;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: strings.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Strings utility functions for KMRCL package ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2000 ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of KMRCL, is Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; KMRCL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:kmrcl) ;;; Strings (defmacro string-append (outputstr &rest args) `(setq ,outputstr (concatenate 'string ,outputstr ,@args))) (defun list-to-string (lst) "Converts a list to a string, doesn't include any delimiters between elements" (format nil "~{~A~}" lst)) (defun count-string-words (str) (declare (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (let ((n-words 0) (in-word nil)) (declare (fixnum n-words)) (do* ((len (length str)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i len) n-words) (declare (fixnum i)) (if (alphanumericp (schar str i)) (unless in-word (incf n-words) (setq in-word t)) (setq in-word nil))))) (defun position-char (char string start max) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)) (fixnum start max) (simple-string string)) (do* ((i start (1+ i))) ((= i max) nil) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (char= char (schar string i)) (return i)))) (defun position-not-char (char string start max) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)) (fixnum start max) (simple-string string)) (do* ((i start (1+ i))) ((= i max) nil) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (char/= char (schar string i)) (return i)))) (defun delimited-string-to-list (string &optional (separator #\space) skip-terminal) "split a string with delimiter" (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0)) (type string string) (type character separator)) (do* ((len (length string)) (output '()) (pos 0) (end (position-char separator string pos len) (position-char separator string pos len))) ((null end) (if (< pos len) (push (subseq string pos) output) (when (or (not skip-terminal) (zerop len)) (push "" output))) (nreverse output)) (declare (type fixnum pos len) (type (or null fixnum) end)) (push (subseq string pos end) output) (setq pos (1+ end)))) (defun list-to-delimited-string (list &optional (separator " ")) (format nil (concatenate 'string "~{~A~^" (string separator) "~}") list)) (defun string-invert (str) "Invert case of a string" (declare (optimize (speed 3) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0) (safety 0)) (simple-string str)) (let ((up nil) (down nil)) (block skip (loop for char of-type character across str do (cond ((upper-case-p char) (if down (return-from skip str) (setf up t))) ((lower-case-p char) (if up (return-from skip str) (setf down t))))) (if up (string-downcase str) (string-upcase str))))) (defun add-sql-quotes (s) (substitute-string-for-char s #\' "''")) (defun escape-backslashes (s) (substitute-string-for-char s #\\ "\\\\")) (defun substitute-string-for-char (procstr match-char subst-str) "Substitutes a string for a single matching character of a string" (substitute-chars-strings procstr (list (cons match-char subst-str)))) (defun string-substitute (string substring replacement-string) "String substitute by Larry Hunter. Obtained from Google" (let ((substring-length (length substring)) (last-end 0) (new-string "")) (do ((next-start (search substring string) (search substring string :start2 last-end))) ((null next-start) (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end))) (setq new-string (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end next-start) replacement-string)) (setq last-end (+ next-start substring-length))))) (defun string-trim-last-character (s) "Return the string less the last character" (let ((len (length s))) (if (plusp len) (subseq s 0 (1- len)) s))) (defun nstring-trim-last-character (s) "Return the string less the last character" (let ((len (length s))) (if (plusp len) (nsubseq s 0 (1- len)) s))) (defun string-hash (str &optional (bitmask 65535)) (let ((hash 0)) (declare (fixnum hash) (simple-string str)) (dotimes (i (length str)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setq hash (+ hash (char-code (char str i))))) (logand hash bitmask))) (defun is-string-empty (str) (zerop (length str))) (defvar *whitespace-chars* '(#\space #\tab #\return #\linefeed #+allegro #\%space #+lispworks #\No-Break-Space)) (defun is-char-whitespace (c) (declare (character c) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (or (char= c #\Space) (char= c #\Tab) (char= c #\Return) (char= c #\Linefeed) #+allegro (char= c #\%space) #+lispworks (char= c #\No-Break-Space))) (defun is-string-whitespace (str) "Return t if string is all whitespace" (every #'is-char-whitespace str)) (defun string-right-trim-whitespace (str) (string-right-trim *whitespace-chars* str)) (defun string-left-trim-whitespace (str) (string-left-trim *whitespace-chars* str)) (defun string-trim-whitespace (str) (string-trim *whitespace-chars* str)) (defun replaced-string-length (str repl-alist) (declare (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)) (orig-len (length str)) (new-len orig-len)) ((= i orig-len) new-len) (declare (fixnum i orig-len new-len)) (let* ((c (char str i)) (match (assoc c repl-alist :test #'char=))) (declare (character c)) (when match (incf new-len (1- (length (the simple-string (cdr match))))))))) (defun substitute-chars-strings (str repl-alist) "Replace all instances of a chars with a string. repl-alist is an assoc list of characters and replacement strings." (declare (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (do* ((orig-len (length str)) (new-string (make-string (replaced-string-length str repl-alist))) (spos 0 (1+ spos)) (dpos 0)) ((>= spos orig-len) new-string) (declare (fixnum spos dpos) (simple-string new-string)) (let* ((c (char str spos)) (match (assoc c repl-alist :test #'char=))) (declare (character c)) (if match (let* ((subst (cdr match)) (len (length subst))) (declare (fixnum len) (simple-string subst)) (dotimes (j len) (declare (fixnum j)) (setf (char new-string dpos) (char subst j)) (incf dpos))) (progn (setf (char new-string dpos) c) (incf dpos)))))) (defun escape-xml-string (string) "Escape invalid XML characters" (substitute-chars-strings string '((#\& . "&") (#\< . "<")))) (defun make-usb8-array (len) (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (defun usb8-array-to-string (vec &key (start 0) end) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vec) (fixnum start)) (unless end (setq end (length vec))) (let* ((len (- end start)) (str (make-string len))) (declare (fixnum len) (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i len) str) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (schar str i) (code-char (aref vec (the fixnum (+ i start)))))))) (defun string-to-usb8-array (str) (declare (simple-string str)) (let* ((len (length str)) (vec (make-usb8-array len))) (declare (fixnum len) (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vec) (optimize (speed 3))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i len) vec) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (aref vec i) (char-code (schar str i)))))) (defun concat-separated-strings (separator &rest lists) (format nil (concatenate 'string "~{~A~^" (string separator) "~}") (append-sublists lists))) (defun only-null-list-elements-p (lst) (or (null lst) (every #'null lst))) (defun print-separated-strings (strm separator &rest lists) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0))) (do* ((rest-lists lists (cdr rest-lists)) (list (car rest-lists) (car rest-lists)) (last-list (only-null-list-elements-p (cdr rest-lists)) (only-null-list-elements-p (cdr rest-lists)))) ((null rest-lists) strm) (do* ((lst list (cdr lst)) (elem (car lst) (car lst)) (last-elem (null (cdr lst)) (null (cdr lst)))) ((null lst)) (write-string elem strm) (unless (and last-elem last-list) (write-string separator strm))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defmacro def-prefixed-number-string (fn-name type &optional doc) `(defun ,fn-name (num pchar len) ,@(when (stringp doc) (list doc)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)) (fixnum len) (,type num)) (when pchar (incf len)) (do* ((zero-code (char-code #\0)) (result (make-string len :initial-element #\0)) (minus? (minusp num)) (val (if minus? (- num) num) (nth-value 0 (floor val 10))) (pos (1- len) (1- pos)) (mod (mod val 10) (mod val 10))) ((or (zerop val) (minusp pos)) (when pchar (setf (schar result 0) pchar)) (when minus? (setf (schar result (if pchar 1 0)) #\-)) result) (declare (,type val) (fixnum mod zero-code pos) (boolean minus?) (simple-string result)) (setf (schar result pos) (code-char (the fixnum (+ zero-code mod)))))))) (def-prefixed-number-string prefixed-fixnum-string fixnum "Outputs a string of LEN digit with an optional initial character PCHAR. Leading zeros are present. LEN must be a fixnum.") (def-prefixed-number-string prefixed-integer-string integer "Outputs a string of LEN digit with an optional initial character PCHAR. Leading zeros are present. LEN must be an integer.") (defun integer-string (num len) "Outputs a string of LEN digit with an optional initial character PCHAR. Leading zeros are present." (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)) (type fixnum len) (type integer num)) (do* ((zero-code (char-code #\0)) (result (make-string len :initial-element #\0)) (minus? (minusp num)) (val (if minus? (- 0 num) num) (nth-value 0 (floor val 10))) (pos (1- len) (1- pos)) (mod (mod val 10) (mod val 10))) ((or (zerop val) (minusp pos)) (when minus? (setf (schar result 0) #\-)) result) (declare (fixnum mod zero-code pos) (simple-string result) (integer val)) (setf (schar result pos) (code-char (+ zero-code mod))))) (defun fast-string-search (substr str substr-length startpos endpos) "Optimized search for a substring in a simple-string" (declare (simple-string substr str) (fixnum substr-length startpos endpos) (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0))) (do* ((pos startpos (1+ pos)) (lastpos (- endpos substr-length))) ((> pos lastpos) nil) (declare (fixnum pos lastpos)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i substr-length) (return-from fast-string-search pos)) (declare (fixnum i)) (unless (char= (schar str (+ i pos)) (schar substr i)) (return nil))))) (defun string-delimited-string-to-list (str substr) "splits a string delimited by substr into a list of strings" (declare (simple-string str substr) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0))) (do* ((substr-len (length substr)) (strlen (length str)) (output '()) (pos 0) (end (fast-string-search substr str substr-len pos strlen) (fast-string-search substr str substr-len pos strlen))) ((null end) (when (< pos strlen) (push (subseq str pos) output)) (nreverse output)) (declare (fixnum strlen substr-len pos) (type (or fixnum null) end)) (push (subseq str pos end) output) (setq pos (+ end substr-len)))) (defun string-to-list-skip-delimiter (str &optional (delim #\space)) "Return a list of strings, delimited by spaces, skipping spaces." (declare (simple-string str) (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (safety 0))) (do* ((results '()) (end (length str)) (i (position-not-char delim str 0 end) (position-not-char delim str j end)) (j (when i (position-char delim str i end)) (when i (position-char delim str i end)))) ((or (null i) (null j)) (when (and i (< i end)) (push (subseq str i end) results)) (nreverse results)) (declare (fixnum end) (type (or fixnum null) i j)) (push (subseq str i j) results))) (defun string-starts-with (start str) (and (>= (length str) (length start)) (string-equal start str :end2 (length start)))) (defun count-string-char (s c) "Return a count of the number of times a character appears in a string" (declare (simple-string s) (character c) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (do ((len (length s)) (i 0 (1+ i)) (count 0)) ((= i len) count) (declare (fixnum i len count)) (when (char= (schar s i) c) (incf count)))) (defun count-string-char-if (pred s) "Return a count of the number of times a predicate is true for characters in a string" (declare (simple-string s) (type (or function symbol) pred) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (do ((len (length s)) (i 0 (1+ i)) (count 0)) ((= i len) count) (declare (fixnum i len count)) (when (funcall pred (schar s i)) (incf count)))) ;;; URL Encoding (defun non-alphanumericp (ch) (not (alphanumericp ch))) (defvar +hex-chars+ "0123456789ABCDEF") (declaim (type simple-string +hex-chars+)) (defun hexchar (n) (declare (type (integer 0 15) n)) (schar +hex-chars+ n)) (defconstant* +char-code-lower-a+ (char-code #\a)) (defconstant* +char-code-upper-a+ (char-code #\A)) (defconstant* +char-code-0+ (char-code #\0)) (declaim (type fixnum +char-code-0+ +char-code-upper-a+ +char-code-0)) (defun charhex (ch) "convert hex character to decimal" (let ((code (char-code (char-upcase ch)))) (declare (fixnum ch)) (if (>= code +char-code-upper-a+) (+ 10 (- code +char-code-upper-a+)) (- code +char-code-0+)))) (defun binary-sequence-to-hex-string (seq) (let ((list (etypecase seq (list seq) (sequence (map 'list #'identity seq))))) (string-downcase (format nil "~{~2,'0X~}" list)))) (defun encode-uri-string (query) "Escape non-alphanumeric characters for URI fields" (declare (simple-string query) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (do* ((count (count-string-char-if #'non-alphanumericp query)) (len (length query)) (new-len (+ len (* 2 count))) (str (make-string new-len)) (spos 0 (1+ spos)) (dpos 0 (1+ dpos))) ((= spos len) str) (declare (fixnum count len new-len spos dpos) (simple-string str)) (let ((ch (schar query spos))) (if (non-alphanumericp ch) (let ((c (char-code ch))) (setf (schar str dpos) #\%) (incf dpos) (setf (schar str dpos) (hexchar (logand (ash c -4) 15))) (incf dpos) (setf (schar str dpos) (hexchar (logand c 15)))) (setf (schar str dpos) ch))))) (defun decode-uri-string (query) "Unescape non-alphanumeric characters for URI fields" (declare (simple-string query) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (do* ((count (count-string-char query #\%)) (len (length query)) (new-len (- len (* 2 count))) (str (make-string new-len)) (spos 0 (1+ spos)) (dpos 0 (1+ dpos))) ((= spos len) str) (declare (fixnum count len new-len spos dpos) (simple-string str)) (let ((ch (schar query spos))) (if (char= #\% ch) (let ((c1 (charhex (schar query (1+ spos)))) (c2 (charhex (schar query (+ spos 2))))) (declare (fixnum c1 c2)) (setf (schar str dpos) (code-char (logior c2 (ash c1 4)))) (incf spos 2)) (setf (schar str dpos) ch))))) (defun uri-query-to-alist (query) "Converts non-decoded URI query to an alist of settings" (mapcar (lambda (set) (let ((lst (kmrcl:delimited-string-to-list set #\=))) (cons (first lst) (second lst)))) (kmrcl:delimited-string-to-list (kmrcl:decode-uri-string query) #\&))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar +unambiguous-charset+ "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQSRTUVWXYZ") (defconstant* +unambiguous-length+ (length +unambiguous-charset+))) (defun random-char (&optional (set :lower-alpha)) (ecase set (:lower-alpha (code-char (+ +char-code-lower-a+ (random 26)))) (:lower-alphanumeric (let ((n (random 36))) (if (>= n 26) (code-char (+ +char-code-0+ (- n 26))) (code-char (+ +char-code-lower-a+ n))))) (:upper-alpha (code-char (+ +char-code-upper-a+ (random 26)))) (:unambiguous (schar +unambiguous-charset+ (random +unambiguous-length+))) (:upper-lower-alpha (let ((n (random 52))) (if (>= n 26) (code-char (+ +char-code-upper-a+ (- n 26))) (code-char (+ +char-code-lower-a+ n))))))) (defun random-string (&key (length 10) (set :lower-alpha)) "Returns a random lower-case string." (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((s (make-string length))) (declare (simple-string s)) (dotimes (i length s) (setf (schar s i) (random-char set))))) (defun first-char (s) (declare (simple-string s)) (when (and (stringp s) (plusp (length s))) (schar s 0))) (defun last-char (s) (declare (simple-string s)) (when (stringp s) (let ((len (length s))) (when (plusp len)) (schar s (1- len))))) (defun ensure-string (v) (typecase v (string v) (character (string v)) (symbol (symbol-name v)) (otherwise (write-to-string v)))) (defun string-right-trim-one-char (char str) (declare (simple-string str)) (let* ((len (length str)) (last (1- len))) (declare (fixnum len last)) (if (char= char (schar str last)) (subseq str 0 last) str))) (defun remove-char-string (char str) (declare (character char) (string str)) (do* ((len (length str)) (out (make-string len)) (pos 0 (1+ pos)) (opos 0)) ((= pos len) (subseq out 0 opos)) (declare (fixnum pos opos len) (simple-string out)) (let ((c (char str pos))) (declare (character c)) (when (char/= c char) (setf (schar out opos) c) (incf opos))))) (defun string-strip-ending (str endings) (if (stringp endings) (setq endings (list endings))) (let ((len (length str))) (dolist (ending endings str) (when (and (>= len (length ending)) (string-equal ending (subseq str (- len (length ending))))) (return-from string-strip-ending (subseq str 0 (- len (length ending)))))))) (defun string-maybe-shorten (str maxlen) (string-elide str maxlen :end)) (defun string-elide (str maxlen position) (declare (fixnum maxlen)) (let ((len (length str))) (declare (fixnum len)) (cond ((<= len maxlen) str) ((<= maxlen 3) "...") ((eq position :middle) (multiple-value-bind (mid remain) (truncate maxlen 2) (let ((end1 (- mid 1)) (start2 (- len (- mid 2) remain))) (concatenate 'string (subseq str 0 end1) "..." (subseq str start2))))) ((or (eq position :end) t) (concatenate 'string (subseq str 0 (- maxlen 3)) "..."))))) (defun shrink-vector (str size) #+allegro (excl::.primcall 'sys::shrink-svector str size) #+cmu (lisp::shrink-vector str size) #+lispworks (system::shrink-vector$vector str size) #+sbcl (sb-kernel:shrink-vector str size) #+scl (common-lisp::shrink-vector str size) #-(or allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl) (setq str (subseq str 0 size)) str) (defun lex-string (string &key (whitespace '(#\space #\newline))) "Separates a string at whitespace and returns a list of strings" (flet ((is-sep (char) (member char whitespace :test #'char=))) (let ((tokens nil)) (do* ((token-start (position-if-not #'is-sep string) (when token-end (position-if-not #'is-sep string :start (1+ token-end)))) (token-end (when token-start (position-if #'is-sep string :start token-start)) (when token-start (position-if #'is-sep string :start token-start)))) ((null token-start) (nreverse tokens)) (push (subseq string token-start token-end) tokens))))) (defun split-alphanumeric-string (string) "Separates a string at any non-alphanumeric chararacter" (declare (simple-string string) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (flet ((is-sep (char) (declare (character char)) (and (non-alphanumericp char) (not (char= #\_ char))))) (let ((tokens nil)) (do* ((token-start (position-if-not #'is-sep string) (when token-end (position-if-not #'is-sep string :start (1+ token-end)))) (token-end (when token-start (position-if #'is-sep string :start token-start)) (when token-start (position-if #'is-sep string :start token-start)))) ((null token-start) (nreverse tokens)) (push (subseq string token-start token-end) tokens))))) (defun trim-non-alphanumeric (word) "Strip non-alphanumeric characters from beginning and end of a word." (declare (simple-string word) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))) (let* ((start 0) (len (length word)) (end len)) (declare (fixnum start end len)) (do ((done nil)) ((or done (= start end))) (if (alphanumericp (schar word start)) (setq done t) (incf start))) (when (> end start) (do ((done nil)) ((or done (= start end))) (if (alphanumericp (schar word (1- end))) (setq done t) (decf end)))) (if (or (plusp start) (/= len end)) (subseq word start end) word))) (defun collapse-whitespace (s) "Convert multiple whitespace characters to a single space character." (declare (simple-string s) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (with-output-to-string (stream) (do ((pos 0 (1+ pos)) (in-white nil) (len (length s))) ((= pos len)) (declare (fixnum pos len)) (let ((c (schar s pos))) (declare (character c)) (cond ((kl:is-char-whitespace c) (unless in-white (write-char #\space stream)) (setq in-white t)) (t (setq in-white nil) (write-char c stream))))))) (defun string->list (string) (let ((eof (list nil))) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (do ((x (read stream nil eof) (read stream nil eof)) (l nil (cons x l))) ((eq x eof) (nreverse l)))))) (defun safely-read-from-string (str &rest read-from-string-args) "Read an expression from the string STR, with *READ-EVAL* set to NIL. Any unsafe expressions will be replaced by NIL in the resulting S-Expression." (let ((*read-eval* nil)) (ignore-errors (apply 'read-from-string str read-from-string-args)))) (defun parse-float (f) (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (coerce (safely-read-from-string f) 'double-float)))