2005-04-12 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * Version 1.4.37 * src/strings.lisp: Fix variable name 2005-04-04 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/strings.lisp, src/aggregates.lisp: Support change in SBCL copy function [Thanks for Nathan Froyd and Zach Beane] 2005-04-03 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/objects.lisp: Commit patch from James Bielman to add def-foreign-var support for OpenMCL 2005-03-03 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/primitives.lisp: Add support for :union types [patch from Cyrus Harmon] * tests/union.lisp, tests/structs.lisp: Tests for union and structure types [from Cyrus Harmon] 2005-02-22 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/primitives.lisp, src/strings.lisp: Better support for sb-unicode [from Yoshinori Tahara and R. Mattes] 2005-01-22 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/primitives.lisp: Better support SBCL-AMD64 2004-11-08 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/strings.lisp: Better support sb-unicode * tests/compress.lisp: Support sb-unicode 2004-10-07 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/objects.lisp: Add new function: convert-from-foreign-usb8 2004-04-15 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/objects.lisp: Add new functions: MAKE-POINTER and POINTER-ADDRESS 2004-04-13 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/string.lisp: Add new FOREIGN-STRING-LENGTH 2003-08-15 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * Added with-cast-pointer and def-foreign-var (patches submitted by Edi Weitz). * Added many new tests 2002-10-16 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * Added support for SBCL and SCL 2002-09-29 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * Numerous changes in openmcl support (uffi now supports clsql on openmcl) 2002-09-19 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Integrate John Desoi's OpenMCL support into src-mcl * examples/Makefile: add section for building on MacOS X (John Desoi) * examples/test-examples: changed from mk: to asdf: package loading (KMR) * examples/run-examples: changed from mk: to asdf: package loading (KMR), add conditional loading if UFFI not loaded (John Desoi) * examples/compress.cl: Add dylib to library types for MacOSX (John Desoi), converted compressed output to hexidecimal display (KMR) * examples/union.cl: Rework the tests (KMR) * src-main/libraries.cl: add dylib as default library type on MacOSX (John Desoi) * src-main/aggregates.cl: convert from uffi type in deref-array (John Desoi) 2002-09-16 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Restructure directories to move to a asdf definition file without pathnames. 2002-08-25 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Restructure directories to attempt to properly handle both Common Lisp Controller and non-CLC systems 2002-08-17 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - add uffi.asd for ASDF users 2002-08-01 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Restructure directories to improve Common Lisp Controller v3 compatibility 2002-07-25 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Rework handling of logical pathnames. - Move run-examples.cl to examples directory. 2002-06-28 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Added size-of-foreign-type function. 2002-06-26 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - Fix bug in Lispworks allocate-foreign-object - Added new :unsigned-byte type. Made :byte signed. 2002-04-27 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - misc files First debian version 2002-04-23 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) - doc/* Updated to debian docbook catalog 2002-04-23 John DeSoi (desoi@mac.com) * src/mcl/* Improved MCL support 2002-04-06 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/mcl/libraries.cl: Removed unnecessary function and added find-foreign-library * src/mcl/*.cl: Added authorship for John DeSoi * doc/ref.sgml: Added documentation for find-foreign-library * uffi.system: Simplied logical pathnames and MCL loading 2002-04-04 John DeSoi (desoi@mac.com) * src/mcl/*.cl Added initial support for MCL 2002-04-02 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/libraries.cl: Added test for .so libraries on CMUCL and use sys::load-object-file instead of alien:load-library-file * examples/Makefile: Updated defaults so library is created correctly on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris 2002-04-02 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * examples/compress.cl: Fixed missing '/' * examples/union.cl: Added support for SPARC big-endian * test-examples.cl: Automated testing suite 2002-04-01 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/libraries.cl: * examples/Makefile: Changed default type for FreeBSD and updated Makefile for FreeBSD and Solaris. Enhanced find-foreign-library to take a list of types to search. * examples/compress.cl: Add support to use find-foreign-library 2002-03-31 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/strings.cl: Fixed bug in with-foreign-string (Thanks Harald Hanche-Olsen) * examples/Makefile: Create a .a library file for FreeBSD * src/libraries.cl: Added default type and find-foreign-library functions 2002-03-29 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/objects.cl: Fixed bug in deref-pointer (Thanks John Desoi!) 2002-03-22 Kevin Rosenberg (kevin@rosenberg.net) * src/aggregates.cl: Changed name and implementation of def-array to more appropriate def-array-pointer * src/ref.sgml: Updated def-array-pointer documentation * src/primitives.cl: Made results of def-constant equal those of cl:defconstant * src/objects.cl: Made type be evaluated for with-foreign-object and allocate-foreign-object * VERSION: Increase to 0.3.0 to coincide with the release of CLSQL. 21 Mar 2002 * Fixed problem with NULL foreign-strings with CMUCL * Added c-test-fns to examples for allow more specific testing of UFFI. Builds on UNIX and Win32 platforms. * Added def-union function, added union.cl example * Fixed error with ensure-char-[character|integer] * Added 2-d array example to examples/arrays.cl * Fixed documentation error on gethostname * Added ensure-char-* and def-union to documentation * Added double-float vector example to c-test-fns * Reworked cstring on Lispworks to have LW handle string conversion * First pass at with-foreign-object -- unoptimized * Added gethostname2 example which uses with-foreign-object * Added char-array-to-pointer function to encapsulate converting a char array to a char pointer * Converted with-foreign-object to use stack allocation on CMUCL and LW * Added benchmark code, first file is for allocation 20 Mar 2002 * Updated strings.cl so that foreign-strings are always unsigned. Fixes a problem with strtol example. * Added ensure-char-character and ensure-char-integer to handle differences in implementations dereferencing of (* :char). * Added section on design priorities for UFFI * Added section in TODO on splitting implementation-dependent code 19 Mar 2002 * Added size parameter to allocate-foreign-object. Creates an array of dimensions size. * Got array-2d example working with a 1-d array. * Cleaned strtol example * Added TODO file 18 Mar 2002 * Documentation fixes (Erik Winkels) * Fixed missing '.' in CMUCL type declarations (Erik Winkels) 17 Mar 2002 * Changed deref-pointer so it always returns a character when called with a :char or :unsigned-char type * Removed function ensure-char as no longer needed * Added missing :byte specifier to Lispworks * Changed default string type in Lispworks to :unsigned-char which is the native type for Lispworks foreign-strings. * Reworked strtol to handle new character pointing method 16 Mar 2002 * Fixed return value in load-foreign-library (Thanks Erik Winkels), modified routine to accept pathnames as well as strings. * Fix documention with :pointer-void (Again, Erik Winkels) * Added missing type specifiers for CMUCL (Thanks a bunch, Erik!) 15 Mar 2002 * Finished basic skeleton of documentation. 14 Mar 2002 * Changed license to more liberal Lisp Lessor GNU Public License * Fixed problem with uffi.system absent from in distribution (Thanks John DeSoi) * Fixed compiler warnings 11 Mar 2002 * Changed def-type to def-foreign-type * Created new macro def-type to generate cl:deftype forms. Removed uffi-declare and uffi-slot-type as they are no longer necessary. 10 Mar 2002 * Modified input parameters to load-foreign-library * Added to documention * Changed parameter order in get-slot-value and deref-array 9 Mar 2002 * Added to documentation * Made Allegro CL array access more efficient * Changed def-routine name to def-function * Fixed bug in def-function for Lispworks] * Fixed error in +null-c-string-pointer+ name * Fixed error in (make-null-pointer) for Lispworks * Reworked Lispwork c-strings to be (* :char) rather than the implementation default of (* (:unsigned :char)) to be consistent with CMUCL. Bumped version to 0.2.0 because of change this change. * Renamed c-string to cstring to emphasize it as a basic type * Modified getenv.cl example to avoid name collison with LW * Modified compress.cl to setup output buffer as :unsigned*char * Added test-all-examples function. All routines tested okay with ACL, LW, and CMUCL 8 Mar 2002 * Added ZIP file output with LF->CRLF translations to distribution * Modified def-enum to use uffi:def-constant rather than cl:defconstant