;;; UMLS-Parse General ;;; General purpose Lisp Routines for parsing UMLS files ;;; and inserting into SQL databases ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Kevin M. Rosenberg, M.D. ;;; $Id: parse-common.lisp,v 1.1 2002/10/05 20:17:14 kevin Exp $ (in-package :umlisp) (defun umls-pathname (filename &optional (extension "")) "Return pathname for a umls filename" (etypecase filename (string (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (concatenate 'string filename extension)) (case (char filename 0) ((#\M #\m) *meta-path*) ((#\L #\l) *lex-path*) ((#\S #\s) *net-path*) (t *umls-path*)))) (pathname filename))) (defun read-umls-line (strm) "Read a line from a UMLS stream, split into fields" (let ((line (read-line strm nil 'eof))) (if (stringp line) ;; ensure not 'eof (let* ((len (length line)) (maybe-remove-terminal ;; LRWD doesn't have '|' at end of line (if (char= #\| (char line (1- len))) (subseq line 0 (1- len)) line))) (declare (fixnum len)) (delimited-string-to-list maybe-remove-terminal #\|)) line))) ;;; Find field lengths for LEX and NET files (defun file-field-lengths (files) (let ((lengths '())) (dolist (file files) (setq file (umls-file-fil file)) (let (max-field count-field num-fields (count-lines 0)) (with-umls-file (fields file) (unless num-fields (setq num-fields (length fields)) (setq max-field (make-array num-fields :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0)) (setq count-field (make-array num-fields :element-type 'number :initial-element 0))) (dotimes (i (length fields)) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((len (length (nth i fields)))) (incf (aref count-field i) len) (when (> len (aref max-field i)) (setf (aref max-field i) len)))) (incf count-lines)) (dotimes (i num-fields) (setf (aref count-field i) (float (/ (aref count-field i) count-lines)))) (push (list file max-field count-field) lengths))) (nreverse lengths))) (defun init-field-lengths () "Initial colstruct field lengths for files that don't have a measurement. Currently, these are the LEX and NET files." (let ((measure-files '())) (dolist (file *umls-files*) (let ((filename (umls-file-fil file))) (unless (or (char= #\M (char filename 0)) (char= #\m (char filename 0))) (push file measure-files)))) (let ((length-lists (file-field-lengths measure-files))) (dolist (length-list length-lists) (let* ((filename (car length-list)) (max-field (cadr length-list)) (av-field (caddr length-list)) (file (find-umls-file filename))) (when file (if (/= (length max-field) (length (umls-file-fields file))) (format t "Warning: Number of file fields ~A doesn't match length of fields in file structure ~S" max-field file) (dotimes (i (max (length max-field) (length (umls-file-fields file)))) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((field (nth i (umls-file-fields file))) (col (find-umls-col field filename))) (if col (progn (setf (umls-col-max col) (aref max-field i)) (setf (umls-col-av col) (aref av-field i)) (add-datatype-to-col col (datatype-for-col (umls-col-col col)))) (error "can't find column ~A" field))))))))))) ;;; UMLS column/file functions (defun find-col-in-columns (colname filename cols) "Returns list of umls-col structure for a column name and a filename" (dolist (col cols) (when (and (string-equal filename (umls-col-fil col)) (string-equal colname (umls-col-col col))) (return-from find-col-in-columns col))) nil) (defun find-or-make-col-in-columns (colname filename cols) (let ((col (find-col-in-columns colname filename cols))) (if col col ;; try to find column name without a terminal digit (let* ((last-char (char colname (1- (length colname)))) (digit (- (char-code last-char) (char-code #\0)))) (if (and (>= digit 0) (<= digit 9)) (let ((base-colname (subseq colname 0 (1- (length colname))))) (setq col (find-col-in-columns base-colname filename cols)) (if col (let ((new-col (make-umls-col :col (copy-seq colname) :des (copy-seq (umls-col-des col)) :ref (copy-seq (umls-col-ref col)) :min (umls-col-min col) :max (umls-col-max col) :fil (copy-seq (umls-col-fil col)) :sqltype (copy-seq (umls-col-sqltype col)) :dty (copy-seq (umls-col-dty col)) :parsefunc (umls-col-parsefunc col) :quotechar (copy-seq (umls-col-quotechar col)) :datatype (umls-col-datatype col) :custom-value-func (umls-col-custom-value-func col)))) (push new-col *umls-cols*) new-col) (error "Couldn't find a base column for col ~A in file ~A" colname filename))) (let ((new-col (make-umls-col :col (copy-seq colname) :des "Unknown" :ref "" :min nil :max nil :fil filename :sqltype "VARCHAR" :dty nil :parsefunc #'add-sql-quotes :quotechar "'" :datatype nil :custom-value-func nil))) (push new-col *umls-cols*) new-col)))))) (defun find-umls-col (colname filename) "Returns list of umls-col structure for a column name and a filename" (find-or-make-col-in-columns colname filename *umls-cols*)) (defun find-umls-file (filename) "Returns umls-file structure for a filename" (find-if (lambda (f) (string-equal filename (umls-file-fil f))) *umls-files*)) (defun umls-cols-for-umls-file (file) "Returns list of umls-cols for a file structure" (let ((filename (umls-file-fil file))) (mapcar (lambda (col) (find-umls-col col filename)) (umls-file-fields file)))) ;; SQL command functions (defun create-table-cmd (file) "Return sql command to create a table" (let ((col-func (lambda (c) (let ((sqltype (umls-col-sqltype c))) (concatenate 'string (umls-col-col c) " " (if (or (string-equal sqltype "VARCHAR") (string-equal sqltype "CHAR")) (format nil "~a (~a)" sqltype (umls-col-max c)) sqltype) ","))))) (format nil "CREATE TABLE ~a (~a)" (umls-file-table file) (string-trim-last-character (mapcar-append-string col-func (umls-cols-for-umls-file file)))))) (defun create-custom-table-cmd (tablename sql-cmd) "Return SQL command to create a custom table" (format nil "CREATE TABLE ~a AS ~a;" tablename sql-cmd)) (defun insert-values-cmd (file values) "Return sql insert command for a row of values" (let ((insert-func (lambda (col value) (concatenate 'string (umls-col-quotechar col) (if (null (umls-col-parsefunc col)) value (format nil "~A" (funcall (umls-col-parsefunc col) value))) (umls-col-quotechar col) ",")))) (format nil "INSERT INTO ~a (~a) VALUES (~a)" (umls-file-table file) (string-trim-last-character (mapcar-append-string (lambda (c) (concatenate 'string c ",")) (umls-file-fields file))) (string-trim-last-character (concatenate 'string (mapcar2-append-string insert-func (remove-custom-cols (umls-file-colstructs file)) values) (custom-col-values (custom-colstructs-for-file file) values "," t))) ))) (defun custom-col-values (colstructs values delim doquote) "Returns string of column values for SQL inserts for custom columns" (let ((result "")) (dolist (col colstructs) (let* ((func (umls-col-custom-value-func col)) (custom-value (funcall func values))) (string-append result (if doquote (umls-col-quotechar col)) (escape-backslashes custom-value) (if doquote (umls-col-quotechar col)) delim))) result)) (defun remove-custom-cols (cols) "Remove custom cols from a list col umls-cols" (remove-if #'umls-col-custom-value-func cols)) (defun find-custom-cols-for-filename (filename) (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (string-equal filename (car x))) +custom-cols+)) (defun find-custom-col (filename col) (find-if (lambda (x) (and (string-equal filename (car x)) (string-equal col (cadr x)))) +custom-cols+)) (defun custom-colnames-for-filename (filename) (mapcar #'cadr (find-custom-cols-for-filename filename))) (defun custom-colstructs-for-file (file) (remove-if-not #'umls-col-custom-value-func (umls-file-colstructs file))) (defun noneng-lang-index-files () (remove-if-not (lambda (f) (and (> (length (umls-file-fil f)) 4) (string-equal (umls-file-fil f) "MRXW." :end1 5) (not (string-equal (umls-file-fil f) "MRXW.ENG")) (not (string-equal (umls-file-fil f) "MRXW.NONENG")))) *umls-files*)) ;;; SQL Command Functions (defun create-index-cmd (colname tablename length) "Return sql create index command" (format nil "CREATE INDEX ~a ON ~a (~a ~a)" (concatenate 'string tablename "_" colname "_X") tablename colname (if (integerp length) (format nil "(~d)" length) ""))) (defun create-all-tables-cmdfile () "Return sql commands to create all tables. Not need for automated SQL import" (mapcar (lambda (f) (format nil "~a~%~%" (create-table-cmd f))) *umls-files*)) ;; SQL Execution functions (defun sql-drop-tables (conn) "SQL Databases: drop all tables" (mapcar (lambda (file) (ignore-errors (sql-execute (format nil "DROP TABLE ~a" (umls-file-table file)) conn))) *umls-files*)) (defun sql-create-tables (conn) "SQL Databases: create all tables" (mapcar (lambda (file) (sql-execute (create-table-cmd file) conn)) *umls-files*)) (defun sql-create-custom-tables (conn) "SQL Databases: create all custom tables" (mapcar (lambda (ct) (sql-execute (create-custom-table-cmd (car ct) (cadr ct)) conn)) +custom-tables+)) (defun sql-insert-values (conn file) "SQL Databases: inserts all values for a file" (with-umls-file (line (umls-file-fil file)) (sql-execute (insert-values-cmd file line) conn))) (defun sql-insert-all-values (conn) "SQL Databases: inserts all values for all files" (mapcar (lambda (file) (sql-insert-values conn file)) *umls-files*)) (defun sql-create-indexes (conn &optional (indexes +index-cols+)) "SQL Databases: create all indexes" (mapcar (lambda (idx) (sql-execute (create-index-cmd (car idx) (cadr idx) (caddr idx)) conn)) indexes)) (defun create-umls-db-by-insert () "SQL Databases: initializes entire database via SQL insert commands" (init-umls) (init-hash-table) (with-sql-connection (conn) ;; (sql-drop-tables conn) ;; (sql-create-tables conn) ;; (sql-insert-all-values conn) (sql-create-indexes conn) (sql-create-custom-tables conn) (sql-create-indexes conn +custom-index-cols+))) (defun create-umls-db (&optional (extension ".trans") (copy-cmd #'mysql-copy-cmd)) "SQL Databases: initializes entire database via SQL copy commands" (init-umls) (init-hash-table) (translate-all-files extension) (with-sql-connection (conn) (sql-drop-tables conn) (sql-create-tables conn) (mapcar #'(lambda (file) (sql-execute (funcall copy-cmd file extension) conn)) *umls-files*) (sql-create-indexes conn) (sql-create-custom-tables conn) (sql-create-indexes conn +custom-index-cols+))) (defun translate-all-files (&optional (extension ".trans")) "Copy translated files and return postgresql copy commands to import" (make-noneng-index-file extension) (mapcar (lambda (f) (translate-file f extension)) *umls-files*)) (defun translate-file (file extension) "Translate a umls file into a format suitable for sql copy cmd" (let ((path (umls-pathname (umls-file-fil file) extension))) (if (probe-file path) (progn (format t "File ~A already exists: skipping~%" path) nil) (with-open-file (ostream path :direction :output) (with-umls-file (line (umls-file-fil file)) (princ (umls-translate file line) ostream) (princ #\newline ostream)) t)))) (defun make-noneng-index-file (extension) "Make non-english index file" (let* ((outfile (find-umls-file "MRXW.NONENG")) (path (umls-pathname (umls-file-fil outfile) extension))) (if (probe-file path) (progn (format t "File ~A already exists: skipping~%" path) nil) (progn (with-open-file (ostream path :direction :output) (dolist (inputfile (noneng-lang-index-files)) (with-umls-file (line (umls-file-fil inputfile)) (princ (umls-translate outfile line) ostream) ;; use outfile for custom cols (princ #\newline ostream)))) t)))) (defun pg-copy-cmd (file extension) "Return postgresql copy statement for a file" (format nil "COPY ~a FROM '~a' using delimiters '|' with null as ''" (umls-file-table file) (umls-pathname (umls-file-fil file) extension))) (defun mysql-copy-cmd (file extension) "Return mysql copy statement for a file" (format nil "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \"~a\" INTO TABLE ~a FIELDS TERMINATED BY \"|\"" (umls-pathname (umls-file-fil file) extension) (umls-file-table file))) (defun umls-translate (file line) "Translate a single line for sql output" (string-trim-last-character (concatenate 'string (mapcar2-append-string (lambda (col value) (concatenate 'string (if (eq (umls-col-datatype col) 'sql-u) (format nil "~d" (parse-ui value "")) (escape-backslashes value)) "|")) (remove-custom-cols (umls-file-colstructs file)) line) (custom-col-values (custom-colstructs-for-file file) line "|" nil)))) (defun umls-fixed-size-waste () "Display storage waste if using all fixed size storage" (let ((totalwaste 0) (totalunavoidable 0) (totalavoidable 0) (unavoidable '()) (avoidable '())) (dolist (file *umls-files*) (dolist (col (umls-file-colstructs file)) (let* ((avwaste (- (umls-col-max col) (umls-col-av col))) (cwaste (* avwaste (umls-file-rws file)))) (unless (zerop cwaste) (if (<= avwaste 6) (progn (incf totalunavoidable cwaste) (setq unavoidable (append unavoidable (list (list (umls-file-fil file) (umls-col-col col) avwaste cwaste))))) (progn (incf totalavoidable cwaste) (setq avoidable (append avoidable (list (list (umls-file-fil file) (umls-col-col col) avwaste cwaste)))))) (incf totalwaste cwaste))))) (values totalwaste totalavoidable totalunavoidable avoidable unavoidable))) (defun display-waste () (unless *umls-files* (init-umls)) (multiple-value-bind (tw ta tu al ul) (umls-fixed-size-waste) (format t "Total waste: ~d~%" tw) (format t "Total avoidable: ~d~%" ta) (format t "Total unavoidable: ~d~%" tu) (format t "Avoidable:~%") (dolist (w al) (format t " (~a,~a): ~a,~a~%" (car w) (cadr w) (caddr w) (cadddr w))) (format t "Unavoidable:~%") (dolist (w ul) (format t " (~a,~a): ~a,~a~%" (car w) (cadr w) (caddr w) (cadddr w))) )) (defun max-umls-field () "Return length of longest field" (unless *umls-files* (init-umls)) (let ((max 0)) (declare (fixnum max)) (dolist (col *umls-cols*) (when (> (umls-col-max col) max) (setq max (umls-col-max col)))) max)) (defun max-umls-row () "Return length of longest row" (if t 6000 ;;; hack to use on systems without MRCOLS/MRFILES -- ok for UMLS2001 (progn (unless *umls-files* (init-umls)) (let ((rowsizes '())) (dolist (file *umls-files*) (let ((row 0) (fields (umls-file-colstructs file))) (dolist (field fields) (incf row (1+ (umls-col-max field)))) (push row rowsizes))) (car (sort rowsizes #'>))))))