Original download http://turing.iimas.unam.mx/SNARK14M/CentOSwithsnark.zip Principle changes from original source as of Feb 12, 2017 by Kevin Rosenberg - Source code ported to Xerces 3 since modern distributions stopped supplying Xerces 2 - Included script to automatically download and install QT3 since modern distributions stopped supplying QT3. - Fixed sigsegv crash from bug in src/tools/displayprojection.cpp where sprintf overflowed a buffer. Changed all sprintf to snprintf in that project to avoid similar overflows. - Added atexit() cleanup to remove snark.lock file upon program termination. - Improve regression testing and expanded tests in examples/. Added Makefile with useful targets. - Improving building so that /usr/local/snark14 is not required for building. Improve building of tools and examples using shared library file lib/libsnark14.so - Command "make install" installs into /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/bin to that PATH and /etc/ld.so.conf do not need to modified to use installed file - Updated INSTALL for new building system - Using git repository all modifications since original distribution has been captured into the git repository to assist if you wish to select only some changes for incorporation.