9 Mar 2002 * Added to documentation * Made Allegro CL array access more efficient * Changed def-routine name to def-function * Fixed bug in def-function for Lispworks] * Fixed error in +null-c-string-pointer+ name * Fixed error in (make-null-pointer) for Lispworks * Reworked Lispwork c-strings to be (* :char) rather than the implementation default of (* (:unsigned :char)) to be consistent with CMUCL. Bumped version to 0.2.0 because of change this change. * Renamed c-string to cstring to emphasize it as a basic type * Modified getenv.cl example to avoid name collison with LW * Modified compress.cl to setup output buffer as :unsigned*char * Added test-all-examples function. All routines tested okay with ACL, LW, and CMUCL 8 Mar 2002 * Added ZIP file output with LF->CRLF translations to distribution * Modified def-enum to use uffi:def-constant rather than cl:defconstant