;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: reversi -*- ;;;;*************************************************************************** ;;;; ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: io-clim.lisp ;;;; Purpose: CLIM GUI for reversi ;;;; Programer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: 1 Nov 2001 ;;;; ;;;; $Id: io-clim.lisp,v 1.7 2003/04/01 17:59:51 kevin Exp $ ;;;; ;;;; This file is Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; Reversi users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;;*************************************************************************** (in-package :reversi) (defparameter cell-inner-width 40) (defparameter cell-inner-height 40) (defparameter half-cell-inner-width 20) (defparameter half-cell-inner-height 20) (defparameter line-thickness 2) (defparameter piece-radius 16) (defparameter cell-width (+ line-thickness cell-inner-width)) (defparameter cell-height (+ line-thickness cell-inner-height)) (defparameter label-height 42) (defparameter label-width 42) (defparameter board-width (+ 30 (* 8 cell-width))) (defparameter board-height (+ 30 (* 8 cell-height))) (defparameter status-width 300) (defstruct (gui-player (:constructor make-gui-player-struct)) id name searcher eval ply strategy start-time searcher-id eval-id) (defun make-gui-player (&key id name strategy searcher-id eval-id (ply 0)) (let ((p (make-gui-player-struct :id id :ply ply :name name :strategy strategy :searcher-id searcher-id :eval-id eval-id)) (search-func (cond ((eq searcher-id :human) #'human) ((eq searcher-id :minimax) #'minimax-searcher) ((eq searcher-id :alpha-beta) #'alpha-beta-searcher) ((eq searcher-id :alpha-beta2) #'alpha-beta-searcher2) ((eq searcher-id :alpha-beta3) #'alpha-beta-searcher3) ((eq searcher-id :random) #'random-strategy))) (eval-func (cond ((eq eval-id :difference) #'count-difference) ((eq eval-id :weighted) #'weighted-squares) ((eq eval-id :modified-weighted) #'modified-weighted-squares) ((eq eval-id :iago) #'iago-eval)))) (unless strategy (cond ((eq search-func #'human) ) ((eq search-func #'random-strategy) (setf (gui-player-strategy p) search-func)) (t (setf (gui-player-strategy p) (funcall search-func ply eval-func))))) p)) (defun gui-player-human? (gp) (eql (gui-player-searcher-id gp) :human)) (defun current-gui-player (frame) (if frame (aif (reversi-game frame) (cond ((null (player it)) nil) ((= (player it) black) (black-player frame)) ((= (player it) white) (white-player frame)) (t nil)) nil) nil)) (defun current-gui-player-human? (frame) #+ignore (aif (current-gui-player frame) (gui-player-human? it) nil) (gui-player-human? (current-gui-player frame)) ) (define-application-frame reversi () ((game :initform nil :accessor reversi-game) (minutes :initform 30 :accessor minutes) (black-player :initform nil :accessor black-player) (white-player :initform nil :accessor white-player) (debug-messages :initform nil :accessor debug-messages) (msgbar-string :initform nil :accessor msgbar-string) (human-time-start :initform nil :accessor reversi-human-time-start)) (:panes (board :application :display-function 'draw-board :text-style '(:sans-serif :bold :very-large) ;; :incremental-redisplay t :text-cursor nil :background +green+ :borders nil :scroll-bars nil :width (+ label-width board-width) :height (+ label-height board-height) :min-width board-width :min-height board-height :max-width +fill+ :max-height +fill+ ) (status :application :display-function 'draw-status :text-style '(:sans-serif :bold :large) :incremental-redisplay t :text-cursor nil :background +white+ :scroll-bars nil :width status-width :max-width +fill+ :max-height +fill+ :height :compute) (history :application :display-function 'draw-history :text-style '(:fix :roman :normal) :incremental-redisplay t :text-cursor nil :background +white+ :width 220 :height :compute :min-width 100 :initial-cursor-visibility :on :scroll-bars :vertical :max-width +fill+ :max-height +fill+ :end-of-page-action :scroll :end-of-line-action :scroll) (debug-window :application :display-function 'draw-debug-window :text-style '(:serif :roman :normal) :incremental-redisplay t :text-cursor nil :background +white+ :width :compute :height :compute :scroll-bars :vertical :max-width +fill+ :max-height +fill+ :end-of-page-action :scroll :end-of-line-action :scroll ) (msgbar :application :display-function 'draw-msgbar :text-style '(:sans-serif :roman :normal) :incremental-redisplay t :text-cursor nil :background (make-rgb-color 0.75 0.75 0.75) :foreground +red+ :scroll-bars nil :width :compute :height 25 :max-width +fill+ :max-height +fill+ :end-of-page-action :scroll :end-of-line-action :scroll)) (:pointer-documentation nil) (:command-table (reversi :inherit-from (user-command-table reversi-game-table reversi-help-table) :menu (("Game" :menu reversi-game-table :keystroke #\G :documentation "Game commands") ("Help" :menu reversi-help-table :keystroke #\H :documentation "Help Commands")))) (:menu-bar t) (:layouts (default (horizontally () (vertically () (horizontally () board status) msgbar debug-window) history) )) ) ;;(:spacing 3) (defmethod frame-standard-input ((reversi reversi)) (get-frame-pane reversi 'debug-window)) (defmethod frame-standard-output ((reversi reversi)) (get-frame-pane reversi 'debug-window)) (defmethod run-frame-top-level :before ((reversi reversi) &key) (initialize-reversi reversi)) (defmethod read-frame-command ((reversi reversi) &key (stream *standard-input*)) (let ((abort-chars #+Genera '(#\Abort #\End) #-Genera nil)) (let ((command (read-command-using-keystrokes (frame-command-table reversi) abort-chars :stream stream))) (if (characterp command) (frame-exit reversi) command)))) (define-presentation-type reversi-cell () :inherit-from '(integer 11 88)) #-lispworks (define-presentation-method highlight-presentation ((type reversi-cell) record stream state) state (multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff) (clim::convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates stream (output-record-parent record)) (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) record (draw-rectangle* stream (+ left xoff) (+ top yoff) (+ right xoff) (+ bottom yoff) :ink +flipping-ink+)))) (define-reversi-command com-select-cell ((move 'reversi-cell)) (with-application-frame (frame) (with-slots (game) frame (let ((gui-player (current-gui-player frame))) (when (and game gui-player (gui-player-human? gui-player)) (if (not (legal-p move (gui-player-id gui-player) (board game))) (set-msgbar frame (format nil "Illegal move: ~a" (symbol-name (88->h8 move)))) (progn (decf (elt (clock game) (player game)) (- (get-internal-real-time) (gui-player-start-time gui-player))) (make-move-gui game move (gui-player-id gui-player)) (setf (player game) (next-to-play (board game) (player game))) (get-move-gui frame)))))))) (define-presentation-to-command-translator select-cell (reversi-cell com-select-cell reversi :documentation "Select cell" :tester ((object frame window) (cell-selectable-p object frame window))) (object) (list object)) (defun cell-selectable-p (object frame window) (when (and (eq (get-frame-pane frame 'board) window) (reversi-game frame)) (let ((game (reversi-game frame))) (if (legal-p object (player game) (board game)) t nil)))) (defun new-game-gui (frame) (setf (reversi-game frame) (make-game (gui-player-strategy (black-player frame)) (gui-player-strategy (white-player frame)) :record-game t :print nil :minutes (minutes frame))) (set-msgbar frame "New Game") (get-move-gui frame)) (defmethod initialize-reversi ((reversi reversi)) (setf (black-player reversi) (make-gui-player :id black :searcher-id :human) ) (setf (white-player reversi) (make-gui-player :id white :searcher-id :alpha-beta3 :eval-id :iago :ply 5))) (defun square-number (row column) (declare (fixnum row column)) (+ (* 10 (1+ row)) (1+ column))) (defmethod draw-status ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((game (reversi-game reversi))) (when game (if (null (player game)) (progn (setf (final-result game) (count-difference black (board game))) (format stream "Game Over~2%")) (format stream "Move Number ~d~2%" (move-number game))) (format stream "Pieces~% ~a ~2d~% ~a ~2d~% Difference ~2d~2&" (title-of black) (count black (board game)) (title-of white) (count white (board game)) (count-difference black (board game))) (when (clock game) (format stream "Time Remaining~% ~a ~a~% ~a ~a~2%" (title-of black) (time-string (elt (clock game) black)) (title-of white) (time-string (elt (clock game) white)))) (let ((gui-player (current-gui-player reversi))) (when (and gui-player (gui-player-human? gui-player)) (let ((legal-moves (loop for move in (legal-moves (gui-player-id gui-player) (board game)) collect (symbol-name (88->h8 move))))) (if legal-moves (format stream "Valid Moves~%~A" (list-to-delimited-string legal-moves #\space))))) (when (null (player game)) (if (plusp (final-result game)) (format stream "Black wins by ~d!" (final-result game)) (format stream "White wins by ~d!" (- 0 (final-result game))))))))) (defmethod add-debug ((reversi reversi) msg) (setf (debug-messages reversi) (append (debug-messages reversi) (list msg)))) (defmethod set-msgbar ((reversi reversi) msg) (setf (msgbar-string reversi) msg)) (defmethod draw-debug-window ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (filling-output (stream) (dolist (msg (debug-messages reversi)) (princ msg stream) (terpri stream)))) (defmethod draw-msgbar ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (when (msgbar-string reversi) (princ (msgbar-string reversi) stream))) (defmethod draw-history ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((game (reversi-game reversi))) (when (and game (> (move-number game) 1)) (formatting-item-list (stream :move-cursor t :row-wise nil :n-columns 1) (dotimes (i (1- (move-number game))) (let ((state (aref (moves game) i))) (when state (let ((str (format nil "~2d: ~5a ~2a" (1+ i) (title-of (state-player state)) (88->h8 (state-move state))))) (updating-output (stream :unique-id i :cache-value str) (with-end-of-page-action (stream :scroll) (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right :align-y :top) (format stream str) (terpri stream)))))))))))) #+ignore (defmethod draw-history ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((game (reversi-game reversi))) (when (and game (> (move-number game) 1)) (formatting-item-list (stream :move-cursor t :row-wise nil :n-columns 2) (dotimes (i (1- (move-number game))) (let ((state (aref (moves game) i))) (when state (let ((str (format nil "~2d: ~5a ~2a" (1+ i) (title-of (state-player state)) (88->h8 (state-move state))))) (updating-output (stream :unique-id i :cache-value str) (with-end-of-page-action (stream :scroll) (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right :align-y :top) (format stream str) (terpri stream)))))))))))) #| (let ((viewport (window-viewport stream))) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position stream) (add-debug reversi (format nil "~d ~d: ~s" x y viewport)) (if (> y (bounding-rectangle-bottom viewport)) (decf y (bounding-rectangle-bottom viewport))) (window-set-viewport-position stream 0 0)))))) |# (defvar *reversi-frame* nil) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *force* #+(and os-threads microsoft-32) t #-(and os-threads microsoft-32) nil)) (defun clim-reversi () (unless (or *force* (null *reversi-frame*)) (setq *reversi-frame* (make-application-frame 'reversi))) (setq *reversi-frame* (run-frame 'reversi *reversi-frame*))) (defun run-frame (frame-name frame) (flet ((do-it () (when (or *force* (null frame)) (setq frame (make-application-frame frame-name))) (run-frame-top-level frame))) #+allegro (mp:process-run-function (write-to-string frame-name) #'do-it) #-allegro (do-it)) frame) (define-command-table reversi-game-table :menu (("New" :command com-reversi-new) ("Backup" :command (com-reversi-backup)) ("Exit" :command (com-reversi-exit)))) (define-command-table reversi-help-table) (define-command (com-reversi-new :name "New Game" :command-table reversi-game-table :keystroke (:n :control) :menu ("New Game" :after :start :documentation "New Game")) () (with-application-frame (frame) (new-game-gui frame))) (define-command (com-reversi-recommend :name "Recommend Move" :command-table reversi-game-table :keystroke (:r :control) :menu ("Recommend Move" :after "New Game" :documentation "Recommend Move")) () (with-application-frame (frame) (let ((game (reversi-game frame)) (player (current-gui-player frame))) (when (and game player) (when (gui-player-human? player) (let* ((port (find-port)) (pointer (port-pointer port))) (when pointer (setf (pointer-cursor pointer) :busy)) (set-msgbar frame "Thinking...") (let ((move (funcall (iago 8) (gui-player-id player) (board game)))) (when pointer (setf (pointer-cursor pointer) :default)) (when move (set-msgbar frame (format nil "Recommend move to ~a" (symbol-name (88->h8 move)))))))))))) (define-command (com-reversi-backup :name "Backup Move" :command-table reversi-game-table :keystroke (:b :control) :menu ("Backup Move" :after "Recommend Move" :documentation "Backup Move")) () (with-application-frame (frame) (let ((game (reversi-game frame))) (when (and game (> (move-number game) 2)) (reset-game game (- (move-number game) 2)))))) (define-command (com-reversi-exit :name "Exit" :command-table reversi-game-table :keystroke (:q :control) :menu ("Exit" :after "Backup Move" :documentation "Quit application")) () (clim:frame-exit clim:*application-frame*)) (define-command (com-reversi-options :name "Game Options" :command-table reversi-game-table :menu ("Game Options" :documentation "Game Options")) () (with-application-frame (frame) (game-dialog frame))) ;(define-command-table reversi-game ; :inherit-from (reversi-game-table) ; :inherit-menu t) ;(define-command-table reversi-help) ; :inherit-from (reversi-help-commands) ; :inherit-menu t) (define-command (com-about :command-table reversi-help-table :menu ("About Reversi" :after :start :documentation "About Reversi")) () t) ;; (acl-clim::pop-up-about-climap-dialog *application-frame*)) (defun make-move-gui (game move player) (make-game-move game move player)) (defun get-move-gui (frame) (let ((gui-player (current-gui-player frame))) (when gui-player (if (gui-player-human? gui-player) (setf (gui-player-start-time gui-player) (get-internal-real-time)) (computer-move gui-player frame))))) (defun computer-move (gui-player frame) (let* ((game (reversi-game frame)) (port (find-port)) (pointer (port-pointer port))) (setq pointer nil) ;; pointer causes crash in CLIM. ? port value wrong (when pointer (setf (pointer-cursor pointer) :busy)) (set-msgbar frame "Thinking...") (while (eq gui-player (current-gui-player frame)) (setf (gui-player-start-time gui-player) (get-internal-real-time)) (let ((move (funcall (gui-player-strategy gui-player) (player game) (replace-board *board* (board game))))) (when (and move (legal-p move (player game) (board game))) (decf (elt (clock game) (player game)) (- (get-internal-real-time) (gui-player-start-time gui-player))) (make-move-gui game move (player game)) (setf (player game) (next-to-play (board game) (player game)))))) (set-msgbar frame nil) (when pointer (setf (pointer-cursor pointer) :default))) (setq gui-player (current-gui-player frame)) (if (and gui-player (not (gui-player-human? gui-player))) (redisplay-frame-pane frame (get-frame-pane frame 'board))) (get-move-gui frame)) (defun game-dialog (frame) (let* ((stream (get-frame-pane frame 'debug-window)) ;; (white-strategy-id (white-strategy-id frame) ;; (black-strategy-id (black-strategy-id frame)) (wh (white-player frame)) (bl (black-player frame)) (white-searcher (gui-player-searcher-id wh)) (white-evaluator (gui-player-eval-id wh)) (white-ply (gui-player-ply wh)) (black-searcher (gui-player-searcher-id bl)) (black-evaluator (gui-player-eval-id bl)) (black-ply (gui-player-ply bl)) (minutes (minutes frame))) (accepting-values (stream :own-window t :label "Reversi Parameters") (setq minutes (accept 'integer :stream stream :prompt "Maximum minutes" :default minutes)) (terpri stream) (format stream "White Player~%") (setq white-searcher (accept '(member :human :random :minimax :alpha-beta3) :stream stream :prompt "White Player Search" :default white-searcher)) (terpri stream) (setq white-evaluator (accept '(member :difference :weighted :modified-weighted :iago) :stream stream :prompt "White Player Evaluator" :default white-evaluator)) (terpri stream) (setq white-ply (accept 'integer :stream stream :prompt "White Ply" :default white-ply)) (terpri stream) (terpri stream) (format stream "Black Player~%") (terpri stream) (setq black-searcher (accept '(member :human :random :minimax :alpha-beta3) :stream stream :prompt "Black Player Search" :default black-searcher)) (terpri stream) (setq black-evaluator (accept '(member :difference :weighted :modified-weighted :iago) :stream stream :prompt "Black Player Evaluator" :default black-evaluator)) (terpri stream) (setq black-ply (accept 'integer :stream stream :prompt "Black Ply" :default black-ply)) (terpri stream) ) (setf (minutes frame) minutes) (setf (white-player frame) (make-gui-player :id white :searcher-id white-searcher :eval-id white-evaluator :ply white-ply)) (setf (black-player frame) (make-gui-player :id black :searcher-id black-searcher :eval-id black-evaluator :ply black-ply)) )) (defmethod draw-board ((reversi reversi) stream &key max-width max-height) "This should produce a checkerboard pattern." (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (let ((game (reversi-game reversi))) (dotimes (i 8) (draw-text stream (elt "abcdefgh" i) (make-point (+ label-width (* cell-width i) half-cell-inner-width) 0) :align-x :center :align-y :top)) (dotimes (i 8) (draw-text stream (format nil "~d" (1+ i)) (make-point 0 (+ label-height (* cell-height i) half-cell-inner-height)) :align-x :left :align-y :center)) #-mcclim (stream-set-cursor-position stream label-width label-height) #+mcclim (setf (stream-set-cursor-position stream) (values label-width label-height)) (surrounding-output-with-border (stream) (formatting-table (stream :y-spacing 0 :x-spacing 0) (dotimes (row 8) (formatting-row (stream) (dotimes (column 8) (let* ((cell-id (square-number row column)) (value (if game (bref (board game) cell-id) empty))) (updating-output (stream :unique-id cell-id :cache-value value) (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right :align-y :top) (with-output-as-presentation (stream cell-id 'reversi-cell) (draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 cell-width cell-height :filled t :ink +green+) (draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 cell-width cell-height :filled nil) (cond ((= value black) (draw-circle* stream half-cell-inner-width half-cell-inner-height piece-radius :filled t :ink +black+)) ((= value white) (draw-circle* stream half-cell-inner-width half-cell-inner-height piece-radius :filled t :ink +white+))))))))))))))