COPYRIGHT ========= This program is written by Kevin M. Rosenberg, M.D. It is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL) which allows copying and modifying this code with restrictions. See the file COPYING for complete details. HISTORY ======= CTSim development began in 1983 while I was in medical school. It was written using Lattice C and MS-DOS. I used assembly language to write directly to an IBM EGA video adapter. In 1999, I ported CTsim to GNU/Linux. In April 2000, the source code for CTSim was published on the Internet. In June 2000, entire code for revised and converted to C++. STATUS ====== The official home for CTsim is From this site, you can download the CTsim source code and use CTSim online using a beowulf cluster. I would be very pleased to have other developers join me in the development of CTSim. Please see the TODO list for the most obvious ideas. OVERVIEW ======== CTSim simulates the collection of x-rays by a CT scanner. These x-rays of objects are called projections. Phantom objects are defined. Several built-in phantoms are included, as well as an extension to load files of phantom definitions. CTsim uses cross-platform compatible file formats for projection data and image data. THE PROGRAMS ============ ctsim - a graphical user interface for most functions. This programs has all of the functionality of the command line tools except for image comparison functions. phm2if - generates an image file of a phantom object phm2pj - Simulates the collection of CT data, or projections, of a phantom object pjrec - Performs an CT reconstruction, also known as image reconstruction from projections. Reads a projection file and writes a SDF file. pj2if - Converts projection data to a raw sinugram image if2img - Converts an image file to a variety of 8-bit and 16-bit image formats pjinfo - Show information on a projection file ifinfo - Show statistics and history labels of image files TYPICAL USAGE ============= Graphical User Interface ------------------------ Use ctsim. Command Line Interface ---------------------- When evaluating CT simulation, in general, these steps are followed: Create a phantom image and viewable image file phm2if ... if2img ... Simulate CT data collection and create a viewable image of raw projections phm2pj ... pj2if ... if2img ... Perform CT reconstruction and create viewable image file pjrec ... if2img ... Display image information and comparative statistics ifinfo ... There is a sample shell script installed called '' in the tools direction that performs the above commands. These functions can be invoked via a web interface with a CGI program as described in the INSTALL file. CLOSING ======= Please enjoy CTSim. I'd like to hear any feedback Kevin M. Rosenberg, M.D.