;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; The CLSQL Object Oriented Data Manipulation Language (OODML). ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) (defun find-normalized-key (obj) "Find the first / primary key of a normalized object" (find-slot-if obj #'key-slot-p T T)) (defun normalized-key-value (obj) "Normalized classes share a single key for all their key slots" (when (normalizedp (class-of obj)) (easy-slot-value obj (find-normalized-key obj)))) (defun key-qualifier-for-instance (obj &key (database *default-database*) this-class) "Generate a boolean sql-expression that identifies an object by its keys" (let* ((obj-class (or this-class (class-of obj))) (keys (keyslots-for-class obj-class)) (normal-db-value (normalized-key-value obj))) (when keys (labels ((db-value (k) (or normal-db-value (db-value-from-slot k (easy-slot-value obj k) database))) (key-equal-exp (k) (sql-operation '== (generate-attribute-reference obj-class k database) (db-value k)))) (clsql-ands (mapcar #'key-equal-exp keys)))))) (defun generate-attribute-reference (vclass slotdef &optional (database *default-database*)) "Turns key class and slot-def into a sql-expression representing the table and column it comes from used by things like generate-selection-list, update-slot-from-record" (when (key-or-base-slot-p slotdef) (sql-expression :attribute (database-identifier slotdef database) :table (database-identifier vclass database)))) ;; ;; Function used by 'find-all' ;; (defun generate-selection-list (vclass) (let* ((sels nil) (this-class vclass) (slots (if (normalizedp vclass) (labels ((getdslots () (let ((sl (ordered-class-direct-slots this-class))) (cond (sl) (t (setf this-class (car (class-direct-superclasses this-class))) (getdslots)))))) (getdslots)) (ordered-class-slots this-class)))) (dolist (slotdef slots) (let ((res (generate-attribute-reference this-class slotdef))) (when res (push (cons slotdef res) sels)))) (if sels sels (error "No slots of type :base in view-class ~A" (class-name vclass))))) (defun generate-retrieval-joins-list (vclass retrieval-method) "Returns list of immediate join slots for a class." (let ((join-slotdefs nil)) (dolist (slotdef (ordered-class-slots vclass) join-slotdefs) (when (and (eq :join (view-class-slot-db-kind slotdef)) (eq retrieval-method (gethash :retrieval (view-class-slot-db-info slotdef)))) (push slotdef join-slotdefs))))) (defun generate-immediate-joins-selection-list (vclass) "Returns list of immediate join slots for a class." (let (sels) (dolist (joined-slot (generate-retrieval-joins-list vclass :immediate) sels) (let* ((join-class-name (gethash :join-class (view-class-slot-db-info joined-slot))) (join-class (when join-class-name (find-class join-class-name)))) (dolist (slotdef (ordered-class-slots join-class)) (let ((res (generate-attribute-reference join-class slotdef))) (when res (push (cons slotdef res) sels)))))) sels)) (defmethod choose-database-for-instance ((obj standard-db-object) &optional database) "Determine which database connection to use for a standard-db-object. Errs if none is available." (or (find-if #'(lambda (db) (and db (is-database-open db))) (list (view-database obj) database *default-database*)) (signal-no-database-error nil))) (defmethod update-slot-with-null ((object standard-db-object) slotdef) "sets a slot to the void value of the slot-def (usually nil)" (setf (easy-slot-value object slotdef) (slot-value slotdef 'void-value))) (defmethod update-slot-from-db-value ((instance standard-db-object) slotdef value) "This gets a value from the database and turns it itno a lisp value based on the slot's slot-db-reader or baring that read-sql-value" (declare (optimize (speed 3) #+cmu (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3))) (let* ((slot-reader (view-class-slot-db-reader slotdef)) (slot-type (specified-type slotdef))) (cond ((null value) (update-slot-with-null instance slotdef)) ((null slot-reader) (setf (easy-slot-value instance slotdef) (read-sql-value value (delistify slot-type) (choose-database-for-instance instance) (database-underlying-type (choose-database-for-instance instance))))) (t (etypecase slot-reader ((or symbol function) (setf (easy-slot-value instance slotdef) (apply slot-reader (list value)))) (string (setf (easy-slot-value instance slotdef) (format nil slot-reader value)))))))) (defmethod key-value-from-db (slotdef value database) "TODO: is this deprecated? there are no uses anywhere in clsql" (declare (optimize (speed 3) #+cmu (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3))) (let ((slot-reader (view-class-slot-db-reader slotdef)) (slot-type (specified-type slotdef))) (cond ((and value (null slot-reader)) (read-sql-value value (delistify slot-type) database (database-underlying-type database))) ((null value) nil) ((typep slot-reader 'string) (format nil slot-reader value)) ((typep slot-reader '(or symbol function)) (apply slot-reader (list value))) (t (error "Slot reader is of an unusual type."))))) (defun db-value-from-slot (slotdef val database) (let ((dbwriter (view-class-slot-db-writer slotdef)) (dbtype (specified-type slotdef))) (typecase dbwriter (string (format nil dbwriter val)) ((and (or symbol function) (not null)) (apply dbwriter (list val))) (t (database-output-sql-as-type (typecase dbtype (cons (car dbtype)) (t dbtype)) val database (database-underlying-type database)))))) (defun check-slot-type (slotdef val) (let* ((slot-type (specified-type slotdef)) (basetype (if (listp slot-type) (car slot-type) slot-type))) (when (and slot-type val) (unless (typep val basetype) (error 'sql-user-error :message (format nil "Invalid value ~A in slot ~A, not of type ~A." val (slot-definition-name slotdef) slot-type)))))) (defmethod get-slot-values-from-view (obj slotdeflist values) "Used to copy values from the database into the object used by things like find-all and select" (loop for slot in slotdeflist for value in values do (update-slot-from-db-value obj slot value)) obj) (defclass class-and-slots () ((view-class :accessor view-class :initarg :view-class :initform nil) (slot-defs :accessor slot-defs :initarg :slot-defs :initform nil)) (:documentation "A helper class to keep track of which slot-defs from a table need to be updated, a normalized class might have many of these because each of its parent classes might represent some other table and we need to match which slots came from which parent class/table")) (defun make-class-and-slots (c &optional s) "Create a new class-and-slots object" (make-instance 'class-and-slots :view-class c :slot-defs (listify s) )) (defmethod view-table ((o class-and-slots)) "get the view-table of the view-class of o" (view-table (view-class o))) (defmethod view-table-exp ((o class-and-slots)) (sql-expression :table (view-table o))) (defmethod view-table-exp ((o standard-db-class)) (sql-expression :table (view-table o))) (defmethod attribute-references ((o class-and-slots)) "build sql-ident-attributes for a given class-and-slots" (loop with class = (view-class o) for sd in (slot-defs o) collect (generate-attribute-reference class sd))) (defmethod attribute-value-pairs ((def class-and-slots) (o standard-db-object) database) "for a given class-and-slots and object, create the sql-expression & value pairs that need to be sent to the database" (loop for s in (slot-defs def) for n = (to-slot-name s) when (slot-boundp o n) collect (make-attribute-value-pair s (slot-value o n) database))) (defmethod view-classes-and-slots-by-name ((obj standard-db-object) slots-to-match) "If it's normalized, find the class that actually contains the slot that's tied to the db, otherwise just search the current class " (let* ((view-class (class-of obj)) (normalizedp (normalizedp view-class)) rtns) (labels ((get-c&s-obj (class) (or (find class rtns :key #'view-class) (first (push (make-class-and-slots class) rtns)))) (associate-slot-with-class (class slot) "Find the best class to associate with the slot. If it is normalized then it needs to be a direct slot otherwise it just needs to be on the class." (let ((sd (find-slot-by-name class slot normalizedp nil))) (if sd ;;we found it directly or it's (not normalized) (pushnew sd (slot-defs (get-c&s-obj class))) (when normalizedp (loop for parent in (class-direct-superclasses class) until (associate-slot-with-class parent slot)))) sd))) (loop for in-slot in (listify slots-to-match) do (associate-slot-with-class view-class in-slot))) rtns)) (defun update-auto-increments-keys (class obj database) " handle pulling any autoincrement values into the object if normalized and we now that all the " (let ((pk-slots (keyslots-for-class class)) (table (view-table class)) new-pk-value) (labels ((do-update (slot) (when (and (null (easy-slot-value obj slot)) (auto-increment-column-p slot database)) (update-slot-from-db-value obj slot (or new-pk-value (setf new-pk-value (database-last-auto-increment-id database table slot)))))) (chain-primary-keys (in-class) "This seems kindof wrong, but this is mostly how it was working, so its here to keep the normalized code path working" (when (typep in-class 'standard-db-class) (loop for slot in (ordered-class-slots in-class) when (key-slot-p slot) do (do-update slot))))) (loop for slot in pk-slots do (do-update slot)) (let ((direct-class (to-class obj))) (when (and new-pk-value (normalizedp direct-class)) (chain-primary-keys direct-class))) new-pk-value))) (defmethod %update-instance-helper (class-and-slots obj database &aux (avps (attribute-value-pairs class-and-slots obj database))) "A function to help us update a given table (based on class-and-slots) with values from an object" ;; we dont actually need to update anything on this particular ;; class / parent class (unless avps (return-from %update-instance-helper)) (let* ((view-class (view-class class-and-slots)) (table (view-table view-class)) (table-sql (sql-expression :table table))) ;; view database is the flag we use to tell it was pulled from a database ;; and thus probably needs an update instead of an insert (cond ((view-database obj) (let ((where (key-qualifier-for-instance obj :database database :this-class view-class))) (unless where (error "update-record-from-*: could not generate a where clause for ~a using ~A" obj view-class)) (update-records table-sql :av-pairs avps :where where :database database))) (T ;; was not pulled from the db so insert it ;; avps MUST contain any primary key slots set ;; by previous inserts of the same object into different ;; tables (ie: normalized stuff) (insert-records :into table-sql :av-pairs avps :database database) (update-auto-increments-keys view-class obj database) ;; we dont set view database here, because there could be ;; N of these for each call to update-record-from-* because ;; of normalized classes )) (update-slot-default-values obj class-and-slots))) (defmethod update-record-from-slots ((obj standard-db-object) slots &key (database *default-database*)) "For a given list of slots, update all records associated with those slots and classes. Generally this will update the single record associated with this object, but for normalized classes might update as many records as there are inheritances " (setf slots (listify slots)) (let* ((classes-and-slots (view-classes-and-slots-by-name obj slots)) (database (choose-database-for-instance obj database))) (loop for class-and-slots in classes-and-slots do (%update-instance-helper class-and-slots obj database)) (setf (slot-value obj 'view-database) database)) (values)) (defmethod update-record-from-slot ((obj standard-db-object) slot &key (database *default-database*)) "just call update-records-from-slots which now handles this. This function is only here to maintain backwards compatibility in the public api" (update-record-from-slots obj slot :database database)) (defun view-classes-and-storable-slots (class) "Get a list of all the tables we need to update and the slots on them for non normalized classes we return the class and all its storable slots for normalized classes we return a list of direct slots and the class they came from for each normalized view class " (setf class (to-class class)) (let* (rtns) (labels ((storable-slots (class) (loop for sd in (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class class) when (key-or-base-slot-p sd) collect sd)) (get-classes-and-slots (class &aux (normalizedp (normalizedp class))) (let ((slots (storable-slots class))) (when slots (push (make-class-and-slots class slots) rtns))) (when normalizedp (loop for new-class in (class-direct-superclasses class) do (when (typep new-class 'standard-db-class) (get-classes-and-slots new-class)))))) (get-classes-and-slots class)) rtns)) (defmethod primary-key-slot-values ((obj standard-db-object) &key class slots ) "Returns the values of all key-slots for a given class" (defaulting class (class-of obj) slots (keyslots-for-class class)) (loop for slot in slots collect (easy-slot-value obj slot))) (defmethod update-slot-default-values ((obj standard-db-object) classes-and-slots) "Makes sure that if a class has unfilled slots that claim to have a default, that we retrieve those defaults from the database TODO: use update slots-from-record instead to batch this!" (loop for class-and-slots in (listify classes-and-slots) do (loop for slot in (slot-defs class-and-slots) do (when (and (slot-has-default-p slot) (not (easy-slot-value obj slot))) (update-slot-from-record obj (to-slot-name slot)))))) (defmethod update-records-from-instance ((obj standard-db-object) &key (database *default-database*)) "Updates the records in the database associated with this object if view-database slot on the object is nil then the object is assumed to be new and is inserted" (let ((database (choose-database-for-instance obj database)) (classes-and-slots (view-classes-and-storable-slots obj))) (loop for class-and-slots in classes-and-slots do (%update-instance-helper class-and-slots obj database)) (setf (slot-value obj 'view-database) database) (primary-key-slot-values obj))) (defmethod delete-instance-records ((instance standard-db-object) &key database) "Removes the records associated with a given instance (as determined by key-qualifier-for-instance) TODO: Doesnt handle normalized classes at all afaict" (let ((database (choose-database-for-instance instance database)) (vt (sql-expression :table (view-table (class-of instance))))) (if database (let ((qualifier (key-qualifier-for-instance instance :database database))) (delete-records :from vt :where qualifier :database database) (setf (record-caches database) nil) (setf (slot-value instance 'view-database) nil) (values)) (signal-no-database-error database)))) (defmethod update-instance-from-records ((instance standard-db-object) &key (database *default-database*) this-class) (let* ((view-class (or this-class (class-of instance))) (pclass (car (class-direct-superclasses view-class))) (pres nil)) (when (normalizedp view-class) (setf pres (update-instance-from-records instance :database database :this-class pclass))) (let* ((view-table (sql-expression :table (view-table view-class))) (vd (choose-database-for-instance instance database)) (view-qual (key-qualifier-for-instance instance :database vd :this-class view-class)) (sels (generate-selection-list view-class)) (res nil)) (cond (view-qual (setf res (apply #'select (append (mapcar #'cdr sels) (list :from view-table :where view-qual :result-types nil :database vd)))) (when res (setf (slot-value instance 'view-database) vd) (get-slot-values-from-view instance (mapcar #'car sels) (car res)))) (pres) (t nil))))) (defmethod get-slot-value-from-record ((instance standard-db-object) slot &key (database *default-database*)) (let* ((class-and-slot (first (view-classes-and-slots-by-name instance slot))) (view-class (view-class class-and-slot)) (slot-def (first (slot-defs class-and-slot))) (vd (choose-database-for-instance instance database)) (att-ref (first (attribute-references class-and-slot))) (res (first (select att-ref :from (view-table-exp class-and-slot) :where (key-qualifier-for-instance instance :database vd :this-class view-class) :result-types nil :flatp T)))) (values res slot-def))) (defmethod update-slot-from-record ((instance standard-db-object) slot &key (database *default-database*)) "Pulls the value of a given slot form the database and stores that in the appropriate slot on instance" (multiple-value-bind (res slot-def) (get-slot-value-from-record instance slot :database database) (let ((vd (choose-database-for-instance instance database))) (setf (slot-value instance 'view-database) vd) (update-slot-from-db-value instance slot-def res)))) (defvar +no-slot-value+ '+no-slot-value+) (defsql sql-slot-value (:symbol "slot-value") (classname slot &optional (value +no-slot-value+) (database *default-database*)) (let* ((class (find-class classname)) (sld (slotdef-for-slot-with-class slot class))) (if sld (if (eq value +no-slot-value+) (sql-expression :attribute (database-identifier sld database) :table (view-table class)) (db-value-from-slot sld value database)) (error "Unknown slot ~A for class ~A" slot classname)))) (defsql sql-view-class (:symbol "view-class") (classname &optional (database *default-database*)) (declare (ignore database)) (let* ((class (find-class classname))) (unless (view-table class) (error "No view-table for class ~A" classname)) (sql-expression :table (view-table class)))) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier (type args database db-type) (declare (ignore type args database db-type)) (format nil "VARCHAR(~D)" *default-string-length*)) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'integer)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "INT(~A)" (car args)) "INT")) (deftype tinyint () "An 8-bit integer, this width may vary by SQL implementation." 'integer) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'tinyint)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "INT") (deftype smallint () "An integer smaller than a 32-bit integer. this width may vary by SQL implementation." 'integer) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'smallint)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "INT") (deftype mediumint () "An integer smaller than a 32-bit integer, but may be larger than a smallint. This width may vary by SQL implementation." 'integer) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'mediumint)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "INT") (deftype bigint () "An integer larger than a 32-bit integer, this width may vary by SQL implementation." 'integer) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'bigint)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "BIGINT") (deftype varchar (&optional size) "A variable length string for the SQL varchar type." (declare (ignore size)) 'string) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'varchar)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "VARCHAR(~A)" (car args)) (format nil "VARCHAR(~D)" *default-string-length*))) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'string)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "CHAR(~A)" (car args)) (format nil "VARCHAR(~D)" *default-string-length*))) (deftype universal-time () "A positive integer as returned by GET-UNIVERSAL-TIME." '(integer 1 *)) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'universal-time)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "BIGINT") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'wall-time)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "TIMESTAMP") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'date)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "DATE") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'duration)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database args db-type)) "VARCHAR") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'money)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database args db-type)) "INT8") #+ignore (deftype char (&optional len) "A lisp type for the SQL CHAR type." `(string ,len)) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'float)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "FLOAT(~A)" (car args)) "FLOAT")) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'long-float)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "FLOAT(~A)" (car args)) "FLOAT")) (deftype generalized-boolean () "A type which outputs a SQL boolean value, though any lisp type can be stored in the slot." t) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'boolean)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "BOOL") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'generalized-boolean)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore args database db-type)) "BOOL") (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'number)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (cond ((and (consp args) (= (length args) 2)) (format nil "NUMBER(~D,~D)" (first args) (second args))) ((and (consp args) (= (length args) 1)) (format nil "NUMBER(~D)" (first args))) (t "NUMBER"))) (defmethod database-get-type-specifier ((type (eql 'char)) args database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if args (format nil "CHAR(~D)" (first args)) "CHAR(1)")) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type (type val database db-type) (declare (ignore type database db-type)) val) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'list)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (progv '(*print-circle* *print-array*) '(t t) (let ((escaped (prin1-to-string val))) (substitute-char-string escaped #\Null " ")))) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'symbol)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if val (concatenate 'string (package-name (symbol-package val)) "::" (symbol-name val)) "")) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'keyword)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if val (symbol-name val) "")) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'vector)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (progv '(*print-circle* *print-array*) '(t t) (prin1-to-string val))) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'array)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (progv '(*print-circle* *print-array*) '(t t) (prin1-to-string val))) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'boolean)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if val "t" "f")) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'generalized-boolean)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if val "t" "f")) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'string)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) val) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'char)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (etypecase val (character (write-to-string val)) (string val))) (defmethod database-output-sql-as-type ((type (eql 'float)) val database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (if (eq (type-of val) 'null) nil (let ((*read-default-float-format* (type-of val))) (format nil "~F" val)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val type database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (cond ((null type) val) ;;we have no desired type, just give the value ((typep val type) val) ;;check that it hasn't already been converted. ((typep val 'string) (read-from-string val)) ;;maybe read will just take care of it? (T (error "Unable to read-sql-value ~a as type ~a" val type)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'string)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) val) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'varchar)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) val) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'char)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (schar val 0)) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'keyword)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (when (< 0 (length val)) (intern (symbol-name-default-case val) (find-package '#:keyword)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'symbol)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (when (< 0 (length val)) (unless (string= val (symbol-name-default-case "NIL")) (read-from-string val)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'integer)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (etypecase val (string (unless (string-equal "NIL" val) (parse-integer val))) (number val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'smallint)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (etypecase val (string (unless (string-equal "NIL" val) (parse-integer val))) (number val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'bigint)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (etypecase val (string (unless (string-equal "NIL" val) (parse-integer val))) (number val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'float)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) ;; writing 1.0 writes 1, so we we *really* want a float, must do (float ...) (etypecase val (string (float (read-from-string val))) (float val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'double-float)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) ;; writing 1.0 writes 1, so if we *really* want a float, must do (float ...) (etypecase val (string (float (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (read-from-string val)) 1.0d0)) (double-float val) (float (coerce val 'double-float)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'boolean)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (equal "t" val)) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'generalized-boolean)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (equal "t" val)) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'number)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (etypecase val (string (unless (string-equal "NIL" val) (read-from-string val))) (number val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'universal-time)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (unless (eq 'NULL val) (etypecase val (string (parse-integer val)) (number val)))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'wall-time)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (unless (eq 'NULL val) (parse-timestring val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'date)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (unless (eq 'NULL val) (parse-datestring val))) (defmethod read-sql-value (val (type (eql 'duration)) database db-type) (declare (ignore database db-type)) (unless (or (eq 'NULL val) (equal "NIL" val)) (parse-timestring val))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Logic for 'faulting in' :join slots ;; this works, but is inefficient requiring (+ 1 n-rows) ;; SQL queries #+ignore (defun fault-join-target-slot (class object slot-def) (let* ((res (fault-join-slot-raw class object slot-def)) (dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def)) (target-name (gethash :target-slot dbi)) (target-class (find-class target-name))) (when res (mapcar (lambda (obj) (list (car (fault-join-slot-raw target-class obj (find target-name (class-slots (class-of obj)) :key #'slot-definition-name))) obj)) res) #+ignore ;; this doesn't work when attempting to call slot-value (mapcar (lambda (obj) (cons obj (slot-value obj ts))) res)))) (defun fault-join-target-slot (class object slot-def) (let* ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def)) (ts (gethash :target-slot dbi)) (jc (gethash :join-class dbi)) (jc-view-table (view-table (find-class jc))) (tdbi (view-class-slot-db-info (find ts (class-slots (find-class jc)) :key #'slot-definition-name))) (retrieval (gethash :retrieval tdbi)) (tsc (gethash :join-class tdbi)) (ts-view-table (view-table (find-class tsc))) (jq (join-qualifier class object slot-def)) (key (slot-value object (gethash :home-key dbi)))) (when jq (ecase retrieval (:immediate (let ((res (find-all (list tsc) :inner-join (sql-expression :table jc-view-table) :on (sql-operation '== (sql-expression :attribute (gethash :foreign-key tdbi) :table ts-view-table) (sql-expression :attribute (gethash :home-key tdbi) :table jc-view-table)) :where jq :result-types :auto :database (choose-database-for-instance object)))) (mapcar #'(lambda (i) (let* ((instance (car i)) (jcc (make-instance jc :view-database (choose-database-for-instance instance)))) (setf (slot-value jcc (gethash :foreign-key dbi)) key) (setf (slot-value jcc (gethash :home-key tdbi)) (slot-value instance (gethash :foreign-key tdbi))) (list instance jcc))) res))) (:deferred ;; just fill in minimal slots (mapcar #'(lambda (k) (let ((instance (make-instance tsc :view-database (choose-database-for-instance object))) (jcc (make-instance jc :view-database (choose-database-for-instance object))) (fk (car k))) (setf (slot-value instance (gethash :home-key tdbi)) fk) (setf (slot-value jcc (gethash :foreign-key dbi)) key) (setf (slot-value jcc (gethash :home-key tdbi)) fk) (list instance jcc))) (select (sql-expression :attribute (gethash :foreign-key tdbi) :table jc-view-table) :from (sql-expression :table jc-view-table) :where jq :database (choose-database-for-instance object)))))))) ;;; Remote Joins (defvar *default-update-objects-max-len* nil "The default value to use for the MAX-LEN keyword argument to UPDATE-OBJECT-JOINS.") (defun update-objects-joins (objects &key (slots t) (force-p t) class-name (max-len *default-update-objects-max-len*)) "Updates from the records of the appropriate database tables the join slots specified by SLOTS in the supplied list of View Class instances OBJECTS. SLOTS is t by default which means that all join slots with :retrieval :immediate are updated. CLASS-NAME is used to specify the View Class of all instance in OBJECTS and default to nil which means that the class of the first instance in OBJECTS is used. FORCE-P is t by default which means that all join slots are updated whereas a value of nil means that only unbound join slots are updated. MAX-LEN defaults to *DEFAULT-UPDATE-OBJECTS-MAX-LEN* and when non-nil specifies that UPDATE-OBJECT-JOINS may issue multiple database queries with a maximum of MAX-LEN instances updated in each query." (assert (or (null max-len) (plusp max-len))) (when objects (unless class-name (setq class-name (class-name (class-of (first objects))))) (let* ((class (find-class class-name)) (class-slots (ordered-class-slots class)) (slotdefs (if (eq t slots) (generate-retrieval-joins-list class :deferred) (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'(lambda (name) (let ((slotdef (find name class-slots :key #'slot-definition-name))) (unless slotdef (warn "Unable to find slot named ~S in class ~S." name class)) slotdef)) slots))))) (dolist (slotdef slotdefs) (let* ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slotdef)) (slotdef-name (slot-definition-name slotdef)) (foreign-key (gethash :foreign-key dbi)) (home-key (gethash :home-key dbi)) (object-keys (remove-duplicates (if force-p (mapcar #'(lambda (o) (slot-value o home-key)) objects) (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'(lambda (o) (if (slot-boundp o slotdef-name) nil (slot-value o home-key))) objects))))) (n-object-keys (length object-keys)) (query-len (or max-len n-object-keys))) (do ((i 0 (+ i query-len))) ((>= i n-object-keys)) (let* ((keys (if max-len (subseq object-keys i (min (+ i query-len) n-object-keys)) object-keys)) (results (unless (gethash :target-slot dbi) (find-all (list (gethash :join-class dbi)) :where (make-instance 'sql-relational-exp :operator 'in :sub-expressions (list (sql-expression :attribute foreign-key) keys)) :result-types :auto :flatp t)) )) (dolist (object objects) (when (or force-p (not (slot-boundp object slotdef-name))) (let ((res (if results (remove-if-not #'(lambda (obj) (equal obj (slot-value object home-key))) results :key #'(lambda (res) (slot-value res foreign-key))) (progn (when (gethash :target-slot dbi) (fault-join-target-slot class object slotdef)))))) (when res (setf (slot-value object slotdef-name) (if (gethash :set dbi) res (car res))))))))))))) (values)) (defun fault-join-slot-raw (class object slot-def) (let* ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def)) (jc (gethash :join-class dbi))) (let ((jq (join-qualifier class object slot-def))) (when jq (select jc :where jq :flatp t :result-types nil :database (choose-database-for-instance object)))))) (defun fault-join-slot (class object slot-def) (let* ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info slot-def)) (ts (gethash :target-slot dbi)) (dbi-set (gethash :set dbi))) (if (and ts dbi-set) (fault-join-target-slot class object slot-def) (let ((res (fault-join-slot-raw class object slot-def))) (when res (cond ((and ts (not dbi-set)) (mapcar (lambda (obj) (slot-value obj ts)) res)) ((and (not ts) (not dbi-set)) (car res)) ((and (not ts) dbi-set) res))))))) (defun update-fault-join-normalized-slot (class object slot-def) (if (and (normalizedp class) (key-slot-p slot-def)) (setf (easy-slot-value object slot-def) (normalized-key-value object)) (update-slot-from-record object slot-def))) (defun all-home-keys-have-values-p (object slot-def) "Do all of the home-keys have values ?" (let ((home-keys (join-slot-info-value slot-def :home-key))) (loop for key in (listify home-keys) always (easy-slot-value object key)))) (defun join-qualifier (class object slot-def) "Builds the join where clause based on the keys of the join slot and values of the object" (declare (ignore class)) (let* ((jc (join-slot-class slot-def)) ;;(ts (gethash :target-slot dbi)) ;;(tsdef (if ts (slotdef-for-slot-with-class ts jc))) (foreign-keys (listify (join-slot-info-value slot-def :foreign-key))) (home-keys (listify (join-slot-info-value slot-def :home-key)))) (when (all-home-keys-have-values-p object slot-def) (clsql-ands (loop for hk in home-keys for fk in foreign-keys for fksd = (slotdef-for-slot-with-class fk jc) for fk-sql = (typecase fk (symbol (sql-expression :attribute (database-identifier fksd nil) :table (database-identifier jc nil))) (t fk)) for hk-val = (typecase hk ((or symbol view-class-effective-slot-definition view-class-direct-slot-definition) (easy-slot-value object hk)) (t hk)) collect (sql-operation '== fk-sql hk-val)))))) ;; FIXME: add retrieval immediate for efficiency ;; For example, for (select 'employee-address) in test suite => ;; select addr.*,ea_join.* FROM addr,ea_join WHERE ea_join.aaddressid=addr.addressid\g (defun build-objects (vals sclasses immediate-join-classes sels immediate-joins database refresh flatp instances) "Used by find-all to build objects." (labels ((build-object (vals vclass jclasses selects immediate-selects instance) (let* ((db-vals (butlast vals (- (list-length vals) (list-length selects)))) (obj (if instance instance (make-instance (class-name vclass) :view-database database))) (join-vals (subseq vals (list-length selects))) (joins (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (when c (make-instance c :view-database database))) jclasses))) ;;(format t "joins: ~S~%db-vals: ~S~%join-values: ~S~%selects: ~S~%immediate-selects: ~S~%" ;;joins db-vals join-vals selects immediate-selects) ;; use refresh keyword here (setf obj (get-slot-values-from-view obj (mapcar #'car selects) db-vals)) (mapc #'(lambda (jo) ;; find all immediate-select slots and join-vals for this object (let* ((jo-class (class-of jo)) (slots (slots-for-possibly-normalized-class jo-class)) (pos-list (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (position s immediate-selects :key #'car :test #'eq)) slots)))) (get-slot-values-from-view jo (mapcar #'car (mapcar #'(lambda (pos) (nth pos immediate-selects)) pos-list)) (mapcar #'(lambda (pos) (nth pos join-vals)) pos-list)))) joins) (mapc #'(lambda (jc) (let* ((vslots (class-slots vclass)) (slot (find (class-name (class-of jc)) vslots :key #'(lambda (slot) (when (and (eq :join (view-class-slot-db-kind slot)) (eq (slot-definition-name slot) (gethash :join-class (view-class-slot-db-info slot)))) (slot-definition-name slot)))))) (when slot (setf (slot-value obj (slot-definition-name slot)) jc)))) joins) (when refresh (instance-refreshed obj)) obj))) (let* ((objects (mapcar #'(lambda (sclass jclass sel immediate-join instance) (prog1 (build-object vals sclass jclass sel immediate-join instance) (setf vals (nthcdr (+ (list-length sel) (list-length immediate-join)) vals)))) sclasses immediate-join-classes sels immediate-joins instances))) (if (and flatp (= (length sclasses) 1)) (car objects) objects)))) (defmethod select-table-sql-expr ((table T)) "Turns an object representing a table into the :from part of the sql expression that will be executed " (sql-expression :table (view-table table))) (defun find-all (view-classes &rest args &key all set-operation distinct from where group-by having order-by offset limit refresh flatp result-types inner-join on (database *default-database*) instances parameters) "Called by SELECT to generate object query results when the View Classes VIEW-CLASSES are passed as arguments to SELECT." (declare (ignore all set-operation group-by having offset limit inner-join on parameters) (dynamic-extent args)) (flet ((ref-equal (ref1 ref2) (string= (sql-output ref1 database) (sql-output ref2 database)))) (declare (dynamic-extent (function ref-equal))) (let ((args (filter-plist args :from :where :flatp :additional-fields :result-types :instances))) (let* ((*db-deserializing* t) (sclasses (mapcar #'find-class view-classes)) (immediate-join-slots (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (generate-retrieval-joins-list c :immediate)) sclasses)) (immediate-join-classes (mapcar #'(lambda (jcs) (mapcar #'(lambda (slotdef) (find-class (gethash :join-class (view-class-slot-db-info slotdef)))) jcs)) immediate-join-slots)) (immediate-join-sels (mapcar #'generate-immediate-joins-selection-list sclasses)) (sels (mapcar #'generate-selection-list sclasses)) (fullsels (apply #'append (mapcar #'append sels immediate-join-sels))) (sel-tables (collect-table-refs where)) (tables (remove-if #'null (remove-duplicates (append (mapcar #'select-table-sql-expr sclasses) (mapcan #'(lambda (jc-list) (mapcar #'(lambda (jc) (when jc (select-table-sql-expr jc))) jc-list)) immediate-join-classes) sel-tables) :test #'database-identifier-equal))) (order-by-slots (mapcar #'(lambda (ob) (if (atom ob) ob (car ob))) (listify order-by))) (join-where nil)) ;;(format t "sclasses: ~W~%ijc: ~W~%tables: ~W~%" sclasses immediate-join-classes tables) (dolist (ob order-by-slots) (when (and ob (not (member ob (mapcar #'cdr fullsels) :test #'ref-equal))) (setq fullsels (append fullsels (mapcar #'(lambda (att) (cons nil att)) order-by-slots))))) (dolist (ob (listify distinct)) (when (and (typep ob 'sql-ident) (not (member ob (mapcar #'cdr fullsels) :test #'ref-equal))) (setq fullsels (append fullsels (mapcar #'(lambda (att) (cons nil att)) (listify ob)))))) (mapcar #'(lambda (vclass jclasses jslots) (when jclasses (mapcar #'(lambda (jclass jslot) (let ((dbi (view-class-slot-db-info jslot))) (setq join-where (append (list (sql-operation '== (sql-expression :attribute (gethash :foreign-key dbi) :table (view-table jclass)) (sql-expression :attribute (gethash :home-key dbi) :table (view-table vclass)))) (when join-where (listify join-where)))))) jclasses jslots))) sclasses immediate-join-classes immediate-join-slots) ;; Reported buggy on clsql-devel ;; (when where (setq where (listify where))) (cond ((and where join-where) (setq where (list (apply #'sql-and where join-where)))) ((and (null where) (> (length join-where) 1)) (setq where (list (apply #'sql-and join-where))))) (let* ((rows (apply #'select (append (mapcar #'cdr fullsels) (cons :from (list (append (when from (listify from)) (listify tables)))) (list :result-types result-types) (when where (list :where where)) args))) (instances-to-add (- (length rows) (length instances))) (perhaps-extended-instances (if (plusp instances-to-add) (append instances (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (res nil)) ((= i instances-to-add) res) (push (make-list (length sclasses) :initial-element nil) res))) instances)) (objects (mapcar #'(lambda (row instance) (build-objects row sclasses immediate-join-classes sels immediate-join-sels database refresh flatp (if (and flatp (atom instance)) (list instance) instance))) rows perhaps-extended-instances))) objects))))) (defmethod instance-refreshed ((instance standard-db-object))) (defvar *default-caching* t "Controls whether SELECT caches objects by default. The CommonSQL specification states caching is on by default.") (defun select (&rest select-all-args) "Executes a query on DATABASE, which has a default value of *DEFAULT-DATABASE*, specified by the SQL expressions supplied using the remaining arguments in SELECT-ALL-ARGS. The SELECT argument can be used to generate queries in both functional and object oriented contexts. In the functional case, the required arguments specify the columns selected by the query and may be symbolic SQL expressions or strings representing attribute identifiers. Type modified identifiers indicate that the values selected from the specified column are converted to the specified lisp type. The keyword arguments ALL, DISTINCT, FROM, GROUP-by, HAVING, ORDER-BY, SET-OPERATION and WHERE are used to specify, using the symbolic SQL syntax, the corresponding components of the SQL query generated by the call to SELECT. RESULT-TYPES is a list of symbols which specifies the lisp type for each field returned by the query. If RESULT-TYPES is nil all results are returned as strings whereas the default value of :auto means that the lisp types are automatically computed for each field. FIELD-NAMES is t by default which means that the second value returned is a list of strings representing the columns selected by the query. If FIELD-NAMES is nil, the list of column names is not returned as a second value. In the object oriented case, the required arguments to SELECT are symbols denoting View Classes which specify the database tables to query. In this case, SELECT returns a list of View Class instances whose slots are set from the attribute values of the records in the specified table. Slot-value is a legal operator which can be employed as part of the symbolic SQL syntax used in the WHERE keyword argument to SELECT. REFRESH is nil by default which means that the View Class instances returned are retrieved from a cache if an equivalent call to SELECT has previously been issued. If REFRESH is true, the View Class instances returned are updated as necessary from the database and the generic function INSTANCE-REFRESHED is called to perform any necessary operations on the updated instances. In both object oriented and functional contexts, FLATP has a default value of nil which means that the results are returned as a list of lists. If FLATP is t and only one result is returned for each record selected in the query, the results are returned as elements of a list." (multiple-value-bind (target-args qualifier-args) (query-get-selections select-all-args) (unless (or *default-database* (getf qualifier-args :database)) (signal-no-database-error nil)) (let ((caching (getf qualifier-args :caching *default-caching*)) (result-types (getf qualifier-args :result-types :auto)) (refresh (getf qualifier-args :refresh nil)) (database (getf qualifier-args :database *default-database*))) (cond ((and target-args (every #'(lambda (arg) (and (symbolp arg) (find-class arg nil))) target-args)) (setf qualifier-args (filter-plist qualifier-args :caching :refresh :result-types)) ;; Add explicity table name to order-by if not specified and only ;; one selected table. This is required so FIND-ALL won't duplicate ;; the field (let ((order-by (getf qualifier-args :order-by))) (when (and order-by (= 1 (length target-args))) (let ((table-name (view-table (find-class (car target-args)))) (order-by-list (copy-seq (listify order-by)))) (labels ((sv (val name) (ignore-errors (slot-value val name))) (set-table-if-needed (val) (typecase val (sql-ident-attribute (handler-case (if (sv val 'qualifier) val (make-instance 'sql-ident-attribute :name (sv val 'name) :qualifier table-name)) (simple-error () ;; TODO: Check for a specific error we expect ))) (cons (cons (set-table-if-needed (car val)) (cdr val))) (t val)))) (setf order-by-list (loop for i from 0 below (length order-by-list) for id in order-by-list collect (set-table-if-needed id)))) (setf (getf qualifier-args :order-by) order-by-list)))) (cond ((null caching) (apply #'find-all target-args :result-types result-types :refresh refresh qualifier-args)) (t (let ((cached (records-cache-results target-args qualifier-args database))) (if (and cached (not refresh)) cached (let ((results (apply #'find-all target-args :result-types :auto :refresh refresh :instances cached qualifier-args))) (setf (records-cache-results target-args qualifier-args database) results) results)))))) (t (let* ((expr (apply #'make-query select-all-args)) (parameters (second (member :parameters select-all-args))) (specified-types (mapcar #'(lambda (attrib) (if (typep attrib 'sql-ident-attribute) (let ((type (slot-value attrib 'type))) (if type type t)) t)) (slot-value expr 'selections))) (flatp (getf qualifier-args :flatp)) (field-names (getf qualifier-args :field-names t))) (when parameters (setf expr (command-object (sql-output expr database) parameters))) (query expr :flatp flatp :result-types ;; specifying a type for an attribute overrides result-types (if (some #'(lambda (x) (not (eq t x))) specified-types) specified-types result-types) :field-names field-names :database database))))))) (defun compute-records-cache-key (targets qualifiers) (list targets (do ((args *select-arguments* (cdr args)) (results nil)) ((null args) results) (let* ((arg (car args)) (value (getf qualifiers arg))) (when value (push (list arg (typecase value (cons (cons (sql (car value)) (cdr value))) (%sql-expression (sql value)) (t value))) results)))))) (defun records-cache-results (targets qualifiers database) (when (record-caches database) (gethash (compute-records-cache-key targets qualifiers) (record-caches database)))) (defun (setf records-cache-results) (results targets qualifiers database) (unless (record-caches database) (setf (record-caches database) (make-weak-hash-table :test 'equal))) (setf (gethash (compute-records-cache-key (copy-list targets) qualifiers) (record-caches database)) results) results) ;;; Serialization functions (defun write-instance-to-stream (obj stream) "Writes an instance to a stream where it can be later be read. NOTE: an error will occur if a slot holds a value which can not be written readably." (let* ((class (class-of obj)) (alist '())) (dolist (slot (ordered-class-slots (class-of obj))) (let ((name (slot-definition-name slot))) (when (and (not (eq 'view-database name)) (slot-boundp obj name)) (push (cons name (slot-value obj name)) alist)))) (setq alist (reverse alist)) (write (cons (class-name class) alist) :stream stream :readably t)) obj) (defun read-instance-from-stream (stream) (let ((raw (read stream nil nil))) (when raw (let ((obj (make-instance (car raw)))) (dolist (pair (cdr raw)) (setf (slot-value obj (car pair)) (cdr pair))) obj))))