;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: UFFI -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: function.lisp ;;;; Purpose: UFFI source to C function definitions ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Date Started: Feb 2002 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of UFFI, is Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:uffi) (defun process-function-args (args) (if (null args) #+(or lispworks cmu sbcl scl cormanlisp digitool) nil #+allegro '(:void) #+openmcl (values nil nil) ;; args not null #+(or lispworks allegro cmu sbcl scl digitool cormanlisp) (let (processed) (dolist (arg args) (push (process-one-function-arg arg) processed)) (nreverse processed)) #+openmcl (let ((processed nil) (params nil)) (dolist (arg args) (let ((name (car arg)) (type (convert-from-uffi-type (cadr arg) :routine))) ;;(when (and (listp type) (eq (car type) :address)) ;;(setf type :address)) (push name params) (push type processed) (push name processed))) (values (nreverse params) (nreverse processed))) )) (defun process-one-function-arg (arg) (let ((name (car arg)) (type (convert-from-uffi-type (cadr arg) :routine))) #+(or cmu sbcl scl) ;(list name type :in) `(,name ,type ,@(if (= (length arg) 3) (list (third arg)) (values))) #+(or allegro lispworks digitool) (if (and (listp type) (listp (car type))) (append (list name) type) (list name type)) #+openmcl (declare (ignore name type)) )) (defun allegro-convert-return-type (type) (if (and (listp type) (not (listp (car type)))) (list type) type)) (defun funcallable-lambda-list (args) (let ((ll nil)) (dolist (arg args) (push (car arg) ll)) (nreverse ll))) #| (defmacro def-funcallable (name args &key returning) (let ((result-type (convert-from-uffi-type returning :return)) (function-args (process-function-args args))) #+lispworks `(fli:define-foreign-funcallable ,name ,function-args :result-type ,result-type :language :ansi-c :calling-convention :cdecl) #+(or cmu scl sbcl) ;; requires the type of the function pointer be declared correctly! (let* ((ptrsym (gensym)) (ll (funcallable-lambda-list args))) `(defun ,name ,(cons ptrsym ll) (alien::alien-funcall ,ptrsym ,@ll))) #+openmcl (multiple-value-bind (params args) (process-function-args args) (let ((ptrsym (gensym))) `(defun ,name ,(cons ptrsym params) (ccl::ff-call ,ptrsym ,@args ,result-type)))) #+allegro ;; this is most definitely wrong (let* ((ptrsym (gensym)) (ll (funcallable-lambda-list args))) `(defun ,name ,(cons ptrsym ll) (system::ff-funcall ,ptrsym ,@ll))) )) |# (defun convert-lispworks-args (args) (loop for arg in args with processed = nil do (if (and (= (length arg) 3) (eq (third arg) :out)) (push (list (first arg) (list :reference-return (second arg))) processed) (push (subseq arg 0 2) processed)) finally (return (nreverse processed)))) (defun preprocess-names (names) (let ((fname (gensym))) (if (atom names) (values (list names fname) fname (uffi::make-lisp-name names)) (values (list (first names) fname) fname (second names))))) (defun preprocess-args (args) (loop for arg in args with lisp-args = nil and out = nil and processed = nil do (if (= (length arg) 3) (ecase (third arg) (:in (progn (push (first arg) lisp-args) (push (list (first arg) (second arg)) processed))) (:out (progn (push (list (first arg) (second arg)) out) (push (list (first arg) (list '* (second arg))) processed)))) (progn (push (first arg) lisp-args) (push arg processed))) finally (return (values (nreverse lisp-args) (nreverse out) (nreverse processed))))) (defmacro def-function (names args &key module returning) (multiple-value-bind (lisp-args out processed) (preprocess-args args) (declare (ignorable lisp-args processed)) (if (= (length out) 0) `(%def-function ,names ,args ,@(if module (list :module module) (values)) ,@(if returning (list :returning returning) (values))) #+(or cmu scl sbcl) `(%def-function ,names ,args ,@(if returning (list :returning returning) (values))) #+(and lispworks lispworks5) (multiple-value-bind (name-pair fname lisp-name) (preprocess-names names) `(progn (%def-function ,name-pair ,(convert-lispworks-args args) ,@(if module (list :module module) (values)) ,@(if returning (list :returning returning) (values))) (defun ,lisp-name ,lisp-args (,fname ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (cond ((member (first arg) lisp-args) (first arg)) ((member (first arg) out :key #'first) t))) args))))) #+(and lispworks (not lispworks5)) `(%def-function ,names ,(convert-lispworks-args args) ,@(if module (list :module module) (values)) ,@(if returning (list :returning returning) (values))) #-(or cmu scl sbcl lispworks) (multiple-value-bind (name-pair fname lisp-name) (preprocess-names names) `(progn (%def-function ,name-pair ,processed :module ,module :returning ,returning) ;(declaim (inline ,fname)) (defun ,lisp-name ,lisp-args (with-foreign-objects ,out (values (,fname ,@(mapcar #'first args)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (list 'deref-pointer (first arg) (second arg))) out)))))) ))) ;; name is either a string representing foreign name, or a list ;; of foreign-name as a string and lisp name as a symbol (defmacro %def-function (names args &key module returning) #+(or cmu sbcl scl allegro openmcl digitool cormanlisp) (declare (ignore module)) (let* ((result-type (convert-from-uffi-type returning :return)) (function-args (process-function-args args)) (foreign-name (if (atom names) names (car names))) (lisp-name (if (atom names) (make-lisp-name names) (cadr names)))) ;; todo: calling-convention :stdcall for cormanlisp #+allegro `(ff:def-foreign-call (,lisp-name ,foreign-name) ,function-args :returning ,(allegro-convert-return-type result-type) :call-direct t :strings-convert nil) #+(or cmu scl) `(alien:def-alien-routine (,foreign-name ,lisp-name) ,result-type ,@function-args) #+sbcl `(sb-alien:define-alien-routine (,foreign-name ,lisp-name) ,result-type ,@function-args) #+lispworks `(fli:define-foreign-function (,lisp-name ,foreign-name :source) ,function-args ,@(if module (list :module module) (values)) :result-type ,result-type :language :ansi-c #+:win32 :calling-convention #+:win32 :cdecl) #+digitool `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (ccl:define-entry-point (,lisp-name ,foreign-name) ,function-args ,result-type)) #+openmcl (declare (ignore function-args)) #+(and openmcl darwinppc-target) (setf foreign-name (concatenate 'string "_" foreign-name)) #+openmcl (multiple-value-bind (params args) (process-function-args args) `(defun ,lisp-name ,params (ccl::external-call ,foreign-name ,@args ,result-type))) #+cormanlisp `(ct:defun-dll ,lisp-name (,function-args) :return-type ,result-type ,@(if module (list :library-name module) (values)) :entry-name ,foreign-name :linkage-type ,calling-convention) ; we need :pascal ))