;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: downloads.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Generate downloads page ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Aug 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: downloads.lisp,v 1.10 2003/06/07 22:46:04 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of LML, is Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; LML users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 ;;;; (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:lml) (defvar *dl-base*) (defvar *dl-url*) (defvar *base-name*) (defvar *section-indent* 0) (defvar *signed* nil) (defun list-files (files) "List files in a directory for downloading" ;;files.sort() (mapcar #'print-file files)) (defun strip-dl-base (file) (let ((fdir (pathname-directory file)) (bdir (pathname-directory *dl-base*))) (make-pathname :name (pathname-name file) :type (pathname-type file) :directory (when (> (length fdir) (length bdir)) (append '(:absolute) (subseq fdir (length bdir) (length fdir))))))) (defun print-file (file) (let ((size 0) (modtime (date-string (file-write-date file))) (basename (namestring (make-pathname :name (pathname-name file) :type (pathname-type file)))) (dl-name (strip-dl-base file)) (sig-path (concatenate 'string (namestring file) ".asc"))) (when (plusp (length basename)) (with-open-file (strm file :direction :input) (setq size (round (/ (file-length strm) 1024)))) (lml-format "~A" *dl-url* dl-name basename) (lml-princ "") (lml-format " (~A, ~:D KB)" modtime size) (when (probe-file sig-path) (setq *signed* t) (lml-format " [Signature]" *dl-url* dl-name)) (br)))) (defun display-header (name url) (lml-princ "


") (lml-princ "
") (lml-format "

Browse ~A Download Site

" name) (lml-format "~A" url url)) (defun display-footer () (when *signed* (lml-princ "

GPG Public Key

") (lml-princ "Use this key to verify file signtatures")) (lml-princ "
")) (defun print-sect-title (title) (lml-format "~A" *section-indent* title *section-indent*)) (defun match-base-name? (name) (let ((len-base-name (length *base-name*))) (when (>= (length name) len-base-name) (string= name *base-name* :end1 len-base-name :end2 len-base-name)))) (defun filter-against-base (files) (delete-if-not #'(lambda (f) (match-base-name? (pathname-name f))) files)) (defun sort-pathnames (list) (sort list #'(lambda (a b) (string< (namestring a) (namestring b))))) (defun display-one-section (title pat) (let ((files (sort-pathnames (filter-against-base (directory pat))))) (when files (print-sect-title title) (lml-princ "
") (list-files files) (lml-princ "
")))) (defun display-sections (sects) (when sects (let ((title (car sects)) (value (cadr sects))) (if (consp title) (dolist (sect sects) (display-sections sect)) (if (consp value) (progn (print-sect-title title) (incf *section-indent*) (display-sections value) (decf *section-indent*)) (display-one-section title value)))))) (defun display-page (pkg-name pkg-base dl-base dl-url sects) (let ((*section-indent* 3) (*dl-base* dl-base) (*dl-url* dl-url) (*base-name* pkg-base) (*signed* nil)) (display-header pkg-name dl-url) (map nil #'display-sections sects) (display-footer))) (defun std-dl-page (pkg-name pkg-base dl-base dl-url) (let ((base (parse-namestring dl-base))) (let ((tgz-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "gz" :name :wild)) (zip-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "zip" :name :wild)) (doc-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "pdf" :name :wild))) (display-page pkg-name pkg-base dl-base dl-url `(("Manual" ,doc-path) ("Source Code" (("Unix (.tar.gz)" ,tgz-path) ("Windows (.zip)" ,zip-path)))))))) (defun full-dl-page (pkg-name pkg-base dl-base dl-url) (let ((base (parse-namestring dl-base))) (let ((tgz-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "gz" :name :wild)) (zip-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "zip" :name :wild)) (doc-path (make-pathname :defaults base :type "pdf" :name :wild)) (deb-path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "linux-debian") :type :wild :name :wild) base)) (rpm-path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "linux-rpm") :type :wild :name :wild) base)) (w32-path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "win32") :type :wild :name :wild) base))) (display-page pkg-name pkg-base dl-base dl-url `(("Manual" ,doc-path) ("Source Code" (("Unix (.tar.gz)" ,tgz-path) ("Windows (.zip)" ,zip-path))) ("Binaries" (("Linux Binaries" (("Debian Linux" ,deb-path) ("RedHat Linux" ,rpm-path))) ("Windows Binaries" ,w32-path))))))))