;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: test-ooddl.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Tests for the CLSQL Object Oriented Data Definition Language ;;;; Authors: Marcus Pearce and Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: March 2004 ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-tests) (clsql-sys:file-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (def-view-class big () ((i :type integer :initarg :i) (bi :type bigint :initarg :bi))) (def-dataset *ds-big* (:setup (lambda () (clsql-sys:create-view-from-class 'big) (let ((max (expt 2 60))) (dotimes (i 555) (update-records-from-instance (make-instance 'big :i (1+ i) :bi (truncate max (1+ i)))))))) (:cleanup (lambda () (clsql-sys:drop-view-from-class 'big)))) (setq *rt-ooddl* '( ;; Ensure slots inherited from standard-classes are :virtual (deftest :ooddl/metaclass/1 (values (clsql-sys::view-class-slot-db-kind (clsql-sys::slotdef-for-slot-with-class 'extraterrestrial (find-class 'person))) (clsql-sys::view-class-slot-db-kind (clsql-sys::slotdef-for-slot-with-class 'hobby (find-class 'person)))) :virtual :virtual) ;; Ensure all slots in view-class are view-class-effective-slot-definition (deftest :ooddl/metaclass/2 (values (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'person))) (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'employee))) (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'setting))) (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'theme))) (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'node))) (every #'(lambda (slotd) (typep slotd 'clsql-sys::view-class-effective-slot-definition)) (clsql-sys::class-slots (find-class 'company)))) t t t t t t) ;; Ensure classes are correctly marked normalized or not, default not ;(deftest :ooddl/metaclass/3 ; (values ; (clsql-sys::normalizedp derivednode1) ; (clsql-sys::normalizedp basenode) ; (clsql-sys::normalizedp company1) ; (clsql-sys::normalizedp employee3) ; (clsql-sys::normalizedp derivednode-sc-2)) ; t nil nil nil t) ;(deftest :ooddl/metaclass/3 ; (values ; (normalizedp (find-class 'baseclass)) ; (normalizedp (find-class 'normderivedclass))) ; nil t) (deftest :ooddl/join/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (slot-value e 'ecompanyid)) (company-employees company1))) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) (deftest :ooddl/join/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (slot-value (president company1) 'last-name)) "Lenin") (deftest :ooddl/join/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (slot-value (employee-manager employee2) 'last-name)) "Lenin") (deftest :ooddl/big/1 ;;tests that we can create-view-from-class with a bigint slot, ;; and stick a value in there. (progn (clsql-sys:create-view-from-class 'big) (values (clsql:table-exists-p [big] ) (progn (clsql:drop-table [big] :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (clsql:table-exists-p [big] ))) ) t nil) (deftest :ooddl/big/2 (with-dataset *ds-big* (let ((rows (clsql:select [*] :from [big] :order-by [i] :field-names nil))) (values (length rows) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (max (expt 2 60)) (rest rows (cdr rest))) ((= i (length rows)) t) (let ((index (1+ i)) (int (first (car rest))) (bigint (second (car rest)))) (when (and (or (eq *test-database-type* :oracle) (and (eq *test-database-type* :odbc) (eq *test-database-underlying-type* :postgresql))) (stringp bigint)) (setf bigint (parse-integer bigint))) (unless (and (eql int index) (eql bigint (truncate max index))) (return nil))))))) 555 t) (deftest :ooddl/time/1 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (sleep 1) ;force birthdays into the past (let* ((now (clsql:get-time))) (when (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) (clsql:execute-command "set datestyle to 'iso'")) (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs `((birthday ,now)) :where [= [emplid] 1]) (let ((dbobj (car (clsql:select 'employee :where [= [birthday] now] :flatp t)))) (values (slot-value dbobj 'last-name) (clsql:time= (slot-value dbobj 'birthday) now))))) "Lenin" t) (deftest :ooddl/time/2 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (sleep 1) ;force birthdays into the past (let* ((now (clsql:get-time)) (fail-index -1)) (when (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) (clsql:execute-command "set datestyle to 'iso'")) (dotimes (x 40) (clsql:update-records [employee] :av-pairs `((birthday ,now)) :where [= [emplid] 1]) (let ((dbobj (car (clsql:select 'employee :where [= [birthday] now] :flatp t)))) (unless (clsql:time= (slot-value dbobj 'birthday) now) (setf fail-index x)) (setf now (clsql:roll now :day (* 10 x))))) fail-index)) -1) (deftest :ooddl/time/3 (with-dataset *ds-employees* (progn (when (member *test-database-underlying-type* '(:postgresql :postgresql-socket)) (clsql:execute-command "set datestyle to 'iso'")) (let ((dbobj (car (clsql:select 'employee :where [= [emplid] 10] :flatp t)))) (list (eql *test-start-utime* (slot-value dbobj 'bd-utime)) (clsql:time= (slot-value dbobj 'birthday) (clsql:utime->time (slot-value dbobj 'bd-utime))))))) (t t)) ))