;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: gentils.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Main general utility functions for KMRCL package ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2000 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: genutils.lisp,v 1.4 2002/10/11 00:27:01 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of KMRCL, is Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; KMRCL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package :kmrcl) (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (defmacro bind-when ((bind-var boundForm) &body body) `(let ((,bind-var ,boundForm)) (declare (ignore-if-unused ,bind-var)) (when ,bind-var ,@body))) (defmacro bind-if ((bind-var boundForm) yup &optional nope) `(let ((,bind-var ,boundForm)) (if ,bind-var ,yup ,nope))) ;; Anaphoric macros (defmacro aif (test then &optional else) `(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,then ,else))) (defmacro awhen (test-form &body body) `(aif ,test-form (progn ,@body))) (defmacro awhile (expr &body body) `(do ((it ,expr ,expr)) ((not it)) ,@body)) (defmacro aand (&rest args) (cond ((null args) t) ((null (cdr args)) (car args)) (t `(aif ,(car args) (aand ,@(cdr args)))))) (defmacro acond (&rest clauses) (if (null clauses) nil (let ((cl1 (car clauses)) (sym (gensym))) `(let ((,sym ,(car cl1))) (if ,sym (let ((it ,sym)) ,@(cdr cl1)) (acond ,@(cdr clauses))))))) (defmacro alambda (parms &body body) `(labels ((self ,parms ,@body)) #'self)) (defmacro aif2 (test &optional then else) (let ((win (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (it ,win) ,test (if (or it ,win) ,then ,else)))) (defmacro awhen2 (test &body body) `(aif2 ,test (progn ,@body))) (defmacro awhile2 (test &body body) (let ((flag (gensym))) `(let ((,flag t)) (while ,flag (aif2 ,test (progn ,@body) (setq ,flag nil)))))) (defmacro acond2 (&rest clauses) (if (null clauses) nil (let ((cl1 (car clauses)) (val (gensym)) (win (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,val ,win) ,(car cl1) (if (or ,val ,win) (let ((it ,val)) ,@(cdr cl1)) (acond2 ,@(cdr clauses))))))) ;; Debugging (defmacro mac (expr) "Expand a macro" `(pprint (macroexpand-1 ',expr))) (defmacro print-form-and-results (form) `(format t "~&~A --> ~S~%" (write-to-string ',form) ,form)) (defun show (&optional (what :variables) (package *package*)) (ecase what (:variables (show-variables package)) (:functions (show-functions package)))) (defun show-variables (package) (do-symbols (s package) (multiple-value-bind (sym status) (find-symbol (symbol-name s) package) (when (and (or (eq status :external) (eq status :internal)) (boundp sym)) (format t "~&Symbol ~S~T -> ~S~%" sym (symbol-value sym)))))) (defun show-functions (package) (do-symbols (s package) (multiple-value-bind (sym status) (find-symbol (symbol-name s) package) (when (and (or (eq status :external) (eq status :internal)) (fboundp sym)) (format t "~&Function ~S~T -> ~S~%" sym (symbol-function sym)))))) #+allegro (ff:def-foreign-call (memory-status-dump "memory_status_dump") () :strings-convert t) ;; Ensure functions (defmacro ensure-integer (obj) "Ensure object is an integer. If it is a string, then parse it" `(if (stringp ,obj) (parse-integer ,obj) ,obj)) ;; Lists (defun mklist (obj) "Make into list if atom" (if (listp obj) obj (list obj))) (defun filter (fn lst) "Filter a list by function, eliminate elements where fn returns nil" (let ((acc nil)) (dolist (x lst) (let ((val (funcall fn x))) (if val (push val acc)))) (nreverse acc))) ;; Functions (defun memo-proc (fn) "Memoize results of call to fn, returns a closure with hash-table" (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) #'(lambda (&rest args) (multiple-value-bind (val foundp) (gethash args cache) (if foundp val (setf (gethash args cache) (apply fn args))))))) (defun memoize (fn-name) (setf (fdefinition fn-name) (memo-proc (fdefinition fn-name)))) (defmacro defun-memo (fn args &body body) "Define a memoized function" `(memoize (defun ,fn ,args . ,body))) (defmacro _f (op place &rest args) (multiple-value-bind (vars forms var set access) (get-setf-expansion place) `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list vars forms) (,(car var) (,op ,access ,@args))) ,set))) (defun compose (&rest fns) (if fns (let ((fn1 (car (last fns))) (fns (butlast fns))) #'(lambda (&rest args) (reduce #'funcall fns :from-end t :initial-value (apply fn1 args)))) #'identity)) ;;; Loop macros (defmacro until (test &body body) `(do () (,test) ,@body)) (defmacro while (test &body body) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@body)) (defmacro for ((var start stop) &body body) (let ((gstop (gensym))) `(do ((,var ,start (1+ ,var)) (,gstop ,stop)) ((> ,var ,gstop)) ,@body))) ;;; Keyword functions (defun remove-keyword (key arglist) (loop for sublist = arglist then rest until (null sublist) for (elt arg . rest) = sublist unless (eq key elt) append (list elt arg))) (defun remove-keywords (key-names args) (loop for ( name val ) on args by #'cddr unless (member (symbol-name name) key-names :key #'symbol-name :test 'equal) append (list name val))) (defmacro in (obj &rest choices) (let ((insym (gensym))) `(let ((,insym ,obj)) (or ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (c) `(eql ,insym ,c)) choices))))) (defmacro mean (&rest args) `(/ (+ ,@args) ,(length args))) (defmacro with-gensyms (syms &body body) `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (s) `(,s (gensym))) syms) ,@body)) ;;; Mapping (defun mapappend (fn list) (apply #'append (mapcar fn list))) (defun mapcar-append-string-nontailrec (func v) "Concatenate results of mapcar lambda calls" (aif (car v) (concatenate 'string (funcall func it) (mapcar-append-string-nontailrec func (cdr v))) "")) (defun mapcar-append-string (func v &optional (accum "")) "Concatenate results of mapcar lambda calls" (aif (car v) (mapcar-append-string func (cdr v) (concatenate 'string accum (funcall func it))) accum)) (defun mapcar2-append-string-nontailrec (func la lb) "Concatenate results of mapcar lambda call's over two lists" (let ((a (car la)) (b (car lb))) (if (and a b) (concatenate 'string (funcall func a b) (mapcar2-append-string-nontailrec func (cdr la) (cdr lb))) ""))) (defun mapcar2-append-string (func la lb &optional (accum "")) "Concatenate results of mapcar lambda call's over two lists" (let ((a (car la)) (b (car lb))) (if (and a b) (mapcar2-append-string func (cdr la) (cdr lb) (concatenate 'string accum (funcall func a b))) accum))) ;;; Strings (defmacro string-append (outputstr &rest args) `(setq ,outputstr (concatenate 'string ,outputstr ,@args))) (defmacro string-field-append (outputstr &rest args) `(setq ,outputstr (concatenate 'string ,outputstr ,@args))) (defun list-to-string (lst) "Converts a list to a string, doesn't include any delimiters between elements" (format nil "~{~A~}" lst)) (defun count-string-words (str) (declare (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((n-words 0) (in-word nil)) (declare (fixnum n-words)) (dotimes (i (length str)) (let ((ch (char str i))) (declare (character ch)) (if (alphanumericp ch) (unless in-word (incf n-words) (setq in-word t)) (setq in-word nil)))) n-words)) #+excl (defun delimited-string-to-list (string &optional (separator #\space)) (excl:delimited-string-to-list string separator)) #-excl (defun delimited-string-to-list (sequence &optional (separator #\space)) "Split a string by a delimitor" (loop with start = 0 for end = (position separator sequence :start start) collect (subseq sequence start end) until (null end) do (setf start (1+ end)))) #+excl (defun list-to-delimited-string (list &optional (separator #\space)) (excl:list-to-delimited-string list separator)) #-excl (defun list-to-delimited-string (list &optional (separator #\space)) (let ((output (when list (format nil "~A" (car list))))) (dolist (obj (rest list)) (setq output (concatenate 'string output (format nil "~A" separator) (format nil "~A" obj)))) output)) (defun string-invert (str) "Invert case of a string" (declare (optimize (speed 3) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0) (safety 0)) (simple-string str)) (let ((up nil) (down nil)) (block skip (loop for char of-type character across str do (cond ((upper-case-p char) (if down (return-from skip str) (setf up t))) ((lower-case-p char) (if up (return-from skip str) (setf down t))))) (if up (string-downcase str) (string-upcase str))))) (defun add-sql-quotes (s) (substitute-string-for-char s #\' "''")) (defun escape-backslashes (s) (substitute-string-for-char s #\\ "\\\\")) (defun substitute-string-for-char (procstr match-char subst-str) "Substitutes a string for a single matching character of a string" (let ((pos (position match-char procstr))) (if pos (concatenate 'string (subseq procstr 0 pos) subst-str (substitute-string-for-char (subseq procstr (1+ pos)) match-char subst-str)) procstr))) (defun string-substitute (string substring replacement-string) "String substitute by Larry Hunter. Obtained from Google" (let ((substring-length (length substring)) (last-end 0) (new-string "")) (do ((next-start (search substring string) (search substring string :start2 last-end))) ((null next-start) (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end))) (setq new-string (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end next-start) replacement-string)) (setq last-end (+ next-start substring-length))))) (defun string-trim-last-character (s) "Return the string less the last character" (subseq s 0 (1- (length s)))) (defun string-hash (str &optional (bitmask 65535)) (let ((hash 0)) (declare (fixnum hash) (simple-string str)) (dotimes (i (length str)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setq hash (+ hash (char-code (char str i))))) (logand hash bitmask))) (defun string-not-null? (str) (and str (not (zerop (length str))))) (defun whitespace? (c) (declare (character c)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (or (char= c #\Space) (char= c #\Tab) (char= c #\Return) (char= c #\Linefeed))) (defun not-whitespace? (c) (not (whitespace? c))) (defun string-ws? (str) "Return t if string is all whitespace" (when (stringp str) (null (find-if #'not-whitespace? str)))) ;;; Output (unless (boundp '+indent-vector+) (defconstant +indent-vector+ (make-array 15 :fill-pointer nil :adjustable nil :initial-contents '("" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ")))) (defmacro indent-spaces (n &optional stream) "Indent n*2 spaces to output stream" (let ((st (gensym))) `(let ((,st ,stream)) (unless ,st (setq ,st *standard-output*)) (when (plusp ,n) (if (< ,n 10) (princ (aref +indent-vector+ ,n) ,st) (dotimes (i ,n) (declare (fixnum i)) (format ,st " "))))))) (defun print-list (l &optional (output *standard-output*)) "Print a list to a stream" (if (consp l) (progn (mapcar (lambda (x) (princ x output) (princ #\newline output)) l) t) nil)) (defun print-rows (rows &optional (ostrm *standard-output*)) "Print a list of list rows to a stream" (dolist (r rows) (mapcar (lambda (a) (princ a ostrm) (princ #\space ostrm)) r) (terpri ostrm))) ;;; Symbol functions (defmacro concat-symbol (&rest args) `(intern (concatenate 'string ,@args))) (defmacro concat-symbol-pkg (pkg &rest args) `(intern (concatenate 'string ,@args) ,pkg)) ;;; IO (defstruct buf vec (start -1) (used -1) (new -1) (end -1)) (defun bref (buf n) (svref (buf-vec buf) (mod n (length (buf-vec buf))))) (defun (setf bref) (val buf n) (setf (svref (buf-vec buf) (mod n (length (buf-vec buf)))) val)) (defun new-buf (len) (make-buf :vec (make-array len))) (defun buf-insert (x b) (setf (bref b (incf (buf-end b))) x)) (defun buf-pop (b) (prog1 (bref b (incf (buf-start b))) (setf (buf-used b) (buf-start b) (buf-new b) (buf-end b)))) (defun buf-next (b) (when (< (buf-used b) (buf-new b)) (bref b (incf (buf-used b))))) (defun buf-reset (b) (setf (buf-used b) (buf-start b) (buf-new b) (buf-end b))) (defun buf-clear (b) (setf (buf-start b) -1 (buf-used b) -1 (buf-new b) -1 (buf-end b) -1)) (defun buf-flush (b str) (do ((i (1+ (buf-used b)) (1+ i))) ((> i (buf-end b))) (princ (bref b i) str))) (defun file-subst (old new file1 file2) (with-open-file (in file1 :direction :input) (with-open-file (out file2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (stream-subst old new in out)))) (defun stream-subst (old new in out) (declare (string old new)) (let* ((pos 0) (len (length old)) (buf (new-buf len)) (from-buf nil)) (declare (fixnum pos len)) (do ((c (read-char in nil :eof) (or (setf from-buf (buf-next buf)) (read-char in nil :eof)))) ((eql c :eof)) (declare (character c)) (cond ((char= c (char old pos)) (incf pos) (cond ((= pos len) ; 3 (princ new out) (setf pos 0) (buf-clear buf)) ((not from-buf) ; 2 (buf-insert c buf)))) ((zerop pos) ; 1 (princ c out) (when from-buf (buf-pop buf) (buf-reset buf))) (t ; 4 (unless from-buf (buf-insert c buf)) (princ (buf-pop buf) out) (buf-reset buf) (setf pos 0)))) (buf-flush buf out))) ;;; Tree Functions (defun remove-tree-if (pred tree) "Strip from tree of atoms that satistify predicate" (if (atom tree) (unless (funcall pred tree) tree) (let ((car-strip (remove-tree-if pred (car tree))) (cdr-strip (remove-tree-if pred (cdr tree)))) (cond ((and car-strip (atom (cadr tree)) (null cdr-strip)) (list car-strip)) ((and car-strip cdr-strip) (cons car-strip cdr-strip)) (car-strip car-strip) (cdr-strip cdr-strip))))) (defun find-tree (sym tree) "Finds an atom as a car in tree and returns cdr tree at that positions" (if (or (null tree) (atom tree)) nil (if (eql sym (car tree)) (cdr tree) (aif (find-tree sym (car tree)) it (aif (find-tree sym (cdr tree)) it nil))))) ;;; Files (defun print-file-contents (file &optional (strm *standard-output*)) "Opens a reads a file. Returns the contents as a single string" (when (probe-file file) (with-open-file (in file :direction :input) (do ((line (read-line in nil 'eof) (read-line in nil 'eof))) ((eql line 'eof)) (format strm "~A~%" line))))) (defun read-file-to-string (file) "Opens a reads a file. Returns the contents as a single string" (with-output-to-string (out) (with-open-file (in file :direction :input) (do ((line (read-line in nil 'eof) (read-line in nil 'eof))) ((eql line 'eof)) (format out "~A~%" line))))) (defun read-file-to-strings (file) "Opens a reads a file. Returns the contents as a list of strings" (let ((lines '())) (with-open-file (in file :direction :input) (do ((line (read-line in nil 'eof) (read-line in nil 'eof))) ((eql line 'eof)) (push line lines))) (nreverse lines))) ;; Generalized equal system (defun generalized-equal (obj1 obj2) (if (not (equal (type-of obj1) (type-of obj2))) (progn (terpri) (describe obj1) (describe obj2) nil) (typecase obj1 (double-float (let ((diff (abs (/ (- obj1 obj2) obj1)))) (if (> diff (* 10 double-float-epsilon)) nil t))) (complex (and (generalized-equal (realpart obj1) (realpart obj2)) (generalized-equal (imagpart obj1) (imagpart obj2)))) (structure (generalized-equal-fielded-object obj1 obj2)) (standard-object (generalized-equal-fielded-object obj1 obj2)) (hash-table (generalized-equal-hash-table obj1 obj2) ) (function (generalized-equal-function obj1 obj2)) (string (string= obj1 obj2)) (array (generalized-equal-array obj1 obj2)) (t (equal obj1 obj2))))) (defun generalized-equal-function (obj1 obj2) (string= (function-to-string obj1) (function-to-string obj2))) (defun generalized-equal-array (obj1 obj2) (block test (when (not (= (array-total-size obj1) (array-total-size obj2))) (return-from test nil)) (dotimes (i (array-total-size obj1)) (unless (generalized-equal (aref obj1 i) (aref obj2 i)) (return-from test nil))) (return-from test t))) (defun generalized-equal-hash-table (obj1 obj2) (block test (when (not (= (hash-table-count obj1) (hash-table-count obj2))) (return-from test nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash k obj2) (unless (and found (generalized-equal v value)) (return-from test nil)))) obj1) (return-from test t))) (defun generalized-equal-fielded-object (obj1 obj2) (block test (when (not (equal (class-of obj1) (class-of obj2))) (return-from test nil)) (dolist (field (class-slot-names (class-name (class-of obj1)))) (unless (generalized-equal (slot-value obj1 field) (slot-value obj2 field)) (return-from test nil))) (return-from test t))) #+(or allegro lispworks) (defun class-slot-names (class-name) "Given a CLASS-NAME, returns a list of the slots in the class." (mapcar #'clos:slot-definition-name (clos:class-slots (find-class class-name)))) #-(or allegro lispworks) (defun class-slot-names (class-name) (warn "class-slot-names not supported on this platform")) (defun function-to-string (obj) "Returns the lambda code for a function. Relies on Allegro implementation-dependent features." (multiple-value-bind (lambda closurep name) (function-lambda-expression obj) (declare (ignore closurep)) (if lambda (format nil "#'~s" lambda) (if name (format nil "#'~s" name) (progn (print obj) (break)))))) ;;; Formatting functions (defun pretty-date (year month day &optional (hour 12) (m 0) (s 0)) (multiple-value-bind (sec min hr dy mn yr wkday) (decode-universal-time (encode-universal-time s m hour day month year)) (values (elt '("Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday") wkday) (elt '("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December") (1- mn)) (format nil "~A" dy) (format nil "~A" yr) (format nil "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hr min sec)))) (defun date-string (ut) (if (typep ut 'integer) (multiple-value-bind (sec min hr day mon year dow daylight-p zone) (decode-universal-time ut) (declare (ignore daylight-p zone)) (format nil "~[Mon~;Tue~;Wed~;Thu~;Fri~;Sat~;Sun~], ~d ~[Jan~;Feb~;Mar~;Apr~;May~;Jun~;Jul~;Aug~;Sep~;Oct~;Nov~;Dec~] ~d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d" dow day (1- mon) year hr min sec))))