;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL metaclass for standard-db-objects created in the OODDL. ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'compute-effective-slot-definition))) 3) (pushnew :kmr-normal-cesd cl:*features*)) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'direct-slot-definition-class))) 3) (pushnew :kmr-normal-dsdc cl:*features*)) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'effective-slot-definition-class))) 3) (pushnew :kmr-normal-esdc cl:*features*))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; metaclass: view-class (defclass standard-db-class (standard-class) ((view-table :accessor view-table :initarg :view-table) (definition :accessor object-definition :initarg :definition :initform nil) (key-slots :accessor key-slots :initform nil) (normalizedp :accessor normalizedp :initform nil) (class-qualifier :accessor view-class-qualifier :initarg :qualifier :initform nil)) (:documentation "Metaclass for all CLSQL View Classes.")) ;;; Lispworks 4.2 and before requires special processing of extra slot and class options (defvar +extra-slot-options+ '(:column :db-kind :db-type :db-reader :void-value :db-constraints :db-writer :db-info)) (defvar +extra-class-options+ '(:base-table)) #+lispworks (dolist (slot-option +extra-slot-options+) (eval `(process-slot-option standard-db-class ,slot-option))) #+lispworks (dolist (class-option +extra-class-options+) (eval `(process-class-option standard-db-class ,class-option))) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class standard-db-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) (defun table-name-from-arg (arg) (cond ((symbolp arg) (intern (sql-escape arg))) ((typep arg 'sql-ident) (if (symbolp (slot-value arg 'name)) (intern (sql-escape (slot-value arg 'name))) (sql-escape (slot-value arg 'name)))) ((stringp arg) (sql-escape arg)))) (defun remove-keyword-arg (arglist akey) (let ((mylist arglist) (newlist ())) (labels ((pop-arg (alist) (let ((arg (pop alist)) (val (pop alist))) (unless (equal arg akey) (setf newlist (append (list arg val) newlist))) (when alist (pop-arg alist))))) (pop-arg mylist)) newlist)) (defun set-view-table-slot (class base-table) (setf (view-table class) (table-name-from-arg (or (and base-table (if (listp base-table) (car base-table) base-table)) (class-name class))))) (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class standard-db-class) &rest all-keys &key direct-superclasses base-table qualifier normalizedp &allow-other-keys) (let ((root-class (find-class 'standard-db-object nil)) (vmc 'standard-db-class)) (setf (view-class-qualifier class) (car qualifier)) (if root-class (if (some #'(lambda (super) (typep super vmc)) direct-superclasses) (call-next-method) (apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (append (list root-class) direct-superclasses) (remove-keyword-arg all-keys :direct-superclasses))) (call-next-method)) (set-view-table-slot class base-table) (setf (normalizedp class) (car normalizedp)) (register-metaclass class (nth (1+ (position :direct-slots all-keys)) all-keys)))) (defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((class standard-db-class) &rest all-keys &key base-table normalizedp direct-superclasses qualifier &allow-other-keys) (let ((root-class (find-class 'standard-db-object nil)) (vmc 'standard-db-class)) (set-view-table-slot class base-table) (setf (normalizedp class) (car normalizedp)) (setf (view-class-qualifier class) (car qualifier)) (if (and root-class (not (equal class root-class))) (if (some #'(lambda (super) (typep super vmc)) direct-superclasses) (call-next-method) (apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (append (list root-class) direct-superclasses) (remove-keyword-arg all-keys :direct-superclasses))) (call-next-method))) (register-metaclass class (nth (1+ (position :direct-slots all-keys)) all-keys)) class) (defun get-keywords (keys list) (flet ((extract (key) (let ((pos (position key list))) (when pos (nth (1+ pos) list))))) (mapcar #'extract keys))) (defun describe-db-layout (class) (flet ((not-db-col (col) (not (member (nth 2 col) '(nil :base :key)))) (frob-slot (slot) (let ((type (slot-definition-type slot))) (if (eq type t) (setq type nil)) (list (slot-value slot 'name) type (slot-value slot 'db-kind) (and (slot-boundp slot 'column) (slot-value slot 'column)))))) (let ((all-slots (mapcar #'frob-slot (ordered-class-slots class)))) (setq all-slots (remove-if #'not-db-col all-slots)) (setq all-slots (stable-sort all-slots #'string< :key #'car)) ;;(mapcar #'dink-type all-slots) all-slots))) (defun register-metaclass (class slots) (labels ((not-db-col (col) (not (member (nth 2 col) '(nil :base :key)))) (frob-slot (slot) (get-keywords '(:name :type :db-kind :column) slot))) (let ((all-slots (mapcar #'frob-slot slots))) (setq all-slots (remove-if #'not-db-col all-slots)) (setq all-slots (stable-sort all-slots #'string< :key #'car)) (setf (object-definition class) all-slots)) #-(or sbcl allegro) (setf (key-slots class) (remove-if-not (lambda (slot) (eql (slot-value slot 'db-kind) :key)) (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class class))))) #+(or sbcl allegro) (defmethod finalize-inheritance :after ((class standard-db-class)) (setf (key-slots class) (remove-if-not (lambda (slot) (eql (slot-value slot 'db-kind) :key)) (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class class)))) ;; return the deepest view-class ancestor for a given view class (defun base-db-class (classname) (let* ((class (find-class classname)) (db-class (find-class 'standard-db-object))) (loop (let ((cds (class-direct-superclasses class))) (cond ((null cds) (error "not a db class")) ((member db-class cds) (return (class-name class)))) (setq class (car cds)))))) (defun db-ancestors (classname) (let ((class (find-class classname)) (db-class (find-class 'standard-db-object))) (labels ((ancestors (class) (let ((scs (class-direct-superclasses class))) (if (member db-class scs) (list class) (append (list class) (mapcar #'ancestors scs)))))) (ancestors class)))) (defclass view-class-slot-definition-mixin () ((column :accessor view-class-slot-column :initarg :column :documentation "The name of the SQL column this slot is stored in. Defaults to the slot name.") (db-kind :accessor view-class-slot-db-kind :initarg :db-kind :initform :base ;; openmcl 0.14.2 stores the value as list in the DSD ;; :type (or list keyword) #-openmcl :type #-openmcl keyword :documentation "The kind of DB mapping which is performed for this slot. :base indicates the slot maps to an ordinary column of the DB view. :key indicates that this slot corresponds to part of the unique keys for this view, :join indicates ... and :virtual indicates that this slot is an ordinary CLOS slot. Defaults to :base.") (db-reader :accessor view-class-slot-db-reader :initarg :db-reader :initform nil :documentation "If a string, then when reading values from the DB, the string will be used for a format string, with the only value being the value from the database. The resulting string will be used as the slot value. If a function then it will take one argument, the value from the database, and return the value that should be put into the slot.") (db-writer :accessor view-class-slot-db-writer :initarg :db-writer :initform nil :documentation "If a string, then when reading values from the slot for the DB, the string will be used for a format string, with the only value being the value of the slot. The resulting string will be used as the column value in the DB. If a function then it will take one argument, the value of the slot, and return the value that should be put into the database.") (db-type :accessor view-class-slot-db-type :initarg :db-type :initform nil :documentation "A string which will be used as the type specifier for this slots column definition in the database.") (db-constraints :accessor view-class-slot-db-constraints :initarg :db-constraints :initform nil :documentation "A keyword symbol representing a single SQL column constraint or list of such symbols.") (void-value :accessor view-class-slot-void-value :initarg :void-value :initform nil :documentation "Value to store if the SQL value is NULL. Default is NIL.") (db-info :accessor view-class-slot-db-info :initarg :db-info :documentation "Description of the join.") (specified-type :accessor specified-type :initarg specified-type :initform nil :documentation "Internal slot storing the :type specified by user.") (autoincrement-sequence :accessor view-class-slot-autoincrement-sequence :initarg :autoincrement-sequence :initform nil :documentation "A string naming the (possibly automatically generated) sequence for a slot with an :auto-increment constraint."))) (defparameter *db-info-lambda-list* '(&key join-class home-key foreign-key (key-join nil) (target-slot nil) (retrieval :immmediate) (set nil))) (defun parse-db-info (db-info-list) (destructuring-bind (&key join-class home-key key-join foreign-key (delete-rule nil) (target-slot nil) (retrieval :deferred) (set t)) db-info-list (let ((ih (make-hash-table :size 6))) (if join-class (setf (gethash :join-class ih) join-class) (error "Must specify :join-class in :db-info")) (if home-key (setf (gethash :home-key ih) home-key) (error "Must specify :home-key in :db-info")) (when delete-rule (setf (gethash :delete-rule ih) delete-rule)) (if foreign-key (setf (gethash :foreign-key ih) foreign-key) (error "Must specify :foreign-key in :db-info")) (when key-join (setf (gethash :key-join ih) t)) (when target-slot (setf (gethash :target-slot ih) target-slot)) (when set (setf (gethash :set ih) set)) (when retrieval (progn (setf (gethash :retrieval ih) retrieval) (if (eql retrieval :immediate) (setf (gethash :set ih) nil)))) ih))) (defclass view-class-direct-slot-definition (view-class-slot-definition-mixin standard-direct-slot-definition) ()) (defclass view-class-effective-slot-definition (view-class-slot-definition-mixin standard-effective-slot-definition) ()) (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class standard-db-class) #+kmr-normal-dsdc &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (find-class 'view-class-direct-slot-definition)) (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class standard-db-class) #+kmr-normal-esdc &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (find-class 'view-class-effective-slot-definition)) #+openmcl (when (not (symbol-function 'compute-class-precedence-list)) (eval (defun compute-class-precedence-list (class) (class-precedence-list class)))) #-mop-slot-order-reversed (defmethod compute-slots ((class standard-db-class)) "Need to sort order of class slots so they are the same across implementations." (let ((slots (call-next-method)) desired-sequence output-slots) (dolist (c (compute-class-precedence-list class)) (dolist (s (class-direct-slots c)) (let ((name (slot-definition-name s))) (unless (find name desired-sequence) (push name desired-sequence))))) (dolist (desired desired-sequence) (let ((slot (find desired slots :key #'slot-definition-name))) (assert slot) (push slot output-slots))) output-slots)) (defun compute-lisp-type-from-specified-type (specified-type db-constraints) "Computes the Lisp type for a user-specified type." (let ((type (cond ((consp specified-type) (let* ((first (first specified-type)) (name (etypecase first (symbol (symbol-name first)) (string first)))) (cond ((or (string-equal name "string") (string-equal name "varchar") (string-equal name "char")) 'string) (t specified-type)))) ((eq (ensure-keyword specified-type) :bigint) 'integer) ((eq (ensure-keyword specified-type) :char) 'character) ((eq (ensure-keyword specified-type) :varchar) 'string) (t specified-type)))) (if (and type (not (member :not-null (listify db-constraints)))) `(or null ,type) (or type t)))) ;; Compute the slot definition for slots in a view-class. Figures out ;; what kind of database value (if any) is stored there, generates and ;; verifies the column name. (declaim (inline delistify)) (defun delistify (list) "Some MOPs, like openmcl 0.14.2, cons attribute values in a list." (if (listp list) (car list) list)) (declaim (inline delistify-dsd)) ;; there is an :after method below too (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((obj view-class-direct-slot-definition) &rest initargs &key db-constraints db-kind type &allow-other-keys) (when (and (not db-kind) (member :primary-key (listify db-constraints))) (warn "Slot ~S constrained to be :primary-key, but not marked as :db-kind :key" (slot-definition-name obj))) (apply #'call-next-method obj 'specified-type type :type (if (and (eql db-kind :virtual) (null type)) t (compute-lisp-type-from-specified-type type db-constraints)) initargs)) (defun compute-column-name (arg) (database-identifier arg nil)) (defun %convert-db-info-to-hash (slot-def) ;; I wonder if this slot option and the previous could be merged, ;; so that :base and :key remain keyword options, but :db-kind ;; :join becomes :db-kind (:join )? (setf (slot-value slot-def 'db-info) (when (slot-boundp slot-def 'db-info) (let ((info (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def))) (etypecase info (hash-table info) (atom info) (list (cond ((and (> (length info) 1) (atom (car info))) (parse-db-info info)) ((and (= 1 (length info)) (listp (car info))) (parse-db-info (car info))) (t info)))))))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj view-class-direct-slot-definition) &key &allow-other-keys) (setf (view-class-slot-column obj) (compute-column-name obj) (view-class-slot-autoincrement-sequence obj) (dequote (view-class-slot-autoincrement-sequence obj))) (%convert-db-info-to-hash obj)) (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class standard-db-class) #+kmr-normal-cesd slot-name direct-slots) #+kmr-normal-cesd (declare (ignore slot-name)) ;; KMR: store the user-specified type and then compute ;; real Lisp type and store it (let ((dsd (car direct-slots))) (let ((esd (call-next-method))) (typecase dsd (view-class-slot-definition-mixin (setf (slot-value esd 'column) (compute-column-name dsd)) (macrolet ((safe-copy-value (name &optional default) (let ((fn (intern (format nil "~A~A" 'view-class-slot- name )))) `(setf (slot-value esd ',name) (or (when (slot-boundp dsd ',name) (delistify-dsd (,fn dsd))) ,default))))) (safe-copy-value autoincrement-sequence) (safe-copy-value db-type) (safe-copy-value void-value) (safe-copy-value db-reader) (safe-copy-value db-writer) ;; :db-kind slot value defaults to :base (store slot value in ;; database) (safe-copy-value db-kind :base) (safe-copy-value db-constraints) (safe-copy-value db-info) (%convert-db-info-to-hash esd)) (setf (specified-type esd) (delistify-dsd (specified-type dsd))) ;; In older SBCL's the type-check-function is computed at ;; defclass expansion, which is too early for the CLSQL type ;; conversion to take place. This gets rid of it. It's ugly ;; but it's better than nothing -wcp10/4/10. #+(and sbcl #.(cl:if (cl:and (cl:find-package :sb-pcl) (cl:find-symbol "%TYPE-CHECK-FUNCTION" :sb-pcl)) '(cl:and) '(cl:or))) (setf (slot-value esd 'sb-pcl::%type-check-function) nil) ) ;; all other slots (t (unless (typep esd 'view-class-effective-slot-definition) (warn "Non view-class-direct-slot object with non-view-class-effective-slot-definition in compute-effective-slot-definition") (let ((type-predicate #+openmcl (slot-value esd 'ccl::type-predicate))) #-openmcl (declare (ignore type-predicate)) #-(or clisp sbcl) (change-class esd 'view-class-effective-slot-definition #+allegro :name #+allegro (slot-definition-name dsd)) #+openmcl (setf (slot-value esd 'ccl::type-predicate) type-predicate))) ;; has no column name if it is not a database column (setf (slot-value esd 'column) nil) (setf (slot-value esd 'db-info) nil) (setf (slot-value esd 'db-kind) :virtual) (setf (specified-type esd) (slot-definition-type dsd))) ) esd))) (defun slotdefs-for-slots-with-class (slots class) (let ((result nil)) (dolist (s slots) (let ((c (slotdef-for-slot-with-class s class))) (if c (setf result (cons c result))))) result)) (defun slotdef-for-slot-with-class (slot class) (typecase slot (standard-slot-definition slot) (symbol (find-slot-by-name class slot)))) #+ignore (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) #+kmr-normal-cesd (setq cl:*features* (delete :kmr-normal-cesd cl:*features*)) #+kmr-normal-dsdc (setq cl:*features* (delete :kmr-normal-dsdc cl:*features*)) #+kmr-normal-esdc (setq cl:*features* (delete :kmr-normal-esdc cl:*features*)) ) (defmethod database-identifier ( (name standard-db-class) &optional database find-class-p) "the majority of this function is in expressions.lisp this is here to make loading be less painful (try-recompiles) in SBCL" (declare (ignore find-class-p)) (database-identifier (view-table name) database)) (defmethod database-identifier ((name view-class-slot-definition-mixin) &optional database find-class-p) (declare (ignore find-class-p)) (database-identifier (if (slot-boundp name 'column) (delistify-dsd (view-class-slot-column name)) (slot-definition-name name)) database)) (defun find-standard-db-class (name &aux cls) (and (setf cls (ignore-errors (find-class name))) (typep cls 'standard-db-class) cls)) (defun slots-for-possibly-normalized-class (class) "Get the slots for this class, if normalized this is only the direct slots otherwiese its all the slots" (if (normalizedp class) (ordered-class-direct-slots class) (ordered-class-slots class))) (defun key-slot-p (slot-def) "takes a slot def and returns whether or not it is a key" (eql :key (view-class-slot-db-kind slot-def))) (defun join-slot-p (slot-def) "takes a slot def and returns whether or not it is a join slot" (eql :join (view-class-slot-db-kind slot-def))) (defun join-slot-info-value (slot-def key) "Get the join-slot db-info value associated with a key" (when (join-slot-p slot-def) (let ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def))) (when dbi (gethash key dbi))))) (defun join-slot-retrieval-method (slot-def) "if this is a join slot return the retrieval param in the db-info" (join-slot-info-value slot-def :retrieval)) (defun join-slot-class-name (slot-def) "get the join class name for a given join slot" (join-slot-info-value slot-def :join-class)) (defun join-slot-class (slot-def) "Get the join class for a given join slot" (let ((c (join-slot-class-name slot-def))) (when c (find-class c)))) (defun key-or-base-slot-p (slot-def) "takes a slot def and returns whether or not it is a key" (member (view-class-slot-db-kind slot-def) '(:key :base))) (defun direct-normalized-slot-p (class slot-name) "Is this a normalized class and if so is the slot one of our direct slots?" (setf slot-name (to-slot-name slot-name)) (and (typep class 'standard-db-class) (normalizedp class) (member slot-name (ordered-class-direct-slots class) :key #'slot-definition-name))) (defun not-direct-normalized-slot-p (class slot-name) "Is this a normalized class and if so is the slot not one of our direct slots?" (setf slot-name (to-slot-name slot-name)) (and (typep class 'standard-db-class) (normalizedp class) (not (member slot-name (ordered-class-direct-slots class) :key #'slot-definition-name)))) (defun slot-has-default-p (slot) "returns nil if the slot does not have a default constraint" (let* ((constraints (when (typep slot '(or view-class-direct-slot-definition view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (listify (view-class-slot-db-constraints slot))))) (member :default constraints)))