;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: clsql.asd ;;;; Purpose: Tests for the CLSQL Symbolic SQL syntax. ;;;; Authors: Marcus Pearce and Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: March 2004 ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:clsql-tests) (clsql-sys:file-enable-sql-reader-syntax) (setq *rt-syntax* '( (deftest :syntax/generic/1 (clsql:sql "foo") "'foo'") (deftest :syntax/generic/2 (clsql:sql 23) "23") (deftest :syntax/generic/3 (clsql:sql 'bar) "BAR") (deftest :syntax/generic/4 (clsql:sql '("ten" 10 ten)) "('ten',10,TEN)") (deftest :syntax/generic/5 (clsql:sql ["SELECT FOO,BAR FROM BAZ"]) "SELECT FOO,BAR FROM BAZ") (deftest :syntax/generic/6 (clsql:sql "What's up Doc?") "'What''s up Doc?'") (deftest :syntax/ident/1 (clsql:sql [foo]) "FOO") (deftest :syntax/ident/2 (clsql:sql [foo bar]) "FOO.BAR") (deftest :syntax/ident/3 (clsql:sql [foo :integer]) "FOO") (deftest :syntax/ident/4 (clsql:sql [foo bar :integer]) "FOO.BAR") (deftest :syntax/ident/5 (clsql:sql [foo "bar"]) "FOO \"bar\"") (deftest :syntax/ident/6 (clsql:sql ["foo" bar]) "\"foo\".BAR") (deftest :syntax/ident/7 (clsql:sql ["foo" bar :integer]) "\"foo\".BAR") (deftest :syntax/attribute/1 (clsql:sql (clsql:sql-expression :table 'foo :attribute 'bar)) "FOO.BAR") (deftest :syntax/attribute/2 (clsql:sql (clsql:sql-expression :table 'foo :attribute "bar")) "FOO.\"bar\"") (deftest :syntax/attribute/3 (clsql:sql (clsql:sql-expression :table "foo" :attribute 'bar)) "\"foo\".BAR") (deftest :syntax/attribute/4 (clsql:sql (clsql:sql-expression :table "foo" :attribute "bar")) "\"foo\".\"bar\"") (deftest :syntax/subquery/1 (clsql:sql [any '(3 4)]) "ANY((3,4))") (deftest :syntax/subquery/2 (clsql:sql [in [foo] '(foo bar baz)]) "(FOO IN (FOO,BAR,BAZ))") (deftest :syntax/subquery/3 (clsql:sql [all '(foo bar baz)]) "ALL((FOO,BAR,BAZ))") (deftest :syntax/subquery/4 (clsql:sql [exists '(foo bar baz)]) "EXISTS((FOO,BAR,BAZ))") (deftest :syntax/subquery/5 (clsql:sql [some '(foo bar baz)]) "SOME((FOO,BAR,BAZ))") (deftest :syntax/aggregate/1 (clsql:sql [max [+ [foo] [* 1000 [bar]]]]) "MAX((FOO + (1000 * BAR)))") (deftest :syntax/aggregate/2 (clsql:sql [avg [+ [foo] [* 1000 [bar]]]]) "AVG((FOO + (1000 * BAR)))") (deftest :syntax/aggregate/3 (clsql:sql [min [+ [foo] [* 1000 [bar]]]]) "MIN((FOO + (1000 * BAR)))") (deftest :syntax/aggregate/4 (clsql:sql [sum [foo] [bar]]) "SUM(FOO,BAR)") (deftest :syntax/aggregate/5 (clsql:sql [count [foo]]) "COUNT(FOO)") (deftest :syntax/logical/1 (values (clsql:sql [and [foo] [bar]]) (clsql:sql [or [foo] [bar]])) "(FOO AND BAR)" "(FOO OR BAR)") (deftest :syntax/logical/2 (clsql:sql [not [foo]]) "(NOT (FOO))") ;;; Test how we apply logical operators when we have different numbers of children ;;; This is useful if we wish to (apply #'sql-and some-list) without having to do ;;; alot of length checking (deftest :syntax/logical/3 (values (clsql:sql [and ]) (clsql:sql [and [foo]]) (clsql:sql [and [not [foo]]]) (clsql:sql [and [foo] [bar] [baz]])) "" "FOO" "(NOT (FOO))" "(FOO AND BAR AND BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/logical/4 (clsql:sql [and [= [foo] [bar]]]) "(FOO = BAR)") (deftest :syntax/logical/5 (clsql:sql [and [= [foo] [bar]] [= [bar] [bast]] [= [block] [blech]]]) "((FOO = BAR) AND (BAR = BAST) AND (BLOCK = BLECH))") (deftest :syntax/logical/6 (clsql:sql (apply #'sql-and (list [= [foo] [bar]] [and ] [and [= [bar] [bast]]]))) "((FOO = BAR) AND (BAR = BAST))") (deftest :syntax/null/1 (clsql:sql [null [foo]]) "(FOO IS NULL)") (deftest :syntax/null/2 (clsql:sql [not [null [foo]]]) "(NOT ((FOO IS NULL)))") (deftest :syntax/null/3 (clsql:sql [null]) "NULL") (deftest :syntax/null/4 (clsql:sql [not [null]]) "(NOT (NULL))") (deftest :syntax/null/5 (clsql:sql [is [foo.bar] [null]]) "(FOO.BAR IS NULL)") (deftest :syntax/null/6 (clsql:sql [is [foo.bar] [not-null]]) "(FOO.BAR IS NOT NULL)") (deftest :syntax/null/7 (clsql:sql [not-null [foo.bar]]) "(FOO.BAR IS NOT NULL)") (deftest :syntax/relational/1 (clsql:sql [> [baz] [beep]]) "(BAZ > BEEP)") (deftest :syntax/relational/2 (let ((x 10)) (clsql:sql [> [foo] x])) "(FOO > 10)") (deftest :syntax/relational/3 (clsql:sql [>= [baz] [beep]]) "(BAZ >= BEEP)") (deftest :syntax/relational/4 (clsql:sql [< [baz] [beep]]) "(BAZ < BEEP)") (deftest :syntax/relational/5 (clsql:sql [= [baz] [beep]]) "(BAZ = BEEP)") (deftest :syntax/relational/6 (clsql:sql [<> [baz] [beep]]) "(BAZ <> BEEP)") (deftest :syntax/between/1 (clsql:sql [between [- [foo] 1] [* [bar] 5] [/ [baz] 9]]) "(FOO - 1) BETWEEN (BAR * 5) AND (BAZ / 9)") (deftest :syntax/between/2 (clsql:sql [not [between [- [foo] 1] [* [bar] 5] [/ [baz] 9]]]) "(NOT ((FOO - 1) BETWEEN (BAR * 5) AND (BAZ / 9)))") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/1 (clsql:sql [+ [foo bar] [baz]]) "(FOO.BAR + BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/2 (clsql:sql [- [foo bar] [baz]]) "(FOO.BAR - BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/3 (clsql:sql [/ [foo bar] [baz]]) "(FOO.BAR / BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/4 (clsql:sql [* [foo bar] [baz]]) "(FOO.BAR * BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/5 (clsql:sql [- [foo bar]]) "(- (FOO.BAR))") (deftest :syntax/arithmetic/6 (clsql:sql [* 2 3]) "(2 * 3)") (deftest :syntax/substr/1 (clsql:sql [substr [hello] 1 4]) "SUBSTR(HELLO,1,4)") (deftest :syntax/substring/1 (clsql:sql [substring [hello] 1 4]) "SUBSTRING(HELLO,1,4)") (deftest :syntax/concat/1 (clsql:sql [|| [foo] [bar] [baz]]) "(FOO || BAR || BAZ)") (deftest :syntax/concat/2 (clsql:sql [concat [foo] [bar]]) "CONCAT(FOO,BAR)") (deftest :syntax/pattern/1 (clsql:sql [like [foo] "%v"]) "(FOO LIKE '%v')") (deftest :syntax/pattern/2 (clsql:sql [not [like [foo] "%v"]]) "(NOT ((FOO LIKE '%v')))") (deftest :syntax/distinct/1 (clsql:sql [distinct [foo bar :string]]) "DISTINCT FOO.BAR") (deftest :syntax/distinct/2 (clsql:sql [distinct [foo :string] [bar :integer]]) "DISTINCT FOO, BAR") (deftest :syntax/order-by/1 (clsql:sql [order-by [foo]]) "ORDER BY FOO") (deftest :syntax/group-by/1 (clsql:sql [group-by [foo]]) "GROUP BY FOO") (deftest :syntax/group-by/2 (clsql:sql (clsql-sys::make-query [foo] [bar] [count [foo]] :from [table] :group-by '([foo] [bar]) :order-by '([foo] [bar]))) "SELECT FOO,BAR,COUNT(FOO) FROM TABLE GROUP BY FOO,BAR ORDER BY FOO,BAR") (deftest :syntax/coalesce/1 (clsql:sql [coalesce [foo] [bar] "not specified"]) "COALESCE(FOO,BAR,'not specified')") (deftest :syntax/coalesce/2 (clsql:sql [nvl [foo] "not specified"]) "COALESCE(FOO,'not specified')") (deftest :syntax/nvl/1 (clsql:sql [nvl [foo] "not specified"]) "COALESCE(FOO,'not specified')") (deftest :syntax/sets/1 (clsql:sql [union [select [foo] :from [bar]] [select [baz] :from [bar]]]) "SELECT FOO FROM BAR UNION SELECT BAZ FROM BAR") (deftest :syntax/sets/2 (clsql:sql [intersect [select [foo] :from [bar]] [select [baz] :from [bar]]]) "SELECT FOO FROM BAR INTERSECT SELECT BAZ FROM BAR") (deftest :syntax/sets/3 (clsql:sql [except [select [foo] :from [bar]] [select [baz] :from [bar]]]) "SELECT FOO FROM BAR EXCEPT SELECT BAZ FROM BAR") (deftest :syntax/sets/4 (clsql:sql [minus [select [foo] :from [bar]] [select [baz] :from [bar]]]) "SELECT FOO FROM BAR MINUS SELECT BAZ FROM BAR") (deftest :syntax/function/1 (clsql:sql [function "COS" [age]]) "COS(AGE)") (deftest :syntax/function/2 (clsql:sql [function "TO_DATE" "02/06/99" "mm/DD/RR"]) "TO_DATE('02/06/99','mm/DD/RR')") (deftest :syntax/query/1 (clsql:sql [select [person_id] [surname] :from [person]]) "SELECT PERSON_ID,SURNAME FROM PERSON") (deftest :syntax/query/2 (clsql:sql [select [foo] [bar *] :from '([baz] [bar]) :where [or [= [foo] 3] [> [baz.quux] 10]]]) "SELECT FOO,BAR.* FROM BAZ,BAR WHERE ((FOO = 3) OR (BAZ.QUUX > 10))") (deftest :syntax/query/3 (clsql:sql [select [foo bar] [baz] :from '([foo] [quux]) :where [or [> [baz] 3] [like [foo bar] "SU%"]]]) "SELECT FOO.BAR,BAZ FROM FOO,QUUX WHERE ((BAZ > 3) OR (FOO.BAR LIKE 'SU%'))") (deftest :syntax/query/4 (clsql:sql [select [count [*]] :from [emp]]) "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMP") (deftest :syntax/expression/1 (clsql:sql (clsql:sql-operation 'select (clsql:sql-expression :table 'foo :attribute 'bar) (clsql:sql-expression :attribute 'baz) :from (list (clsql:sql-expression :table 'foo) (clsql:sql-expression :table 'quux)) :where (clsql:sql-operation 'or (clsql:sql-operation '> (clsql:sql-expression :attribute 'baz) 3) (clsql:sql-operation 'like (clsql:sql-expression :table 'foo :attribute 'bar) "SU%")))) "SELECT FOO.BAR,BAZ FROM FOO,QUUX WHERE ((BAZ > 3) OR (FOO.BAR LIKE 'SU%'))") (deftest :syntax/expression/2 (clsql:sql (apply (clsql:sql-operator 'and) (loop for table in '(thistime nexttime sometime never) for count from 42 collect [function "BETWEEN" (clsql:sql-expression :table table :attribute 'bar) (clsql:sql-operation '* [hip] [hop]) count] collect [like (clsql:sql-expression :table table :attribute 'baz) (clsql:sql table)]))) "(BETWEEN(THISTIME.BAR,(HIP * HOP),42) AND (THISTIME.BAZ LIKE 'THISTIME') AND BETWEEN(NEXTTIME.BAR,(HIP * HOP),43) AND (NEXTTIME.BAZ LIKE 'NEXTTIME') AND BETWEEN(SOMETIME.BAR,(HIP * HOP),44) AND (SOMETIME.BAZ LIKE 'SOMETIME') AND BETWEEN(NEVER.BAR,(HIP * HOP),45) AND (NEVER.BAZ LIKE 'NEVER'))") )) (defun test-output-sql/sql-ident-table () (let ((tests `((,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name :foo) "FOO") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name :foo-bar) "FOO_BAR") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name "foo") "\"foo\"") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name '|foo bar|) "\"foo bar\"") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name :foo :table-alias :bar) "FOO BAR" ) (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name :foo_bar :table-alias :bar-bast) "FOO_BAR BAR_BAST") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name "foo" :table-alias "Bar") "\"foo\" \"Bar\"") (,(make-instance 'sql-ident-table :name '|foo bar| :table-alias :bast) "\"foo bar\" BAST")))) (loop for (test expected-result) in tests for test-out = (with-output-to-string (*sql-stream*) (output-sql test nil)) do (assert (string-equal test-out expected-result) (test test-out expected-result) "Test:~s didnt match ~S" test-out expected-result))))