MISCELLANEOUS ============= Integrate low-level X11 graphics, replace all low-level driver code in libgraph. All the high-level graphics routines are in place. PROPOSED MENU STRUCTURE ======================= File New Phantom Open SDF Process Simulate CT process (active only when phantom outline shown) Rasterize Phantom (active only when phantom outline shown) Reconstruct CT data (active only when raysum data is shown) Filter (Various single and dual image transformations) Compare Compare 2 images 2D grayscale subtraction 1D column plots Single Image statistics PROPOSED HDF FILE FORMAT ======================== If the HDF library is compiled into CTSim, it will be used for the raysum and image files. Reconstruction Groups --------------------- Group Name="Recon" SubDataset="ReconParam" SubGroup="Proj" SubDataset="Raysum" SubDataset="Geometry" SubGroup="Phantom" SubDataset "FImage" SubGroup="Reconstr" SubDataset "FImage" Image Dataset ------------- Name="FImage" DataType: FLOAT Attributes: "XSize" DOUBLE : X size of pixel in world coordinates "YSize" DOUBLE : Y size of pixel in world coordinates Raysum Group ------------- Group Name="Proj" Proj Dataset Name="Raysum" DataType: FLOAT Dim: 2 (nviews x ndet) Attributes: Geometry Dataset Name="Geometry" DataType: FLOAT Dim: 1 (nviews x 1) Data: For each view, store view_angle Attributes: "GEOMCODE" INT : Geometry Code "DETSTART" "DETINC" "ROTSTART" "ROTINC"