INTRODUCTIION CLSQL-USQL is a high level SQL interface for Common Lisp which is based on the CommonSQL package from Xanalys. It was originally developed at Onshore Development, Inc. based on Pierre Mai's MaiSQL package. It now incorporates some of the code developed for CLSQL. See the files CONTRIBUTORS and COPYING for more details. CLSQL-USQL depends on the low-level database interfaces provided by CLSQL and includes both a functional and an object oriented interface to SQL RDBMS. DOCUMENTATION A CLSQL-USQL tutorial can be found in the directory doc/ Also see the CommonSQL documentation avaialble on the Lispworks website: Xanalys LispWorks User Guide - The CommonSQL Package Xanalys LispWorks Reference Manual -- The SQL Package CommonSQL Tutorial by Nick Levine PREREQUISITES o COMMON LISP: currently CMUCL, SBCL, Lispworks o RDBMS: currently Postgresql, Mysql, Sqlite o ASDF (from o CLSQL-2.0.0 or later (from o RT for running the test suite (from INSTALLATION Just load clsql-usql.asd or put it somewhere where ASDF can find it and call: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clsql-usql) You'll then need to load a CLSQL backend before you can do anything. To run the regression tests load clsql-usql-tests.asd or put it somewhere where ASDF can find it, edit the file tests/test-init.lisp and set the following variables to appropriate values: *test-database-server* *test-database-name* *test-database-user* *test-database-password* And then call: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clsql-usql-tests) (usql-tests:test-usql BACKEND) where BACKEND is the CLSQL database interface to use (currently one of :postgresql, :postgresql-socket, :sqlite or :mysql).