHP and ;;; NULLS-OK are as in the OERR function. (defun handle-oci-error (&key database nulls-ok) (cond (database (with-slots (errhp) database (uffi:with-foreign-objects ((errbuf '(:array :unsigned-char #.+errbuf-len+)) (errcode :long)) ;; ensure errbuf empty string (setf (uffi:deref-array errbuf '(:array :unsigned-char) 0) (uffi:ensure-char-storable (code-char 0))) (setf (uffi:deref-pointer errcode :long) 0) (uffi:with-cstring (sqlstate nil) (oci-error-get (deref-vp errhp) 1 sqlstate errcode (uffi:char-array-to-pointer errbuf) +errbuf-len+ +oci-htype-error+)) (let ((subcode (uffi:deref-pointer errcode :long))) (unless (and nulls-ok (= subcode +null-value-returned+)) (error 'sql-database-error :database database :error-id subcode :message (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string errbuf))))))) (nulls-ok (error 'sql-database-error :database database :message "can't handle NULLS-OK without ERRHP")) (t (error 'sql-database-error :database database :message "OCI Error (and no ERRHP available to find subcode)")))) ;;; Require an OCI success code. ;;; ;;; (The ordinary OCI error reporting mechanisms uses a fair amount of ;;; machinery (environments and other handles). In order to get to ;;; where we can use these mechanisms, we have to be able to allocate ;;; the machinery. The functions for allocating the machinery can ;;; return errors (e.g. out of memory) but shouldn't. Wrapping this function ;;; around function calls to such have-to-succeed functions enforces ;;; this condition.) (defun osucc (code) (declare (type fixnum code)) (unless (= code +oci-success+) (error 'sql-database-error :message (format nil "unexpected OCI failure, code=~S" code)))) ;;; Enabling this can be handy for low-level debugging. #+nil (progn (trace oci-initialize #+oci-8-1-5 oci-env-create oci-handle-alloc oci-logon oci-error-get oci-stmt-prepare oci-stmt-execute oci-param-get oci-logon oci-attr-get oci-define-by-pos oci-stmt-fetch) (setf debug::*debug-print-length* nil)) ;;;; the OCI library, part V: converting from OCI representations to Lisp ;;;; representations ;; Return the INDEXth string of the OCI array, represented as Lisp ;; SIMPLE-STRING. SIZE is the size of the fixed-width fields used by ;; Oracle to store strings within the array. ;; In the wild world of databases, trailing spaces aren't generally ;; significant, since e.g. "LARRY " and "LARRY " are the same string ;; stored in different fixed-width fields. OCI drops trailing spaces ;; for us in some cases but apparently not for fields of fixed ;; character width, e.g. ;; ;; (dbi:sql "create table employees (name char(15), job char(15), city ;; char(15), rate float)" :db orcl :types :auto) ;; In order to map the "same string" property above onto Lisp equality, ;; we drop trailing spaces in all cases: (uffi:def-type string-pointer (* :unsigned-char)) (defun deref-oci-string (arrayptr string-index size) (declare (type string-pointer arrayptr)) (declare (type (mod #.+n-buf-rows+) string-index)) (declare (type (and unsigned-byte fixnum) size)) (let* ((raw (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string (uffi:make-pointer (+ (uffi:pointer-address arrayptr) (* string-index size)) :unsigned-char))) (trimmed (string-trim " " raw))) (if (equal trimmed "NULL") nil trimmed))) ;; the OCI library, part Z: no-longer used logic to convert from ;; Oracle's binary date representation to Common Lisp's native date ;; representation #+nil (defvar +oci-date-bytes+ 7) ;;; Return the INDEXth date in the OCI array, represented as ;;; a Common Lisp "universal time" (i.e. seconds since 1900). #+nil (defun deref-oci-date (arrayptr index) (oci-date->universal-time (uffi:pointer-address (uffi:deref-array arrayptr '(:array :unsigned-char) (* index +oci-date-bytes+))))) #+nil (defun oci-date->universal-time (oci-date) (declare (type (alien (* :unsigned-char)) oci-date)) (flet (;; a character from OCI-DATE, interpreted as an unsigned byte (ub (i) (declare (type (mod #.+oci-date-bytes+) i)) (mod (uffi:deref-array oci-date string-array i) 256))) (let* ((century (* (- (ub 0) 100) 100)) (year (+ century (- (ub 1) 100))) (month (ub 2)) (day (ub 3)) (hour (1- (ub 4))) (minute (1- (ub 5))) (second (1- (ub 6)))) (encode-universal-time second minute hour day month year)))) (defmethod database-list-tables ((database oracle-database) &key owner) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_tables.table_name from user_tables,all_tables where user_tables.table_name=all_tables.table_name and all_tables.owner='~:@(~A~)'" owner) "select table_name from user_tables"))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod database-list-views ((database oracle-database) &key owner) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_views.view_name from user_views,all_views where user_views.view_name=all_views.view_name and all_views.owner='~:@(~A~)'" owner) "select view_name from user_views"))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod database-list-indexes ((database oracle-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_indexes.index_name from user_indexes,all_indexes where user_indexes.index_name=all_indexes.index_name and all_indexes.owner='~:@(~A~)'" owner) "select index_name from user_indexes"))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod database-list-table-indexes (table (database oracle-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_indexes.index_name from user_indexes,all_indexes where user_indexes.table_name='~A' and user_indexes.index_name=all_indexes.index_name and all_indexes.owner='~:@(~A~)'" table owner) (format nil "select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='~A'" table)))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod list-all-table-columns (table (db oracle-database)) (declare (string table)) (let* ((sql-stmt (concatenate 'simple-string "select " "''," "all_tables.OWNER," "''," "user_tab_columns.COLUMN_NAME," "user_tab_columns.DATA_TYPE from user_tab_columns," "all_tables where all_tables.table_name = '" table "'" " and user_tab_columns.table_name = '" table "'")) (preresult (database-query sql-stmt db :auto nil))) ;; PRERESULT is like RESULT except that it has a name instead of ;; type codes in the fifth column of each row. To fix this, we ;; destructively modify PRERESULT. (dolist (preresult-row preresult) (setf (fifth preresult-row) (if (find (fifth preresult-row) #("NUMBER" "DATE") :test #'string=) 2 ; numeric 1))) ; string preresult)) (defmethod database-list-attributes (table (database oracle-database) &key owner) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_tab_columns.column_name from user_tab_columns,all_tables where user_tab_columns.table_name='~A' and all_tables.table_name=user_tab_columns.table_name and all_tables.owner='~:@(~A~)'" table owner) (format nil "select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='~A'" table)))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod database-attribute-type (attribute (table string) (database oracle-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select data_type,data_length,data_scale,nullable from user_tab_columns,all_tables where user_tab_columns.table_name='~A' and column_name='~A' and all_tables.table_name=user_tab_columns.table_name and all_tables.owner='~:@(~A~)'" table attribute owner) (format nil "select data_type,data_length,data_scale,nullable from user_tab_columns where table_name='~A' and column_name='~A'" table attribute)))) (destructuring-bind (type length scale nullable) (car (database-query query database :auto nil)) (values (ensure-keyword type) length scale (if (char-equal #\Y (schar nullable 0)) 1 0))))) ;; Return one row of the table referred to by QC, represented as a ;; list; or if there are no more rows, signal an error if EOF-ERRORP, ;; or return EOF-VALUE otherwise. ;; KLUDGE: This CASE statement is a strong sign that the code would be ;; cleaner if CD were made into an abstract class, we made variant ;; classes for CD-for-column-of-strings, CD-for-column-of-floats, ;; etc., and defined virtual functions to handle operations like ;; get-an-element-from-column. (For a small special purpose module ;; like this, would arguably be overkill, so I'm not going to do it ;; now, but if this code ends up getting more complicated in ;; maintenance, it would become a really good idea.) ;; Arguably this would be a good place to signal END-OF-FILE, but ;; since the ANSI spec specifically says that END-OF-FILE means a ;; STREAM which has no more data, and QC is not a STREAM, we signal ;; DBI-ERROR instead. (uffi:def-type short-array '(:array :short)) (uffi:def-type int-pointer '(* :int)) (uffi:def-type double-pointer '(* :double)) ;;; the result of a database query: a cursor through a table (defstruct (oracle-result-set (:print-function print-query-cursor) (:conc-name qc-) (:constructor %make-query-cursor)) (db (error "missing DB") ; db conn. this table is associated with :type oracle-database :read-only t) (stmthp (error "missing STMTHP") ; the statement handle used to create ;; :type alien ; this table. owned by the QUERY-CURSOR :read-only t) ; object, deallocated on CLOSE-QUERY (cds) ; (error "missing CDS") ; column descriptors ; :type (simple-array cd 1) ; :read-only t) (n-from-oci 0 ; buffered rows: number of rows recv'd :type (integer 0 #.+n-buf-rows+)) ; from the database on the last read (n-to-dbi 0 ; number of buffered rows returned, i.e. :type (integer 0 #.+n-buf-rows+)) ; the index, within the buffered rows, ; of the next row which hasn't already ; been returned (total-n-from-oci 0 ; total number of bytes recv'd from OCI :type unsigned-byte) ; in all reads (oci-end-seen-p nil)) ; Have we seen the end of OCI ; data, i.e. OCI returning ; less data than we requested? ; OCI doesn't seem to like us ; to try to read more data ; from it after that.. (defun fetch-row (qc &optional (eof-errorp t) eof-value) ;;(declare (optimize (speed 3))) (cond ((zerop (qc-n-from-oci qc)) (if eof-errorp (error 'sql-database-error :message (format nil "no more rows available in ~S" qc)) eof-value)) ((>= (qc-n-to-dbi qc) (qc-n-from-oci qc)) (refill-qc-buffers qc) (fetch-row qc nil eof-value)) (t (let ((cds (qc-cds qc)) (reversed-result nil) (irow (qc-n-to-dbi qc))) (dotimes (icd (length cds)) (let* ((cd (aref cds icd)) (b (foreign-resource-buffer (cd-buffer cd))) (value (let* ((arb (foreign-resource-buffer (cd-indicators cd))) (indicator (uffi:deref-array arb '(:array :short) irow))) ;;(declare (type short-array arb)) (unless (= indicator -1) (ecase (cd-oci-data-type cd) (#.SQLT-STR (deref-oci-string b irow (cd-sizeof cd))) (#.SQLT-FLT (uffi:deref-array b '(:array :double) irow)) (#.SQLT-INT (uffi:deref-array b '(:array :int) irow)) (#.SQLT-DATE (deref-oci-string b irow (cd-sizeof cd)))))))) (when (and (eq :string (cd-result-type cd)) value (not (stringp value))) (setq value (write-to-string value))) (push value reversed-result))) (incf (qc-n-to-dbi qc)) (nreverse reversed-result))))) (defun refill-qc-buffers (qc) (with-slots (errhp) (qc-db qc) (setf (qc-n-to-dbi qc) 0) (cond ((qc-oci-end-seen-p qc) (setf (qc-n-from-oci qc) 0)) (t (let ((oci-code (%oci-stmt-fetch (deref-vp (qc-stmthp qc)) (deref-vp errhp) +n-buf-rows+ +oci-fetch-next+ +oci-default+))) (ecase oci-code (#.+oci-success+ (values)) (#.+oci-no-data+ (setf (qc-oci-end-seen-p qc) t) (values)) (#.+oci-error+ (handle-oci-error :database (qc-db qc) :nulls-ok t)))) (uffi:with-foreign-object (rowcount :long) (oci-attr-get (deref-vp (qc-stmthp qc)) +oci-htype-stmt+ rowcount +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-row-count+ (deref-vp errhp)) (setf (qc-n-from-oci qc) (- (uffi:deref-pointer rowcount :long) (qc-total-n-from-oci qc))) (when (< (qc-n-from-oci qc) +n-buf-rows+) (setf (qc-oci-end-seen-p qc) t)) (setf (qc-total-n-from-oci qc) (uffi:deref-pointer rowcount :long))))) (values))) ;; the guts of the SQL function ;; ;; (like the SQL function, but with the QUERY argument hardwired to T, so ;; that the return value is always a cursor instead of a list) ;; Is this a SELECT statement? SELECT statements are handled ;; specially by OCIStmtExecute(). (Non-SELECT statements absolutely ;; require a nonzero iteration count, while the ordinary choice for a ;; SELECT statement is a zero iteration count. ;; SELECT statements are the only statements which return tables. We ;; don't free STMTHP in this case, but instead give it to the new ;; QUERY-CURSOR, and the new QUERY-CURSOR becomes responsible for ;; freeing the STMTHP when it is no longer needed. (defun sql-stmt-exec (sql-stmt-string db result-types field-names) (with-slots (envhp svchp errhp) db (let ((stmthp (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :pointer-void))) (uffi:with-foreign-object (stmttype :unsigned-short) (oci-handle-alloc (deref-vp envhp) stmthp +oci-htype-stmt+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (oci-stmt-prepare (deref-vp stmthp) (deref-vp errhp) (uffi:convert-to-cstring sql-stmt-string) (length sql-stmt-string) +oci-ntv-syntax+ +oci-default+ :database db) (oci-attr-get (deref-vp stmthp) +oci-htype-stmt+ stmttype +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-stmt-type+ (deref-vp errhp) :database db) (let* ((select-p (= (uffi:deref-pointer stmttype :unsigned-short) 1)) (iters (if select-p 0 1))) (oci-stmt-execute (deref-vp svchp) (deref-vp stmthp) (deref-vp errhp) iters 0 +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ +oci-default+ :database db) (cond (select-p (make-query-cursor db stmthp result-types field-names)) (t (oci-handle-free (deref-vp stmthp) +oci-htype-stmt+) nil))))))) ;; Return a QUERY-CURSOR representing the table returned from the OCI ;; operation done through STMTHP. TYPES is the argument of the same ;; name from the external SQL function, controlling type conversion ;; of the returned arguments. (defun make-query-cursor (db stmthp result-types field-names) (let ((qc (%make-query-cursor :db db :stmthp stmthp :cds (make-query-cursor-cds db stmthp result-types field-names)))) (refill-qc-buffers qc) qc)) ;; the hairy part of MAKE-QUERY-CURSOR: Ask OCI for information ;; about table columns, translate the information into a Lisp ;; vector of column descriptors, and return it. ;; Allegro defines several flavors of type conversion, but this ;; implementation only supports the :AUTO flavor. ;; A note of explanation: OCI's internal number format uses 21 ;; bytes (42 decimal digits). 2 separate (?) one-byte fields, ;; scale and precision, are used to deduce the nature of these ;; 21 bytes. See pp. 3-10, 3-26, and 6-13 of OCI documentation ;; for more details. ;; When calling OCI C code to handle the conversion, we have ;; only two numeric types available to pass the return value: ;; double-float and signed-long. It would be possible to ;; bypass the OCI conversion functions and write Lisp code ;; which reads the 21-byte field directly and decodes ;; it. However this is left as an exercise for the reader. :-) ;; The following table describes the mapping, based on the implicit ;; assumption that C's "signed long" type is a 32-bit integer. ;; ;; Internal Values SQL Type C Return Type ;; =============== ======== ============= ;; Precision > 0 SCALE = -127 FLOAT --> double-float ;; Precision > 0 && <=9 SCALE = 0 INTEGER --> signed-long ;; Precision = 0 || > 9 SCALE = 0 BIG INTEGER --> double-float ;; Precision > 0 SCALE > 0 DECIMAL --> double-float ;; (OCI uses 1-based indexing here.) ;; KLUDGE: This should work for all other data types except those ;; which don't actually fit in their fixed-width field (BLOBs and the ;; like). As Winton says, we (Cadabra) don't need to worry much about ;; those, since we can't reason with them, so we don't use them. But ;; for a more general application it'd be good to have a more ;; selective and rigorously correct test here for whether we can ;; actually handle the given DEREF-DTYPE value. -- WHN 20000106 ;; Note: The OCI documentation doesn't seem to say whether the COLNAME ;; value returned here is a newly-allocated copy which we're ;; responsible for freeing, or a pointer into some system copy which ;; will be freed when the system itself is shut down. But judging ;; from the way that the result is used in the cdemodsa.c example ;; program, it looks like the latter: we should make our own copy of ;; the value, but not try to free it. ;; WORKAROUND: OCI seems to return ub2 values for the ;; +oci-attr-data-size+ attribute even though its documentation claims ;; that it returns a ub4, and even though the associated "sizep" value ;; is 4, not 2. In order to make the code here work reliably, without ;; having to patch it later if OCI is ever fixed to match its ;; documentation, we pre-zero COLSIZE before making the call into OCI. ;; To exercise the weird OCI behavior (thereby blowing up the code ;; below, beware!) try setting this value into COLSIZE, calling OCI, ;; then looking at the value in COLSIZE. (setf colsize #x12345678) ;; debugging only (defun make-query-cursor-cds (database stmthp result-types field-names) (declare (optimize (safety 3) #+nil (speed 3)) (type oracle-database database) (type pointer-pointer-void stmthp)) (with-slots (errhp) database (uffi:with-foreign-objects ((dtype-foreign :unsigned-short) (parmdp ':pointer-void) (precision :byte) (scale :byte) (colname '(* :unsigned-char)) (colnamelen :unsigned-long) (colsize :unsigned-long) (colsizesize :unsigned-long) (defnp ':pointer-void)) (let ((buffer nil) (sizeof nil)) (do ((icolumn 0 (1+ icolumn)) (cds-as-reversed-list nil)) ((not (eql (oci-param-get (deref-vp stmthp) +oci-htype-stmt+ (deref-vp errhp) parmdp (1+ icolumn) :database database) +oci-success+)) (coerce (reverse cds-as-reversed-list) 'simple-vector)) ;; Decode type of ICOLUMNth column into a type we're prepared to ;; handle in Lisp. (oci-attr-get (deref-vp parmdp) +oci-dtype-param+ dtype-foreign +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-data-type+ (deref-vp errhp)) (let ((dtype (uffi:deref-pointer dtype-foreign :unsigned-short))) (case dtype (#.SQLT-DATE (setf buffer (acquire-foreign-resource :unsigned-char (* 32 +n-buf-rows+))) (setf sizeof 32 dtype #.SQLT-STR)) (#.SQLT-NUMBER (oci-attr-get (deref-vp parmdp) +oci-dtype-param+ precision +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-precision+ (deref-vp errhp)) (oci-attr-get (deref-vp parmdp) +oci-dtype-param+ scale +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-scale+ (deref-vp errhp)) (let ((*scale (uffi:deref-pointer scale :byte)) (*precision (uffi:deref-pointer precision :byte))) ;; (format t "scale=~d, precision=~d~%" *scale *precision) (cond ((or (and (zerop *scale) (not (zerop *precision))) (and (minusp *scale) (< *precision 10))) (setf buffer (acquire-foreign-resource :int +n-buf-rows+) sizeof 4 ;; sizeof(int) dtype #.SQLT-INT)) (t (setf buffer (acquire-foreign-resource :double +n-buf-rows+) sizeof 8 ;; sizeof(double) dtype #.SQLT-FLT)))) ) ;; Default to SQL-STR (t (setf (uffi:deref-pointer colsize :unsigned-long) 0 dtype #.SQLT-STR) (oci-attr-get (deref-vp parmdp) +oci-dtype-param+ colsize +unsigned-int-null-pointer+ +oci-attr-data-size+ (deref-vp errhp)) (let ((colsize-including-null (1+ (uffi:deref-pointer colsize :unsigned-long)))) (setf buffer (acquire-foreign-resource :unsigned-char (* +n-buf-rows+ colsize-including-null))) (setf sizeof colsize-including-null)))) (let ((retcodes (acquire-foreign-resource :unsigned-short +n-buf-rows+)) (indicators (acquire-foreign-resource :short +n-buf-rows+)) (colname-string "")) (when field-names (oci-attr-get (deref-vp parmdp) +oci-dtype-param+ colname colnamelen +oci-attr-name+ (deref-vp errhp)) (setq colname-string (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string (uffi:deref-pointer colname '(* :unsigned-char)) :length (uffi:deref-pointer colnamelen :unsigned-long)))) (push (make-cd :name colname-string :sizeof sizeof :buffer buffer :oci-data-type dtype :retcodes retcodes :indicators indicators :result-type (cond ((consp result-types) (nth icolumn result-types)) ((null result-types) :string) (t result-types))) cds-as-reversed-list) (oci-define-by-pos (deref-vp stmthp) defnp (deref-vp errhp) (1+ icolumn) ; OCI 1-based indexing again (foreign-resource-buffer buffer) sizeof dtype (foreign-resource-buffer indicators) +unsigned-short-null-pointer+ (foreign-resource-buffer retcodes) +oci-default+)))))))) ;; Release the resources associated with a QUERY-CURSOR. (defun close-query (qc) (oci-handle-free (deref-vp (qc-stmthp qc)) +oci-htype-stmt+) (let ((cds (qc-cds qc))) (dotimes (i (length cds)) (release-cd-resources (aref cds i)))) (values)) ;; Release the resources associated with a column description. (defun release-cd-resources (cd) (free-foreign-resource (cd-buffer cd)) (free-foreign-resource (cd-retcodes cd)) (free-foreign-resource (cd-indicators cd)) (values)) (defmethod database-name-from-spec (connection-spec (database-type (eql :oracle))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (dsn user password)) (destructuring-bind (dsn user password) connection-spec (declare (ignore password)) (concatenate 'string dsn "/" user))) (defmethod database-connect (connection-spec (database-type (eql :oracle))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (dsn user password)) (destructuring-bind (data-source-name user password) connection-spec (let ((envhp (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :pointer-void)) (errhp (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :pointer-void)) (svchp (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :pointer-void)) (srvhp (uffi:allocate-foreign-object :pointer-void))) ;; Requests to allocate environments and handles should never ;; fail in normal operation, and they're done too early to ;; handle errors very gracefully (since they're part of the ;; error-handling mechanism themselves) so we just assert they ;; work. (setf (deref-vp envhp) +null-void-pointer+) #+oci-8-1-5 (progn (oci-env-create envhp +oci-default+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (oci-handle-alloc envhp (deref-vp errhp) +oci-htype-error+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+)) #-oci-8-1-5 (progn (oci-initialize +oci-object+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer+ +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (ignore-errors (oci-handle-alloc +null-void-pointer+ envhp +oci-htype-env+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+)) ;no testing return (oci-env-init envhp +oci-default+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (oci-handle-alloc (deref-vp envhp) errhp +oci-htype-error+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (oci-handle-alloc (deref-vp envhp) srvhp +oci-htype-server+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (uffi:with-cstring (dblink nil) (oci-server-attach (deref-vp srvhp) (deref-vp errhp) dblink 0 +oci-default+)) (oci-handle-alloc (deref-vp envhp) svchp +oci-htype-svcctx+ 0 +null-void-pointer-pointer+) (oci-attr-set (deref-vp svchp) +oci-htype-svcctx+ (deref-vp srvhp) 0 +oci-attr-server+ (deref-vp errhp)) ;; oci-handle-alloc((dvoid *)encvhp, (dvoid **)&stmthp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0, 0); ;;#+nil ) ;; Actually, oci-server-version returns the client version, not the server versions ;; will use "SELECT VERSION FROM V$INSTANCE" to get actual server version. (let (db server-version client-version) (declare (ignorable server-version)) (uffi:with-foreign-object (buf '(:array :unsigned-char #.+errbuf-len+)) (oci-server-version (deref-vp svchp) (deref-vp errhp) (uffi:char-array-to-pointer buf) +errbuf-len+ +oci-htype-svcctx+) (setf client-version (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string buf)) ;; This returns the client version, not the server version, so diable it #+ignore (oci-server-version (deref-vp srvhp) (deref-vp errhp) (uffi:char-array-to-pointer buf) +errbuf-len+ +oci-htype-server+) #+ignore (setf server-version (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string buf))) (setq db (make-instance 'oracle-database :name (database-name-from-spec connection-spec database-type) :connection-spec connection-spec :envhp envhp :errhp errhp :database-type :oracle :svchp svchp :dsn data-source-name :user user :client-version client-version :server-version server-version :major-client-version (major-client-version-from-string client-version) :major-server-version (major-client-version-from-string server-version))) (oci-logon (deref-vp envhp) (deref-vp errhp) svchp (uffi:convert-to-cstring user) (length user) (uffi:convert-to-cstring password) (length password) (uffi:convert-to-cstring data-source-name) (length data-source-name) :database db) ;; :date-format-length (1+ (length date-format))))) (setf (slot-value db 'clsql-sys::state) :open) (database-execute-command (format nil "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='~A'" (date-format db)) db) (let ((server-version (caar (database-query "SELECT BANNER FROM V$VERSION WHERE BANNER LIKE '%Oracle%'" db nil nil)))) (setf (slot-value db 'server-version) server-version (slot-value db 'major-server-version) (major-client-version-from-string server-version))) db)))) (defun major-client-version-from-string (str) (cond ((search " 10g " str) 10) ((search "Oracle9i " str) 9) ((search "Oracle8" str) 8))) (defun major-server-version-from-string (str) (when (> (length str) 2) (cond ((string= "10." (subseq str 0 3)) 10) ((string= "9." (subseq str 0 2)) 9) ((string= "8." (subseq str 0 2)) 8)))) ;; Close a database connection. (defmethod database-disconnect ((database oracle-database)) (osucc (oci-logoff (deref-vp (svchp database)) (deref-vp (errhp database)))) (osucc (oci-handle-free (deref-vp (envhp database)) +oci-htype-env+)) ;; Note: It's neither required nor allowed to explicitly deallocate the ;; ERRHP handle here, since it's owned by the ENVHP deallocated above, ;; and was therefore automatically deallocated at the same time. t) ;;; Do the database operation described in SQL-STMT-STRING on database ;;; DB and, if the command is a SELECT, return a representation of the ;;; resulting table. The representation of the table is controlled by the ;;; QUERY argument: ;;; * If QUERY is NIL, the table is returned as a list of rows, with ;;; each row represented by a list. ;;; * If QUERY is non-NIL, the result is returned as a QUERY-CURSOR ;;; suitable for FETCH-ROW and CLOSE-QUERY ;;; The TYPES argument controls the type conversion method used ;;; to construct the table. The Allegro version supports several possible ;;; values for this argument, but we only support :AUTO. (defmethod database-query (query-expression (database oracle-database) result-types field-names) (let ((cursor (sql-stmt-exec query-expression database result-types field-names))) ;; (declare (type (or query-cursor null) cursor)) (if (null cursor) ; No table was returned. (values) (do ((reversed-result nil)) (nil) (let* ((eof-value :eof) (row (fetch-row cursor nil eof-value))) (when (eq row eof-value) (close-query cursor) (if field-names (return (values (nreverse reversed-result) (loop for cd across (qc-cds cursor) collect (cd-name cd)))) (return (nreverse reversed-result)))) (push row reversed-result)))))) (defmethod database-create-sequence (sequence-name (database oracle-database)) (execute-command (concatenate 'string "CREATE SEQUENCE " (sql-escape sequence-name)) :database database)) (defmethod database-drop-sequence (sequence-name (database oracle-database)) (execute-command (concatenate 'string "DROP SEQUENCE " (sql-escape sequence-name)) :database database)) (defmethod database-sequence-next (sequence-name (database oracle-database)) (caar (database-query (concatenate 'string "SELECT " (sql-escape sequence-name) ".NEXTVAL FROM dual" ) database :auto nil))) (defmethod database-set-sequence-position (name position (database oracle-database)) (let* ((next (database-sequence-next name database)) (incr (- position next))) (database-execute-command (format nil "ALTER SEQUENCE ~A INCREMENT BY ~D" name incr) database) (database-sequence-next name database) (database-execute-command (format nil "ALTER SEQUENCE ~A INCREMENT BY 1" name) database))) (defmethod database-list-sequences ((database oracle-database) &key owner) (let ((query (if owner (format nil "select user_sequences.sequence_name from user_sequences,all_sequences where user_sequences.sequence_name=all_sequences.sequence_name and all_sequences.sequence_owner='~:@(~A~)'" owner) "select sequence_name from user_sequences"))) (mapcar #'car (database-query query database nil nil)))) (defmethod database-execute-command (sql-expression (database oracle-database)) (database-query sql-expression database nil nil) ;; HACK HACK HACK (database-query "commit" database nil nil) t) (defstruct (cd (:constructor make-cd) (:print-function print-cd)) "a column descriptor: metadata about the data in a table" ;; name of this column (name (error "missing NAME") :type simple-string :read-only t) ;; the size in bytes of a single element (sizeof (error "missing SIZE") :type fixnum :read-only t) ;; an array of +N-BUF-ROWS+ elements in C representation (buffer (error "Missing BUFFER") :type foreign-resource :read-only t) ;; an array of +N-BUF-ROWS+ OCI return codes in C representation. ;; (There must be one return code for every element of every ;; row in order to be able to represent nullness.) (retcodes (error "Missing RETCODES") :type foreign-resource :read-only t) (indicators (error "Missing INDICATORS") :type foreign-resource :read-only t) ;; the OCI code for the data type of a single element (oci-data-type (error "missing OCI-DATA-TYPE") :type fixnum :read-only t) (result-type (error "missing RESULT-TYPE") :read-only t)) (defun print-cd (cd stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (print-unreadable-object (cd stream :type t) (format stream ":NAME ~S :OCI-DATA-TYPE ~S :OCI-DATA-SIZE ~S" (cd-name cd) (cd-oci-data-type cd) (cd-sizeof cd)))) (defun print-query-cursor (qc stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (print-unreadable-object (qc stream :type t :identity t) (prin1 (qc-db qc) stream))) (defmethod database-query-result-set ((query-expression string) (database oracle-database) &key full-set result-types) (let ((cursor (sql-stmt-exec query-expression database result-types nil))) (if full-set (values cursor (length (qc-cds cursor)) nil) (values cursor (length (qc-cds cursor)))))) (defmethod database-dump-result-set (result-set (database oracle-database)) (close-query result-set)) (defmethod database-store-next-row (result-set (database oracle-database) list) (let* ((eof-value :eof) (row (fetch-row result-set nil eof-value))) (unless (eq eof-value row) (loop for i from 0 below (length row) do (setf (nth i list) (nth i row))) list))) (defmethod clsql-sys:database-start-transaction ((database oracle-database)) (call-next-method)) ;;(with-slots (svchp errhp) database ;; (osucc (oci-trans-start (uffi:deref-pointer svchp) ;; (uffi:deref-pointer errhp) ;; 60 ;; +oci-trans-new+))) ;; t) (defmethod clsql-sys:database-commit-transaction ((database oracle-database)) (call-next-method) (with-slots (svchp errhp) database (osucc (oci-trans-commit (deref-vp svchp) (deref-vp errhp) 0))) t) (defmethod clsql-sys:database-abort-transaction ((database oracle-database)) (call-next-method) (osucc (oci-trans-rollback (deref-vp (svchp database)) (deref-vp (errhp database)) 0)) t) (defparameter *constraint-types* '(("NOT-NULL" . "NOT NULL"))) (defmethod database-output-sql ((str string) (database oracle-database)) (if (and (null (position #\' str)) (null (position #\\ str))) (format nil "'~A'" str) (let* ((l (length str)) (buf (make-string (+ l 3)))) (setf (aref buf 0) #\') (do ((i 0 (incf i)) (j 1 (incf j))) ((= i l) (setf (aref buf j) #\')) (if (= j (- (length buf) 1)) (setf buf (adjust-array buf (+ (length buf) 1)))) (cond ((eql (aref str i) #\') (setf (aref buf j) #\') (incf j))) (setf (aref buf j) (aref str i))) buf))) ;; Specifications (defmethod db-type-has-bigint? ((type (eql :oracle))) nil) (defmethod db-type-has-fancy-math? ((db-type (eql :oracle))) t) (defmethod db-type-has-boolean-where? ((db-type (eql :oracle))) nil) (when (clsql-sys:database-type-library-loaded :oracle) (clsql-sys:initialize-database-type :database-type :oracle))