DOCUMENTATION TO DO LIST 1. Variances from CommonSQL (Ideally, this will be extremely minimal) 2. Underdocumented CommonSQL features: - Retrieval immediate - SQL operators: ||, SUBSTR, MINUS, INTERSECT, UNION, NVL 3. CLSQL extensions to CommonSQL - SQL operators: group-by, limit, not-null, ==, is, having, the, uplike, view-class, coalesce, except, exists, substring, concat - SELECT: additional keyword arguments accepted include :INNER-JOIN and :ON. 4. Documenting lower level, non-CommonSQL functions (some of this is already done). - connection pools - database-query-result-set 5. Notes on any peculiarities of each of the backends (e.g., unsupported features, notable extensions etc.). - MYSQL - SQLITE - ODBC - ORACLE