;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; File: test-fdml.lisp ;;;; Author: Marcus Pearce , Kevin Rosenberg ;;;; Created: 30/03/2004 ;;;; ;;;; Tests for the CLSQL Functional Data Manipulation Language ;;;; (FDML). ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ====================================================================== (in-package #:clsql-tests) #.(clsql:locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax) ;;started defining an independent dataset that doesn't depend on the view-classes ;; but there is a *lot* of stuff in the file assuming that dataset. ;; (def-dataset *ds-fdml* ;; (:setup (lambda () ;; (let ((*backend-warning-behavior* ;; (if (member *test-database-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) ;; :ignore ;; :warn))) ;; (clsql-sys:execute-command "CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( ;; emplid integer NOT NULL, ;; groupid integer NOT NULL, ;; first_name character varying(30), ;; last_name character varying(30), ;; email character varying(100), ;; ecompanyid integer, ;; managerid integer, ;; height double precision, ;; married boolean, ;; birthday timestamp, ;; bd_utime bigint, ;; CONSTRAINT employeepk PRIMARY KEY (emplid, groupid), ;; CONSTRAINT employee_emplid_key UNIQUE (emplid) ;; )")))) ;; (:sqldata "EMPLOYEE" ;; "emplid,groupid,first_name,last_name,email,height,birthday" ;; "10,1,'a','b','a@b.org',1.9,current_timestamp" ;; "11,1,'x','y','x@y.org',null,current_timestamp" ;; ) ;; (:cleanup "DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE") ;; ) (setq *rt-fdml* '( ;; Computed values are not always classified as numeric by psqlodbc (deftest :fdml/query/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((count (caar (clsql:query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE (EMAIL LIKE '%org')" :field-names nil)))) (%get-int count))) 10) (deftest :fdml/query/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (multiple-value-bind (rows field-names) (clsql:query "SELECT FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE (EMPLID <= 5) ORDER BY LAST_NAME") (values rows (mapcar 'string-upcase field-names)))) (("Leonid" "Brezhnev") ("Nikita" "Kruschev") ("Vladimir" "Lenin") ("Josef" "Stalin") ("Leon" "Trotsky")) ("FIRST_NAME" "LAST_NAME")) (deftest :fdml/query/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (caar (clsql:query "SELECT EMPLID FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE LAST_NAME = 'Andropov'" :field-names nil))) 6) (deftest :fdml/query/4 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (typep (caar (clsql:query "SELECT HEIGHT FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE LAST_NAME = 'Andropov'" :field-names nil)) 'float)) t) (deftest :fdml/query/5 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((res (clsql:query (clsql:sql [select [first-name] [sum [emplid]] :from [employee]] [group-by [first-name]] [order-by [sum [emplid]]]) :field-names nil :result-types nil))) (mapcar (lambda (p) (list (car p) (%get-int (second p)))) res))) (("Josef" 2) ("Leon" 3) ("Nikita" 4) ("Leonid" 5) ("Yuri" 6) ("Konstantin" 7) ("Mikhail" 8) ("Boris" 9) ("Vladimir" 11))) (deftest :fdml/query/6 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((res (clsql:query (clsql:sql [union [select [emplid] :from [employee]] [select [groupid] :from [company]]]) :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t ))) (values (or (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3) (every #'stringp res)) (sort (mapcar #'%get-int res) #'<=)))) t (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) (deftest :fdml/query/7 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((res (car (clsql:query (clsql:sql [intersect [select [emplid] :from [employee]] [select [groupid] :from [company]]]) :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t)))) (values (or (stringp res) (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3)) (nth-value 0 (%get-int res))))) t 1) (deftest :fdml/query/8 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((res (clsql:query (clsql:sql [except [select [emplid] :from [employee]] [select [groupid] :from [company]]]) :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t))) (values (or (every #'stringp res) (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3)) (sort (mapcar #'%get-int res) #'<=)))) t (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) ;; compare min, max and average hieghts in inches (they're quite short ;; these guys!) (deftest :fdml/select/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((max (clsql:select [function "floor" [/ [* [max [height]] 100] 2.54]] :from [employee] :result-types nil :flatp t)) (min (clsql:select [function "floor" [/ [* [min [height]] 100] 2.54]] :from [employee] :result-types nil :flatp t)) (avg (clsql:select [function "floor" [avg [/ [* [height] 100] 2.54]]] :from [employee] :result-types nil :flatp t))) (apply #'< (mapcar #'%get-int (append min avg max))))) t) (deftest :fdml/select/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [first-name] :from [employee] :flatp t :distinct t :field-names nil :result-types nil :order-by [first-name])) ("Boris" "Josef" "Konstantin" "Leon" "Leonid" "Mikhail" "Nikita" "Vladimir" "Yuri")) (deftest :fdml/select/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((res (clsql:select [first-name] [count [*]] :from [employee] :result-types nil :group-by [first-name] :order-by [first-name] :field-names nil))) (mapcar (lambda (p) (list (car p) (%get-int (second p)))) res))) (("Boris" 1) ("Josef" 1) ("Konstantin" 1) ("Leon" 1) ("Leonid" 1) ("Mikhail" 1) ("Nikita" 1) ("Vladimir" 2) ("Yuri" 1))) (deftest :fdml/select/4 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [like [email] "%org"] :order-by [last-name] :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t)) ("Andropov" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Kruschev" "Lenin" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/select/5 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :flatp t :result-types nil :where [in [employee emplid] [select [managerid] :from [employee]]] :field-names nil)) ("lenin@soviet.org")) (deftest :fdml/select/6 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (if (clsql-sys:db-type-has-fancy-math? *test-database-underlying-type*) (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [function "trunc" [height]] :from [employee] :result-types nil :field-names nil :flatp t)) (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [height] :from [employee] :flatp t :field-names nil :result-types nil)))) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (deftest :fdml/select/7 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((result (car (clsql:select [max [emplid]] :from [employee] :flatp t :field-names nil :result-types nil)))) (values (nth-value 0 (%get-int result))))) 10) (deftest :fdml/select/8 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((result (car (clsql:select [min [emplid]] :from [employee] :flatp t :field-names nil :result-types nil)))) (values (nth-value 0 (%get-int result))))) 1) (deftest :fdml/select/9 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((val (car (clsql:select [avg [emplid]] :from [employee] :flatp t :field-names nil :result-types nil)))) (typecase val (string (subseq val 0 3)) (number (format nil "~,1F" val))))) "5.5") (deftest :fdml/select/10 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [not [in [emplid] [select [managerid] :from [company]]]] :result-types nil :field-names nil :flatp t :order-by [last-name])) ("Andropov" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Kruschev" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/select/11 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [married] :flatp t :field-names nil :order-by [emplid] :result-types nil)) ("Lenin" "Stalin" "Trotsky")) (deftest :fdml/select/12 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((v 1)) (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] v] :field-names nil :result-types nil))) (("Lenin"))) (deftest :fdml/select/13 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (multiple-value-bind (results field-names) (clsql:select [emplid] [last-name] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1]) (values results (mapcar #'string-downcase field-names)))) ((1 "Lenin")) ("emplid" "last_name")) (deftest :fdml/select/14 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (floatp (car (clsql:select [height] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :flatp t)))) t) (deftest :fdml/select/15 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (multiple-value-bind (rows field-names) (clsql:select [addressid] [street-number] [street-name] [city_field] [zip] :from [addr] :where [= 1 [addressid]]) (values rows (mapcar #'string-downcase field-names)))) ((1 10 "Park Place" "Leningrad" 123)) ("addressid" "street_number" "street_name" "city_field" "zip")) (deftest :fdml/select/16 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :where [= 1 [emplid]] :field-names nil)) ((1))) (deftest :fdml/select/17 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [emplid] [last-name] :from [employee] :where [= 1 [emplid]] :field-names nil)) ((1 "Lenin"))) (deftest :fdml/select/18 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [emplid :string] [last-name] :from [employee] :where [= 1 [emplid]] :field-names nil)) (("1" "Lenin"))) (deftest :fdml/select/19 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :order-by [emplid] :where [between [* [emplid] 10] [* 5 10] [* 10 10]] :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t))) (5 6 7 8 9 10)) (deftest :fdml/select/20 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :order-by [emplid] :where [not [between [* [emplid] 10] [* 5 10] [* 10 10]]] :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t))) (1 2 3 4)) (deftest :fdml/select/21 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [substring [first-name] 1 4] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [emplid] :field-names nil)) ("Vlad" "Jose" "Leon" "Niki" "Leon" "Yuri" "Kons" "Mikh" "Bori" "Vlad")) (deftest :fdml/select/22 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (case *test-database-underlying-type* (:mssql (clsql:select [+ [first-name] " " [last-name]] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [emplid] :field-names nil)) (t (clsql:select [|| [first-name] " " [last-name]] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [emplid] :field-names nil)))) ("Vladimir Lenin" "Josef Stalin" "Leon Trotsky" "Nikita Kruschev" "Leonid Brezhnev" "Yuri Andropov" "Konstantin Chernenko" "Mikhail Gorbachev" "Boris Yeltsin" "Vladimir Putin")) (deftest :fdml/select/23 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :where [in [emplid] '(1 2 3 4)] :flatp t :order-by [emplid] :field-names nil :result-types nil))) (1 2 3 4)) (deftest :fdml/select/24 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [distinct [first-name]] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [first-name] :field-names nil :result-types nil)) ("Boris" "Josef" "Konstantin" "Leon" "Leonid" "Mikhail" "Nikita" "Vladimir" "Yuri")) (deftest :fdml/select/25 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [first-name] :from (clsql-sys:convert-to-db-default-case "employee" *default-database*) :flatp t :distinct t :field-names nil :result-types nil :order-by [first-name])) ("Boris" "Josef" "Konstantin" "Leon" "Leonid" "Mikhail" "Nikita" "Vladimir" "Yuri")) (deftest :fdml/select/26 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select ["table" first-name] ["table" last-name] :from '([employee "table"] [employee "join"]) :where [and [= ["table" first-name] ["join" first-name]] [not [= ["table" emplid] ["join" emplid]]]] :order-by '(["table" last-name]) :result-types nil :field-names nil)) (("Vladimir" "Lenin") ("Vladimir" "Putin"))) (deftest :fdml/select/27 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [coalesce [managerid] 10] :from [employee] :order-by [emplid] :field-names nil :result-types nil :flatp t))) (10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (deftest :fdml/select/28 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (loop for column in `([*] [emplid]) collect (%get-int (car (clsql:select [count column] :from [employee] :flatp t :result-types nil :field-names nil))))) (10 10)) (deftest :fdml/select/29 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] :from [employee] :result-types nil :field-names nil :order-by '(([first-name] :asc) ([last-name] :desc)))) (("Boris" "Yeltsin") ("Josef" "Stalin") ("Konstantin" "Chernenko") ("Leon" "Trotsky") ("Leonid" "Brezhnev") ("Mikhail" "Gorbachev") ("Nikita" "Kruschev") ("Vladimir" "Putin") ("Vladimir" "Lenin") ("Yuri" "Andropov"))) (deftest :fdml/select/30 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] :from [employee] :result-types nil :field-names nil :order-by '(([first-name] :asc) ([last-name] :asc)))) (("Boris" "Yeltsin") ("Josef" "Stalin") ("Konstantin" "Chernenko") ("Leon" "Trotsky") ("Leonid" "Brezhnev") ("Mikhail" "Gorbachev") ("Nikita" "Kruschev") ("Vladimir" "Lenin") ("Vladimir" "Putin") ("Yuri" "Andropov"))) (deftest :fdml/select/31 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :set-operation [union [select [first-name] :from [employee] :order-by [last-name]]] :flatp t :result-types nil :field-names nil)) ("Andropov" "Boris" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Josef" "Konstantin" "Kruschev" "Lenin" "Leon" "Leonid" "Mikhail" "Nikita" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Vladimir" "Yeltsin" "Yuri")) (deftest :fdml/select/32 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'%get-int (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] [any [select [companyid] :from [company]]]] :flatp t :result-types nil :field-names nil))) (1)) (deftest :fdml/select/33 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [> [emplid] [all [select [groupid] :from [employee]]]] :order-by [last-name] :flatp t :result-types nil :field-names nil)) ("Andropov" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Kruschev" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/select/34 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (loop for x from 1 below 5 collect (car (clsql:select [last-name] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] x] :flatp t :result-types nil :field-names nil)))) ("Lenin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Kruschev")) ;; test escaping of single quotes (deftest :fdml/select/35 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (first (clsql:select "What's up doc?" :from [alpha] :flatp t :field-names nil))) "What's up doc?") ;; test proper treatment of backslash (depending on backend) (deftest :fdml/select/36 (with-dataset *ds-fddl* (first (clsql:select "foo\\bar\\baz" :from [alpha] :flatp t :field-names nil))) "foo\\bar\\baz") (deftest :fdml/select/37 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :order-by [emplid] :limit 5 :field-names nil :flatp t)) (1 2 3 4 5)) (deftest :fdml/select/38 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:select [emplid] :from [employee] :order-by [emplid] :limit 5 :offset 3 :field-names nil :flatp t)) (4 5 6 7 8)) (deftest :fdml/do-query/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((result '())) (clsql:do-query ((name) [select [last-name] :from [employee] :order-by [last-name]]) (push name result)) result)) ("Yeltsin" "Trotsky" "Stalin" "Putin" "Lenin" "Kruschev" "Gorbachev" "Chernenko" "Brezhnev" "Andropov")) (deftest :fdml/map-query/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:map-query 'list #'identity [select [last-name] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [last-name]])) ("Andropov" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Kruschev" "Lenin" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/map-query/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:map-query 'vector #'identity [select [last-name] :from [employee] :flatp t :order-by [last-name]])) #("Andropov" "Brezhnev" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Kruschev" "Lenin" "Putin" "Stalin" "Trotsky" "Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/map-query/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:map-query 'list #'identity [select [last-name] :from [employee] :order-by [last-name]])) (("Andropov") ("Brezhnev") ("Chernenko") ("Gorbachev") ("Kruschev") ("Lenin") ("Putin") ("Stalin") ("Trotsky") ("Yeltsin"))) (deftest :fdml/map-query/4 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (clsql:map-query 'list #'identity [select [first-name] [last-name] :from [employee] :order-by [last-name]])) (("Yuri" "Andropov") ("Leonid" "Brezhnev") ("Konstantin" "Chernenko") ("Mikhail" "Gorbachev") ("Nikita" "Kruschev") ("Vladimir" "Lenin") ("Vladimir" "Putin") ("Josef" "Stalin") ("Leon" "Trotsky") ("Boris" "Yeltsin"))) (deftest :fdml/loop/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (loop for (forename surname) being each tuple in [select [first-name] [last-name] :from [employee] :order-by [last-name]] collect (concatenate 'string forename " " surname))) ("Yuri Andropov" "Leonid Brezhnev" "Konstantin Chernenko" "Mikhail Gorbachev" "Nikita Kruschev" "Vladimir Lenin" "Vladimir Putin" "Josef Stalin" "Leon Trotsky" "Boris Yeltsin")) (deftest :fdml/loop/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (loop for (addressid) being each tuple in [select [addressid] :from [addr] :order-by [addressid]] collect addressid)) (1 2)) (deftest :fdml/loop/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (loop for addressid being each tuple in [select [addressid] :from [addr] :order-by [addressid]] collect addressid)) (1 2)) ;; inserts a record using all values only and then deletes it (deftest :fdml/insert/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((now (get-universal-time))) (clsql:insert-records :into [employee] :values `(11 1 "Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org" 1 1 1.85 t ,(clsql:utime->time now) ,now)) (values (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (progn (clsql:delete-records :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (clsql:select [*] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]))))) (("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org")) nil) ;; inserts a record using attributes and values and then deletes it (deftest :fdml/insert/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (clsql:insert-records :into [employee] :attributes '(emplid groupid first_name last_name email ecompanyid managerid) :values '(11 1 "Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org" 1 1)) (values (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (progn (clsql:delete-records :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (clsql:select [*] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]))))) (("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org")) nil) ;; inserts a record using av-pairs and then deletes it (deftest :fdml/insert/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (clsql:insert-records :into [employee] :av-pairs'((emplid 11) (groupid 1) (first_name "Yuri") (last_name "Gagarin") (email "gagarin@soviet.org") (ecompanyid 1) (managerid 1))) (values (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (progn (clsql:delete-records :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]) (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 11]))))) (("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org")) nil) ;; inserts a records using a query from another table (deftest :fdml/insert/4 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (clsql:create-table [employee2] '(([forename] string) ([surname] string) ([email] string))) (clsql:insert-records :into [employee2] :query [select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee]] :attributes '(forename surname email)) (prog1 (equal (clsql:select [*] :from [employee2]) (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee])) (clsql:drop-table [employee2] :if-does-not-exist :ignore)))) t) ;; updates a record using attributes and values and then deletes it (deftest :fdml/update/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (clsql:update-records [employee] :attributes '(first_name last_name email) :values '("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org") :where [= [emplid] 1]) (values (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1]) (progn (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs'((first_name "Vladimir") (last_name "Lenin") (email "lenin@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1]) (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1]))))) (("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org")) (("Vladimir" "Lenin" "lenin@soviet.org"))) ;; updates a record using av-pairs and then deletes it (deftest :fdml/update/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs'((first_name "Yuri") (last_name "Gagarin") (email "gagarin@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1]) (values (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1]) (progn (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs'((first_name "Vladimir") (last_name "Lenin") (email "lenin@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1]) (clsql:select [first-name] [last-name] [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1]))))) (("Yuri" "Gagarin" "gagarin@soviet.org")) (("Vladimir" "Lenin" "lenin@soviet.org"))) ;; starts a transaction deletes a record and then rolls back the deletion (deftest :fdml/transaction/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((results '())) ;; test if we are in a transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;;start a transaction (clsql:start-transaction) ;; test if we are in a transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;;Putin has got to go (clsql:delete-records :from [employee] :where [= [last-name] "Putin"]) ;;Should be nil (push (clsql:select [*] :from [employee] :where [= [last-name] "Putin"]) results) ;;Oh no, he's still there (clsql:rollback) ;; test that we are out of the transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; Check that we got him back alright (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [last-name] "Putin"] :flatp t) results) (apply #'values (nreverse results)))) nil t nil nil ("putin@soviet.org")) ;; starts a transaction, updates a record and then rolls back the update (deftest :fdml/transaction/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((results '())) ;; test if we are in a transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;;start a transaction (clsql:start-transaction) ;; test if we are in a transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;;Putin has got to go (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs '((email "putin-nospam@soviet.org")) :where [= [last-name] "Putin"]) ;;Should be new value (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [last-name] "Putin"] :flatp t) results) ;;Oh no, he's still there (clsql:rollback) ;; test that we are out of the transaction (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; Check that we got him back alright (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [last-name] "Putin"] :flatp t) results) (apply #'values (nreverse results)))) nil t ("putin-nospam@soviet.org") nil ("putin@soviet.org")) ;; runs an update within a transaction and checks it is committed (deftest :fdml/transaction/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((results '())) ;; check status (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; update records (push (clsql:with-transaction () (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs '((email "lenin-nospam@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1])) results) ;; check status (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; check that was committed (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :flatp t) results) ;; undo the changes (push (clsql:with-transaction () (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs '((email "lenin@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1])) results) ;; and check status (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; check that was committed (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :flatp t) results) (apply #'values (nreverse results)))) nil nil nil ("lenin-nospam@soviet.org") nil nil ("lenin@soviet.org")) ;; runs a valid update and an invalid one within a transaction and checks ;; that the valid update is rolled back when the invalid one fails. (deftest :fdml/transaction/4 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (let ((results '())) ;; check status (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) (handler-case (clsql:with-transaction () ;; valid update (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs '((email "lenin-nospam@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1]) ;; invalid update which generates an error (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs '((emale "lenin-nospam@soviet.org")) :where [= [emplid] 1])) (clsql:sql-database-error () (progn ;; check status (push (clsql:in-transaction-p) results) ;; and check nothing done (push (clsql:select [email] :from [employee] :where [= [emplid] 1] :flatp t) results) (apply #'values (nreverse results))))))) nil nil ("lenin@soviet.org")) )) #.(clsql:restore-sql-reader-syntax-state)