;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ====================================================================== ;;;; File: test-init.lisp ;;;; Authors: Marcus Pearce , Kevin Rosenberg ;;;; Created: 30/03/2004 ;;;; ;;;; Initialisation utilities for running regression tests on CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ====================================================================== (in-package #:clsql-tests) (defvar *report-stream* *standard-output* "Stream to send text report.") (defvar *sexp-report-stream* nil "Stream to send sexp report.") (defvar *rt-internal*) (defvar *rt-basic*) (defvar *rt-connection*) (defvar *rt-fddl*) (defvar *rt-fdml*) (defvar *rt-ooddl*) (defvar *rt-oodml*) (defvar *rt-syntax*) (defvar *rt-time*) (defvar *rt-pool*) ;; Below must be set as nil since test-i18n.lisp is not loaded on all platforms. (defvar *rt-i18n* nil) (defvar *test-database-type* nil) (defvar *test-database-underlying-type* nil) (defvar *test-database-user* nil) (defvar *test-false-database-user* "adsfjalsdkfjlakjsdfl" "For testing ownership, a user that isn't the owner.") (defvar *test-start-utime* nil) (defvar *test-connection-spec* nil) (defvar *test-connection-db-type* nil) (defvar *test-report-width* 80 "Width of test report in ems.") (defun find-test-connection-spec (db-type &key position) (nth (or position 0) (db-type-spec db-type (read-specs)))) (defun test-connect (&key (db-type *test-database-type* db-type-p) position pool spec) (unless spec (setf spec (or (and (null db-type-p) *test-connection-spec*) (find-test-connection-spec db-type :position position)))) (when *default-database* (disconnect :database *default-database*)) (setf *test-database-type* db-type *test-database-user* (cond ((member db-type '(:oracle :odbc :aodbc)) (second spec)) ((>= (length spec) 3) (third spec))) *test-connection-spec* spec *default-database* (clsql:connect spec :database-type db-type :make-default t :if-exists :old :pool pool) *test-database-underlying-type* (clsql-sys:database-underlying-type *default-database*)) *default-database*) (defun test-setup-database (db-type &key (spec (find-test-connection-spec db-type))) (when (clsql-sys:db-backend-has-create/destroy-db? db-type) (ignore-errors (destroy-database spec :database-type db-type)) (ignore-errors (create-database spec :database-type db-type))) ;; Connect to the database (test-connect :db-type db-type :spec spec) ;; Ensure database is empty (truncate-database :database *default-database*) ;; If Postgres, turn off notices to console (when (eql db-type :postgresql) (clsql:execute-command "SET client_min_messages = WARNING")) *default-database*) (defun default-suites () "The default list of tests to run." (append *rt-connection* *rt-basic* *rt-fddl* *rt-fdml* *rt-ooddl* *rt-oodml* *rt-syntax* *rt-time* *rt-i18n*)) (defun internal-suites () "The default internal suites that should run without any specific backend" (append *rt-internal* *rt-pool*)) (defvar *error-count* 0) (defvar *error-list* nil) (defun run-function-append-report-file (function report-file) (let* ((report-path (etypecase report-file (pathname report-file) (string (parse-namestring report-file)))) (sexp-report-path (make-pathname :defaults report-path :type "sexp"))) (with-open-file (rs report-path :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create) (with-open-file (srs sexp-report-path :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create) (funcall function :report-stream rs :sexp-report-stream srs))))) (defun run-tests-append-report-file (report-file) (run-function-append-report-file 'run-tests report-file)) (defun run-tests (&key (report-stream *standard-output*) (sexp-report-stream nil) (suites (append (internal-suites) (default-suites)))) ;; clear SQL-OUTPUT cache (setq clsql-sys::*output-hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (setf *test-database-underlying-type* nil) (let ((specs (read-specs)) (*report-stream* report-stream) (*sexp-report-stream* sexp-report-stream) (*error-count* 0) (*error-list* nil)) (unless specs (warn "Not running tests because test configuration file is missing") (return-from run-tests :skipped)) (load-necessary-systems specs) ;;run the internal suites (do-tests-for-internals :suites (intersection suites (internal-suites))) ;; run backend-specific tests (let ((suites (intersection suites (default-suites)))) (when suites (dolist (db-type +all-db-types+) (dolist (spec (db-type-spec db-type specs)) (format report-stream "~%~%Start Running Tests Against: ~A ~A~%~%" db-type (ignore-errors (subseq spec 0 2))) (do-tests-for-backend db-type spec :suites suites) (format report-stream "~%~%Finished Running Tests Against: ~A ~A~%~%" db-type (ignore-errors (subseq spec 0 2))))))) (zerop *error-count*))) (defun load-necessary-systems (specs) (dolist (db-type +all-db-types+) (when (db-type-spec db-type specs) (clsql-sys:initialize-database-type :database-type db-type)))) (defun write-report-banner (report-type db-type stream db-name) (format stream "~& ****************************************************************************** *** CLSQL ~A begun at ~A *** ~A *** ~A on ~A *** Database ~:@(~A~) *** Type: ~:@(~A~) backend~A. ****************************************************************************** " report-type (clsql:format-time nil (clsql:utime->time (get-universal-time))) (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version) (machine-type) db-name db-type (if (not (eq db-type *test-database-underlying-type*)) (format nil " with underlying type ~:@(~A~)" *test-database-underlying-type*) "") )) (defun do-tests-for-internals (&key (suites (internal-suites))) (write-report-banner "Test Suite" "CLSQL Internals" *report-stream* "N/A") (%do-tests suites nil)) (defun %do-tests (test-forms db-type) (regression-test:rem-all-tests) (dolist (test-form test-forms) (eval test-form)) (let* ((cl:*print-right-margin* *test-report-width*) (remaining (regression-test:do-tests *report-stream*))) (when (regression-test:pending-tests) (incf *error-count* (length remaining)))) (let ((sexp-error (list db-type *test-database-underlying-type* (get-universal-time) (length test-forms) (regression-test:pending-tests) (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version) (machine-type)))) (when *sexp-report-stream* (write sexp-error :stream *sexp-report-stream* :readably t)) (push sexp-error *error-list*)) ) (defun do-tests-for-backend (db-type spec &key (suites (default-suites)) ) (test-setup-database db-type :spec spec) (unwind-protect (multiple-value-bind (test-forms skip-tests) (compute-tests-for-backend db-type *test-database-underlying-type* :suites suites) (write-report-banner "Test Suite" db-type *report-stream* (database-name-from-spec spec db-type)) (%do-tests test-forms db-type) (format *report-stream* "~&~D of ~D Tests skipped:" (length skip-tests) (length test-forms)) (if skip-tests (let ((max-test-name (length (symbol-name (caar skip-tests))))) (dolist (skipped (cdr skip-tests)) (let ((len (length (symbol-name (car skipped))))) (when (> len max-test-name) (setq max-test-name len)))) (let ((fmt (format nil "~~& ~~~DA ~~A~~%" max-test-name))) (dolist (skipped skip-tests) ;; word-wrap the reason string field (let* ((test (car skipped)) (reason (cdr skipped)) ;; (rlen (length reason)) (rwidth (max 20 (- (or *test-report-width* 80) max-test-name 3))) (rwords (clsql-sys::delimited-string-to-list reason #\space t)) (rformat (format nil "~~{~~<~%~~1,~D:;~~A~~> ~~}" rwidth)) (rwrapped (format nil rformat rwords)) (rlines (clsql-sys::delimited-string-to-list rwrapped #\Newline t))) (dolist (rline rlines) (format *report-stream* fmt (if test (prog1 test (setq test nil)) "") rline)))))) (format *report-stream* " None~%"))) (disconnect))) (defun compute-tests-for-backend (db-type db-underlying-type &key (suites (default-suites))) (let ((test-forms '()) (skip-tests '())) (dolist (test-form (if (listp suites) suites (list suites))) (let ((test (second test-form))) (cond ((and (not (eql db-underlying-type :mysql)) (clsql-sys:in test :connection/query-command :basic/reallybigintegers/1 :connection/pool/procedure-mysql)) (push (cons test "known to work only in MySQL as yet.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-views? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fddl/view/1 :fddl/view/2 :fddl/view/3 :fddl/view/4)) (push (cons test "views not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-boolean-where? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/11 :oodml/select/5)) (push (cons test "boolean where not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-subqueries? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/5 :fdml/select/10 :fdml/select/32 :fdml/select/33)) (push (cons test "subqueries not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-transaction-capable? db-underlying-type *default-database*)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/transaction/1 :fdml/transaction/2 :fdml/transaction/3 :fdml/transaction/4)) (push (cons test "transactions not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-fancy-math? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/1)) (push (cons test "fancy math not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-type* :sqlite) (clsql-sys:in test :fddl/view/4 :fdml/select/10 :fdml/select/21 :fdml/select/32 :fdml/select/33)) (push (cons test "not supported by sqlite.") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-type* :sqlite3) (clsql-sys:in test :fddl/view/4 :fdml/select/10 :fdml/select/21 :fdml/select/32 :fdml/select/33)) (push (cons test "not supported by sqlite3.") skip-tests)) ((and (not (clsql-sys:db-type-has-bigint? db-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :basic/bigint/1)) (push (cons test "bigint not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-underlying-type* :mysql) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/26)) (push (cons test "string table aliases not supported on all MySQL versions.") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-underlying-type* :mysql) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/22 :fdml/query/5 :fdml/query/7 :fdml/query/8)) (push (cons test "not supported by mysql.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-union? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/query/6 :fdml/select/31)) (push (cons test "union not supported") skip-tests)) ((and (eq *test-database-type* :oracle) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/query/8 :fdml/select/21 :fddl/table/6)) (push (cons test "syntax not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (eq *test-database-type* :odbc) (eq *test-database-underlying-type* :postgresql) (clsql-sys:in test :fddl/owner/1 :fddl/owner/table :fddl/owner/attributes :fddl/owner/attribute-types :fddl/owner/index :fddl/owner/sequence)) (push (cons test "table ownership not supported by postgresql odbc driver.") skip-tests)) ((and (not (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :oracle))) (clsql-sys:in test :fddl/owner/1 :fddl/owner/table :fddl/owner/attributes :fddl/owner/attribute-types :fddl/owner/index :fddl/owner/sequence)) (push (cons test "table ownership not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-intersect? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/query/7)) (push (cons test "intersect not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (null (clsql-sys:db-type-has-except? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/query/8)) (push (cons test "except not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (eq *test-database-underlying-type* :mssql) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/9)) (push (cons test "mssql uses integer math for AVG.") skip-tests)) ((and (not (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :mysql :sqlite3 ))) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/37 :fdml/select/38)) (push (cons test "LIMIT keyword not supported in SELECT.") skip-tests)) ((and (not (clsql-sys:db-type-has-auto-increment? db-underlying-type)) (clsql-sys:in test :oodml/select/12 :oodml/select/13 :oodml/select/14 :oodml/select/15 :oodml/select/16 :oodml/select/17 :oodml/select/18 :oodml/select/19 :oodml/select/20 :oodml/select/21 :oodml/select/22 :oodml/select/23 :oodml/update-records/4 :oodml/update-records/4-slots :oodml/update-records/5 :oodml/update-records/5-slots :oodml/update-records/6 :oodml/update-records/7 :oodml/update-records/8 :oodml/update-records/9 :oodml/update-records/9-slots :oodml/update-records/10 :oodml/update-records/11 :OODML/UPDATE-RECORDS/12 :oodml/update-instance/3 :oodml/update-instance/4 :oodml/update-instance/5 :oodml/update-instance/6 :oodml/update-instance/7 :oodml/db-auto-sync/3 :oodml/db-auto-sync/4)) (push (cons test ":auto-increment not supported.") skip-tests)) ((and (not (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket))) (clsql-sys:in test :time/pg/fdml/usec :time/pg/oodml/no-usec :time/pg/oodml/usec)) (push (cons test "Postgres specific test.") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3) (clsql-sys:in test :BASIC/SELECT/2 :basic/select/3)) (push (cons test "Postgres-socket3 always auto types") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3) (clsql-sys:in test :fdml/select/18)) (push (cons test "Postgres-socket3 doesnt support attribute based type coersion") skip-tests)) ((and (eql *test-database-type* :postgresql-socket3) (clsql-sys:in test :basic/map/1 :basic/map/2 :basic/map/3 :basic/map/4 :basic/do/1 :basic/do/2 :fdml/do-query/1 :fdml/map-query/1 :fdml/map-query/2 :fdml/map-query/3 :fdml/map-query/4 :fdml/loop/1 :fdml/loop/2 :fdml/loop/3 )) (push (cons test "postgresql-socket3 doesnt support cursoring interface") skip-tests)) ((and (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:mysql)) (clsql-sys:in test :time/cross-platform/msec :time/cross-platform/usec/no-tz :time/cross-platform/usec/tz)) (push (cons test "MySQL doesn't support fractional seconds on timestamp columns (http://forge.mysql.com/worklog/task.php?id=946).") skip-tests)) ((and (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:mssql)) (clsql-sys:in test :time/cross-platform/usec/no-tz :time/cross-platform/usec/tz)) (push (cons test "MSSQL doesn't support micro-seconds on datetime columns.") skip-tests)) (t (push test-form test-forms))))) (values (nreverse test-forms) (nreverse skip-tests)))) (defun rapid-load (type &optional (position 0)) "Rapid load for interactive testing." (test-setup-database type :spec (find-test-connection-spec type :position position)) *default-database*) (defun rl () (rapid-load :postgresql-socket3)) (defun rlm () (rapid-load :mysql)) (defun rlo () (rapid-load :oracle))