;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: postgresql-sql.lisp ;;;; Purpose: High-level PostgreSQL interface using UFFI ;;;; Date Started: Feb 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:cl-user) (defpackage #:clsql-postgresql (:use #:common-lisp #:clsql-base #:postgresql #:clsql-uffi) (:export #:postgresql-database) (:documentation "This is the CLSQL interface to PostgreSQL.")) (in-package #:clsql-postgresql) ;;; Field conversion functions (defun make-type-list-for-auto (num-fields res-ptr) (let ((new-types '())) (dotimes (i num-fields) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((type (PQftype res-ptr i))) (push (case type ((#.pgsql-ftype#bytea #.pgsql-ftype#int2 #.pgsql-ftype#int4) :int32) (#.pgsql-ftype#int8 :int64) ((#.pgsql-ftype#float4 #.pgsql-ftype#float8) :double) (otherwise t)) new-types))) (nreverse new-types))) (defun canonicalize-types (types num-fields res-ptr) (if (null types) nil (let ((auto-list (make-type-list-for-auto num-fields res-ptr))) (cond ((listp types) (canonicalize-type-list types auto-list)) ((eq types :auto) auto-list) (t nil))))) (defun tidy-error-message (message) (unless (stringp message) (setq message (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string message))) (let ((message (string-right-trim '(#\Return #\Newline) message))) (cond ((< (length message) (length "ERROR:")) message) ((string= message "ERROR:" :end1 6) (string-left-trim '(#\Space) (subseq message 6))) (t message)))) (defmethod database-initialize-database-type ((database-type (eql :postgresql))) t) (uffi:def-type pgsql-conn-def pgsql-conn) (uffi:def-type pgsql-result-def pgsql-result) (defclass postgresql-database (database) ((conn-ptr :accessor database-conn-ptr :initarg :conn-ptr :type pgsql-conn-def) (lock :accessor database-lock :initform (make-process-lock "conn")))) (defmethod database-type ((database postgresql-database)) :postgresql) (defmethod database-name-from-spec (connection-spec (database-type (eql :postgresql))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (host db user password &optional port options tty)) (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port options tty) connection-spec (declare (ignore password options tty)) (concatenate 'string (etypecase host (null "localhost") (pathname (namestring host)) (string host)) (when port (concatenate 'string ":" (etypecase port (integer (write-to-string port)) (string port)))) "/" db "/" user))) (defmethod database-connect (connection-spec (database-type (eql :postgresql))) (check-connection-spec connection-spec database-type (host db user password &optional port options tty)) (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port options tty) connection-spec (uffi:with-cstrings ((host-native host) (user-native user) (password-native password) (db-native db) (port-native port) (options-native options) (tty-native tty)) (let ((connection (PQsetdbLogin host-native port-native options-native tty-native db-native user-native password-native))) (declare (type pgsql-conn-def connection)) (when (not (eq (PQstatus connection) pgsql-conn-status-type#connection-ok)) (error 'clsql-connect-error :database-type database-type :connection-spec connection-spec :errno (PQstatus connection) :error (tidy-error-message (PQerrorMessage connection)))) (make-instance 'postgresql-database :name (database-name-from-spec connection-spec database-type) :database-type :postgresql :connection-spec connection-spec :conn-ptr connection))))) (defmethod database-disconnect ((database postgresql-database)) (PQfinish (database-conn-ptr database)) (setf (database-conn-ptr database) nil) t) (defmethod database-query (query-expression (database postgresql-database) result-types field-names) (let ((conn-ptr (database-conn-ptr database))) (declare (type pgsql-conn-def conn-ptr)) (uffi:with-cstring (query-native query-expression) (let ((result (PQexec conn-ptr query-native))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p result) (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression query-expression :errno nil :error (tidy-error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr)))) (unwind-protect (case (PQresultStatus result) (#.pgsql-exec-status-type#empty-query nil) (#.pgsql-exec-status-type#tuples-ok (let ((num-fields (PQnfields result))) (setq result-types (canonicalize-types result-types num-fields result)) (values (loop for tuple-index from 0 below (PQntuples result) collect (loop for i from 0 below num-fields collect (if (zerop (PQgetisnull result tuple-index i)) (convert-raw-field (PQgetvalue result tuple-index i) result-types i) nil))) (when field-names (result-field-names num-fields result))))) (t (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression query-expression :errno (PQresultStatus result) :error (tidy-error-message (PQresultErrorMessage result))))) (PQclear result)))))) (defun result-field-names (num-fields result) "Return list of result field names." (let ((names '())) (dotimes (i num-fields (nreverse names)) (declare (fixnum i)) (push (uffi:convert-from-cstring (PQfname result i)) names)))) (defmethod database-execute-command (sql-expression (database postgresql-database)) (let ((conn-ptr (database-conn-ptr database))) (declare (type pgsql-conn-def conn-ptr)) (uffi:with-cstring (sql-native sql-expression) (let ((result (PQexec conn-ptr sql-native))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p result) (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression sql-expression :errno nil :error (tidy-error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr)))) (unwind-protect (case (PQresultStatus result) (#.pgsql-exec-status-type#command-ok t) ((#.pgsql-exec-status-type#empty-query #.pgsql-exec-status-type#tuples-ok) (warn "Strange result...") t) (t (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression sql-expression :errno (PQresultStatus result) :error (tidy-error-message (PQresultErrorMessage result))))) (PQclear result)))))) (defstruct postgresql-result-set (res-ptr (uffi:make-null-pointer 'pgsql-result) :type pgsql-result-def) (types nil) (num-tuples 0 :type integer) (num-fields 0 :type integer) (tuple-index 0 :type integer)) (defmethod database-query-result-set ((query-expression string) (database postgresql-database) &key full-set result-types) (let ((conn-ptr (database-conn-ptr database))) (declare (type pgsql-conn-def conn-ptr)) (uffi:with-cstring (query-native query-expression) (let ((result (PQexec conn-ptr query-native))) (when (uffi:null-pointer-p result) (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression query-expression :errno nil :error (tidy-error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr)))) (case (PQresultStatus result) ((#.pgsql-exec-status-type#empty-query #.pgsql-exec-status-type#tuples-ok) (let ((result-set (make-postgresql-result-set :res-ptr result :num-fields (PQnfields result) :num-tuples (PQntuples result) :types (canonicalize-types result-types (PQnfields result) result)))) (if full-set (values result-set (PQnfields result) (PQntuples result)) (values result-set (PQnfields result))))) (t (unwind-protect (error 'clsql-sql-error :database database :expression query-expression :errno (PQresultStatus result) :error (tidy-error-message (PQresultErrorMessage result))) (PQclear result)))))))) (defmethod database-dump-result-set (result-set (database postgresql-database)) (let ((res-ptr (postgresql-result-set-res-ptr result-set))) (declare (type pgsql-result-def res-ptr)) (PQclear res-ptr) t)) (defmethod database-store-next-row (result-set (database postgresql-database) list) (let ((result (postgresql-result-set-res-ptr result-set)) (types (postgresql-result-set-types result-set))) (declare (type pgsql-result-def result)) (if (>= (postgresql-result-set-tuple-index result-set) (postgresql-result-set-num-tuples result-set)) nil (loop with tuple-index = (postgresql-result-set-tuple-index result-set) for i from 0 below (postgresql-result-set-num-fields result-set) for rest on list do (setf (car rest) (if (zerop (PQgetisnull result tuple-index i)) (convert-raw-field (PQgetvalue result tuple-index i) types i) nil)) finally (incf (postgresql-result-set-tuple-index result-set)) (return list))))) ;;; Large objects support (Marc B) (defmethod database-create-large-object ((database postgresql-database)) (lo-create (database-conn-ptr database) (logior postgresql::+INV_WRITE+ postgresql::+INV_READ+))) #+mb-original (defmethod database-write-large-object (object-id (data string) (database postgresql-database)) (let ((ptr (database-conn-ptr database)) (length (length data)) (result nil) (fd nil)) (with-transaction (:database database) (unwind-protect (progn (setf fd (lo-open ptr object-id postgresql::+INV_WRITE+)) (when (>= fd 0) (when (= (lo-write ptr fd data length) length) (setf result t)))) (progn (when (and fd (>= fd 0)) (lo-close ptr fd)) ))) result)) (defmethod database-write-large-object (object-id (data string) (database postgresql-database)) (let ((ptr (database-conn-ptr database)) (length (length data)) (result nil) (fd nil)) (database-execute-command "begin" database) (unwind-protect (progn (setf fd (lo-open ptr object-id postgresql::+INV_WRITE+)) (when (>= fd 0) (when (= (lo-write ptr fd data length) length) (setf result t)))) (progn (when (and fd (>= fd 0)) (lo-close ptr fd)) (database-execute-command (if result "commit" "rollback") database))) result)) ;; (MB) the begin/commit/rollback stuff will be removed when with-transaction wil be implemented ;; (KMR) Can't use with-transaction since that function is in high-level code (defmethod database-read-large-object (object-id (database postgresql-database)) (let ((ptr (database-conn-ptr database)) (buffer nil) (result nil) (length 0) (fd nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (database-execute-command "begin" database) (setf fd (lo-open ptr object-id postgresql::+INV_READ+)) (when (>= fd 0) (setf length (lo-lseek ptr fd 0 2)) (lo-lseek ptr fd 0 0) (when (> length 0) (setf buffer (uffi:allocate-foreign-string length :unsigned t)) (when (= (lo-read ptr fd buffer length) length) (setf result (uffi:convert-from-foreign-string buffer :length length :null-terminated-p nil)))))) (progn (when buffer (uffi:free-foreign-object buffer)) (when (and fd (>= fd 0)) (lo-close ptr fd)) (database-execute-command (if result "commit" "rollback") database))) result)) (defmethod database-delete-large-object (object-id (database postgresql-database)) (lo-unlink (database-conn-ptr database) object-id)) ;;; Object listing (defun owner-clause (owner) (cond ((stringp owner) (format nil " AND (relowner=(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE (usename='~A')))" owner)) ((null owner) (format nil " AND (NOT (relowner=1))")) (t ""))) (defun database-list-objects-of-type (database type owner) (mapcar #'car (database-query (format nil "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE (relkind = '~A')~A" type (owner-clause owner)) database nil nil))) (defmethod database-list-tables ((database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (database-list-objects-of-type database "r" owner)) (defmethod database-list-views ((database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (database-list-objects-of-type database "v" owner)) (defmethod database-list-indexes ((database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (database-list-objects-of-type database "i" owner)) (defmethod database-list-table-indexes (table (database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((indexrelids (database-query (format nil "select indexrelid from pg_index where indrelid=(select relfilenode from pg_class where relname='~A'~A)" (string-downcase table) (owner-clause owner)) database :auto nil)) (result nil)) (dolist (indexrelid indexrelids (nreverse result)) (push (caar (database-query (format nil "select relname from pg_class where relfilenode='~A'" (car indexrelid)) database nil nil)) result)))) (defmethod database-list-attributes ((table string) (database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (let* ((owner-clause (cond ((stringp owner) (format nil " AND (relowner=(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename='~A'))" owner)) ((null owner) " AND (not (relowner=1))") (t ""))) (result (mapcar #'car (database-query (format nil "SELECT attname FROM pg_class,pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid=attrelid AND relname='~A'~A" (string-downcase table) owner-clause) database nil nil)))) (if result (reverse (remove-if #'(lambda (it) (member it '("cmin" "cmax" "xmax" "xmin" "oid" "ctid" ;; kmr -- added tableoid "tableoid") :test #'equal)) result))))) (defmethod database-attribute-type (attribute (table string) (database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (let ((row (car (database-query (format nil "SELECT pg_type.typname,pg_attribute.attlen,pg_attribute.atttypmod,pg_attribute.attnotnull FROM pg_type,pg_class,pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid=pg_attribute.attrelid AND pg_class.relname='~A' AND pg_attribute.attname='~A' AND pg_attribute.atttypid=pg_type.oid~A" (string-downcase table) (string-downcase attribute) (owner-clause owner)) database nil nil)))) (when row (values (ensure-keyword (first row)) (if (string= "-1" (second row)) (- (parse-integer (third row) :junk-allowed t) 4) (parse-integer (second row))) nil (if (string-equal "f" (fourth row)) 1 0))))) (defmethod database-create-sequence (sequence-name (database postgresql-database)) (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "CREATE SEQUENCE " (sql-escape sequence-name)) database)) (defmethod database-drop-sequence (sequence-name (database postgresql-database)) (database-execute-command (concatenate 'string "DROP SEQUENCE " (sql-escape sequence-name)) database)) (defmethod database-list-sequences ((database postgresql-database) &key (owner nil)) (database-list-objects-of-type database "S" owner)) (defmethod database-set-sequence-position (name (position integer) (database postgresql-database)) (values (parse-integer (caar (database-query (format nil "SELECT SETVAL ('~A', ~A)" name position) database nil nil))))) (defmethod database-sequence-next (sequence-name (database postgresql-database)) (values (parse-integer (caar (database-query (concatenate 'string "SELECT NEXTVAL ('" (sql-escape sequence-name) "')") database nil nil))))) (defmethod database-sequence-last (sequence-name (database postgresql-database)) (values (parse-integer (caar (database-query (concatenate 'string "SELECT LAST_VALUE ('" sequence-name "')") database nil nil))))) (defmethod database-create (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec (declare (ignore user password)) (multiple-value-bind (output status) (clsql-base:command-output "createdb -h~A ~A" (if host host "localhost") name) (if (or (not (zerop status)) (search "database creation failed: ERROR:" output)) (error 'clsql-access-error :connection-spec connection-spec :database-type type :error (format nil "database-create failed: ~A" output)) t)))) (defmethod database-destroy (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec (declare (ignore user password)) (multiple-value-bind (output status) (clsql-base:command-output "dropdb -h~A ~A" (if host host "localhost") name) (if (or (not (zerop status)) (search "database removal failed: ERROR:" output)) (error 'clsql-access-error :connection-spec connection-spec :database-type type :error (format nil "database-destory failed: ~A" output)) t)))) (defmethod database-probe (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql))) (when (find (second connection-spec) (database-list connection-spec type) :key #'car :test #'string-equal) t)) (defmethod database-list (connection-spec (type (eql :postgresql))) (destructuring-bind (host name user password) connection-spec (declare (ignore name)) (let ((database (database-connect (list host "template1" user password) type))) (unwind-protect (progn (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-base::state) :open) (mapcar #'car (database-query "select datname from pg_database" database nil nil))) (progn (database-disconnect database) (setf (slot-value database 'clsql-base::state) :closed)))))) (defmethod database-describe-table ((database postgresql-database) table) (database-query (format nil "select a.attname, t.typname from pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t where c.relname = '~a' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid" (sql-escape (string-downcase table))) database :auto nil)) (defun %pg-database-connection (connection-spec) (check-connection-spec connection-spec :postgresql (host db user password &optional port options tty)) (macrolet ((coerce-string (var) `(unless (typep ,var 'simple-base-string) (setf ,var (coerce ,var 'simple-base-string))))) (destructuring-bind (host db user password &optional port options tty) connection-spec (coerce-string db) (coerce-string user) (let ((connection (PQsetdbLogin host port options tty db user password))) (declare (type postgresql::pgsql-conn-ptr connection)) (unless (eq (PQstatus connection) :connection-ok) ;; Connect failed (error 'clsql-connect-error :database-type :postgresql :connection-spec connection-spec :errno (PQstatus connection) :error (PQerrorMessage connection))) connection)))) (defmethod database-reconnect ((database postgresql-database)) (let ((lock (database-lock database))) (with-process-lock (lock "Reconnecting") (with-slots (connection-spec conn-ptr) database (setf conn-ptr (%pg-database-connection connection-spec)) database)))) ;;; Database capabilities (defmethod db-type-has-fancy-math? ((db-type (eql :postgresql))) t) (defmethod db-type-default-case ((db-type (eql :postgresql))) :lower) (when (clsql-base:database-type-library-loaded :postgresql) (clsql-base:initialize-database-type :database-type :postgresql))