;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- ;;;; $Id: logger.lisp,v 1.11 2003/12/16 21:19:56 krosenberg Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; Purpose: A IRC logging bot ;;;; Author: Kevin Rosenberg (in-package irc-logger) (defclass channel () ((name :initarg :name :reader name :documentation "Name of channel.") (streams :initarg :streams :reader streams :documentation "List of output streams.") (output-root :initarg :output-root :reader output-root) (current-output-names :initarg :current-output-names :accessor current-output-names))) (defclass logger () ((connection :initarg :connection :reader connection :documentation "IRC connection object.") (nick :initarg :nick :reader nickname :documentation "Nickname of the bot.") (password :initarg :password :reader password :documentation "Nickname's nickserver password.") (server :initarg :server :reader server :documentation "Connected IRC server.") (channels :initarg :channels :reader channels :documentation "List of channels.") (user-output :initarg :user-output :reader user-output :documentation "Output parameter from user, maybe stream or pathname.") (unichannel :initarg :unichannel :reader unichannel :type boolean :documentation "T if user-output is directory for individual channel output.") (formats :initarg :formats :reader formats :documentation "A list of output formats."))) (defvar *loggers* nil "List of active loggers.") (defparameter *user-address-scanner* (create-scanner '(:sequence #\! (:register (:greedy-repetition 1 nil :non-whitespace-char-class))) :case-insensitive-mode t)) (defun find-logger-with-nick (nick) (find nick (the list *loggers*) :test #'string-equal :key #'nickname)) (defun find-logger-with-connection (conn) (find conn (the list *loggers*) :test #'eq :key #'connection)) (defun make-output-name (name year month day) (format nil "~A-~4,'0D.~2,'0D.~2,'0D" (string-left-trim '(#\#) name) year month day)) (defun make-output-name-utime (name utime) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day-of-month month year day-of-week daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time utime) (declare (ignore second minute hour day-of-week daylight-p zone)) (make-output-name name year month day-of-month))) (defgeneric write-file-header (format channel-name stream)) (defmethod write-file-header ((format t) channel-name stream) (declare (ignore channel-name stream)) ) (defgeneric write-file-footer (format channel-name stream)) (defmethod write-file-footer ((format t) channel-name stream) (declare (ignore channel-name stream)) ) (defun %log-file-path (output-root channel-name year month day type) (make-pathname :defaults output-root :directory (append (pathname-directory output-root) (list (string-left-trim '(#\#) channel-name) (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D" year month))) :name (make-output-name channel-name year month day) :type type)) (defgeneric log-file-path (output-root channel-name year month day format)) (defmethod log-file-path (output-root channel-name year month day (format (eql :raw))) (%log-file-path output-root channel-name year month day "raw")) (defmethod log-file-path (output-root channel-name year month day (format (eql :sexp))) (%log-file-path output-root channel-name year month day "sexp")) (defmethod log-file-path (output-root channel-name year month day (format (eql :text))) (%log-file-path output-root channel-name year month day "txt")) (defun log-file-path-utime (output-root channel-name format utime) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year day-of-week daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time utime) (declare (ignore second minute hour day-of-week daylight-p zone)) (log-file-path output-root channel-name year month day format))) (defun get-stream (channel istream) (elt (streams channel) istream)) (defun (setf get-stream) (value channel istream) (setf (elt (streams channel) istream) value)) (defun get-format (logger istream) (elt (formats logger) istream)) (defun get-output-name (channel istream) (elt (current-output-names channel) istream)) (defun (setf get-output-name) (value channel istream) (setf (elt (current-output-names channel) istream) value)) (defun ensure-output-stream-for-unichannel (utime logger channel istream) (let ((name (make-output-name-utime (name channel) utime))) (unless (string= name (get-output-name channel istream)) (when (get-stream channel istream) (write-file-footer (get-format logger istream) (name channel) (get-stream channel istream)) (close (get-stream channel istream))) (setf (get-output-name channel istream) name) (let ((path (log-file-path-utime (output-root channel) (name channel) (get-format logger istream) utime))) (unless (probe-file path) (ensure-directories-exist path) (setf (get-stream channel istream) (open path :direction :output :if-exists :error :if-does-not-exist :create)) (write-file-header (get-format logger istream) (name channel) (get-stream channel istream)) (close (get-stream channel istream))) (setf (get-stream channel istream) (open path :direction :output :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :error)))))) (defun ensure-output-stream (utime logger channel istream) "Ensures that *output-stream* is correct." (cond ((streamp (user-output logger)) (unless (get-stream channel istream) (setf (get-stream channel istream) (user-output logger)))) ((pathnamep (user-output logger)) (cond ((unichannel logger) (ensure-output-stream-for-unichannel utime logger channel istream)) (t (setf (get-stream channel istream) (open (user-output logger) :direction :output :if-exists :append))))))) (defun format-utime (utime) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day-of-month month year day-of-week daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time utime) (declare (ignore day-of-month month year day-of-week daylight-p zone)) (format nil "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hour minute second))) (defun format-utime-short(utime) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day-of-month month year day-of-week daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time utime) (declare (ignore second day-of-month month year day-of-week daylight-p zone)) (format nil "~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hour minute))) (defun user-address (msg) (let ((split (split *user-address-scanner* (raw-message-string msg) :with-registers-p t))) (if (second split) (second split) ""))) (defun need-user-address? (type) (not (or (eq :action type) (eq :privmsg type)))) (defgeneric %output-event (format stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel)) (defmethod %output-event ((format t) stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel) (%output-event :raw stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel)) (defmethod %output-event ((format (eql :raw)) stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel) (declare (ignore utime type channel source text text unichannel )) (format stream "~S~%" (string-right-trim '(#\return) (raw-message-string msg)))) (defmethod %output-event ((format (eql :sexp)) stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel) (if unichannel (format stream "(~S ~S ~S ~S ~S)~%" utime type source text (when (need-user-address? type) (user-address msg))) (format stream "(~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S)~%" utime type source channel text (when (need-user-address? type) (user-address msg))))) (defmethod %output-event ((format (eql :text)) stream utime type channel source text msg unichannel) (format stream "~A " (format-utime utime)) (when (and (null unichannel) channel) (format stream "[~A] " channel)) (let ((user-address (when (need-user-address? type) (user-address msg)))) (case type (:privmsg (format stream "<~A> ~A" source text)) (:action (format stream "*~A* ~A" source text)) (:join (format stream "~A [~A] has joined ~A" source user-address channel)) (:part (format stream "-!- ~A [~A] has left ~A" source user-address channel)) (:nick (format stream "-!- ~A is now known as ~A" source text)) (:kick (format stream "-!- ~A [~A] has been kicked from ~A" source user-address channel)) (:quit (format stream "-!- ~A [~A] has quit [~A]" source user-address (if text text ""))) (:mode (format stream "-!- ~A has set mode ~A" source text)) (:topic (format stream "-!- ~A changed the topic of ~A to: ~A" source channel text)) (:notice (format stream "-~A:~A- ~A" source channel text)) (t (warn "Unhandled msg type ~A." type)))) (write-char #\Newline stream)) (defun output-event-for-a-stream (msg type channel text logger istream) (ensure-output-stream (received-time msg) logger channel istream) (%output-event (get-format logger istream) (get-stream channel istream) (received-time msg) type (name channel) (source msg) text msg (unichannel logger)) (force-output (get-stream channel istream))) (defun output-event (msg type channel-name &optional text) (dolist (logger *loggers*) (case type ((:quit :nick) (dolist (channel (channels logger)) (dotimes (i (length (formats logger))) (output-event-for-a-stream msg type channel text logger i)))) (t (let* ((channel (find channel-name (the list (channels logger)) :test #'string-equal :key #'name))) (when channel (dotimes (i (length (formats logger))) (output-event-for-a-stream msg type channel text logger i)))))))) (defun privmsg-hook (msg) (output-event msg :privmsg (first (arguments msg)) (trailing-argument msg))) (defun action-hook (msg) (output-event msg :action (first (arguments msg)) (subseq (trailing-argument msg) 8 (- (length (trailing-argument msg)) 1)))) (defun nick-hook (msg) (output-event msg :nick nil (trailing-argument msg))) (defun part-hook (msg) (output-event msg :part (first (arguments msg)))) (defun quit-hook (msg) (output-event msg :quit nil (trailing-argument msg))) (defun join-hook (msg) (output-event msg :join (trailing-argument msg))) (defun kick-hook (msg) (output-event msg :kick (first (arguments msg)))) (defun notice-hook (msg) (if (and (string-equal (source msg) "NickServ") (string-equal "owned by someone else" (trailing-argument msg))) (let ((logger (find-logger-with-connection (connection msg)))) (if logger (privmsg (connection msg) (source msg) (format nil "IDENTIFY ~A" (password logger))) (warn "NickServ asks for identity with connection not found."))) (output-event msg :notice (first (arguments msg)) (trailing-argument msg)))) (defun topic-hook (msg) (output-event msg :topic (first (arguments msg)) (trailing-argument msg))) (defun mode-hook (msg) (output-event msg :mode (first (arguments msg)))) (defun make-channels (names formats output) (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length names)) collect (make-instance 'channel :name (nth i names) :streams (make-array (length formats) :initial-element nil) :output-root (when (and (pathnamep output) (null (pathname-name output))) output) :current-output-names (make-array (length formats) :initial-element nil)))) (defun is-unichannel-output (user-output) "Returns T if output is setup for a single channel directory structure." (and (pathnamep user-output) (null (pathname-name user-output)))) (defun create-logger (nick server &key channels output password (logging-stream t) (formats '(:text))) "OUTPUT may be a pathname or a stream" ;; check arguments (assert channels) (assert formats) (if (atom channels) (setq channels (list channels))) (if (atom formats) (setq formats (list formats))) (if (stringp output) (setq output (parse-namestring output))) (let* ((conn (connect :nickname nick :server server :logging-stream logging-stream)) (logger (make-instance 'logger :connection conn :nick nick :password password :server server :channels (make-channels channels formats output) :user-output output :formats formats :unichannel (is-unichannel-output output)))) (mapc #'(lambda (channel) (join conn channel)) channels) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-privmsg-message 'privmsg-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::ctcp-action-message 'action-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-nick-message 'nick-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-part-message 'part-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-quit-message 'quit-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-join-message 'join-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-kick-message 'kick-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-mode-message 'mode-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-topic-message 'topic-hook) (add-hook conn 'irc::irc-notice-message 'notice-hook) logger)) (defun start-logger (logger async) (if async (start-background-message-handler (connection logger)) (read-message-loop (connection logger)))) (defun quit-logger (nick) "Quit the active connection with nick and remove from active list." (let ((logger (find-logger-with-nick nick))) (cond ((null logger) (warn "No active connection found with nick ~A." nick) nil) (t (irc:quit (connection logger)) (sleep 1) (dolist (channel (channels logger)) (dotimes (i (length (streams channel))) (when (streamp (get-stream channel i)) (close (get-stream channel i)) (setf (get-stream channel i) nil)))) (setq *loggers* (delete nick *loggers* :test #'string-equal :key #'nickname)) t)))) (defun add-logger (nick server &key channels output (password "") (logging-stream t) (async t) (formats '(:text))) (when (find-logger-with-nick nick) (warn "Closing previously active connection.") (quit-logger nick)) (let ((logger (create-logger nick server :channels channels :output output :logging-stream logging-stream :password password :formats formats))) (push logger *loggers*) (start-logger logger async) logger)) (defun add-hook-logger (logger class hook) (add-hook (connection logger) class hook)) (defun remove-hook-logger (logger class hook) (remove-hook (connection logger) class hook))