;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: clsql-uffi-package.cl ;;;; Purpose: Package definitions for common UFFI interface routines ;;;; Programmers: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Mar 2002 ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2010 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:cl-user) (defpackage #:clsql-uffi (:use #:cl #:uffi) (:export #:find-and-load-foreign-library #:canonicalize-type-list #:convert-raw-field #:atoi #:atol #:atof #:make-64-bit-integer #:make-128-bit-integer #:split-64-bit-integer) (:documentation "Common functions for interfaces using UFFI"))