;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: kmrcl-tests -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: kmrcl-tests.lisp ;;;; Purpose: kmrcl tests file ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2003 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file is Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:cl) (defpackage #:kmrcl-tests (:use #:kmrcl #:cl #:rtest)) (in-package #:kmrcl-tests) (rem-all-tests) (deftest :str.0 (substitute-chars-strings "" nil) "") (deftest :str.1 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" nil) "abcd") (deftest :str.2 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" nil) "abcd") (deftest :str.3 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" '((#\j . "ef"))) "abcd") (deftest :str.4 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" '((#\a . "ef"))) "efbcd") (deftest :str.5 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" '((#\a . "ef") (#\j . "ghi"))) "efbcd") (deftest :str.6 (substitute-chars-strings "abcd" '((#\a . "ef") (#\d . "ghi"))) "efbcghi") (deftest :str.7 (escape-xml-string "") "") (deftest :str.8 (escape-xml-string "abcd") "abcd") (deftest :str.9 (escape-xml-string "ab&cd") "ab&cd") (deftest :str.10 (escape-xml-string "ab&cd<") "ab&cd<") (deftest :str.12 (string-trim-last-character "") "") (deftest :str.13 (string-trim-last-character "a") "") (deftest :str.14 (string-trim-last-character "ab") "a") (deftest :str.15 (nstring-trim-last-character "") "") (deftest :str.16 (nstring-trim-last-character "a") "") (deftest :str.17 (nstring-trim-last-character "ab") "a") (deftest :str.18 (delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" #\|) ("ab" "cd" "ef")) (deftest :str.19 (delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" #\| t) ("ab" "cd" "ef")) (deftest :str.20 (delimited-string-to-list "") ("")) (deftest :str.21 (delimited-string-to-list "" #\space t) ("")) (deftest :str.22 (delimited-string-to-list "ab") ("ab")) (deftest :str.23 (delimited-string-to-list "ab" #\space t) ("ab")) (deftest :str.24 (delimited-string-to-list "ab|" #\|) ("ab" "")) (deftest :str.25 (delimited-string-to-list "ab|" #\| t) ("ab")) (deftest :sdstl.1 (string-delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" "|a") ("ab|cd|ef")) (deftest :sdstl.2 (string-delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" "|") ("ab" "cd" "ef")) (deftest :sdstl.3 (string-delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" "cd") ("ab|" "|ef")) (deftest :sdstl.4 (string-delimited-string-to-list "ab|cd|ef" "ab") ("" "|cd|ef")) (deftest :apsl.1 (append-sublists '((a b) (c d))) (a b c d)) (deftest :apsl.2 (append-sublists nil) nil) (deftest :apsl.3 (append-sublists '((a b))) (a b)) (deftest :apsl.4 (append-sublists '((a))) (a)) (deftest :apsl.5 (append-sublists '((a) (b) (c d (e f g)))) (a b c d (e f g))) (deftest :pss.0 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" nil)) "") (deftest :pss.1 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" '("ab")) ) "ab") (deftest :pss.2 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" '("ab" "cd"))) "ab|cd") (deftest :pss.3 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" '("ab" "cd") nil)) "ab|cd") (deftest :pss.4 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" '("ab" "cd") nil nil)) "ab|cd") (deftest :pss.5 (with-output-to-string (s) (print-separated-strings s "|" '("ab" "cd") nil '("ef") nil)) "ab|cd|ef") (deftest :css.0 (concat-separated-strings "|" nil) "") (deftest :css.1 (concat-separated-strings "|" nil nil) "") (deftest :css.2 (concat-separated-strings "|" '("ab")) "ab") (deftest :css.3 (concat-separated-strings "|" '("ab" "cd")) "ab|cd") (deftest :css.4 (concat-separated-strings "|" '("ab" "cd") nil) "ab|cd") (deftest :css.5 (concat-separated-strings "|" '("ab" "cd") nil '("ef")) "ab|cd|ef") (deftest :f.1 (map-and-remove-nils #'(lambda (x) (when (oddp x) (* x x))) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (1 9 25 49 81)) (deftest :f.2 (filter #'(lambda (x) (when (oddp x) (* x x))) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (1 3 5 7 9)) (deftest :an.1 (appendnew '(a b c d) '(c c e f)) (a b c d e f)) (deftest :pxml.1 (xml-tag-contents "tag1" "Test") nil nil nil) (deftest :pxml.2 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Test") "Test" 15 nil) (deftest :pxml.3 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Test") "Test" 17 nil) (deftest :pxml.4 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "") "" 17 ("a=\"b\"")) (deftest :pxml.5 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Test") "Test" 22 ("a=\"b\"")) (deftest :pxml.6 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Test") "Test" 29 ("a=\"b\"" "c=\"ab\"")) (deftest :pxml.7 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Test") nil nil nil) (deftest :pxml.8 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Testab") "ab" 37 nil) (deftest :pxml.9 (xml-tag-contents "tag" "Testab") nil nil nil) (deftest :fss.1 (fast-string-search "" "" 0 0 0) 0) (deftest :fss.2 (fast-string-search "" "abc" 0 0 2) 0) (deftest :fss.3 (fast-string-search "abc" "" 3 0 0) nil) (deftest :fss.4 (fast-string-search "abc" "abcde" 3 0 4) 0) (deftest :fss.5 (fast-string-search "abc" "012abcde" 3 0 7) 3) (deftest :fss.6 (fast-string-search "abc" "012abcde" 3 0 7) 3) (deftest :fss.7 (fast-string-search "abc" "012abcde" 3 3 7) 3) (deftest :fss.8 (fast-string-search "abc" "012abcde" 3 4 7) nil) (deftest :fss.9 (fast-string-search "abcde" "012abcde" 5 3 8) 3) (deftest :fss.9b (cl:search "abcde" "012abcde" :start2 3 :end2 8) 3) (deftest :fss.10 (fast-string-search "abcde" "012abcde" 5 3 7) nil) (deftest :fss.10b (cl:search "abcde" "012abcde" :start2 3 :end2 7) nil) (deftest :stlsd.1 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "") ()) (deftest :stlsd.2 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "abc") ("abc")) (deftest :stlsd.3 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab c") ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.4 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab c") ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.5 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab c") ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.6 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab c ") ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.7 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter " ab c ") ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.8 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab,,c" #\,) ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.9 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter "ab,,c,," #\,) ("ab" "c")) (deftest :stlsd.10 (string-to-list-skip-delimiter " ab") ("ab")) (deftest :csc.1 (count-string-char "" #\a) 0) (deftest :csc.2 (count-string-char "abc" #\d) 0) (deftest :csc.3 (count-string-char "abc" #\b) 1) (deftest :csc.4 (count-string-char "abcb" #\b) 2) (deftest :duqs.1 (decode-uri-query-string "") "") (deftest :duqs.2 (decode-uri-query-string "abc") "abc") (deftest :duqs.3 (decode-uri-query-string "abc+") "abc ") (deftest :duqs.4 (decode-uri-query-string "abc+d") "abc d") (deftest :duqs.5 (decode-uri-query-string "abc%20d") "abc d") (deftest :sse.1 (string-strip-ending "" nil) "") (deftest :sse.2 (string-strip-ending "abc" nil) "abc") (deftest :sse.3 (string-strip-ending "abc" "ab") "abc") (deftest :sse.4 (string-strip-ending "abc" '("ab")) "abc") (deftest :sse.5 (string-strip-ending "abcd" '("a" "cd")) "ab") (defun test-color-conversion () (dotimes (ih 11) (dotimes (is 11) (dotimes (iv 11) (let ((h (* ih 30)) (s (/ is 10)) (v (/ iv 10))) (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (hsv->rgb h s v) (multiple-value-bind (h2 s2 v2) (rgb->hsv r g b) (unless (hsv-equal h s v h2 s2 v2) (warn "Colors not equal: ~4D ~4D ~4D | ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D~%" (float r) (float g) (float b) (when (typep h 'number) (float h)) (when (typep h2 'number) (float h2)) (float s) (float s2) (float v) (float v2)) (return-from test-color-conversion nil)))))))) t) (defun test-color-conversion-float-255 () (dotimes (ih 11) (dotimes (is 11) (dotimes (iv 11) (let ((h (* ih 30)) (s (/ is 10)) (v (/ iv 10))) (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (hsv->rgb h s v) (setf r (round (* 255 r)) g (round (* 255 g)) b (round (* 255 b))) (multiple-value-bind (h2 s2 v2) (rgb255->hsv255 r g b) (unless (hsv-similar h s v h2 (/ s2 255) (/ v2 255) :hue-range 10 :saturation-range .1 :value-range 1 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) (warn "Colors not equal: ~4D ~4D ~4D | ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D~%" r g b (when (typep h 'number) (float h)) (when (typep h2 'number) (float h2)) (float s) (float (/ s2 255)) (float v) (float (/ v2 255))) (return-from test-color-conversion-float-255 nil)))))))) t) (defun test-color-conversion-255-float () (dotimes (ih 11) (dotimes (is 11) (dotimes (iv 11) (let ((h (* ih 30)) (s (/ is 10)) (v (/ iv 10))) (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (hsv255->rgb255 h (truncate (* 255 s)) (truncate (* 255 v))) (setf r (/ r 255) g (/ g 255) b (/ b 255)) (multiple-value-bind (h2 s2 v2) (rgb->hsv r g b) (unless (hsv-similar h s v h2 s2 v2 :hue-range 10 :saturation-range .1 :value-range 1 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) (warn "Colors not equal: ~4D ~4D ~4D | ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D ~6D:~6D~%" r g b (when (typep h 'number) (float h)) (when (typep h2 'number) (float h2)) (float s) (float (/ s2 255)) (float v) (float (/ v2 255))) (return-from test-color-conversion-255-float nil)))))))) t) (defun test-color-conversion-255 () (dotimes (ih 11) (dotimes (is 11) (dotimes (iv 11) (let ((h (* ih 30)) (s (truncate (* 255 (/ is 10)))) (v (truncate (* 255 (/ iv 10))))) (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (hsv255->rgb255 h s v) (multiple-value-bind (h2 s2 v2) (rgb255->hsv255 r g b) (unless (hsv255-similar h s v h2 s2 v2 :hue-range 10 :saturation-range 5 :value-range 5 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) (warn "Colors not equal: ~D ~D ~D |~ ~3,'0D:~3,'0D ~3,'0D:~3,'0D ~3,'0D:~3,'0D~%" r g b h h2 s s2 v v2) (return-from test-color-conversion-255 nil)))))))) t) (deftest :color.conv (test-color-conversion) t) (deftest :color.conv.float.255 (test-color-conversion-float-255) t) (deftest :color.conv.255.float (test-color-conversion-255-float) t) (deftest :color.conv.255 (test-color-conversion-255) t) (deftest :hue.diff.1 (hue-difference 10 10) 0) (deftest :hue.diff.2 (hue-difference 10 9) -1) (deftest :hue.diff.3 (hue-difference 9 10) 1) (deftest :hue.diff.4 (hue-difference 10 nil) 360) (deftest :hue.diff.5 (hue-difference nil 1) 360) (deftest :hue.diff.7 (hue-difference 10 190) 180) (deftest :hue.diff.8 (hue-difference 190 10) -180) (deftest :hue.diff.9 (hue-difference 1 359) -2) (deftest :hue.diff.10 (hue-difference 1 182) -179) (deftest :hue.diff.11 (hue-difference 1 270) -91) (deftest :hsv.sim.1 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .5 .5 :hue-range 5 :value-range 0 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) nil) (deftest :hsv.sim.2 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .5 .5 :hue-range 15 :value-range 0 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) t) (deftest :hsv.sim.3 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .5 .6 :hue-range 15 :value-range .2 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) t) (deftest :hsv.sim.4 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .5 .8 :hue-range 15 :value-range 0.2 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) nil) (deftest :hsv.sim.5 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .6 .6 :hue-range 15 :value-range 0.2 :saturation-range .2 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) t) (deftest :hsv.sim.6 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .5 110 .6 .8 :hue-range 15 :value-range 0.2 :saturation-range .2 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit 0) nil) (deftest :hsv.sim.7 (hsv-similar 100 .5 .05 110 .6 .01 :hue-range 0 :value-range 0 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit .1 :gray-limit 0) t) (deftest :hsv.sim.8 (hsv-similar 100 .01 .5 110 .09 .6 :hue-range 0 :value-range 0.2 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit .1) t) (deftest :hsv.sim.9 (hsv-similar 100 .01 .5 110 .09 .6 :hue-range 0 :value-range 0.05 :saturation-range 0 :black-limit 0 :gray-limit .1) nil) #+ignore (progn (deftest :dst.1 (is-dst-change-usa-spring-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 2 4 2000)) t) (deftest :dst.2 (is-dst-change-usa-spring-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 4 2000)) nil) (deftest :dst.3 (is-dst-change-usa-spring-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 3 4 2000)) nil) (deftest :dst.4 (is-dst-change-usa-fall-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 31 10 2004)) t) (deftest :dst.5 (is-dst-change-usa-fall-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 30 10 2004)) nil) (deftest :dst.6 (is-dst-change-usa-fall-utime (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 11 2000)) nil) ) (deftest :ekdc.1 (ensure-keyword-default-case (read-from-string "TYPE")) :type) (deftest :ekdc.2 (ensure-keyword-default-case (read-from-string "type")) :type) (deftest :se.1 (string-elide "A Test string" 10 :end) "A Test ..." ) (deftest :se.2 (string-elide "A Test string" 13 :end) "A Test string") (deftest :se.3 (string-elide "A Test string" 11 :end) "A Test s..." ) (deftest :se.4 (string-elide "A Test string" 2 :middle) "...") (deftest :se.5 (string-elide "A Test string" 11 :middle) "A Te...ring") (deftest :se.6 (string-elide "A Test string" 12 :middle) "A Tes...ring") (deftest :url.1 (make-url "pg") "pg") (deftest :url.2 (make-url "pg" :anchor "now") "pg#now") (deftest :url.3 (make-url "pg" :vars '(("a" . "5"))) "pg?a=5") (deftest :url.4 (make-url "pg" :anchor "then" :vars '(("a" . "5") ("b" . "pi"))) "pg?a=5&b=pi#then") (defclass test-unique () ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b))) (deftest :unique.1 (let ((list (list (make-instance 'test-unique :a 1 :b 1) (make-instance 'test-unique :a 2 :b 2) (make-instance 'test-unique :a 3 :b 2)))) (values (unique-slot-values list 'a) (unique-slot-values list 'b))) (1 2 3) (1 2)) (deftest :unique.2 (unique-slot-values nil 'a) nil) (deftest :nwp.1 (numbers-within-percentage 1. 1.1 9) nil) (deftest :nwp.2 (numbers-within-percentage 1. 1.1 11) t) ;;; MOP Testing ;; Disable attrib class until understand changes in sbcl/cmucl ;; using COMPUTE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-INFO and defining method ;; for slot access of ALL-ATTRIBUTES. Does this work on Allegro/LW? #+ignore (progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (when (find-package '#:kmr-mop) (pushnew :kmrtest-mop cl:*features*))) #+kmrtest-mop (setf (find-class 'monitored-credit-rating) nil) #+kmrtest-mop (setf (find-class 'credit-rating) nil) #+kmrtest-mop (defclass credit-rating () ((level :attributes (date-set time-set)) (id :attributes (person-setting))) #+lispworks (:optimize-slot-access nil) (:metaclass attributes-class)) #+kmrtest-mop (defclass monitored-credit-rating () ((level :attributes (last-checked interval date-set)) (cc :initarg :cc) (id :attributes (verified))) (:metaclass attributes-class)) #+kmrtest-mop (deftest :attrib.mop.1 (let ((cr (make-instance 'credit-rating))) (slot-attribute cr 'level 'date-set)) nil) #+kmrtest-mop (deftest :attrib.mop.2 (let ((cr (make-instance 'credit-rating))) (setf (slot-attribute cr 'level 'date-set) "12/15/1990") (let ((result (slot-attribute cr 'level 'date-set))) (setf (slot-attribute cr 'level 'date-set) nil) result)) "12/15/1990") #+kmrtest-mop (deftest :attrib.mop.3 (let ((mcr (make-instance 'monitored-credit-rating))) (setf (slot-attribute mcr 'level 'date-set) "01/05/2002") (let ((result (slot-attribute mcr 'level 'date-set))) (setf (slot-attribute mcr 'level 'date-set) nil) result)) "01/05/2002") #+kmrtest-mop (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setq cl:*features* (delete :kmrtest-mop cl:*features*))) ) ;; progn