;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: test-basic.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Tests for clsql-base and result types ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: Mar 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: tests.lisp 8926 2004-04-10 21:12:52Z kevin $ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-tests) (defun test-basic (spec type) (let ((db (clsql:connect spec :database-type type :if-exists :new))) (unwind-protect (if (eq type :sqlite) (%test-basic-untyped db type) (%test-basic db type)) (disconnect :database db)))) (defun %test-basic (db type) (create-test-table db) (dolist (row (query "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types :auto)) (test-table-row row :auto type)) (dolist (row (query "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil)) (test-table-row row nil type)) (loop for row across (map-query 'vector #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types :auto) do (test-table-row row :auto type)) (loop for row across (map-query 'vector #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil) do (test-table-row row nil type)) (loop for row in (map-query 'list #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil) do (test-table-row row nil type)) (loop for row in (map-query 'list #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types :auto) do (test-table-row row :auto type)) (test (map-query nil #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types :auto) nil :fail-info "Expected NIL result from map-query nil") (do-query ((int float bigint str) "select * from test_clsql") (test-table-row (list int float bigint str) nil type)) (do-query ((int float bigint str) "select * from test_clsql" :result-types :auto) (test-table-row (list int float bigint str) :auto type)) (drop-test-table db)) (defun %test-basic-untyped (db type) (create-test-table db) (dolist (row (query "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil)) (test-table-row row nil type)) (loop for row across (map-query 'vector #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil) do (test-table-row row nil type)) (loop for row in (map-query 'list #'list "select * from test_clsql" :database db :result-types nil) do (test-table-row row nil type)) (do-query ((int float bigint str) "select * from test_clsql") (test-table-row (list int float bigint str) nil type)) (drop-test-table db)) ;;;; Testing functions (defun transform-float-1 (i) (coerce (* i (abs (/ i 2)) (expt 10 (* 2 i))) 'double-float)) (defun transform-bigint-1 (i) (* i (expt 10 (* 3 (abs i))))) (defun create-test-table (db) (ignore-errors (clsql:execute-command "DROP TABLE test_clsql" :database db)) (clsql:execute-command "CREATE TABLE test_clsql (t_int integer, t_float float, t_bigint BIGINT, t_str CHAR(30))" :database db) (dotimes (i 11) (let* ((test-int (- i 5)) (test-flt (transform-float-1 test-int))) (clsql:execute-command (format nil "INSERT INTO test_clsql VALUES (~a,~a,~a,'~a')" test-int (clsql-base:number-to-sql-string test-flt) (transform-bigint-1 test-int) (clsql-base:number-to-sql-string test-flt) ) :database db)))) (defun parse-double (num-str) (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (coerce (read-from-string num-str) 'double-float))) (defun test-table-row (row types db-type) (test (and (listp row) (= 4 (length row))) t :fail-info (format nil "Row ~S is incorrect format" row)) (destructuring-bind (int float bigint str) row (cond ((eq types :auto) (test (and (integerp int) (typep float 'double-float) (or (eq db-type :aodbc) ;; aodbc doesn't handle bigint conversions (integerp bigint)) (stringp str)) t :fail-info (format nil "Incorrect field type for row ~S (types :auto)" row))) ((null types) (test (and (stringp int) (stringp float) (stringp bigint) (stringp str)) t :fail-info (format nil "Incorrect field type for row ~S (types nil)" row)) (setq int (parse-integer int)) (setq bigint (parse-integer bigint)) (setq float (parse-double float))) ((listp types) (error "NYI") ) (t (test t nil :fail-info (format nil "Invalid types field (~S) passed to test-table-row" types)))) (unless (eq db-type :sqlite) ; SQLite is typeless. (test (transform-float-1 int) float :test #'eql :fail-info (format nil "Wrong float value ~A for int ~A (row ~S)" float int row))) (test float (parse-double str) :test #'double-float-equal :fail-info (format nil "Wrong string value ~A for double ~A~%Row: ~S" str float row)))) (defun double-float-equal (a b) (if (zerop a) (if (zerop b) t nil) (let ((diff (abs (/ (- a b) a)))) (if (> diff (* 10 double-float-epsilon)) nil t)))) (defun drop-test-table (db) (clsql:execute-command "DROP TABLE test_clsql" :database db))