;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: kmr-mop.lisp ;;;; Purpose: MOP support for multiple-implementions ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2003 ;;;; ;;;; This file imports MOP symbols into the CLSQL-MOP package and then ;;;; re-exports into CLSQL-SYS them to hide differences in ;;;; MOP implementations. ;;;; ;;;; This file was extracted from the KMRCL utilities ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) #+lispworks (defun intern-eql-specializer (slot) `(eql ,slot)) (defmacro process-class-option (metaclass slot-name &optional required) #+lispworks `(defmethod clos:process-a-class-option ((class ,metaclass) (name (eql ,slot-name)) value) (when (and ,required (null value)) (error "metaclass ~A class slot ~A must have a value" (quote ,metaclass) name)) (list name `',value)) #-lispworks (declare (ignore metaclass slot-name required)) ) (defmacro process-slot-option (metaclass slot-name) #+lispworks `(defmethod clos:process-a-slot-option ((class ,metaclass) (option (eql ,slot-name)) value already-processed-options slot) (list* option `',value already-processed-options)) #-lispworks (declare (ignore metaclass slot-name)) ) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defclass %slot-order-test-class () ((a) (b))) (finalize-inheritance (find-class '%slot-order-test-class)) (let ((slots (class-slots (find-class '%slot-order-test-class)))) (ecase (slot-definition-name (first slots)) (a) (b (pushnew :mop-slot-order-reversed cl:*features*))))) (defun ordered-class-slots (class) #+mop-slot-order-reversed (reverse (class-slots class)) #-mop-slot-order-reversed (class-slots class)) (defun ordered-class-direct-slots (class) "Gets an ordered list of direct class slots" ;; NB: this used to return effective-slot-definitions in direct ;; opposition to the function name. Not sure why (setf class (to-class class)) #+mop-slot-order-reversed (reverse (class-direct-slots class)) #-mop-slot-order-reversed (class-direct-slots class)) (defun find-slot-by-name (class slot-name &optional direct? recurse?) "Looks up a direct-slot-definition by name" (setf class (to-class class) slot-name (to-slot-name slot-name)) (labels ((find-it (class) (let* ((slots (if direct? (ordered-class-direct-slots class) (ordered-class-slots class))) (it (find slot-name slots :key #'slot-definition-name))) (if it it (when recurse? (loop for sup in (class-direct-superclasses class) for rtn = (find-it sup) until rtn finally (return rtn))))))) (find-it class))) ;; Lispworks has symbol for slot rather than the slot instance (defun %svuc-slot-name (slot) #+lispworks slot #-lispworks (slot-definition-name slot)) (defun %svuc-slot-object (slot class) (declare (ignorable class)) #+lispworks (clos:find-slot-definition slot class) #-lispworks slot)