;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: mop.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Metaobject Protocol Interface ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2000 ;;;; ;;;; This metaclass as functions to classes to allow display ;;;; in Text, HTML, and XML formats. This includes hyperlinking ;;;; capability and sub-objects. ;;;; ;;;; $Id: mop.lisp,v 1.77 2003/06/20 08:35:21 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file is Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:hyperobject) ;; Main class (defclass hyperobject-class (standard-class) ( ;; slots initialized in defclass (user-name :initarg :user-name :type string :initform nil :accessor user-name :documentation "User name for class") (user-name-plural :initarg :user-name-plural :type string :initform nil :accessor user-name-plural :documentation "Plural user name for class") (default-print-slots :initarg :default-print-slots :type list :initform nil :accessor default-print-slots :documentation "Defaults slots for a view") (description :initarg :description :initform nil :accessor description :documentation "Class description") (version :initarg :version :initform nil :accessor version :documentation "Version number for class") (direct-rules :initarg :direct-rules :initform nil :accessor dirst-rules :documentation "Rules to fire on slot changes") (closures :initarg :closures :initform nil :accessor closures :documentation "Closures to call on slot chnages") (sql-name :initarg :sql-name :accessor sql-name :initform nil :documentation "SQL Name for this class") (guid :initarg :guid :accessor guid :initform nil :documentation "ID string for this class") ;;; The remainder of these fields are calculated one time ;;; in finalize-inheritence. (subobjects :initform nil :accessor subobjects :documentation "List of fields that contain a list of subobjects objects.") (hyperlinks :type list :initform nil :accessor hyperlinks :documentation "List of fields that have hyperlinks") (direct-rules :type list :initform nil :initarg :direct-rules :accessor direct-rules :documentation "List of rules to fire on slot changes.") (class-id :type integer :initform nil :accessor class-id :documentation "Unique ID for the class") (default-view :initform nil :initarg :default-view :accessor default-view :documentation "The default view for a class") ;; SQL commands (create-table-cmd :initform nil :reader create-table-cmd) (create-indices-cmds :initform nil :reader create-index-cmds) (drop-table-cmd :initform nil :reader drop-table-cmd) (views :type list :initform nil :initarg :views :accessor views :documentation "List of views") (rules :type list :initform nil :initarg :rules :accessor rules :documentation "List of rules") ) (:documentation "Metaclass for Markup Language classes.")) (defclass subobject () ((name-class :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name-class :reader name-class) (name-slot :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name-slot :reader name-slot) (lookup :type (or function symbol) :initform nil :initarg :lookup :reader lookup) (lookup-keys :type list :initform nil :initarg :lookup-keys :reader lookup-keys)) (:documentation "Contains subobject information")) (defmethod print-object ((obj subobject) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t) (format s "~S" (name-slot obj)))) (defclass hyperlink () ((name :type symbol :initform nil :initarg :name :reader name) (lookup ;; The type specifier seems to break sbcl :type (or function symbol) ;; :type t :initform nil :initarg :lookup :reader lookup) (link-parameters :type list :initform nil :initarg :link-parameters :reader link-parameters))) (defmethod print-object ((obj hyperlink) (s stream)) (print-unreadable-object (obj s :type t :identity t) (format s "~S" (name obj)))) #+(or cmu scl sbcl) (defmethod validate-superclass ((class hyperobject-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) (defmethod finalize-inheritance :after ((cl hyperobject-class)) (init-hyperobject-class cl) ) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'compute-effective-slot-definition))) 3) (pushnew :ho-normal-cesd cl:*features*)) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'direct-slot-definition-class))) 3) (pushnew :ho-normal-dsdc cl:*features*)) (when (>= (length (generic-function-lambda-list (ensure-generic-function 'effective-slot-definition-class))) 3) (pushnew :ho-normal-esdc cl:*features*))) ;; Slot definitions (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((cl hyperobject-class) #+ho-normal-dsdc &rest iargs) (find-class 'hyperobject-dsd)) (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((cl hyperobject-class) #+ho-normal-esdc &rest iargs) (find-class 'hyperobject-esd)) ;;; Slot definitions (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defmacro process-class-option (slot-name &optional required) #+lispworks `(defmethod clos:process-a-class-option ((class hyperobject-class) (name (eql ,slot-name)) value) (when (and ,required (null value)) (error "hyperobject class slot ~A must have a value" name)) (list name `',value)) #+(or allegro sbcl cmu scl) (declare (ignore slot-name required)) ) (defmacro process-slot-option (slot-name) #+lispworks `(defmethod clos:process-a-slot-option ((class hyperobject-class) (option (eql ,slot-name)) value already-processed-options slot) (list* option `',value already-processed-options)) #-lispworks (declare (ignore slot-name)) ) (dolist (option *class-options*) (eval `(process-class-option ,option))) (dolist (option *slot-options*) (eval `(process-slot-option ,option))) (eval `(defclass hyperobject-dsd (standard-direct-slot-definition) (,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,(intern (symbol-name x)) :initform nil)) *slot-options-no-initarg*) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,(intern (symbol-name x)) :initarg ,(intern (symbol-name x) (symbol-name :keyword)) :initform nil :accessor ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name :dsd-) (symbol-name x))))) *slot-options*)))) (eval `(defclass hyperobject-esd (standard-effective-slot-definition) (,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(,(intern (symbol-name x)) :initarg ,(intern (symbol-name x) (symbol-name :keyword)) :initform nil :accessor ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name :esd-) (symbol-name x))))) (append *slot-options* *slot-options-no-initarg*))))) ) ;; eval-when (defun intern-in-keyword (obj) (cond ((null obj) nil) ((eq t obj) t) ((atom obj) (intern (symbol-name obj) (find-package 'keyword))) ((consp obj) (cons (intern-in-keyword (car obj) ) (intern-in-keyword (cdr obj)))) (t obj))) (defun canonicalize-value-type (vt) (typecase vt (atom (ensure-keyword vt)) (cons (list (ensure-keyword (car vt)) (cadr vt))) (t t))) (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition :around ((cl hyperobject-class) #+ho-normal-cesd name dsds) #+ho-normal-cesd (declare (ignore name)) (let* ((esd (call-next-method)) (dsd (car dsds)) (value-type (canonicalize-value-type (slot-value dsd 'value-type)))) (multiple-value-bind (sql-type sql-length) (value-type-to-sql-type value-type) (setf (slot-value esd 'sql-type) sql-type) (setf (slot-value esd 'sql-length) sql-length)) (setf (slot-value esd 'type) (value-type-to-lisp-type value-type)) (setf (slot-value esd 'value-type) value-type) (setf (slot-value esd 'user-name) (aif (slot-value dsd 'user-name) it (string-downcase (symbol-name (slot-definition-name dsd))))) (setf (slot-value esd 'sql-name) (aif (slot-value dsd 'sql-name) it (lisp-name-to-sql-name (slot-definition-name dsd)))) (setf (slot-value esd 'sql-name) (aif (slot-value dsd 'sql-name) it (lisp-name-to-sql-name (slot-definition-name dsd)))) (dolist (name '(print-formatter subobject hyperlink hyperlink-parameters description value-constraint indexed null-allowed unique short-description void-text read-only-groups hidden-groups unit disable-predicate view-type list-of-values stored)) (setf (slot-value esd name) (slot-value dsd name))) esd)) (defun lisp-name-to-sql-name (lisp) "Convert a lisp name (atom or list, string or symbol) into a canonical SQL name" (unless (stringp lisp) (setq lisp (typecase lisp (symbol (symbol-name lisp)) (t (write-to-string lisp))))) (do* ((len (length lisp)) (sql (make-string len)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i len) (string-upcase sql)) (declare (fixnum i) (simple-string sql)) (setf (schar sql i) (let ((c (char lisp i))) (case c ((#\- #\$ #\+ #\#) #\_) (otherwise c)))))) #+ho-normal-cesd (setq cl:*features* (delete :ho-normal-cesd cl:*features*)) #+ho-normal-dsdc (setq cl:*features* (delete :ho-normal-dsdc cl:*features*)) #+ho-normal-esdc (setq cl:*features* (delete :ho-normal-esdc cl:*features*)) (defun lisp-type-is-a-string (type) (or (eq type 'string) (and (listp type) (some #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'string)) type)))) (defun base-value-type (value-type) (if (atom value-type) value-type (car value-type))) (defun value-type-to-lisp-type (value-type) (case (base-value-type value-type) ((:string :cdata :varchar :char) '(or null string)) (:character '(or null character)) (:fixnum '(or null fixnum)) (:boolean '(or null boolean)) ((:integer :long-integer) '(or null integer)) ((:float :single-float) '(or null single-float)) (:double-float '(or null double-float)) (otherwise t))) (defun value-type-to-sql-type (value-type) "Return two values, the sql type and field length." (let ((type (base-value-type value-type)) (length (when (consp value-type) (cadr value-type)))) (values (case type ((:char :character) :char) (:varchar :varchar) ((:fixnum :integer) :integer) (:long-integer :long-integer) (:boolean :boolean) ((:float :single-float) :single-float) (:double-float :double-float) (otherwise :text)) length))) ;;;; Class initialization function ;; defines a slot-unbound method for class and slot-name, fills ;; the slot by calling reader function with the slot values of ;; the instance's reader-keys (defmacro def-lazy-reader (class slot-name reader &rest reader-keys) (let* ((the-slot-name (gensym)) (the-class (gensym)) (the-instance (gensym)) (keys '())) (dolist (key reader-keys) (push (list 'slot-value the-instance (list 'quote key)) keys)) (setq keys (nreverse keys)) `(defmethod slot-unbound (,the-class (,the-instance ,class) (,the-slot-name (eql ',slot-name))) (declare (ignore ,the-class)) (setf (slot-value ,the-instance ,the-slot-name) (,reader ,@keys))))) #+lispworks (defun intern-eql-specializer (slot) `(eql ,slot)) #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks) (defun ensure-lazy-reader (class-name slot-name reader &rest reader-keys) (let ((keys nil) (gf (ensure-generic-function 'slot-unbound))) (dolist (key reader-keys) (push (list 'slot-value 'the-instance (list 'quote key)) keys)) (setq keys (nreverse keys)) (multiple-value-bind (method-lambda init-args-values) (make-method-lambda gf (class-prototype (generic-function-method-class gf)) #-lispworks `(lambda (the-class the-instance the-slot-name) (declare (ignore the-class)) (setf (slot-value the-instance the-slot-name) (,reader ,@keys))) #+lispworks '(the-class the-instance the-slot-name) #+lispworks nil #+lispworks `(setf (slot-value the-instance the-slot-name) (,reader ,@keys)) nil) (add-method gf (apply #'make-instance (generic-function-method-class gf) ':specializers (list (class-of (find-class class-name)) (find-class class-name) (intern-eql-specializer slot-name)) ':lambda-list '(the-class the-instance the-slot-name) ':function (compile nil method-lambda) init-args-values))))) #+(or allegro scl) (progn ;; One entry for each class with lazy readers defined. The value is a plist mapping ;; slot-name to a lazy reader, each of which is a list of a function and slot-names. (defvar *lazy-readers* (make-hash-table)) (defmethod slot-unbound :around ((class hyperobject-class) instance slot-name) (let ((lazy-reader (loop for super in (class-precedence-list class) as lazy-reader = (getf (gethash super *lazy-readers*) slot-name) when lazy-reader return it))) (if lazy-reader (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) (apply (car lazy-reader) (loop for arg-slot-name in (cdr lazy-reader) collect (slot-value instance arg-slot-name)))) ;; No lazy reader -- defer to regular slot-unbound handling. (call-next-method)))) ;; The reader is a function and the reader-keys are slot names. The slot is lazily set to ;; the result of applying the function to the slot-values of those slots, and that value ;; is also returned. (defun ensure-lazy-reader (class-name slot-name reader &rest reader-keys) (setf (getf (gethash (find-class class-name) *lazy-readers*) slot-name) (list* reader (copy-list reader-keys)))) (defun remove-lazy-reader (class-name slot-name) (setf (getf (gethash (find-class class-name) *lazy-readers*) slot-name) nil)) ) ;; #+(or allegro scl) (defun finalize-subobjects (cl) "Process class subobjects slot" (setf (subobjects cl) (let ((subobjects '())) (dolist (slot (class-slots cl)) (let-when (subobj-def (esd-subobject slot)) (let ((subobject (make-instance 'subobject :name-class (class-name cl) :name-slot (slot-definition-name slot) :lookup (if (atom subobj-def) subobj-def (car subobj-def)) :lookup-keys (if (atom subobj-def) nil (cdr subobj-def))))) (unless (eq (lookup subobject) t) #+ignore ;; #-(or sbcl cmu lispworks) (eval `(hyperobject::def-lazy-reader ,(name-class subobject) ,(name-slot subobject) ,(lookup subobject) ,@(lookup-keys subobject))) #+(or sbcl cmu lispworks allegro scl) (apply #'ensure-lazy-reader (name-class subobject) (name-slot subobject) (lookup subobject) (lookup-keys subobject))) (push subobject subobjects)))) ;; sbcl/cmu reverse class-slots compared to the defclass form ;; so re-reverse on cmu/sbcl #+(or cmu sbcl) subobjects #-(or cmu sbcl) (nreverse subobjects) ))) (defun finalize-class-slots (cl) "Make sure all class slots have an expected value" (unless (user-name cl) (setf (user-name cl) (format nil "~:(~A~)" (class-name cl)))) (setf (user-name-plural cl) (if (and (consp (user-name cl)) (cadr (user-name cl))) (cadr (user-name cl)) (format nil "~A~P" (if (consp (user-name cl)) (car (user-name cl)) (user-name cl)) 2))) (dolist (name '(user-name description version guid sql-name)) (awhen (slot-value cl name) (setf (slot-value cl name) (etypecase (slot-value cl name) (cons (car it)) ((or string symbol) it))))) (unless (sql-name cl) (setf (sql-name cl) (lisp-name-to-sql-name (class-name cl)))) ) (defun finalize-documentation (cl) "Calculate class documentation slot" (let ((*print-circle* nil)) (setf (documentation (class-name cl) 'class) (format nil "Hyperobject~A~A~A~A" (aif (user-name cl) (format nil ": ~A" it "")) (aif (description cl) (format nil "~%Class description: ~A" it) "") (aif (subobjects cl) (format nil "~%Subobjects:~{ ~A~}" (mapcar #'name-slot it)) "") (aif (default-print-slots cl) (format nil "~%Default print slots:~{ ~A~}" it) "") )))) (defun finalize-hyperlinks (cl) (let ((hyperlinks '())) (dolist (esd (class-slots cl)) (awhen (slot-value esd 'hyperlink) (push (make-instance 'hyperlink :name (slot-definition-name esd) :lookup it :link-parameters (slot-value esd 'hyperlink-parameters)) hyperlinks))) ;; cmu/sbcl reverse class-slots compared to the defclass form ;; hyperlinks is already reversed from the dolist/push loop, so re-reverse on sbcl/cmu #-(or cmu sbcl) (setq hyperlinks (nreverse hyperlinks)) (setf (slot-value cl 'hyperlinks) hyperlinks))) (defun init-hyperobject-class (cl) "Initialize a hyperobject class. Calculates all class slots" (finalize-subobjects cl) (finalize-views cl) (finalize-hyperlinks cl) (finalize-sql cl) (finalize-rules cl) (finalize-class-slots cl) (finalize-documentation cl)) ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; Metaclass Slot Accessors ;;;; ************************************************************************* (defun find-slot-by-name (cl name) (find name (class-slots cl) :key #'slot-definition-name)) (defun hyperobject-class-user-name (obj) (user-name (class-of obj))) (defun hyperobject-class-user-name-plural (obj) (user-name-plural (class-of obj))) (defun hyperobject-class-subobjects (obj) (subobjects (class-of obj))) (defun hyperobject-class-hyperlinks (obj) (hyperlinks (class-of obj))) (defun hyperobject-class-slots (obj) ;; cmucl/sbcl reverse class-slots #+(or cmu sbcl) (reverse (class-slots (class-of obj))) #-(or cmu sbcl) (class-slots (class-of obj))) (defun all-subobjects (obj) "Returns a list of all subobjects in an object" (let ((so-list '())) (dolist (subobj-obj (subobjects (class-of obj)) (nreverse so-list)) (dolist (so (funcall (name-slot subobj-obj) obj)) (push so so-list)))))