;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; The CLSQL Functional Data Manipulation Language (FDML). ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) ;;; Basic operations on databases (defmethod database-query-result-set ((expr %sql-expression) database &key full-set result-types) (database-query-result-set (sql-output expr database) database :full-set full-set :result-types result-types)) (defmethod execute-command ((sql-expression string) &key (database *default-database*)) (record-sql-command sql-expression database) (let ((res (database-execute-command sql-expression database))) (record-sql-result res database)) (values)) (defmethod execute-command ((expr %sql-expression) &key (database *default-database*)) (execute-command (sql-output expr database) :database database) (values)) (defmethod query ((query-expression string) &key (database *default-database*) (result-types :auto) (flatp nil) (field-names t)) (record-sql-command query-expression database) (multiple-value-bind (rows names) (database-query query-expression database result-types field-names) (let ((result (if (and flatp (= 1 (length (car rows)))) (mapcar #'car rows) rows))) (record-sql-result result database) (if field-names (values result names) result)))) (defmethod query ((expr %sql-expression) &key (database *default-database*) (result-types :auto) (flatp nil) (field-names t)) (query (sql-output expr database) :database database :flatp flatp :result-types result-types :field-names field-names)) (defmethod query ((expr sql-object-query) &key (database *default-database*) (result-types :auto) (flatp nil) (field-names t)) (declare (ignore result-types field-names)) (apply #'select (append (slot-value expr 'objects) (slot-value expr 'exp) (when (slot-value expr 'refresh) (list :refresh (sql-output expr database))) (when (or flatp (slot-value expr 'flatp) ) (list :flatp t)) (list :database database)))) (defun print-query (query-exp &key titles (formats t) (sizes t) (stream t) (database *default-database*)) "Prints a tabular report of the results returned by the SQL query QUERY-EXP, which may be a symbolic SQL expression or a string, in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. The report is printed onto STREAM which has a default value of t which means that *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is used. The TITLE argument, which defaults to nil, allows the specification of a list of strings to use as column titles in the tabular output. SIZES accepts a list of column sizes, one for each column selected by QUERY-EXP, to use in formatting the tabular report. The default value of t means that minimum sizes are computed. FORMATS is a list of format strings to be used for printing each column selected by QUERY-EXP. The default value of FORMATS is t meaning that ~A is used to format all columns or ~VA if column sizes are used." (flet ((compute-sizes (data) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (if (null y) 3 (length y))) x))) (apply #'mapcar (cons #'list data)))) (format-record (record control sizes) (format stream "~&~?" control (if (null sizes) record (mapcan #'(lambda (s f) (list s f)) sizes record))))) (let* ((query-exp (etypecase query-exp (string query-exp) (sql-query (sql-output query-exp database)))) (data (query query-exp :database database :result-types nil :field-names nil)) (sizes (if (or (null sizes) (listp sizes)) sizes (compute-sizes (if titles (cons titles data) data)))) (formats (if (or (null formats) (not (listp formats))) (make-list (length (car data)) :initial-element (if (null sizes) "~A " "~VA ")) formats)) (control-string (format nil "~{~A~}" formats))) (when titles (format-record titles control-string sizes)) (dolist (d data (values)) (format-record d control-string sizes))))) (defun insert-records (&key (into nil) (attributes nil) (values nil) (av-pairs nil) (query nil) (database *default-database*)) "Inserts records into the table specified by INTO in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. There are five ways of specifying the values inserted into each row. In the first VALUES contains a list of values to insert and ATTRIBUTES, AV-PAIRS and QUERY are nil. This can be used when values are supplied for all attributes in INTO. In the second, ATTRIBUTES is a list of column names, VALUES is a corresponding list of values and AV-PAIRS and QUERY are nil. In the third, ATTRIBUTES, VALUES and QUERY are nil and AV-PAIRS is an alist of (attribute value) pairs. In the fourth, VALUES, AV-PAIRS and ATTRIBUTES are nil and QUERY is a symbolic SQL query expression in which the selected columns also exist in INTO. In the fifth method, VALUES and AV-PAIRS are nil and ATTRIBUTES is a list of column names and QUERY is a symbolic SQL query expression which returns values for the specified columns." (let ((stmt (make-sql-insert :into into :attrs attributes :vals values :av-pairs av-pairs :subquery query))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) (defun make-sql-insert (&key (into nil) (attrs nil) (vals nil) (av-pairs nil) (subquery nil)) (unless into (error 'sql-user-error :message ":into keyword not supplied")) (let ((insert (make-instance 'sql-insert :into into))) (with-slots (attributes values query) insert (cond ((and vals (not attrs) (not query) (not av-pairs)) (setf values vals)) ((and vals attrs (not subquery) (not av-pairs)) (setf attributes attrs) (setf values vals)) ((and av-pairs (not vals) (not attrs) (not subquery)) (setf attributes (mapcar #'car av-pairs)) (setf values (mapcar #'cadr av-pairs))) ((and subquery (not vals) (not attrs) (not av-pairs)) (setf query subquery)) ((and subquery attrs (not vals) (not av-pairs)) (setf attributes attrs) (setf query subquery)) (t (error 'sql-user-error :message "bad or ambiguous keyword combination."))) insert))) (defun delete-records (&key (from nil) (where nil) (database *default-database*)) "Deletes records satisfying the SQL expression WHERE from the table specified by FROM in DATABASE specifies a database which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let ((stmt (make-instance 'sql-delete :from from :where where))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) (defun update-records (table &key (attributes nil) (values nil) (av-pairs nil) (where nil) (database *default-database*)) "Updates the attribute values of existing records satsifying the SQL expression WHERE in the table specified by TABLE in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. There are three ways of specifying the values to update for each row. In the first, VALUES contains a list of values to use in the update and ATTRIBUTES and AV-PAIRS are nil. This can be used when values are supplied for all attributes in TABLE. In the second, ATTRIBUTES is a list of column names, VALUES is a corresponding list of values and AV-PAIRS is nil. In the third, ATTRIBUTES and VALUES are nil and AV-PAIRS is an alist of (attribute value) pairs." (when av-pairs (setf attributes (mapcar #'car av-pairs) values (mapcar #'cadr av-pairs))) (let ((stmt (make-instance 'sql-update :table table :attributes attributes :values values :where where))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) ;; output-sql (defmethod database-output-sql ((str string) database) (declare (ignore database) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) #+cmu (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)) (type (simple-array * (*)) str)) (let ((len (length str))) (declare (type fixnum len)) (cond ((zerop len) +empty-string+) ((and (null (position #\' str)) (null (position #\\ str))) (concatenate 'string "'" str "'")) (t (let ((buf (make-string (+ (* len 2) 2) :initial-element #\'))) (do* ((i 0 (incf i)) (j 1 (incf j))) ((= i len) (subseq buf 0 (1+ j))) (declare (type fixnum i j)) (let ((char (aref str i))) (declare (character char)) (cond ((char= char #\') (setf (aref buf j) #\') (incf j) (setf (aref buf j) #\')) ((char= char #\\) (setf (aref buf j) #\\) (incf j) (setf (aref buf j) #\\)) (t (setf (aref buf j) char)))))))))) (let ((keyword-package (symbol-package :foo))) (defmethod database-output-sql ((sym symbol) database) (convert-to-db-default-case (if (equal (symbol-package sym) keyword-package) (concatenate 'string "'" (string sym) "'") (symbol-name sym)) database))) (defmethod database-output-sql ((tee (eql t)) database) (declare (ignore database)) "'Y'") (defmethod database-output-sql ((num number) database) (declare (ignore database)) (princ-to-string num)) (defmethod database-output-sql ((arg list) database) (if (null arg) "NULL" (format nil "(~{~A~^,~})" (mapcar #'(lambda (val) (sql-output val database)) arg)))) (defmethod database-output-sql ((arg vector) database) (format nil "~{~A~^,~}" (map 'list #'(lambda (val) (sql-output val database)) arg))) (defmethod database-output-sql ((self wall-time) database) (declare (ignore database)) (db-timestring self)) (defmethod database-output-sql ((self duration) database) (declare (ignore database)) (format nil "'~a'" (duration-timestring self))) (defmethod database-output-sql (thing database) (if (or (null thing) (eq 'null thing)) "NULL" (error 'sql-user-error :message (format nil "No type conversion to SQL for ~A is defined for DB ~A." (type-of thing) (type-of database))))) (defmethod output-sql-hash-key ((arg vector) database) (list 'vector (map 'list (lambda (arg) (or (output-sql-hash-key arg database) (return-from output-sql-hash-key nil))) arg))) (defmethod output-sql (expr database) (write-string (database-output-sql expr database) *sql-stream*) (values)) (defmethod output-sql ((expr list) database) (if (null expr) (write-string +null-string+ *sql-stream*) (progn (write-char #\( *sql-stream*) (do ((item expr (cdr item))) ((null (cdr item)) (output-sql (car item) database)) (output-sql (car item) database) (write-char #\, *sql-stream*)) (write-char #\) *sql-stream*))) t) #+nil (defmethod add-storage-class ((self database) (class symbol) &key (sequence t)) (let ((tablename (view-table (find-class class)))) (unless (tablep tablename) (create-view-from-class class) (when sequence (create-sequence-from-class class))))) ;;; Iteration (defmacro do-query (((&rest args) query-expression &key (database '*default-database*) (result-types :auto)) &body body) "Repeatedly executes BODY within a binding of ARGS on the fields of each row selected by the SQL query QUERY-EXPRESSION, which may be a string or a symbolic SQL expression, in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. The values returned by the execution of BODY are returned. RESULT-TYPES is a list of symbols which specifies the lisp type for each field returned by QUERY-EXPRESSION. If RESULT-TYPES is nil all results are returned as strings whereas the default value of :auto means that the lisp types are automatically computed for each field." (let ((result-set (gensym "RESULT-SET-")) (qe (gensym "QUERY-EXPRESSION-")) (columns (gensym "COLUMNS-")) (row (gensym "ROW-")) (db (gensym "DB-"))) `(let ((,qe ,query-expression)) (typecase ,qe (sql-object-query (dolist (,row (query ,qe)) (destructuring-bind ,args ,row ,@body))) (t ;; Functional query (let ((,db ,database)) (multiple-value-bind (,result-set ,columns) (database-query-result-set ,qe ,db :full-set nil :result-types ,result-types) (when ,result-set (unwind-protect (do ((,row (make-list ,columns))) ((not (database-store-next-row ,result-set ,db ,row)) nil) (destructuring-bind ,args ,row ,@body)) (database-dump-result-set ,result-set ,db)))))))))) (defun map-query (output-type-spec function query-expression &key (database *default-database*) (result-types :auto)) "Map the function FUNCTION over the attribute values of each row selected by the SQL query QUERY-EXPRESSION, which may be a string or a symbolic SQL expression, in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. The results of the function are collected as specified in OUTPUT-TYPE-SPEC and returned like in MAP. RESULT-TYPES is a list of symbols which specifies the lisp type for each field returned by QUERY-EXPRESSION. If RESULT-TYPES is nil all results are returned as strings whereas the default value of :auto means that the lisp types are automatically computed for each field." (typecase query-expression (sql-object-query (map output-type-spec #'(lambda (x) (apply function x)) (query query-expression))) (t ;; Functional query (macrolet ((type-specifier-atom (type) `(if (atom ,type) ,type (car ,type)))) (case (type-specifier-atom output-type-spec) ((nil) (map-query-for-effect function query-expression database result-types)) (list (map-query-to-list function query-expression database result-types)) ((simple-vector simple-string vector string array simple-array bit-vector simple-bit-vector base-string simple-base-string) (map-query-to-simple output-type-spec function query-expression database result-types)) (t (funcall #'map-query (cmucl-compat:result-type-or-lose output-type-spec t) function query-expression :database database :result-types result-types))))))) (defun map-query-for-effect (function query-expression database result-types) (multiple-value-bind (result-set columns) (database-query-result-set query-expression database :full-set nil :result-types result-types) (let ((flatp (and (= columns 1) (typep query-expression 'sql-query) (slot-value query-expression 'flatp)))) (when result-set (unwind-protect (do ((row (make-list columns))) ((not (database-store-next-row result-set database row)) nil) (if flatp (apply function row) (funcall function row))) (database-dump-result-set result-set database)))))) (defun map-query-to-list (function query-expression database result-types) (multiple-value-bind (result-set columns) (database-query-result-set query-expression database :full-set nil :result-types result-types) (let ((flatp (and (= columns 1) (typep query-expression 'sql-query) (slot-value query-expression 'flatp)))) (when result-set (unwind-protect (let ((result (list nil))) (do ((row (make-list columns)) (current-cons result (cdr current-cons))) ((not (database-store-next-row result-set database row)) (cdr result)) (rplacd current-cons (list (if flatp (apply function row) (funcall function (copy-list row))))))) (database-dump-result-set result-set database)))))) (defun map-query-to-simple (output-type-spec function query-expression database result-types) (multiple-value-bind (result-set columns rows) (database-query-result-set query-expression database :full-set t :result-types result-types) (let ((flatp (and (= columns 1) (typep query-expression 'sql-query) (slot-value query-expression 'flatp)))) (when result-set (unwind-protect (if rows ;; We know the row count in advance, so we allocate once (do ((result (cmucl-compat:make-sequence-of-type output-type-spec rows)) (row (make-list columns)) (index 0 (1+ index))) ((not (database-store-next-row result-set database row)) result) (declare (fixnum index)) (setf (aref result index) (if flatp (apply function row) (funcall function (copy-list row))))) ;; Database can't report row count in advance, so we have ;; to grow and shrink our vector dynamically (do ((result (cmucl-compat:make-sequence-of-type output-type-spec 100)) (allocated-length 100) (row (make-list columns)) (index 0 (1+ index))) ((not (database-store-next-row result-set database row)) (cmucl-compat:shrink-vector result index)) (declare (fixnum allocated-length index)) (when (>= index allocated-length) (setq allocated-length (* allocated-length 2) result (adjust-array result allocated-length))) (setf (aref result index) (if flatp (apply function row) (funcall function (copy-list row)))))) (database-dump-result-set result-set database)))))) ;;; Row processing macro from CLSQL (defmacro for-each-row (((&rest fields) &key from order-by where distinct limit) &body body) (let ((d (gensym "DISTINCT-")) (bind-fields (loop for f in fields collect (car f))) (w (gensym "WHERE-")) (o (gensym "ORDER-BY-")) (frm (gensym "FROM-")) (l (gensym "LIMIT-")) (q (gensym "QUERY-"))) `(let ((,frm ,from) (,w ,where) (,d ,distinct) (,l ,limit) (,o ,order-by)) (let ((,q (query-string ',fields ,frm ,w ,d ,o ,l))) (loop for tuple in (query ,q) collect (destructuring-bind ,bind-fields tuple ,@body)))))) (defun query-string (fields from where distinct order-by limit) (concatenate 'string (format nil "select ~A~{~A~^,~} from ~{~A~^ and ~}" (if distinct "distinct " "") (field-names fields) (from-names from)) (if where (format nil " where ~{~A~^ ~}" (where-strings where)) "") (if order-by (format nil " order by ~{~A~^, ~}" (order-by-strings order-by))) (if limit (format nil " limit ~D" limit) ""))) (defun lisp->sql-name (field) (typecase field (string field) (symbol (string-upcase (symbol-name field))) (cons (cadr field)) (t (format nil "~A" field)))) (defun field-names (field-forms) "Return a list of field name strings from a fields form" (loop for field-form in field-forms collect (lisp->sql-name (if (cadr field-form) (cadr field-form) (car field-form))))) (defun from-names (from) "Return a list of field name strings from a fields form" (loop for table in (if (atom from) (list from) from) collect (lisp->sql-name table))) (defun where-strings (where) (loop for w in (if (atom (car where)) (list where) where) collect (if (consp w) (format nil "~A ~A ~A" (second w) (first w) (third w)) (format nil "~A" w)))) (defun order-by-strings (order-by) (loop for o in order-by collect (if (atom o) (lisp->sql-name o) (format nil "~A ~A" (lisp->sql-name (car o)) (lisp->sql-name (cadr o)))))) ;;; Large objects support (defun create-large-object (&key (database *default-database*)) "Creates a new large object in the database and returns the object identifier" (database-create-large-object database)) (defun write-large-object (object-id data &key (database *default-database*)) "Writes data to the large object" (database-write-large-object object-id data database)) (defun read-large-object (object-id &key (database *default-database*)) "Reads the large object content" (database-read-large-object object-id database)) (defun delete-large-object (object-id &key (database *default-database*)) "Deletes the large object in the database" (database-delete-large-object object-id database)) ;;; Prepared statements (defun prepare-sql (sql-stmt types &key (database *default-database*) (result-types :auto) field-names) "Prepares a SQL statement for execution. TYPES contains a list of types corresponding to the input parameters. Returns a prepared-statement object. A type can be :int :double :null (:string n) " (unless (db-type-has-prepared-stmt? (database-type database)) (error 'sql-user-error :message (format nil "Database backend type ~:@(~A~) does not support prepared statements." (database-type database)))) (database-prepare sql-stmt types database result-types field-names)) (defun bind-parameter (prepared-stmt position value) "Sets the value of a parameter is in prepared statement." (database-bind-parameter prepared-stmt position value) value) (defun run-prepared-sql (prepared-stmt) "Execute the prepared sql statment. All input parameters must be bound." (database-run-prepared prepared-stmt)) (defun free-prepared-sql (prepared-stmt) "Delete the objects associated with a prepared statement." (database-free-prepared prepared-stmt))