;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: test-fddl.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Tests for the CLSQL Functional Data Definition Language ;;;; Authors: Marcus Pearce and Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: March 2004 ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-tests) (clsql-sys:file-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (def-dataset *ds-fddl* (:setup (lambda () (create-table [alpha] '(([a] integer) ([c] (varchar 30)) ([d] date) ([f] float))) (create-table [bravo] '(([foo] integer) ([bar] integer))))) (:sqldata "ALPHA" "A,C,D,F" "1,'asdf','2010-01-01',3.14" "2,'blarg','2012-12-21',0.1" "3,'matey','1992-02-29',0.0") (:cleanup "DROP TABLE ALPHA" "DROP TABLE BRAVO")) (def-dataset *ds-fddl-parsing-oddities* (:setup "CREATE TABLE ATEST ( A varchar (32), B varchar(32))") (:cleanup "DROP TABLE ATEST")) (setq *rt-fddl* '( ;; list current tables (deftest :fddl/table/1 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-tables )) #'string<)) ("alpha" "bravo")) ;; create a table, test for its existence, drop it and test again (deftest :fddl/table/2 (progn (clsql:create-table [foo] '(([id] integer) ([height] float) ([name] (string 24)) ([comments] longchar))) (values (clsql:table-exists-p [foo]) (progn (clsql:drop-table [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:table-exists-p [foo])))) t nil) ;; create a table, list its attributes and drop it (deftest :fddl/table/3 (apply #'values (progn (clsql:create-table [foo] '(([id] integer) ([height] float) ([name] (char 255)) ([comments] longchar))) (prog1 (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-attributes [foo])) #'string<) (clsql:drop-table [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)))) "comments" "height" "id" "name") (deftest :fddl/table/4 (values (clsql:table-exists-p "MyMixedCase") (progn (clsql:create-table "MyMixedCase" '(([a] integer))) (clsql:table-exists-p "MyMixedCase")) (progn (clsql:drop-table "MyMixedCase") (clsql:table-exists-p "MyMixedCase"))) nil t nil) (deftest :fddl/table/5 (prog1 (progn (clsql:create-table "MyMixedCase" '(([a] integer))) (clsql:execute-command "insert into \"MyMixedCase\" values (5)") (clsql:insert-records :into "MyMixedCase" :values '(6)) (clsql:select [a] :from "MyMixedCase" :order-by '((a :asc)))) (clsql:drop-table "MyMixedCase")) ((5) (6))) (deftest :fddl/table/6 (values (clsql:table-exists-p [foo]) (progn (let ((*backend-warning-behavior* (if (member *test-database-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) :ignore :warn))) (case *test-database-underlying-type* (:mssql (clsql:create-table [foo] '(([bar] integer :not-null :primary-key) ([baz] string :not-null :unique)))) (t (clsql:create-table [foo] '(([bar] integer :not-null :unique :primary-key) ([baz] string :not-null :unique)))))) (clsql:table-exists-p [foo])) (progn (clsql:drop-table [foo]) (clsql:table-exists-p [foo]))) nil t nil) (deftest :fddl/table/7 (values (clsql:table-exists-p [foo]) (progn (let ((*backend-warning-behavior* (if (member *test-database-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) :ignore :warn))) (clsql:create-table [foo] '(([bar] integer :not-null) ([baz] string :not-null)) :constraints '("UNIQUE (bar,baz)" "PRIMARY KEY (bar)"))) (clsql:table-exists-p [foo])) (progn (clsql:drop-table [foo]) (clsql:table-exists-p [foo]))) nil t nil) (deftest :fddl/attributes/1 (apply #'values (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-attributes [alpha] )) #'string<))) "a" "c" "d" "f") (deftest :fddl/attributes/2 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (apply #'values (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (string-downcase (car a))) (clsql:list-attribute-types [alpha])) #'string<))) "a" "c" "d" "f") ;; Attribute types are vendor specific so need to test a range (deftest :fddl/attributes/3 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (and (member (clsql:attribute-type [a] [alpha]) '(:int :integer :int4 :number)) t)) t) (deftest :fddl/attributes/4 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (multiple-value-bind (type length scale nullable) (clsql:attribute-type [c] [alpha]) (values (clsql-sys:in type :varchar :varchar2) length scale nullable))) t 30 nil 1) (deftest :fddl/attributes/5 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (and (member (clsql:attribute-type [d] [alpha]) '(:datetime :timestamp :date :smalldatetime)) t)) t) (deftest :fddl/attributes/6 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (and (member (clsql:attribute-type [f] [alpha]) '(:float :float8 :number)) t)) t) (deftest :fddl/attributes/7 (with-dataset *ds-bigint* (and (member (clsql:attribute-type [t_bigint] [TYPE_BIGINT]) '(:bigint :int8)) t)) t) (deftest :fddl/attributes/8 ;;this is mostly from sqlite3 sending back (with-dataset *ds-fddl-parsing-oddities* (values (clsql-sys:in (clsql:attribute-type [a] [atest]) :varchar :varchar2) (clsql-sys:in (clsql:attribute-type [b] [atest]) :varchar :varchar2))) t t) ;; create a view, test for existence, drop it and test again (deftest :fddl/view/1 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-view [v1] :as [select [a] [c] [d] :from [alpha] :where [= [a] 1]]) (values (clsql:view-exists-p [v1]) (progn (clsql:drop-view [v1] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:view-exists-p [v1]))))) t nil) ;; create a view, list its attributes and drop it (deftest :fddl/view/2 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-view [v1] :as [select [a] [c] [d] :from [alpha] :where [= [a] 1]]) (unwind-protect (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-attributes [v1])) #'string<) (clsql:drop-view [v1] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)))) ("a" "c" "d")) ;; create a view, select stuff from it and drop it (deftest :fddl/view/3 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-view [v1] :as [select [a] [c] [d] :from [alpha] :where [= [a] 1]]) (unwind-protect (let ((result (list ;; Shouldn't exist (clsql:select [a] [c] :from [v1] :where [= [a] -1]) ;; Should exist (car (clsql:select [a] [c] :from [v1] :where [= [a] 1]))))) (apply #'values result)) (clsql:drop-view [v1] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)))) nil (1 "asdf")) (deftest :fddl/view/4 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-view [v1] :column-list '([x] [y] [z]) :as [select [a] [c] [d] :from [alpha] :where [= [a] 1]]) (unwind-protect (let ((result (list (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-attributes [v1])) #'string<) ;; Shouldn't exist (clsql:select [x] [y] :from [v1] :where [= [x] -1]) ;; Should exist (car (clsql:select [x] [y] :from [v1] :where [= [x] 1]))))) (apply #'values result)) (clsql:drop-view [v1] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)))) ("x" "y" "z") nil (1 "asdf")) ;; create an index, test for existence, drop it and test again (deftest :fddl/index/1 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-index [bar] :on [alpha] :attributes '([a] [c]) :unique t) (values (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] ) (progn (clsql:drop-index [bar] :on [alpha] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar]))))) t nil) ;; create indexes with names as strings, symbols and in square brackets (deftest :fddl/index/2 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (let ((names '("foo" foo [foo])) (result '())) (dolist (name names) (clsql:create-index name :on [alpha] :attributes '([a])) (push (clsql:index-exists-p name ) result) (clsql:drop-index name :on [alpha] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)) (apply #'values result))) t t t) ;; test list-indexes with keyword :ON (deftest :fddl/index/3 (progn (clsql:create-table [i3test] '(([a] (string 10)) ([b] integer))) (clsql:create-index [foo] :on [i3test] :attributes '([b]) :unique nil) (clsql:create-index [bar] :on [i3test] :attributes '([a]) :unique t) (values (clsql:table-exists-p [i3test]) (clsql:index-exists-p [foo]) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar]) (sort (mapcar #'string-downcase (clsql:list-indexes :on [i3test])) #'string-lessp) (progn (clsql:drop-index [bar] :on [i3test]) (clsql:drop-index [foo] :on [i3test]) (clsql:drop-table [i3test]) t))) t t t ("bar" "foo") t) ;; create an sequence, test for existence, drop it and test again (deftest :fddl/sequence/1 (progn (clsql:create-sequence [foo]) (values (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo]) (progn (clsql:drop-sequence [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo])))) t nil) ;; create and increment a sequence (deftest :fddl/sequence/2 (let ((val1 nil)) (clsql:create-sequence [foo]) (setf val1 (clsql:sequence-next [foo])) (prog1 (< val1 (clsql:sequence-next [foo])) (clsql:drop-sequence [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore))) t) ;; explicitly set the value of a sequence (deftest :fddl/sequence/3 (progn (clsql:create-sequence [foo]) (clsql:set-sequence-position [foo] 5) (prog1 (clsql:sequence-next [foo]) (clsql:drop-sequence [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore))) 6) (deftest :fddl/owner/1 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (and ;; user tables are an improper subset of all tables (= (length (intersection (clsql:list-tables :owner nil) (clsql:list-tables :owner :all) :test #'string=)) (length (clsql:list-tables :owner nil))) ;; user tables are a proper subset of all tables (> (length (clsql:list-tables :owner :all)) (length (clsql:list-tables :owner nil))))) t) (deftest :fddl/owner/table (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (values (clsql-sys:table-exists-p [alpha]) (clsql-sys:table-exists-p [alpha] :owner *test-database-user*) (clsql-sys:table-exists-p [alpha] :owner *test-false-database-user*))) t t nil) (deftest :fddl/owner/attributes (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (values (length (clsql-sys:list-attributes [alpha])) (length (clsql-sys:list-attributes [alpha] :owner *test-database-user*)) (length (clsql-sys:list-attributes [alpha] :owner *test-false-database-user*)))) 4 4 0) (deftest :fddl/owner/attribute-types (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (values (length (clsql:list-attribute-types [alpha])) (length (clsql:list-attribute-types [alpha] :owner *test-database-user*)) (length (clsql:list-attribute-types [alpha] :owner *test-false-database-user*)))) 4 4 0) (deftest :fddl/owner/index (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (progn (clsql:create-index [bar] :on [alpha] :attributes '([a] [c])) (values (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] ) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] :owner *test-database-user*) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] :owner *test-false-database-user*) (length (clsql-sys:list-indexes :on [alpha])) (length (clsql-sys:list-indexes :on [alpha] :owner *test-database-user*)) (length (clsql-sys:list-indexes :on [alpha] :owner *test-false-database-user*)) (progn (clsql:drop-index [bar] :on [alpha] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] :owner *test-database-user*)) (clsql:index-exists-p [bar] )))) t t nil 1 1 0 nil nil) (deftest :fddl/owner/sequence (progn (clsql:create-sequence [foo]) (values (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo]) (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo] :owner *test-database-user*) (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo] :owner *test-false-database-user*) (progn (clsql:drop-sequence [foo] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:sequence-exists-p [foo] )))) t t nil nil) (deftest :fddl/cache-table-queries/1 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (list (gethash "ALPHA" (clsql-sys::attribute-cache clsql:*default-database*)) (progn (clsql:cache-table-queries "ALPHA" :action t) (gethash "ALPHA" (clsql-sys::attribute-cache clsql:*default-database*))) (progn (clsql:list-attribute-types "ALPHA") (not (null (cadr (gethash "ALPHA" (clsql-sys::attribute-cache clsql:*default-database*)))))) (progn (clsql:cache-table-queries "ALPHA" :action :flush) (gethash "ALPHA" (clsql-sys::attribute-cache clsql:*default-database*))))) (nil (t nil) t (t nil))) ))