;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; The CLSQL Functional Data Definition Language (FDDL) ;;;; including functions for schema manipulation. Currently supported ;;;; SQL objects include tables, views, indexes, attributes and ;;;; sequences. ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-sys) ;; Utilities (defun database-identifier (name) (sql-escape (etypecase name (string (string-upcase name)) (sql-ident (sql-output name)) (symbol (sql-output name))))) ;; Tables (defun create-table (name description &key (database *default-database*) (constraints nil)) "Create a table called NAME, in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*, containing the attributes in DESCRIPTION which is a list containing lists of attribute-name and type information pairs." (let* ((table-name (etypecase name (symbol (sql-expression :attribute name)) (string (sql-expression :attribute (make-symbol name))) (sql-ident name))) (stmt (make-instance 'sql-create-table :name table-name :columns description :modifiers constraints))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) (defun drop-table (name &key (if-does-not-exist :error) (database *default-database*)) "Drops table NAME from DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If the table does not exist and IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :ignore then DROP-TABLE returns nil whereas an error is signalled if IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :error." (let ((table-name (database-identifier name))) (ecase if-does-not-exist (:ignore (unless (table-exists-p table-name :database database) (return-from drop-table nil))) (:error t)) (let ((expr (concatenate 'string "DROP TABLE " table-name))) (execute-command expr :database database)))) (defun list-tables (&key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List all tables in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned tables are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all tables are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only tables owned by OWNER are considered. Table names are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-tables database :owner owner)) (defun table-exists-p (name &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Test for existence of an SQL table called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned tables are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all tables are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only tables owned by OWNER are considered. Table names are returned as a list of strings." (when (member (database-identifier name) (list-tables :owner owner :database database) :test #'string-equal) t)) ;; Views (defun create-view (name &key as column-list (with-check-option nil) (database *default-database*)) "Creates a view called NAME using the AS query and the optional COLUMN-LIST and WITH-CHECK-OPTION. The COLUMN-LIST argument is a list of columns to add to the view. The WITH-CHECK-OPTION adds 'WITH CHECK OPTION' to the resulting SQL. The default value of WITH-CHECK-OPTION is NIL. The default value of DATABASE is *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let* ((view-name (etypecase name (symbol (sql-expression :attribute name)) (string (sql-expression :attribute (make-symbol name))) (sql-ident name))) (stmt (make-instance 'sql-create-view :name view-name :column-list column-list :query as :with-check-option with-check-option))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) (defun drop-view (name &key (if-does-not-exist :error) (database *default-database*)) "Deletes view NAME from DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If the view does not exist and IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :ignore then DROP-VIEW returns nil whereas an error is signalled if IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :error." (let ((view-name (database-identifier name))) (ecase if-does-not-exist (:ignore (unless (view-exists-p view-name :database database) (return-from drop-view))) (:error t)) (let ((expr (concatenate 'string "DROP VIEW " view-name))) (execute-command expr :database database)))) (defun list-views (&key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List all views in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned views are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all views are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only views owned by OWNER are considered. View names are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-views database :owner owner)) (defun view-exists-p (name &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Test for existence of an SQL view called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned views are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all views are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only views owned by OWNER are considered. View names are returned as a list of strings." (when (member (database-identifier name) (list-views :owner owner :database database) :test #'string-equal) t)) ;; Indexes (defun create-index (name &key on (unique nil) attributes (database *default-database*)) "Creates an index called NAME on the table specified by ON. The attributes of the table to index are given by ATTRIBUTES. Setting UNIQUE to T includes UNIQUE in the SQL index command, specifying that the columns indexed must contain unique values. The default value of UNIQUE is nil. The default value of DATABASE is *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let* ((index-name (database-identifier name)) (table-name (database-identifier on)) (attributes (mapcar #'database-identifier (listify attributes))) (stmt (format nil "CREATE ~A INDEX ~A ON ~A (~{~A~^, ~})" (if unique "UNIQUE" "") index-name table-name attributes))) (execute-command stmt :database database))) (defun drop-index (name &key (if-does-not-exist :error) (on nil) (database *default-database*)) "Deletes index NAME from table FROM in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If the index does not exist and IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :ignore then DROP-INDEX returns nil whereas an error is signalled if IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :error. The argument ON allows the optional specification of a table to drop the index from." (let ((index-name (database-identifier name))) (ecase if-does-not-exist (:ignore (unless (index-exists-p index-name :database database) (return-from drop-index))) (:error t)) (unless (db-use-column-on-drop-index? (database-underlying-type database)) (setq on nil)) (execute-command (format nil "DROP INDEX ~A~A" index-name (if (null on) "" (concatenate 'string " ON " (database-identifier on)))) :database database))) (defun list-indexes (&key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List all indexes in DATABASE, which defaults to *default-database*. If OWNER is :all , all indexs are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only indexs owned by OWNER are considered. Index names are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-indexes database :owner owner)) (defun list-table-indexes (table &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List all indexes in DATABASE for a TABLE, which defaults to *default-database*. If OWNER is :all , all indexs are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only indexs owned by OWNER are considered. Index names are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-table-indexes (database-identifier table) database :owner owner)) (defun index-exists-p (name &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Test for existence of an index called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is :all , all indexs are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only indexs owned by OWNER are considered. Index names are returned as a list of strings." (when (member (database-identifier name) (list-indexes :owner owner :database database) :test #'string-equal) t)) ;; Attributes (defun list-attributes (name &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List the attributes of a attribute called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned attributes are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all attributes are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only attributes owned by OWNER are considered. Attribute names are returned as a list of strings. Attributes are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-attributes (database-identifier name) database :owner owner)) (defun attribute-type (attribute table &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Return the field type of the ATTRIBUTE in TABLE. The optional keyword argument DATABASE specifies the database to query, defaulting to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned attributes are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all attributes are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only attributes owned by OWNER are considered. Attribute names are returned as a list of strings. Attributes are returned as a list of strings." (database-attribute-type (database-identifier attribute) (database-identifier table) database :owner owner)) (defun list-attribute-types (table &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Returns type information for the attributes in TABLE from DATABASE which has a default value of *default-database*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned attributes are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all, all attributes are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only attributes owned by OWNER are considered. Returns a list in which each element is a list (attribute datatype). Attribute is a string denoting the atribute name. Datatype is the vendor-specific type returned by ATTRIBUTE-TYPE." (mapcar #'(lambda (type) (list type (attribute-type type table :database database :owner owner))) (list-attributes table :database database :owner owner))) ;(defun add-attribute (table attribute &key (database *default-database*)) ; (database-add-attribute table attribute database)) ;(defun rename-attribute (table oldatt newname ; &key (database *default-database*)) ; (error "(rename-attribute ~a ~a ~a ~a) is not implemented" ; table oldatt newname database)) ;; Sequences (defun create-sequence (name &key (database *default-database*)) "Create a sequence called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (let ((sequence-name (database-identifier name))) (database-create-sequence sequence-name database)) (values)) (defun drop-sequence (name &key (if-does-not-exist :error) (database *default-database*)) "Drops sequence NAME from DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*. If the sequence does not exist and IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :ignore then DROP-SEQUENCE returns nil whereas an error is signalled if IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST is :error." (let ((sequence-name (database-identifier name))) (ecase if-does-not-exist (:ignore (unless (sequence-exists-p sequence-name :database database) (return-from drop-sequence))) (:error t)) (database-drop-sequence sequence-name database)) (values)) (defun list-sequences (&key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "List all sequences in DATABASE, which defaults to *default-database*. If OWNER is nil, only user-owned sequences are considered. This is the default. If OWNER is :all , all sequences are considered. If OWNER is a string, this denotes a username and only sequences owned by OWNER are considered. Sequence names are returned as a list of strings." (database-list-sequences database :owner owner)) (defun sequence-exists-p (name &key (owner nil) (database *default-database*)) "Test for existence of a sequence called NAME in DATABASE which defaults to *DEFAULT-DATABASE*." (when (member (database-identifier name) (list-sequences :owner owner :database database) :test #'string-equal) t)) (defun sequence-next (name &key (database *default-database*)) "Return the next value in the sequence NAME in DATABASE." (database-sequence-next (database-identifier name) database)) (defun set-sequence-position (name position &key (database *default-database*)) "Explicitly set the the position of the sequence NAME in DATABASE to POSITION." (database-set-sequence-position (database-identifier name) position database)) (defun sequence-last (name &key (database *default-database*)) "Return the last value of the sequence NAME in DATABASE." (database-sequence-last (database-identifier name) database))