;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: base.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Lisp Markup Language functions ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Aug 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of LML2, is Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Kevin Rosenberg. ;;;; Rights of modification and redistribution are in the LICENSE file. ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:lml2) (defun lml-format (str &rest args) (when (streamp *html-stream*) (if args (apply #'format *html-stream* str args) (write-string str *html-stream*)))) (defun lml-princ (s) (princ s *html-stream*)) (defun lml-print (s) (format *html-stream* "~A~%" s)) (defun lml-write-char (char) (write-char char *html-stream*)) (defun lml-write-string (str) (write-string str *html-stream*)) (defun lml-print-date (date) (lml-write-string (date-string date))) (defun xml-header-stream (stream &key (version "1.0") (standalone :unspecified) (encoding :unspecified)) (format stream "" version (if (eq standalone :unspecified) "" (format nil " standalone=\"~A\"" standalone)) (if (eq encoding :unspecified) "" (format nil " encoding=\"~A\"" encoding)))) (defun dtd-prologue (&optional (format :xhtml11) &key entities) (case format ((:xhtml :xhtml11 :xhtml10-strict :xhtml10-transitional :xhtml10-frameset :xml) (lml-write-string +xml-prologue-string+) (lml-write-char #\newline) (case format ((:xhtml11 :xhtml) (lml-write-string +xhtml11-dtd-string+)) (:xhtml10-strict (lml-write-string +xhtml10-strict-dtd-string+)) (:xhtml10-transitional (lml-write-string +xhtml10-transitional-dtd-string+)) (:xhtml10-frameset (lml-write-string +xhtml10-frameset-dtd-string+))) (when entities (lml-write-char #\space) (lml-write-char #\[) (lml-write-char #\Newline) (lml-write-string entities) (lml-write-char #\Newline) (lml-write-char #\])) (lml-write-char #\>)) (:html (lml-write-string +html4-dtd-string+))) (lml-write-char #\newline)) (defmacro html-file-page ((out-file &key (format :xhtml11)) &body body) `(with-open-file (*html-stream* (lml-file-name ',out-file :output) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (dtd-prologue ,format) (html ((:html :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") ,@body)))) (defmacro alink (url desc) `(html ((:a :href ,url) ,desc))) (defmacro alink-c (class url desc) `(html ((:a :class ,class :href ,url) ,desc)))