;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; $Id: $ ;;;; ;;;; The CLSQL Object Oriented Data Definitional Language (OODDL) ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) (defclass standard-db-object () ((view-database :initform nil :initarg :view-database :reader view-database :db-kind :virtual)) (:metaclass standard-db-class) (:documentation "Superclass for all CLSQL View Classes.")) (defvar *db-auto-sync* nil "A non-nil value means that creating View Class instances or setting their slots automatically creates/updates the corresponding records in the underlying database.") (defvar *db-deserializing* nil) (defvar *db-initializing* nil) (defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class standard-db-class) instance slot-def) (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (unless *db-deserializing* (let* ((slot-name (%svuc-slot-name slot-def)) (slot-object (%svuc-slot-object slot-def class)) (slot-kind (view-class-slot-db-kind slot-object))) (when (and (eql slot-kind :join) (not (slot-boundp instance slot-name))) (let ((*db-deserializing* t)) (if (view-database instance) (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) (fault-join-slot class instance slot-object)) (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nil)))))) (call-next-method)) (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) (new-value (class standard-db-class) instance slot-def) (declare (ignore new-value)) (let* ((slot-name (%svuc-slot-name slot-def)) (slot-object (%svuc-slot-object slot-def class)) (slot-kind (view-class-slot-db-kind slot-object))) (call-next-method) (when (and *db-auto-sync* (not *db-initializing*) (not *db-deserializing*) (not (eql slot-kind :virtual))) (update-record-from-slot instance slot-name)))) (defmethod initialize-instance ((object standard-db-object) &rest all-keys &key &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore all-keys)) (let ((*db-initializing* t)) (call-next-method) (when (and *db-auto-sync* (not *db-deserializing*)) (update-records-from-instance object)))) ;; ;; Build the database tables required to store the given view class ;; (defun create-view-from-class (view-class-name &key (database *default-database*)) "Creates a table as defined by the View Class VIEW-CLASS-NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let ((tclass (find-class view-class-name))) (if tclass (let ((*default-database* database)) (%install-class tclass database)) (error "Class ~s not found." view-class-name))) (values)) (defmethod %install-class ((self standard-db-class) database &aux schemadef) (dolist (slotdef (ordered-class-slots self)) (let ((res (database-generate-column-definition (class-name self) slotdef database))) (when res (push res schemadef)))) (unless schemadef (error "Class ~s has no :base slots" self)) (create-table (sql-expression :table (view-table self)) (nreverse schemadef) :database database :constraints (database-pkey-constraint self database)) (push self (database-view-classes database)) t) (defmethod database-pkey-constraint ((class standard-db-class) database) (let ((keylist (mapcar #'view-class-slot-column (keyslots-for-class class)))) (when keylist (convert-to-db-default-case (format nil "CONSTRAINT ~APK PRIMARY KEY~A" (database-output-sql (view-table class) database) (database-output-sql keylist database)) database)))) (defmethod database-generate-column-definition (class slotdef database) (declare (ignore database class)) (when (member (view-class-slot-db-kind slotdef) '(:base :key)) (let ((cdef (list (sql-expression :attribute (view-class-slot-column slotdef)) (specified-type slotdef)))) (setf cdef (append cdef (list (view-class-slot-db-type slotdef)))) (let ((const (view-class-slot-db-constraints slotdef))) (when const (setq cdef (append cdef (list const))))) cdef))) ;; ;; Drop the tables which store the given view class ;; (defun drop-view-from-class (view-class-name &key (database *default-database*)) "Removes a table defined by the View Class VIEW-CLASS-NAME from DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let ((tclass (find-class view-class-name))) (if tclass (let ((*default-database* database)) (%uninstall-class tclass)) (error "Class ~s not found." view-class-name))) (values)) (defun %uninstall-class (self &key (database *default-database*)) (drop-table (sql-expression :table (view-table self)) :if-does-not-exist :ignore :database database) (setf (database-view-classes database) (remove self (database-view-classes database)))) ;; ;; List all known view classes ;; (defun list-classes (&key (test #'identity) (root-class (find-class 'standard-db-object)) (database *default-database*)) "Returns a list of all the View Classes which are connected to DATABASE, which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*, and which descend from the class ROOT-CLASS and which satisfy the function TEST. By default ROOT-CLASS is STANDARD-DB-OBJECT and TEST is IDENTITY." (flet ((find-superclass (class) (member root-class (class-precedence-list class)))) (let ((view-classes (and database (database-view-classes database)))) (when view-classes (remove-if #'(lambda (c) (or (not (funcall test c)) (not (find-superclass c)))) view-classes))))) ;; ;; Define a new view class ;; (defmacro def-view-class (class supers slots &rest cl-options) "Creates a View Class called CLASS whose slots SLOTS can map onto the attributes of a table in a database. If SUPERS is nil then the superclass of CLASS will be STANDARD-DB-OBJECT, otherwise SUPERS is a list of superclasses for CLASS which must include STANDARD-DB-OBJECT or a descendent of this class. The syntax of DEFCLASS is extended through the addition of a class option :base-table which defines the database table onto which the View Class maps and which defaults to CLASS. The DEFCLASS syntax is also extended through additional slot options. The :db-kind slot option specifies the kind of DB mapping which is performed for this slot and defaults to :base which indicates that the slot maps to an ordinary column of the database table. A :db-kind value of :key indicates that this slot is a special kind of :base slot which maps onto a column which is one of the unique keys for the database table, the value :join indicates this slot represents a join onto another View Class which contains View Class objects, and the value :virtual indicates a standard CLOS slot which does not map onto columns of the database table. If a slot is specified with :db-kind :join, the slot option :db-info contains a list which specifies the nature of the join. For slots of :db-kind :base or :key, the :type slot option has a special interpretation such that Lisp types, such as string, integer and float are automatically converted into appropriate SQL types for the column onto which the slot maps. This behaviour may be over-ridden using the :db-type slot option which is a string specifying the vendor-specific database type for this slot's column definition in the database. The :column slot option specifies the name of the SQL column which the slot maps onto, if :db-kind is not :virtual, and defaults to the slot name. The :void-value slot option specifies the value to store if the SQL value is NULL and defaults to NIL. The :db-constraints slot option is a string representing an SQL table constraint expression or a list of such strings." `(progn (defclass ,class ,supers ,slots ,@(if (find :metaclass `,cl-options :key #'car) `,cl-options (cons '(:metaclass clsql-sys::standard-db-class) `,cl-options))) (finalize-inheritance (find-class ',class)) (find-class ',class))) (defun keyslots-for-class (class) (slot-value class 'key-slots))